Dramatic Suspense

Title: Dramatic Suspense

Author: M.Winkler

Publisher: New York: Belwin Inc., 1918

Series: Cinema Inc. Series

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: M. Winkler, Sol P. Levy (arranger)

OCLC Number:


Notes: Time notes – “Total time 3 min. 40 sec, 1 to 2 with repeat 1 min. 45 sec., 2 to 3 40 sec, 3 to 4 1 min. 15 sec.”; for piano (2-page spread – score printed on one side w/ title printed on other, “Slowly” written in pencil underneath tempo “Modto quasi Andte”), clarinet 1 in Bb, trumpet 1 in Bb, trombone, tympani D-A, violin 2, cello, bass, flute, viola, trumpet 2 in Bb

Source: Don Metzger Collection


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Won In The Clouds

Title: Won In The Clouds

Author: M. WInkler

Publisher: Belwin Inc., 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: M. WInkler

OCLC Number:


THEME “A Cannibal Carnival” by Levy (NOTE—Please Do Not Substitute)

  1. At Screening: THEME
  2. Not Far From The Swahili Village: “Anticipation of Danger” by Becce
  3. The Three Week Track: “Cupid’s Conquest” by Kahn
  4. At The Consolidated’s: “Recitativeo Patetico” by Peele
  5. Blake’s Mechanician: “Wild Chase” by Becce
  6. I Just Got Word: THEME
  7. Run For It, Grace: “Chariot Race” by Becce
  8. These Men Will Take You To The Mine: “Disturbance” by Shepherd
  9. Aeroplane Lands: “Agitato Pathetique” by Borch
  10. Make Yourself At Home: “Ludicia” by Caludi
  11. At The Swahili Village: THEME
  12. Art Blake Explores The Diamond Mine: “Agitated Misterioso” by Rapee
  13. I’ll Fly To The Swahili Village: “Allegro Infernale” by Aborn
  14. Get Out of Here Quick: THEME
  15. I Didn’t Think You’d Get Very Far; “Gruesome Misterioso” by Borch
  16. Fight In Front of Cabin: “Animated Agitato” by Levy
  17. Jack Woods Starts Plane: “In A Critical Situation
  18. Aeroplanes Land: “Demand d’Amour” by Drigo

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: kcrC0p2s55

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Wolves of the City

Title: Wolves of the City

Author: M. Winkler

Publisher: Belwin Inc., 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: M. Winkler

OCLC Number:


THEME “Fragrance Lane” by Fresco

In the event the above mentioned THEME is not in your library or unknown to you, you may substitute: “Clara” by Winkler or “A Few Flowers” by Baron

  1. At Screening: “Allegro Agitato” by Kiefert
  2. Get That Old Nag: THEME
  3. I’ll Not Move One Inch: “Stampede” by Simon
  4. Won’t You Let Me take You Home: THEME
  5. Girl Arrives Home; “Little Flower Garden” by Breil
  6. Man On Telephone: “Misterioso Agitato” by Smith
  7. The Famous “Mu Fing”: “Dramatic Agitato” by Borch
  8. Thanks For The Sympathy: “Lovelette” by Levy
  9. I Have A Hunch; THEME
  10. That Evening: “Serenade Romantique” by Borch
  11. Sign “Mothers Kitchen”: “Sinister Theme” by Vely
  12. Interior of Barroom: “Creepy” by Hoff
  13. Fight Starts: “Furioso” by Shepherd
  14. He’ll Be Back Soon; “Cryptic Shadow” by Becce
  15. At Daybreak; “Sinister Agitato” by Becce
  16. Any String Attached: “dramatic Agitato” by Minot
  17. He Thinks More Of The Dough: “Dramatic Tension No.9” by Andino
  18. We’ve Got To Get Her Away; “Sinister Presto” by Bradford
  19. One Car Chasing The Other: “The Chase” by Becce
  20. Automobile Stops: THEME

