Title: The Wreck of the Hesperus
Author: Rudolph Berliner
Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927
Format: Cue Sheet
Document type: Cue Sheet
All authors/contributors: Rudolph Berliner
OCLC Number:
- At Screening: “Fourteen Fathoms Deep” by Lake
- Girl Seen On Deck: “White Swan” by Stults
- Monkey Is Seen: “My Little Biliken“ by Lotter
- We’re Almost There: “Home To Joy and Thee” by Vanderpool
- Oh, The Captain Is: “Blow The Man Down”
- Insert—Picture: “Melodie” by Rachmaninoff
- There Was Reason: “Love’s Golden Arrows” by Smith
- Silas Sees Bride: “Abandonned” by Leoncavallo
- Back To The: “Down To The Sea In Ships” by Smith
- One Lone Survivor: “Trembling Agitato” by Kilenyi
- Look, Daddy, Look!: “S-O-S” by Herkan
- By Evening The: “Starland” by O’Connor
- Yes Sir, Named: “Reproach” by Zamecnik
- Pigtail Jack and John On Deck: Secret of the Sea” by Zamecnik
- Whenever One Of: “Whistler and His Dog” by Pryor
- John Alone on Deck: Repeat No.2 “White Swan”
- Goat and Dog Seen: Repeat No.15 “Whistler and His Dog”
- John Seen On Deck: “Alluring Coquetery” by Baron
- Her Mother’s Wedding Veil: “Moments of Tenderness” by Somerville
- Evening—A Shy Moon: THEME “Liebestraum” by Liszt
- John Enters Cabin: “Pressentiments” by Fosse
- John Returns To Gale: Repeat Theme No.20
- Gale Enters Father’s Cabin: “Twilight Hour” by Savino
- In Port And: “Dramatic Tension” by Ancliffe
- Twilight Found: “Twilight” by Cesek
- Ship Seen: “The Flight” by Savino
- Sabbath Morn; “Fugitive” by Maiorana
- The Good Folk Hear: Orchestra Tacet—Chime Solo
- People Enter Church: Orchestra Tecet—“Come, Ye Disonsolate” by Webbe (Organ Solo)
- Insert—Hands: Repeat Theme No.20
- Slowly Dragged The: “Love and Laughter” by Cobb
- Ship Seen: Repeat No.1 “Fourteen Fathoms Deep”
- Exterior Cottage: “The Witching Hour” by Felix
- Silas Arrives In Buggy; “Shadows In The Night” by Borch
- John Climbing Wall: “Angosciosamente” by Gabriel Marie
- All Hell’s About: “Storm or Fire Music” by Haines
- The Horror of Screaming: “Flying Dutchman” by Wagner
- Her Father Sought: “Lost At Sea” by Lazzari
- Like A Sheeted Ghost: “Hopeless” by Neinass
- John Sees Wreck: “Furioso No.1” by Rapee-Axt
- Gale Sees John: “Agitato Furioso No.12” by Ketelbey
- Gale and John Lying Shore: “Miracle of Love” by McKee
- Flash-Back To Gale and John After Title “It’s All Right”: Repeat Theme No.20
Source: Carl Braun Collection
SFSMA ID: K2xBiuqFna
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