Idaho Red

Title: Idaho Red

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Cameo Music Co., 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:

Love theme: “If Love Were All” by Rapee

Gang Theme: “After Midnight” by Bradford


  1. At Screening: “La Coquette” by Onivas (Schirmer)
  2. This Side of the Atlantic: “Little Man” by Ball (Witmark)
  3. “Tadpole” Runs from Officers: “Sarabunde [sic] Perpetuelle” by Bradford (Schirmer)
  4. “Tadpole” Hauled from Can: “Pals” by Dreyer (Berlin)
  5. Mary Regan Was Doing: “Chatter” by Kahn (Sonnemann)
  6. Smaller Than Chicago: “Carmencita Shea” by Densmore (Schirmer)
  7. Tom Speaks to Girl: “Humoresque” by Haydn (Fassio)
  8. They Start Off in Flivver: “In My Merry Oldsmobile” by Edwards (Witmark)
  9. Car Strikes Tree: “Humoresque” by Haydn (Fassio)
  10. Tom’s Ranch: “After Midnight” by Bradford (Kalmus) Gang Theme
  11. There’s the Boss Now: “Rural Flirts” by Bradford (Belwin)
  12. A Girl Just Pulled In: “Pastime” by Clutsam (Belwin)
  13. My Brother Was Killed Over There: “My Buddy” by Henderson (Remick)
  14. We’ll Have to Be Pretty Careful: “After Midnight” by Bradford (Kalmus) Gang Theme
  15. The New Partners Began: “Love in Arcady” by Wood (Belwin)
  16. Just a Minute: “Marionettes” by Arndt (Fox)
  17. Flash to Gang in Cellar: “After Midnight” by Bradford (Kalmus) Gang Theme
  18. Tom and Girl Ride Away: “Conspiracy” by Zamecnik (Fox)
  19. George Wilkins: “Jovial Rogue” by Bradford (Fischer)
  20. This $10.00 Bill: “After Midnight” by Bradford (Kalmus) Gang Theme
  21. Midnight: “Andante Mysterioso” by Lake (Fischer)
  22. Man Grabs Girl: “Agitato No. 3” by Langey (Schirmer)
  23. The Next Morning: “A Dance Measure” by Somerville (Hawkes)
  24. Storekeeper Hurries Out: “Rustic Allegro” by Savino (Schirmer)
  25. Tom and Sweetheart: “If Love Were All” by Rapee (Robbins) Love Theme
  26. Sheriff Appears: “Impression Dramatique” by Bradford (Robbins)
  27. We Know You Are Guilty: “Romance” by Rubenstein (Schirmer)
  28. Ride Back Home: “La Foret Perfide” by Gabriel Marie (Manus)
  29. “Tadpole” Ride Off: “Elopement” by Carrazzonni (Sonnemann)
  30. Girl Listening at Book Case: “Agitato No. 3” by Langey (Schirmer)
  31. Tom at Book Case—He Captured: Egmont by Beethoven (Fischer)
  32. Tom on Horse—Pursuit: “Galloping Furies” by Rapee (Belwin)
  33. Sheriff Arrives on Scene: “Storm and Strife” by Ketelbey (Bosworth)
  34. I’ve Had a Perfectly Splendid Fight: “If Love Were All” by Rapee (Robbins) Love Theme

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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