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: bsG4tldrWc

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The Two Outlaws

Title: The Two Outlaws

Author: M. Winkler

Publisher: Belwin Inc., 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: M. Winkler

OCLC Number:


THEME: “Demande D’Amour” by Drigo

In the event the above mentioned THEME is not in your Library or unknown to you, you may substitute: “A Place of Dreams” by Grass or “Autumn Voices” by Basset

  1. At Screening: THEME
  2. And Now Rex Heeds The Warning: “Storm Furioso” by Shepherd
  3. You The Lone Rider: THEME
  4. And While The Storm Is Raging: “Sinister Presto” by Bradford
  5. The Lone Rider Again: Half Reel Furioso” by Levy
  6. While Rex Serene In A Text: “Strom Music” by Haines
  7. Little Feet—Testing Their Strength: “Lady Lilly” by Fresco
  8. Hyena Following Young Horse: “Allegro Agitato” by Kiefert
  9. Rex Arrives: “Capricious Anette” by Borch
  10. Time, The Magician: “Contrapuntal Misteroso” by Schad
  11. Unknown To Whitcomb: “Rhythmic Agitato” by Boehnlein
  12. The Lone Rider. He Is Wonderful: THEME FF
  13. There’s The Lone Rider: “Tensive Misterioso” by Peele
  14. Cloesup of Girl Near Brook: THEME
  15. Have Discovered That The Lone Rider: “Sinister Theme” by Vely
  16. Tricked Us Again: “Dramatic Misteroso” by Borch
  17. It Means That Your Guardian Is The Outlaw: “dramatic Agitato”
  18. Untie Me—Understand: “Dramatic Tension” by Andino
  19. The Loot of Many Raids: “Galloping Furies” by Rapee
  20. The Lone Rider’s Walked: “Dramatic Agitato” by Simon
  21. Lone Rider Fighting: “Misteroso Furioso” by Affrunti
  22. Well, Mr. Lone Rider: THEME FF

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Thunder Riders

Title: Thunder Riders

Author: M. Winkler

Publisher: Belwin Inc., 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: M. Winkler

OCLC Number:


THEME: “Love’s Sweet Unrest” (Int.) by Middleton

In the event the above mentioned THEME is not in your Library or unknown to you, you may substitute.

“The Dream Girl” by Finck

“A Little Peach” by Colin

  1. At Screening: “Huetame” by Ancliffe
  2. Jack’s Father, Who Held: “Hurry” by Simon
  3. Cynthia Barton—Thought She: “Valse Caprice” by Kiefert
  4. Your Dad Loved The Rest: “Comedy Burlesque in ‘Home Sweet home’” by Kempinski
  5. Now Burn Up The Trail: “Katems Galop” by Winter
  6. The “Indians”—Only Wild: “Indian War Dance” by Herbert
  7. Have You Killed Them All: “Jocose” by Finck
  8. Drunkard Being Thrown Out of Bar: “The Toy Bandit” by Finck
  9. The Dead-Shot Gang Is Raiding: “Light Hurry No.26” by Minot
  10. The Boy Had Prepared: THEME
  11. An Ex-Convict From Joliet Prison: “Sinister Theme” by Vely
  12. Runaway Horse With Girl: “Kiddy Galop” by Winter
  13. Girl Being Taken Off Horse: THEME
  14. I Saw You and For Two Cents: “Animated Agitato” by Levy
  15. Yep, Reckon I Don’t Know Any Better: “Fanchonette” by Klemm
  16. Lady, Are Them Rough-Rider: “Burlesque on ‘Bizet’s Toreador Song’” by Kempinski
  17. I Just Found Out: “Pathetic Andante” by Vely
  18. Closeup of Masked Girl Entering: “Hindoo Hop” by Levy
  19. Crowd Again Dances Fox-Trot: “Creepy” by Hoff
  20. Interior of Cabin: Continue FF
  21. Please, She Can’t Go: “Dramatic Agitato” by Hough
  22. It’s Alright Folks: Fox-Trot To Action
  23. Jack In Dark Cabin: “Light Agitato” by Noyes
  24. How Wonderful To Think: “Mob Rule” by Becce
  25. That’s One Stunt Not On the Program: THEME FF

