The Black Diamond Express

Title: The Black Diamond Express

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Tax-Free Music Co., 1927


Format: Cue sheet

Document type: Cue sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


Tax-Free Musical Suggestions:

  1. At screening of titles: Ecitamento by Retlaw
  2. Accident: Ferocity by Carrozzini
  3. The Foster home shook: Wings of Love by Fury
  4. I guess it was her own: Looms of Fate by St. Saens
  5. Nurse & hospital scene: Song of Romance by Hoffman (THEME)
  6. Mother, isn’t he nice: The Ravage by Hoffman
  7. Monte picks up brother: Rosemary by Wheeler
  8. Monte arrives with dog: Sweet Lavender by Wheeler
  9. For weeks Dan Foster: THEME
  10. Monte arrives home: Dramatic Scene by May
  11. Dan is a regular father: Excitement by Breil
  12. Brother leaves with grip: Solemn Thoughts by Hoffman
  13. Hoping her friends: Waterson Publication
  14. Dan Foster if you have: THEME
  15. Baby! If the boys: Cupid’s Surprise by Gross
  16. Have you seen Mr. Green: Argument by Breil
  17. Alright I’ll go: Agony by Kempinski
  18. Newspaper close-up: At Dawn by Delji
  19. Wedding party at train: THEME
  20. Train starts off: In the Depths by Herkan
  21. Steadily the Eastbound: Infernal Furioso by Hoffman
  22. In Dan Foster’s mind: Constance by Golden
  23. Near the crest: The Hurricane by Egener
  24. Monte separates trains: The Tormenter by Hoffman
  25. Fight on train roof: The Storm by Beethoven
  26. When Dan Foster signed: THEME
  27. Kid refuses cigar – warning for CHORD FINISH

Taxable Musical Suggestions:

  1. At screening of titles: Thrills by Sanders
  2. Accident: Appasionato 3 by Axt
  3. The Foster home shook: Sparklets by Miles
  4. I guess it was her own: Rose Leaves by Edwards
  5. Nurse & hospital scene: Song of Songs by Moya (THEME)
  6. Mother, isn’t he nice: Defiant Love by Schad
  7. Monte picks up brother: Clematis by Tonning
  8. Monte arrives with dog: Debutante by Axt
  9. For weeks Dan Foster: THEME
  10. Monte arrives home: Fourteen Fathoms by Lake
  11. Dan is a regular father: Erl King by Schubert
  12. Brother leaves with grip: Desolation by Conterno
  13. Hoping her friends: Feist Publication
  14. Dan Foster if you have: THEME
  15. Baby! If the boys: Strolling Dolly by Lindgreen
  16. Have you seen Mr. Green: Agitation by Borch
  17. Alright I’ll go: Sympathy by Kay
  18. Newspaper close-up: Golden Morning by Morton
  19. Wedding party at train: THEME
  20. Train starts off: Trembling Agitato by Kilenyi
  21. Steadily the Eastbound: Devastation by Herbert
  22. In Dan Foster’s mind: Chrysalis by Heed
  23. Near the crest: Disaster by Savino
  24. Monte separates trains: Appasionato 55 by Borch
  25. Fight on train roof: Les Preludes by Liszt
  26. When Dan Foster signed: THEME
  27. Kid refuses cigar – warning for CHORD FINISH

Notes: Contains suggestions for tax-free and taxable pieces. Cues transcribed by Mariana Whitmer.

Source: Silent Film Collection, Claire Hamack materials, American Music Research Center, University of Colorado at Boulder


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