Title: Young Whirlwind
Author: James C. Bradford
Publisher: Cameo Music Co., 1928
Format: Cue Sheet
Document type: Cue Sheet
All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford
OCLC Number:
THEME “Calling” by Golden
- At Screening: “The Gawky Rube” by Lakay
- Plane Appears In Sky: “Air Flight” by Zamecnik
- Jack Merrill: “Parfum de Rose” by Tellier
- Can I Sit On Your Plane: “Adoree” by Friml
- Plane Starts Off: “Commotion” by Minot
- “Red” Climbs Out of Cockpit: “Mal der Mer” by Lange
- Jack Flies Away; “Air Flight” by Zamecnik
- A Hiding Place In The Mountains; “Enigma” by Borch
- Thursday: THEME
- K. Mr. Merrill: “Air Flight” by Zamecnik
- “Red” and hank at Stream: “The Gawky Rube” by Lakay
- Outlaws Sight Plane: “Emotional Agitato” by Savino
- Look At Them Crooks After Our Money; “Commotion” by Conterno
- I’m Gonna Make A Break; “Galloping Furies” by Rapee
- “Red” Enters Jail: “Turbulence” by Borch
- One Good Arm: THEME
- Flash Back To Sheriff: “March of the Phantom Hosts” by Axt
- I Was Afraid I’d Loose You; “Carneval Grotesque” by Savino
- Captured By Outlaws: “Defense of Honor” by Zamecnik
- Remember We’ve Got The Kid: “Second Mysterioso alla Valse” by Savino
- Hank Grabs Gun: “Commotion” by Minot
- You Shouldn’t A Done It: “My Buddy” by Henderson
- Outlaws Mount Horses: “Furieux Poursuite” by Gabriel Marie
- It Was “Red” or the Money: “Amorous Adventure” by Bradford
- Hank In Jail: “Shannon River” by Friml
- Midnight: “Scherzo Misterioso” by Drigo
- Johnston Lost No Time: “Dance of the Furies” by Gluck
- Outlaws Counting Money; “Conspiracy” by Zamecnik
- Fight Starts: “Ferocity” by Carrozzonni
- Now Will You Let Hank Out: “My Buddy” by Henderson
- Its Always The First: THEME
Source: Carl Braun Collection