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Sky Skidder

Title: The Sky Skidder

Author: M. Winkler

Publisher: Belwin Inc., 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: M. Winkler

OCLC Number:


THEME: “Regrets” by Vieuxtemps

In the event the above mentioned THEME is not in your Library or unknown to you, you may substitute: “Scenes D’Amour” by Baron or “Valse Melodie” by Drigo

  1. At Screening: “Aces High” by Roberts
  2. Making Possible The City: Continue to action
  3. Silas Monmorency Smith: “Galop No.7” by Minot
  4. Aeroplane Lands: THEME
  5. In The Days That Followed: “Extase Melodieuse” by Littau
  6. Boy, She’s Worth Fighting For: “Sinister Theme” by Vely
  7. I Don’t Trust Smith: THEME
  8. Demonstration Day Finds: “Tensive Allegro” by Aborn
  9. I Won’t Fail: “Allegro Infernale” by Aborn
  10. Go On, Head Man, Do Your Stuff: “Wild Chase” by Becce
  11. Just Shows That A Nut’s A Nut: “Tragic Theme” by Vely
  12. The Centerville-Denver Airthon: “Aces High” by Roberts
  13. Key Your Eye on Al Simpkins: “A Rube Festival” by Peele
  14. Here is the Formula for Economo: “Contrapuntal Misterioso” by Schad
  15. I Was Head Man and Now: “Jocoso” by Finck
  16. He’s Gaining On us: “Galloping Furies” by Rapee
  17. I Got It: “Stampede” by Simon
  18. The Denver Flying Field: “Joyous Allegro” by Borch
  19. When We Get Back: THEME FF

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Fearless Rider

Title: The Fearless Rider

Author: M. Winkler

Publisher: Belwin Inc., 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: M. Winkler

OCLC Number:


Theme: “Scene D’Amour” by Baron

In the event the above mentioned THEME is not in your library or unknown to you, you may substitute:

“Barcarolle Amoureuse” by Casadesus or “Love’s Enchantment” by Varley

  1. At Screening: “The Cat-Step” by Breau
  2. Never Had A Triple D: “The Round Up” by Aborn
  3. What Do You Fellows Think: “The Cat-Step” by Breau
  4. While On The Other Side: “Dramatic Tension” by Andino
  5. It Was Only After Hot: “Agitated Misterioso” by Borch
  6. The Blast Had Uncovered A: “Animated Agitato” by Levy
  7. It Doesn’t Seem Right For: THEME
  8. Morning—At The Drug Store: “Conspirators” by Santes
  9. Evidently the Triple D Jinx: Repeat “The Cat-Step”
  10. Aw, Forget About The Cat: “Agitato Pathetique” by Borch
  11. If You Ever Want To See: “Dramatic Agitato” by Hough
  12. What’s The Matter Miss Lane: THEME
  13. Now Continue To Obey Orders: “Misteroso Agitato” by Smith
  14. What’ll You Have, Gents: “Tensive Misterioso” by Peele
  15. Find The Boys and Release Lane: “Radio Message” by Baron
  16. We’re Leaving In Ten Minutes: “Majestic Misteroso” by Kilenyi
  17. Blade’s Gang Is Lootin’: “Half-Reel Hurry” by Levy
  18. Sanders and Blade Fighting: “Agitato No.37” by Andino
  19. After The Fight: THEME

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID:hzQ9cwtdwO

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Slim Fingers

Title: Slim Fingers

Author: M. Winkler

Publisher: Belwin, Inc., 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: M. Winkler

OCLC Number:


THEME: “Rendezvous D’Amour” (Mod. Serenade.) by Leo Edwards

In the event the above mentioned THEME is not in your Library or unknown to you, you may substitute.

