Voice of the Storm

Title: Voice of the Storm

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Storm, Tempest” by Wiedermann
  2. Franklyn Wells, It’s Great To See You: “Valse Passionnee” by Savino
  3. My Friend. Shall Share: “Pleasant Hours” by Savino
  4. Thieves At Door: CONSPIRATORS THEME “The Mysterious Stranger” by Zamecnik
  5. Exterior—Tom and Spike Working On Telegraph Wires: “Grotesque Comedy” by Zamecnik
  6. Hold Everything: Repeat CONSPIRATORS THEME
  7. Tom Enters Room—Lovers Meet: LOVE THEME “Rosemary” by Zamecnik
  8. Now WE Have It, This is Why: “Impression Dramatic” by Bradford
  9. Shall I Put Out The Lights?: Repeat CONSPIRATORS THEME
  10. Hands At Safe: “Implorations of Neptune” by Massenet
  11. The Wires Have Been Cut: “Allegro Movimentato” by Fresco
  12. And He Was Standing Over: “Fate” by Zamecnik
  13. Wells Leaves Room: “Andante Amoroso” by Axt
  14. Spike Enters: “Allegro Giocoso” by Fresco
  15. Inspector Breaks Seal On Door: “Pain of Sorrow” by Bradford
  16. Spike Appears At Window: “Marche Mignonne” by Poldini
  17. Dobbs, You Testified: “Ambling Along” by Axt
  18. Dobbs Removes Note From Portiere: Repeat CONSPIRATORS THEME
  19. Spike Picks Up Book: “Humoreskimo” by Wendling
  20. Insert—“TOM HARDY TO HANG”: “Chanson Algerian” by Bradford
  21. Conspirators Seated At Table: Repeat CONSPIRATORS THEME
  22. Spike Raps On Window: “Misteroso Patetico” by Brunelli
  23. Flash-Back To Jail: “Amorous Adventure” by Bradford
  24. Exterior—Tree Moves: “The Smugglers” by Axt
  25. Ruth Opens Book: “Fingal’s Cave” by Mendelssohn
  26. Dobbs At Safe: Repeat CONSPIRATORS THEME
  27. Wells Enters Café: “Dramatic Allegro” by Savino
  28. Keep Your Hands On The Table: “Storm, strife or Tempest” by Ancliffe
  29. You’ve Got Me Wells: “Plainte Passionnee” by Baron
  30. Priest Enters: “Afflizione” by Gabriel Marie
  31. The Governor Is At His Mountain Cabin: “Storm Music” by Ketelbey
  32. Chaplain Enters Jail: “Angelus” by Franceschi
  33. Flash-Back To Storm: “Resurrection” by Franceschi
  34. After Bridge Collapses: Repeat No.32 “Angelus”
  35. Flash-Back To Storm—Spike Working On Wires: “Storm or Fire Music” by Haines
  36. Insert—Door To Warden’s Office: Repeat LOVE THEME

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: sekALpTlgx

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