His First Flame

Title: His First Flame

Author: Dr. Edward Kilenyi

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Dr. Edward Kilenyi

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Sunshine” by Little
  2. They Say Love Is: “It Must Be Love” by Archer
  3. Graduation Day At Bliss College: “Gaudeamus Igitur” by Hinrichs

Segue: “Five College Songs” by Luz

  1. What This Country Needs: “The Show-Off” by Sanders
  2. Exterior of Fire House: “Pollywog’s Frolic” by Rapee-Axt
  3. Harry Goes Out to Street: “Dumbell” by Confrey
  4. Uncle Sees Card on Bouquet: “Cynical Scherzando” by Axt
  5. Harry Is Seen With Candy and Flowers: “Jollity” by Zamecnik
  6. Harry Loses Ring: “Oh Harold” by Roberts
  7. I’ll Bet Your Ring: “Oh Mister” by Frey
  8. Harry Follows Baby Carriage: “Parade of the Toys” by Schertzinger
  9. Harry Sees Baby in Carriage: “Yes Sir, That’s My Baby” by Donaldson
  10. Hector—Just One: “Mamma Loves Papa” by Baer

Segue: “Mamma Goes Where Papa Goes” by Ager

  1. Harry, Meet My Darling: “Loud Speakin’ Papa” by Pollack

Segue: “Isn’t She the Sweetest Thing” by Donaldson

  1. Didn’t She Slam Me: “Comedy Allegro” by Haines
  2. Wife Falls Unconscious: “Hurry” by Finck
  3. Harry Dressed As Woman: “Ah-Ha” by Monaco
  4. Uncle Sees Harry Before Firehouse: “I Miss My Swiss” by Baer
  5. Exterior—Smoke and Fire from House: “Midnight Fire Alarm” by Lincoln

Segue: “Hurry No.2” by Levy

  1. Sweetheart—Wait, I’ll Save You: “Ouch” by Kaufman
  2. You Great Big Wonderful Boy: “Big Boy” by Ager
  3. After That Marry Thought: “Skaters Galop” by Fahrbach

Segue: “20th Century” by Bub

  1. Horses Pull Out Fire Engine: “Zip” by Frey

Segue: “Sawdust and Spangles” by Hildreth

  1. Harry and Girl Fall on Smoke Stack of Engine: “Comedy Galop” by Fahrbach
  2. Harry Carries Girl to Street: “Let Me Linger Longer in Your Arms” by Baer

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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