“Rosebud” (Mod. Reverie.) by Sanford

“Chant d’Amour” by Frommel

  1. At Screening: “Spring Blossoms” by Castillo
  2. A Priceless Titian: “Phantom Visions” by Stevenson
  3. I Admired Your Game: “Dramatic Conflict” by Levy
  4. There She Is With Wellesley: “Flick & Flock” by Patou
  5. The Road Past The Turn: “Galop No.7” by Minot
  6. Close Up Of Door: THEME
  7. I’ll Call A Cop: “Pizzicato Misterioso” by Minot
  8. Detective Chasing Wellesley: “Animated Agitato” by Levy
  9. Wellesley Coming Out of Garage: THEME
  10. Don’t You Think You’d Better: “Disturbance” by Shepard
  11. You Get Dressed: THEME
  12. Fat Chance You’ve Got: “The Riot” by Hilse
  13. He Is In Room 525: “Mournful Agitato” by Hilse
  14. Hurry To The Wharf: “The Chase” by Becce
  15. Automobile Arrives At Wharf: “Wild and Woolly”
  16. After The Fight On Boat: THEME FF

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Quick Triggers

Title: Quick Triggers

Author: M. Winkler

Publisher: Belwin Inc., 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: M. Winkler

OCLC Number:


THEME: “Frangrance Lane” (Romance Melodique) by Fresco

In the event the above mentioned THEME is not in your Library or unknown to you, you may substitute:

“Love’s Acclaim” (Valse Melodique) by Andino

“Sleeping Rose” (Valse Lente) by Borch

  1. At Screening: “Western Rodeo” by Minot (Cowboy Allegro)
  2. The Ranch Riders of the Three X: “Stampede” by Simon (Western Allegro)
  3. Take My Horse, Dad: Theme
  4. Looks Like Larry’s Horse: “Hurray For Pursuit” by Minot
  5. Horse Is Caught: Theme
  6. You Know Your Father: “Dramatic Tension” by Andino
  7. Reckon It Belongs To One Of: “Early Roses” by Baron (Allegretto Melody)
  8. I’m Afraid, Colonel, You’re Fighting: “Recitative Patetico” by Peele
  9. Dad, I Want To mingle With: “Dramatic Climax” by Becce
  10. Riderless Horse Starts To Run: “Wild Chase” by Becce (Allegro Vivare)
  11. Dad, Brown Beauty’s Come Back: “The Crook” by Peele (Misterioso
  12. Better Get Your Hat: “Agitated Misterioso” by Rapee
  13. Girl Mounts Horse: “Jocoso” by Finck (Galop)
  14. Girl Knocking At Door: Theme
  15. You Didn’t Expect Me: Continue PP
  16. The Night of the Dance: “Burlesque on ‘Lange’s Flower Song’” by Kempisnki
  17. Close-Up of Musicians: “Creepy” by Hoff (Half-tone One Step)
  18. Music Stops Playing: Tacet
  19. Music Starts Playing Again: “Criptic Shadows” by Becce (Agitato Mysterioso)
  20. Get the Sheriff, Quick: “Charmaine” by Rapee (Waltz)
  21. Game’s Up, Mr. Horse Thief: “Lynch Law” by Becce (Agitato)
  22. Sheriff Arrives: Theme FF

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: Y0APn8qbf2

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Put ‘Em Up

Title: Put ‘Em Up

Author: M. Winkler

Publisher: Belwin Inc., 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: M. Winkler

OCLC Number:


THEME “Ludicia” (Intermezzo) by Caludi

In the event the above mentioned THEME is not in your Library or unknown to you, you may substitute.

