The Perfect Crime

Title: The Perfect Crime

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Overture Italiene” by Zerco
  2. Fade-In Cloudy Misty Street: “Unfinished Symphony” by Schubert
  3. Insert—“POLICE ETC.”: “Rhythmic Misterioso” by Damesek
  4. In A Big Gloomy House: BENSON THEME “Prelude ‘Cyrano’” by Damrosch
  5. Detective Wilmot And Friend Appear: “L’Angoissante aventure” by Gabriel Marie
  6. Insert—“TOOTHACE OUTFIT”: “Uneasiness” by Mendelssohn
  7. Insert—“WRITING IN DIARY”: “Remorse” by Zamecnik
  8. Benson Picks Up Stella’s Photograph: STELLA THEME “Amorous Adventure” by Bradford
  9. Insert—“MURDER AS A FINE ART”: “Appasssionato No.1” by Kempinski
  10. Benson Starts To Draw: Repeat No.2 “Unfinished Symphony”
  11. Dial of Clock: “La Foret Perfide” by Gabriel Marie
  12. Benson Crashes Through Door: “Dramatic Allegro” by Savino
  13. Insert—“NEWSPAPER HEADLINES”: Repeat No.3 “Rhythmic Misterioso”
  14. Hand Pushes Doorbell: “Anxiete” by Srawley
  15. Stella Enters: Repeat Stella Theme No.8
  16. Flash To Detectives: “A Frivolous Patrol” by Goublier
  17. Stella and Benson In Auto: “Joyous Spirits” by Savino
  18. They Stand At Tree: Repeat Stella Theme No.8
  19. Insert—“Frisbie Murderer Found”: “The Plot Thickens” by Srawley
  20. The Last Hours Of The Trial: “Affliction” by Baron
  21. Insert—“Mrs. Frisbie’s Testimony”: “La Mer Sombre” by Fosse
  22. Jury returns To Court Room: “Douleur” by Andrieu
  23. Boy In Cell: “Chanson Melancholique” by Collinge
  24. Benson With Diagram Seated At Table: Repeat Benson Theme No.4
  25. Benson Takes Seat At Desk: “Despair” by Kalbe
  26. I Heard Everything: “Appassionato Lirico” by Berge
  27. Charles, I Beg of You: Repeat Stella Theme No.8
  28. Benson Picks Up Telephone: Repeat Benson Theme No.4
  29. Benson Offers Hands To Be Cuffed: “Shannon River” by Friml
  30. Stella Seated At Desk; “Souvenir” by Herbert
  31. Benson Leaves and Walks Down Street: Repeat Stella Theme No.8

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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