Young April

Title: Young April

Author: Rudolph Berliner

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1926


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Rudolph Berliner

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Sourire d’Avil” by Depret
  2. Girls Playing Ball: “School Days” by Edwards
  3. Two Men Seen With Principal In Office: “The Flatterer” by Chaminade
  4. You Mean I’ve Got To Go; “Must It Be Good-Bye” by Meyer
  5. Vic Joins Maggie and Jerry; “Steppn In Society” by Akst
  6. In A Far-Away: “Arrival of Prince from ‘Student Prince’” by Romberg
  7. Room In Castle Seen: “Merry Cavaliers” by Srawley
  8. The Royal Cadet School: “Student’s March from ‘Student Prince’” by Romberg
  9. It Is The First of April: “A Young Man’s Fancy” by Ager
  10. Officers Enter: “Entrance of Officers from ‘Student Prince’” by Rombert
  11. Girl Seen On Ladder: “Rustle of Spring” by Sinding
  12. Vic and Jerry Seen: “Good-by, Good Luck, God Bless You” by Ball
  13. Oh, Be Yourself: “Collegiate” by Jaffe
  14. Insert of Crown Case: “Keep It Dark from ‘Blossom Time’” by Romberg
  15. Servant Enters With Food: “Drinking Song from ‘Student Prince’” by Romberg
  16. It’s April Dad: Repeat No.9 “A Young Man’s Fancy”
  17. Servant Helps King On With Cape: “March Militaire” by Schubert
  18. Prince Caryl and Officer Alone: “First Call of Spring” by Smith
  19. But Caryl Forgot: “Absinthe Frappe from ‘It Happened in Nordland’” by Herbert
  20. Boris and Prime Minister Arrive: “Badinage” by Herbert
  21. Victoria Enjoys One Last Week; “Entr’Acte Gavotte” by Gillet
  22. The Trail of the Crown: “To The Land of My Own Romance” by Herbert
  23. Prince Enters: “Captain Cupid” by Bratton
  24. Hey Buttons!: “If I Were King from ‘Patsy’” by Kornblum
  25. And Looking Into Vic’s Eyes; THEME “Song of Love from ‘Blossom Time’” by Romberg
  26. Insert of Clock: Bell Only-Orchestra Silent
  27. Prince Gets Up From Chair: “Two Little Love Bees from ‘The Spring Maid’” by Reinhardt
  28. Insert of Prince Caryl’s Visiting Card; Repeat No.24 “If I Were King”
  29. Young April: “London Bridge is Falling Down”
  30. Boris and Prime Minister Seen; “The Plotters” by Carrozzini
  31. After Fade Into Park Scene: “A Kiss in the Dark” by Herbert
  32. How Did You Discover: Repeat No.24 “If I Were King”
  33. Vic Gets In Motor Car: Repeat Theme No.25
  34. Caryl Resolves: Repeat No.23 “Captain Cupid”
  35. Prince Slaps Boris: “Allegro Precipitoso” by Savino
  36. Here’s To Love: Repeat No.25 (Last 4 bars)
  37. Vic and Lady Seen; “La Cinquantaine” by Gabriel Marie
  38. For the Love of His Lady: “Cavatina” by Bohm
  39. Boris Slaps Caryl: “Agitato No.1” by Rapee-Axt
  40. And That Afternoon: “Marche Triumphale” by Kempinski
  41. King and Caryl Alone In Room; ‘Romance” by Tschaikowsky
  42. King Marches Out of Room; “Fanfare”by Berliner
  43. Prince and Hans Alone: “A la Bien Aimee” by Schutt

NOTE: Incomplete

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: TyytjZ8muf

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