“Love’s Enchantment” (Entr’Acte) by Brookes

“Mirabilis” (Int) by Smid

  1. At Screening: “Aeroplane Galop” by Winter
  2. The Old Stage Coach: “Anticipation of Danger” by Becce (Agitated)
  3. This Stage Is Running Through: “Radio Message” by Baron (Galop
  4. Why, Tommy Evans: Theme
  5. Jake Lannister: “Dramatic Recitative No.3” by Aborn
  6. There’s The Stage: “April Bloom” by Ansell (Entr’Acte)
  7. There’s Lannister’s Men: Theme
  8. Take Care of Evans: “Agitato In D Minor” by Boehnlein
  9. Some Benighted Bozo: “Allegro Con Moto” by Borch
  10. This Will Make Mr. Mullins: “Farcical Allegro” by Aborn
  11. It Would Make A Nice Present: Theme
  12. Roused By Tom’s Open Rebellion: “Dramatic Recitative No.2” by Aborn
  13. Ever Day At A Certain Time: Theme
  14. It’s Really None of Your Business: “Agitato No.37” by Andino
  15. Tom’s Horse, Something’s Gone Wrong: “Agitato No.69” by Minot
  16. Round Up Dad Turner: “Agitato No.6” by Kiefert
  17. Lanister’s Men: “Dramatic Climax” by Becce
  18. Anyone Wantin’ To Fight Lannister: “Mournful Agitato” by Hilse
  19. Helen, You’re Being Forced: “Furioso No.60” by Shepherd
  20. After The Fight: Theme FF

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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One Glorious Scrap

Title: One Glorious Scrap

Author: M. Winkler

Publisher: Belwin Inc., 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: M. Winkler

OCLC Number:


THEME: “Lovelette” by Levy

In the event the above THEME is not in your Library or unknown to you, you may substitute:

“Capricietta” by Varley (allegretto melody)

“Rendezvous d”Amour” by Casadesus (Serenade)

  1. At Screening: “Desert Monotony” by Aborn (Not Oriental)
  2. But Water Or No Water: “Burlesque of Bizet’s ‘Toreador Song’” by Kempinsky
  3. It’s Kramer and His Dude: “Comedy Allegro” by Berg
  4. Meanwhile at the Bar None Ranch: “Babillage” by Castillo (Entr’Acte)
  5. I Control All The Water: “Recitative Patetico” by Peele
  6. You Need Coolin’ Off: “Farcical Allegro” by Abron
  7. Next Time Try Someone: “Anticipation of Danger” by Becce (Tension)
  8. Fired—Because Honest Ralph: Theme
  9. Parker: “Galop No.7” by Minot

NOTE: Begin pp then to action

  1. Me and Genevieve Just Escaped: “Burlesque on Verdi’s ‘Miserere’” by Verdi
  2. Meanwhile Kramer Schemes: “Disturbance” by Shepard (Dram. Agitato)
  3. We’ve Hired The Rainmaker: Theme
  4. Midnight—While Honest Citizens: “Pizzicato Misterioso” by Minot
  5. I’m Having Smith Hold Up The Weather Report: “Gruesome Misterioso” by Borch
  6. We Win Either Way: “Allegro Infernale” by Aborn
  7. Have You Seen The Professor: “Dramatic Finale” by Smith
  8. Fight In Cabin: “Commotion” by Minot (Fight Agitato)
  9. Move, Sweet One: “Light Agitato” by Noyes
  10. Young Kramer’s Got Joan In His Car: “Chariot Race” by Becce (Galop)
  11. Close-Up of Rainmaker On Top of Wagon: “A Critical Moment” by Becce

Don’t Sign! It’s Going to Rain: “Storm Music” by Haines

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Made to Order Hero

Title: Made to Order Hero

Author: M. Winkler

Publisher: Belwin Inc., 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: M. Winkler

OCLC Number:


THEME: “A Few Flowers” (Valse Tendre) by Baron, you may substitute “Love’s Acclaim” (Valse Lente) by Andino

