Title: The Guilty One
Author: James C. Bradford
Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheets, 1924
Format: Cue sheet
Document type: Cue sheet
All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford
OCLC Number:
- At Screening: April’s Lady by Ancliffe
- Donald Short: La Coquette by Rapee-Axt
- Dog Appears – Chases Cat: Rustic Allegro by Savino
- Maid With Irene’s Wraps: THEME: Sweet Love Dreams by David
- The Maynards: Pierrette Flirts by Fresco
- And Since That Was: Irresistible by Bustanoby
- Dancing Starts: Bebe by Silver
- Dancing Stops: Southern Nights by Guion
- Irene and David Rise from Table: I Love You by Archer
- Donald Found: Hedge Roses by Frey
- Seaton Davis Found: Glad Days by Berche
- The Current Issue: Pierrot by Speciale
- The Cowards: Dramatic Andante No. 1 by Axt
- When Philip Located: Appassionato No. 1 by Axt
- Donald Leaves Home: Allegro Agitato by Savino
- Davis Room – Body On Floor: Elegie by Arensky
- Donald Enters Irene’s Room: Agitato No. 84 by Berge
- Maynards At Door: Cendres de Roses by Arnold
- Detective Robert Jordan: Repeat No. 16 “Elegie”
- Flash-Back to Maynards and Shorts: Repeat No. 18 “Cendres de Roses”
- Maynards Leave: Dramatic Andante No. 32 by Berge
- Detective Jordan Enters: Boatmen of the Volga by Cady
- In the Office Of: Obsession by Fosso
- Now You Tell Us: Repeat No. 14 “Appassionato”
- Wait: In the Silence of the Night by Rachmaninoff
- Irene and Donald Alone: Repeat Theme No. 4
Notes: Cues transcribed by Mariana Whitmer.
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