The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Title: The Hunchback of Notre Dame


Publisher: 1923


Format: Cue sheet

Document type: Cue sheet

All authors/contributors:

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening
  2. The Cathedral
  3. It was in the
  4. After (T) Ten years before Columbus
  5. King and solders are seen
  6. Woman approaches Clopin
  7. The Cathedral also sheltered
  8. Quasimodo jumps on Balustrade
  9. As Quasimodo dances on balustrade
  10. Esmeralda is seen
  11. Woman is seen at window
  12. That poor mad creature
  13. Before (T) the festival continues
  14. Esmeralda! Esmeralda
  15. With the noise.
  16. Segue
  17. Mob scene
  18. As she stops
  19. As she dances
  20. In the home.
  21. Esmeralda is seen
  22. Hunchback is seen
  23. Phoebus
  24. Segue
  25. Segue
  26. Jehan knew the lonely
  27. Quasimodo is tied
  28. 1st shot of Phoebus with Esmeralda
  29. Court of Miracles
  30. At the sign
  31. After spider scene
  32. Segue
  33. She looks at talisman
  34. Change of scene
  35. Esmeralda stops
  36. The Hunchback
  37. Again was a slave
  38. Hour-glass is turned
  39. Swift runs the sand
  40. Hunchback recognizes Esmeralda
  41. To celebrate the honor
  42. Esmeralda is seen
  43. Phoebus and Esmeralda at doorway
  44. Change of scene (Jehan & Quasimodo)
  45. Change of scene – to court of Miracles
  46. Clopin incites Mob
  47. Clopin is seen near wall of madame’s home [incorrect numbering sic]
  48. Change of scene
  49. Segue
  50. Crowd exits
  51. Night long prayer
  52. Just when Phoebus had decided
  53. Slowly it was dawning
  54. The Hour of uprising



  1. At screening – Angelus
  2. As Esmeralda is seen in Cathedral (Organ and voices back stage.)
  3. Lovers in Garden
  4. Jehan stabs Phoebux
  5. Segue
  6. Again the King’s Justice.
  7. [blank]
  8. Through the night.
  9. Clopin is seen
  10. Quasimodo grabs Clopin
  11. Prison scene
  12. Esmeralda recognizes Jehan
  13. Suddenly the day
  14. When the great bell
  15. At scene (Mad woman).
  16. Hunchback jumps on rope.
  17. After fade out
  18. Believing Phoebus dead.
  19. Change of scene – to merchant’s shop
  20. The night had brought.
  21. The Hunchback (D) He starts to swing bell.
  22. With plans all made
  23. Clopin jumps on table
  24. Segue (Clopin call to arms)
  25. Segue (To action)
  26. Soldier’s fight.
  27. As others soldiers arrive.
  28. As Hunchback enters (Stop).

(Then play 86 to action)

  1. Change to
  2. Change to Hunchback
  3. Hunchback staggers on balcony
  4. Priest appears with Poet.
  5. Bell solo – just before the scene of bells. Segue. Melody of peace.

Notes: Blurry image. Cues transcribed by Mariana Whitmer.

Source: Silent Film Collection, Claire Hamack materials, American Music Research Center, University of Colorado at Boulder

SFSMA ID: X3Vdawsy4k

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