  1. At Screening: “Shorty” by Winkler
  2. Meanwhile the girlish Scotty: “Burlesque on Bizet’s Toreador Song” Arr Kempinski
  3. Close-up of Letter: Love Theme
  4. The Bloody Gang’s Hang-Out: “Burlesque on Verdi’s Mirerere” Arr Kempinski
  5. Close-Up of Stage: “Farcical Allegro” by Aborn
  6. I Think that’s Killer Borden’s Gang: “The Round-Up” by Aborn
  7. Don’t Shoot! That’s the Man: “Shorty” by Winkler
  8. Aunty Has Invited: “Lady Lilly” by Fresco
  9. Horses Running Away with Rider: “Radio Message” by Baron
  10. Girl is Rescued: Theme
  11. Being A Hero Is Tough: “Comedy Allegro” by Berg
  12. Later—when Aunty wasn’t Looking: Love Theme
  13. That’s Killer Borden’s Gang: “Hurry” by Minot
  14. Better Hustle Along to the Shack: “Sinister Agitato” by Becce
  15. Killer Borden’s Hide-Out: “Scherzo-Presto” by Paul Juon
  16. You wimmin Can Have the Room: “Lynch Law” by Becce
  17. If the Prince Knew: “A Critical Moment” by Becce
  18. We Were Just Waiting to Bid You: “Gallop No.7” by Minot
  19. Fight in Cave: “Terror” Leuschner
  20. This Time It’s Not A Fake: “Dramatic Tension” by Levy
  21. Aunty Arrives in Cave: Theme FF

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Hound of Silver Creek

Title: Hound of Silver Creek

Author: M. Winkler

Publisher: Belwin Inc., 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: M. Winkler

OCLC Number:

THEME: “Just A Bunch of Daisies” (Mod.) by Baron.

In The event the above mentioned THEME is not in your Library or unknown to you, you may substitute:

“Where Love Dreams Come True” (Mod.) by DeVoll

“Fly Home To Your Nest” (Romance) by Breau


  1. At Screening: “Song of the Brook” by Baron
  2. Dog Running After Girl: “Euphonious Agitato” by Pintel
  3. Content With Gun: THEME
  4. Not Far From Brooks’ Place: “Tensive Misterioso” by Peele
  5. In The Days That Followed: “Valse Caprice” by Kiefert
  6. So You Tracked Me Down: “Trembling Agitato” by Kilenyi
  7. Youth Quickly Recovers: “Elves In The Moonlight” by Lindgreen
  8. The Little Mountain School: “Andante Tragico” by Levenson
  9. I’m Going To Keep An Eye: THEME
  10. In Due Course, The Story: “The Clown” by Peele
  11. It’s A Good Thing We’re Taking You Away: “Comedy Allegro” by Haines
  12. That Night: “Burlesque on ‘Lange’s Flower Song’” by Kempinski
  13. While Henley Feels The Phantom: “Sinister Theme” by Vely
  14. Each Morning Dynamite: Continue PP
  15. Lawton’s Papers! It’s Hanging For Me: “Dramatic Agitato” by Simon
  16. Jack Jumping On Horse: “Sinister Agitato” by Becce
  17. Dog Fighting Man: “Agitato No.49” by Shepherd
  18. Girl Opens Door: “Agitato No.37” by Andino
  19. Henley, I Have Evidence: THEME FF

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Hero of the Circus

Title: Hero of the Circus

Author: M. Winkler

Publisher: Belwin Inc., 1926


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: M. Winkler

OCLC Number:

