The Law of the Range

Title: The Law of the Range

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Prelude to ‘Romances of the Seven Seas’” by Baron
  2. Over the Endless Stretches: “Westward Ho” by Riesenfeld
  3. Sing That Hymn: “The Ninety and Nine” by Clephane
  4. After Song Title: “A.B.C. Dram. Set No. 12-B2” by Luz
  5. Texas Rangers: “A.B.C. Dram. Set No. 12-C3” by Luz (Open “PP”)
  6. They’ve Taken My Baby:” “A.B.C. Dram. Set No. 12-D4” by Luz
  7. Fade-Out of Wagon: “Hurry No.7” by Armandola (LT. BLUE)
  8. Bandit Takes Bag From Around Man’s Neck: “Incid. Symphony No.27” by Damaur (RED)
  9. Stage Coach Drives Off: Repeat No.7 (LT. BLUE)
  10. Horses Run Away: “A Chase Through The Clouds” by Lakay
  11. Horses Lassoed—Stage Coach Stopped: “Yearning” by Schoenfeld (WHITE)
  12. Stage Coach Drives Off: Repeat No.7 (LT. BLUE)
  13. The Town of Amarilla: “Laughing Water” by Hager
  14. Stage Coach Arrives: “Scene d’Amour” by Baron
  15. Bartender Puts Bottle of Liquor On Bar: “Swanee Dreams” by Baron
  16. Bar-Room Scene: “Marche Pittoresque” by Cazabon
  17. Miss Dallas Came In On Stage Coach: Repeat No.8 (RED)
  18. Home Scene—Mother Shows On Screen: “Roguish Eyes” by Gruenwald
  19. Tattoo Marks Shown On Screen: “The Tragic Discovery” by Patou
  20. Carefully Going Over The Scene: “Eternal Poem” by Weiller
  21. Souvenirs Of A Hundred Adventures: “Tears” by Zamecnik
  22. Is This The Cloak: “Incid. Symphony No.27” by Damaur (RED)
  23. Oh! How Can You: “Yearning” by Schoenfeld (WHITE)
  24. Two Men On Porch of Ranch: Repeat No.22 (RED)
  25. Tim McCoy Off Screen—Girl Seen: “Summer Nights” by Roberts
  26. The Kid Planned: Repeat No.22 (RED)
  27. Coin Tossed—Kid Rides Off: “Poursuite Impitoyable” by Baron
  28. Kid Climbs Up Into Tree: Repeat No.22 (RED)
  29. Shot: “Rapture”by Zamecnik
  30. Tim McCoy Climbs Up On Horse’s Back—Fire Starts: “Hurry No.7” by Armandola (LT. BLUE)
  31. Tim McCoy Seen At Dallas Rance: Repeat No.23 (WHITE)
  32. Miss Dallas Starts To Bathe Tim McCoy’s Face: Repeat No.30 (LT. BLUE)
  33. Rangers Stop At Dallas Ranch: “The Verdict” by Zamecnik
  34. Bandit Enters Room Through Window: Repeat No.22 (RED)
  35. Struggle: “Treachery and Vengeance” by Fletcher
  36. Ray Covers Kid With Revolver: Repeat No.22 (RED)
  37. Kid Escapes: “Flick and Flock” by Patou
  38. Horse Shot: “Vengeance” by Franceschi
  39. Kid Throws Revolver: “Furioso No.2” by Zamecnik (Open “PP”)
  40. Tim McCoy Sees Tattoo Mark: “The Sacrifice” by Zamecnik
  41. I Can’t Take You Back: Repeat No.30 (LT. BLUE)
  42. Tim McCoy Covers Brother With Mud: “Sorrow” by Macat
  43. Did She See The Tattoo: “The Ninety and Nine” by Clephan
  44. Mother Covers Boy’s Face: “Yearning” by Schoenfeld (WHITE)

Proper rest period Nos.20 to 32 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE, sold by Music Buyers Cornoration. 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetition of numbers designates the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetitions.

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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