The Night Flyer

Title: The Night Flyer

Author: Rudolph Berliner

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Rudolph Berliner

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “On The Go” by Goldman
  2. Back In 1894: “A Spring Day” by Haines
  3. Medicine Bend: “Rustic Allegro” by Savino
  4. Old 99—Once The: “The Speed Demon” by Bub
  5. Train Stops: “I’ve Been Working On The Railroad”
  6. Jim Falls From Engine: “Camboling” by Biermann
  7. Jimmy and Kate In Engine Cab: “Love Is Just A Little Bit of Heaven” by Baer
  8. There’s Number Three: “Playful Allegro” by Savino
  9. Flash-Back To Jimmy and Kate: “Gay But Wistful” by Grainger
  10. Bat Enters Lunch Room: “Prattle” by Lowitz
  11. Bat Snatches Card From Jimmy: “Furioso” by Savino
  12. And For This: “Dilemma” by Savino
  13. The Night Of: “Vanity Caprice” by Jackson
  14. Man Outside With Lantern: “Dashing Cowboy” by Aborn
  15. Interior of Saloon” by Out West” by Pinard
  16. Jimmy Enters: “The Village Clown” by Axt
  17. Flash-Back To Katie’s Party: “Kathleen” by Berg
  18. Jimmy At Bar: “Razz Berries” by Banta
  19. Flash-Back To Katie’s Party: “Down Home Rag” by Sweatman
  20. Violinist Starts Playing: “The Band Played On from ‘Old Times’” by Lake
  21. People Stop Dancing: Repeat No.19 “Down Home Rag”
  22. Jimmy Enters Room: “Cavatina” by Bohm
  23. Merry Christmas: “Christmas” by Aston
  24. Insert—Page In Album: “Poor Heart” by Gabriel Marie
  25. Engine Seen: “Remorse” by Zamecnik
  26. Early Sunday Morning: “Spring Morning” by Cazabon
  27. Kate In Lunch Room: “Mignonette” by Friml
  28. Jimmy Joins Kate: Repeat No.7 “Love Is Just A Little Bit of Heaven”
  29. Jimmy leaves Lunch Room: “Allegro Perpetuo” by Savino
  30. Jimmy Is Struck Down: “Distress” by Breil
  31. Where’s My Fireman: “A Mon Passage” by Franceschi
  32. Train Starts To Leave: “The Get-Away” by Frey
  33. Insert—Tracks and Engine Wheels: “With the Wind
  34. Train Is Wrecked: “Catastrophe” by Patou
  35. Get In There And: “The Thoroughbred” by Englemann
  36. Engine Starts Off: Repeat No.4 “Speed Demon”
  37. Moss Station: “The Plunger” by Allen
  38. Tell Cliffdale Operation: “Flying Hurry” by Carbonara
  39. Train Arrives At Station: “The False Accusation” by Axt
  40. Mail Bags Being Thrown From Car: “King Triumph” by Hubbell
  41. The Return of The: “Here They Come” by Bergh
  42. Jimmy and Kate in Doorway: Repeat No.7 “Love Is Just A Little Bit of Heaven”

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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