THEME: “Queen of My Heart” by Baron

Substitute “Because You Say Good-Bye” by Levy or “Love’s Sweeet Hour” by Otvos


  1. At Screening: “Aces High” by Roberts
  2. August the Clown: “Farcical Allegro” by Aborn
  3. August I Am Leaving: “Recitative Pathetico” by Peele
  4. I’ll Keep George Busy: “Petite Duchesse” by Henry Baron
  5. Meanwhile in Africa: : “Agitated Misterioso” by Rapee
  6. Ignorant of Plot: “Cannibal Carnival” by Levy
  7. Sarah’s Plane had Worked: “Agitato Pathetique” by Borch
  8. She’s a Little Wild Girl: THEME
  9. Please go, Mr. George: “Dramatic Reproach” by Berge
  10. Sullivan was a Brutal Bully: “Smile of Columbine” by Drigo
  11. The Glamor of the Circus: “Misterioso Dramatique” by Borch
  12. You Big Bully: “Sinister Presto” by Bradford
  13. After the Fight: “Love Among Flowers” by Frommel
  14. In Less Than Three Weeks: “Misterisoso Dramatico” by Aborn
  15. Miss Sarah Wants to See You: THEME
  16. I Am Going to Cancel: “Dramatic Recitative No.3” by Aborn
  17. Maciste, See If You Can Stop Him: “Dramatic Conflict” by Levy
  18. At Sarah’s Apartment: THEME
  19. George, Think of your Father: “Aces High” by Roberts
  20. Have You Seen Mister George: “Dramatic Tension No.9” by Andino
  21. Creating A Thrill: THEME
  22. Please Close My Glove: Continue FF
  23. Before A Gala Audience: “Aces High” by Roberts
  24. And After the Performance: “Air de Ballet” by Varley
  25. George Reads Letter: “Dramatic Tension” by Borch
  26. Escaped Lioness Appears In Circus: “Half Reel Furioso”
  27. Forgive Me, Father: THEME

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: tKBvK7l4nq

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Guardians of the Wild

Title: Guardians of the Wild

Author: M. Winkler

Publisher: Belwin Inc., 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: M. Winkler

OCLC Number:

THEME: “Extase Melodieuse” by Littau, “Poem Symphonique” by Borch, or “Romance” by Baron


  1. At Screening: THEME
  2. This Land of Warren’s is Between: “Sinister Theme” by Vely
  3. Wild Horse Being Chased: “Allegro Agitato” by Kiefert
  4. Here’s That Ornery Ranger: “Animated Agitato” by Levy
  5. The First Kindness – the First Sympathy: THEME
  6. Closeup of Letter: “Chinese Theme” by Klemm
  7. While Mark Hamon Launches: “Misterioso Dramatico” by Aborn
  8. Dad! What’s Happened: “Dramatic Andante” by Berge
  9. Comes the Day When Jerry: THEME
  10. While Rex Already Haunts: Continue THEME
  11. And Drawn by a More Sinister: “Misterioso Agitato” by Smith
  12. Kisses and Tears: THEME
  13. All Right Rex I’ll Go and Look After Her: “Dramatic Tension No.36” by Andino
  14. Dreary Days Merge: “Misterious Nights” by Berg
  15. This is the Final Warning: “Dramatic Climax” by Becce
  16. Put Out That Light: “Battle Agitato” by Minot
  17. Here Comes that Fourfooted Fiend: “Wild Chase” by Becce
  18. Sending of Telegram: “In A Critical Situation” by Becce
  19. You’re Taking the Wrong Road: “Radio Message” by Baron
  20. Now Write What I Tell You: “Dramatic Agitato” by Simon
  21. That Ought to Keep Folks: “Misterioso Furioso” by Affrunti
  22. This is your Last Chance: “Half Reel Furioso” by levy
  23. They Made Me Write a Note: “Misterioso Agitato” by Borch
  24. I Knew You’d Come to the End: THEME

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Greased Lightning

Title: Greased Lightning

Author: M. Winkler

Publisher:  Belwin Inc., 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: M. Winkler

OCLC Number:

THEME: “Valse Melodie” by Drigo, “Tenderness (Romance)” by Schad, or “A Place of Dreams” by Gras


