Women They Talk About

Title: Women They Talk About

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Tax-Free Filmusic Co., 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


Tax-free suggestions listed first; taxable suggestions listed second

  1. At screening of Title: “Caprecietta” by Varley; “Strolling Dolly” by Lindgreen
  2. Mary Mervin Hughes: “Merry Playmates” by Howgill; “Love Lesson” by Fresco
  3. That Sounded Like John: “Violent Tempers” by Hoffman; “Rage” by Axt
  4. I’ll Call Up: “Song of Romance” by Hoffman; “Song of Songs” by Moya THEME No.1
  5. Old Man At Phone: “Abusive Tongues” by Hoffman; “Terreur” by baron THEME No.2
  6. Let Him Cool His Heels: “Pastime” by Clutsam; “Sourbrette” by Silbert
  7. How Dare You Permit: “Carpice” by Somerville; “Graciousness” by Smith
  8. You Foamed At The Mouth; “Critical Moment” by Becce; “Loacoon” by Leuchner
  9. Father And Daughter Leave: “The Tormentor” by Hoffman; ‘Threatening Elements” by Schad
  10. Driver Brought Into House: THEME No.1
  11. Radio Jazz Scene: “Fox Trot” Jenkins Publication; Remick Publication
  12. Well, Young Lady; THEME No.2
  13. Dot Received Strict Orders: THEME No.1
  14. Trains Block Auto Traffice: “Elfentanz” by Lhar; “Valse Caprice” by Kiefert
  15. Harrison Rgues With Son: “Agony of the Soul” by Becce; “Appasionato Lirico” by Berge
  16. Get Me Police Headquarters: “Waltz” Jenkins Publication; Fiest Publication
  17. My Paper Had A Tip; THEME No.1
  18. Your Grandfather Will Probably: “La Floie” by Francheschi; “Furioso No.11” by Kiefert
  19. Newspaper Close-up: “Afterglow” by Clutsam; “Constance” by Golden
  20. It’s True. I’m Going To Marry: “Freischutz” by Weber; “Prelude Dramatic” by Srawley
  21. She Decided To Run For Mayor: “Smiles” by Somerville; “D’Arlequine” by Bohm
  22. That Woman Is Going To Lick Us: “Alone” by Francheschi; “Memories” by Blossom
  23. I’m Speaking For Your Mother: “Vengeance” by Francheschi; “Appassionato No.3” by Axt
  24. Girl Locked In Room; “The Ravage” by Hoffman; “The Rabble” by Hervert
  25. That Winds Up: “The Vow” by Francheschi; ‘Elopement” by Carrozini
  26. Girl Appears On Stairs: “Emotional Conflict” by Becce; “Dram. Appas.” By Ciganeri
  27. And To Think I Once Loved You: “Maggiolotta” by Culotta; “Defiant Love” by Schad
  28. Son Fights With Villian: “Flick and Flock” by Patou; “Furioso” by Shepherd
  29. Hospital Scene: “June Charmant” by Godin; “Chertiza” by Breau
  30. Shadows of Lovers Kissing: THEME No.2
  31. I Withdraw From The Race: Repeat June Charmant; Repeat Cheritza
  32. But I Still Say: THEME No.2
  33. Harrison With Tub In Mouth: CHORD

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: mvdl5neM7z

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