Under The Black Eagle

Title: Under The Black Eagle

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Under the Double Eagle” by Wagner (PURPLE)
  2. A Military Conscription Class: Continue No.1 Faster To Running on Screen
  3. Soldier Stops In Front of Dummy: “Adoration” by Borowski
  4. Other Beside Men: “Light Agitato No.51” by Noyes
  5. Your Dogs Are Well Trained: “Star Night” by Marquardt (RED)
  6. Bugler On Screen: Mess Call by Trumpeter
  7. After One Scene: Repeat PURPLE
  8. You’ve Got To Handle Theme: Repeat RED
  9. I’ll Train Him My Way: Repeat PURPLE
  10. Soldier Artist Sits Down To Paint: “Love Fancies” by Zamecnik (WHITE)
  11. Soldier With Gun Shows On Screen: “Lamentation Desespreree” by Baron (LT. BLUE)
  12. Now I’m In For It: Repeat RED
  13. Exhibition Day: Repeat Purple
  14. It’s A Shame: “Moon Glow” by Barth
  15. Officer Begins To Whip Dog: “Incid. Symphony No.32” by Kempinski
  16. Fade-Out: “Andantino” by Lemare
  17. Officer Enters Bunk Room: “Excerpts from ‘Sakuntala’” by Goldmark
  18. I Didn’t Know He Was There: “Panic” by Varnier
  19. The End of the Term: Repeat WHITE
  20. Fade-Out As Auto Drives Through Gate: “The Home Stretch” by Bierman
  21. As The Months Went By: Repeat WHITE
  22. Fat Boy Friend Runs Into Room With Paper: Repeat PURPLE
  23. Boy Sits Down After Parade Passes: “Heart’s Pleading” by Rapee-Axt
  24. Auto In Front of House: Repeat PURPLE
  25. Train Moves Out—Soldiers Break Ranks: “Salut a’Vienne” by Czibulka
  26. Lovers Together On Screen: Repeat WHITE
  27. Interrupt with Trumpet Call: Continue No.26 with Trumpet Call on screen
    • Lovers Walks From Girl: “Dram. Tension No.1” by Levy
  28. Soldiers Getting On Train: Repeat PURPLE
  29. Interrupt With Train Effect At Fade-Out As Train Leaves: Train Effect by Drummer
  30. Along The Trails of Marching Men: “Phantoms” by Schad
  31. On Another Road: March Tempo by Drummer
  32. Soldiers Stop Marching: Repeat No.30 “Phantoms”
  33. October, 1914: “Battle Agitato No.48” by Shepherd
  34. I Didn’t Invite You To Go: Repeat LT. BLUE
  35. Messages Put Into Dogs’ Collars: “battle Agitato No.16” by Minot
  36. Fat Soldier Shot: Repeat LT. BLUE
  37. Dog Fights Sharpshooter: “Plantive from ‘Military Suite’” by Luz
  38. Dog Sent Back With Instructions: “Battle Hurry from ‘Military Suite’” by Luz
  39. Ulrich, Ulrich: Repeat No.37 “Plantive”
  40. Wounded Officer Pats Dog: Repeat No.38 “Battle Hurry”
  41. Dog Shot: Repeat No.37 “Plantive”
  42. Stop With Explosion of Hand Grenade: Repeat LT. BLUE
  43. Fade-Out As Soldier Lays Head On Dog’s Body: Continue No.42
  44. Fade-Out of Trench Scene: “Myra” by Vandershoot
  45. Flash To Bed and Nurse: Repeat No.35 “Battle Agitato No.16”
  46. Let Me Go: Repeat WHITE

Proper Rest Period is Nos. 23 to 34 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE, sold by Music Buyers Cornoration. 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetition of numbers designates the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetitions.

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: 08jG2t32LC

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