Title: The Valley of Giants
Author: Dr. Edward Kilenyi
Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927
Format: Cue Sheet
Document type: Cue Sheet
All authors/contributors: Dr. Edward Kilenyi
OCLC Number:
- At Screening: “Natoma Selection” by Herbert
- In The Valley Of: “Picturesque Agitato” by Carbonara
- There Was Only One: SON THEME “Oriwa” by Bertrand
- Bryce Cardigan Greets Red Pint: “Kowboy Komedy” by Aborn
- Red Pint Falls and Rolls Down Hill: “Hasty Moments” by Savino
- Auto Starts: “Rushing Waters” by Savino
- His Mother’s Grave: “Forsaken” by Scholz
- Bryce Sees Trunk of Felled Tree: “The Plotting Foe” by Kilenyi
- Mansion Seen: “Fanchonette” by Klemm
- Bryce and Father Meet: “Joyous Appassionato” by Carbonara
- John Cardigan Had Declared: “Parade of the Animals” by Ring Hager
- At Dinner The Next Evening: “An Evening Melody” by St. Clair
- Change of Scene—Exterior: Repeat No.2 “Picturesque Agitato”
- Are You Jules Rondeau?: “Imprecations” by Baron
- They Start To Fight: “Furioso” by Savino
- Bryce Is Knocked Out: “Heart Throbs” by Herbert
- Letter Insert: Repeat No.8 “Plotting Foe”
- Bryce, These Mills: Repeat No.2 “Picturesque Agitato”
- Change of Scene—Exterior: Repeat No.8 “Plotting Foe”
- Girl Seen: LOVE THEME “Broken Dreams” by Spitlany
- Train Starts: “Comedy Allegro” by Ancliffe
- Say, She Is Running Away: “Galloping Furies” by Rapee
- Train Falls Over Bridge and Hill: “A Critical Moment” by Becce
- You Mean: Repeat No.8 “Plotting Foe”
- Bryce Cardigan, You Are Hurt: Repeat LOVE THEME
- And I Never Let: SON THEME
- Girl Nurses Bryce’s Hand: Repeat LOVE THEME
- Your Uncle Was Not So Generous: “Will ‘Ya’ Huh?” by Pinkard
- Faced With Ruin: “Dialogue” by Meyer-Helmund
- Well, You Can’t Forget: “The Campbells Are Comin’” by Ascher
- Exterior—Car Arrives: “High Hat” by Johnson
- Bryce Sits Down: Repeat SON THEME
- Here Is Our Stranger: Repeat No.31 “High Hat”
- A Small Town Council: “The Village Clown” by Axt
- Eight Lemonades Later: “The Water Bug” by Miles
- Change of Scene: “Comic Misterioso” by Berge
- Rondeau Pushes In: “Disturbance” by Zamecnik
- Electric Sparks Seen In Close-Up: “Symphonic Incidentals No.10” by Marquardt
- Interior of Room; “Agitato Misterioso” by Becce
- Bryce Attacks Rondeau: “Furioso No.4” by Bergunker
SEGUE: “Agitato Drammatico” by Savino
- Bryce With Machine Gun On Shoulder: Repeat SON THEME
- With The Cardigan: Repeat LOVE THEME
Source: Carl Braun Collection
SFSMA ID: OndTHwo8ho
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