Title: The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Publisher: 1923
Format: Cue sheet
Document type: Cue sheet
All authors/contributors:
OCLC Number:
- At Screening
- The Cathedral
- It was in the
- After (T) Ten years before Columbus
- King and solders are seen
- Woman approaches Clopin
- The Cathedral also sheltered
- Quasimodo jumps on Balustrade
- As Quasimodo dances on balustrade
- Esmeralda is seen
- Woman is seen at window
- That poor mad creature
- Before (T) the festival continues
- Esmeralda! Esmeralda
- With the noise.
- Segue
- Mob scene
- As she stops
- As she dances
- In the home.
- Esmeralda is seen
- Hunchback is seen
- Phoebus
- Segue
- Segue
- Jehan knew the lonely
- Quasimodo is tied
- 1st shot of Phoebus with Esmeralda
- Court of Miracles
- At the sign
- After spider scene
- Segue
- She looks at talisman
- Change of scene
- Esmeralda stops
- The Hunchback
- Again was a slave
- Hour-glass is turned
- Swift runs the sand
- Hunchback recognizes Esmeralda
- To celebrate the honor
- Esmeralda is seen
- Phoebus and Esmeralda at doorway
- Change of scene (Jehan & Quasimodo)
- Change of scene – to court of Miracles
- Clopin incites Mob
- Clopin is seen near wall of madame’s home [incorrect numbering sic]
- Change of scene
- Segue
- Crowd exits
- Night long prayer
- Just when Phoebus had decided
- Slowly it was dawning
- The Hour of uprising
- At screening – Angelus
- As Esmeralda is seen in Cathedral (Organ and voices back stage.)
- Lovers in Garden
- Jehan stabs Phoebux
- Segue
- Again the King’s Justice.
- [blank]
- Through the night.
- Clopin is seen
- Quasimodo grabs Clopin
- Prison scene
- Esmeralda recognizes Jehan
- Suddenly the day
- When the great bell
- At scene (Mad woman).
- Hunchback jumps on rope.
- After fade out
- Believing Phoebus dead.
- Change of scene – to merchant’s shop
- The night had brought.
- The Hunchback (D) He starts to swing bell.
- With plans all made
- Clopin jumps on table
- Segue (Clopin call to arms)
- Segue (To action)
- Soldier’s fight.
- As others soldiers arrive.
- As Hunchback enters (Stop).
(Then play 86 to action)
- Change to
- Change to Hunchback
- Hunchback staggers on balcony
- Priest appears with Poet.
- Bell solo – just before the scene of bells. Segue. Melody of peace.
Notes: Blurry image. Cues transcribed by Mariana Whitmer.
SFSMA ID: X3Vdawsy4k
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