  1. At Screening: “The Round-Up” by Aborn
  2. Annie, the Beautiful Doughnut: “Burlesque on ‘Lange’s Flower Song’” by Kempinski
  3. Seem To Me This Herd: “Frills and Thrills” by Baron
  4. Jack Crane – Leader: “The Crook” by Peele
  5. Hunchers Following Rustlers: “Wild and Wooly” by Simon
  6. Where’s Me Powder Puff: “Melody Caprice” by Squire
  7. At the Empire Ranch: THEME
  8. Injecting Fifth Avenue: “Sparks” by Alford
  9. Make Yourselves at Home: “Flapper Dance” by Krueger
  10. We Will Ride Without Tea Today: “Dramatic Climax” by Beece
  11. What Are All Those Cows: “Comedy Galop” by Winter
  12. Your Sure Dented That: THEME
  13. Take Us With You: “Loves’ Golden Arrows” by Smith
  14. You Mean Parker: “Dramatic Conflict” by Levy
  15. I’ll Make A Beggar of Her: “A Critical Moment” by Becce
  16. Saddle Up and Follow: “Heavy Agitato” by Noyes
  17. Close-Up of Parker on Roof: “Agitato No.69” by Minot
  18. After the Fight: THEME

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Crimson Canyon

Title: The Crimson Canyon

Author: M. Winkler

Publisher: Belwin Inc., 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: M. Winkler

OCLC Number:


THEME – “Moonlight Shadows” by Baron. In the event the above theme is not in your library or known to you, you may substitute: “Amorino” by Levy or “Sleeping Rose” by Borch.

  1. At screening: “Scenic Andante” by Hilse
  2. Slade & Son: “Recitativo Patetico” by Peele
  3. Want to see me: “Approaching Mutiny” by Schad
  4. How did you guess it: “Animated Agitato” by Levy
  5. Jim Lang escapes: “Aeroplane Galop” by Winter
  6. He’s tricking us: “Wild Chase” by Becce
  7. Jim Lang stops horses: “Fanchonette” by Klemm
  8. My name is Mary Manning: THEME
  9. Jim Lang arrives at mine: “The Curse” by Howgill
  10. Fight commences: “The Ambush” by Patou
  11. Old man holding note: THEME
  12. Close up of clock chime: produce the effect of clock chime followed by “Sinister Theme” by Vely
  13. Close up of jazz orchestra: fox trot to action
  14. Let me get you some ice cream: silence
  15. Orchestra starts playing: fox trot to action
  16. You really ought to see: THEME
  17. Only this morning he told me: “Creepy” by Hoff
  18. We’ll make a trade: “Tensive Misterioso” by Peele
  19. Who are these men: “The Round Up” by Aborn
  20. Automobile stops: “Descriptive Agitato” by Boehnlein
  21. After the fight: THEME

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: 3qmpgAz1fB

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The Cloud Dodger

Title: The Cloud Dodger

Author: M. Winkler

Publisher: Belwin Inc., 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: M. Winkler

OCLC Number:


Theme – “Regrets” by Vieuxtemps. In the event the above mentioned theme is not in your library, or unknown to you, you may substitute “Demand d’Amour” by Drigo.

  1. At screening: Theme
  2. Won’t it go faster: “Radio Message” by Baron
  3. Wind her up: “Aeroplane Galop” by Winter
  4. Wheel her out: “Jocoso” by Finck
  5. The war time tactics: Continue pp
  6. Speed Williams got 30 days: “Recitativo Patetico” by Peele
  7. Aunt Myrtle gave Sylvia: “Dramatic Recitative No. 1” by Levy
  8. But Speed Williams wasn’t in: “Agitato Pathetic” by Borch
  9. Closeup of Indian: “Indian Misterioso” by Vely
  10. Speed Williams falls asleep: “Indian War Dance” by Herbert
  11. Aeroplane lands: “Dramatic Conflict” by Levy
  12. Incited by Stevens: “Indian War Dance” by Herbert
  13. Ugh! Face like horse: “Misterioso Furioso” by Affrunti
  14. Behold! The great Spirit has sent: “Cryptic Shadows” by Becce
  15. I’ll be right down: “Galop” by Minot
  16. The gas pipe’s severed: “Joyous Allegro” by Borch
  17. While a victim of proud poverty: “Capricietta” by Varley
  18. The mocking notes: “Battle Hymn of the Republic”
  19. If any man can show: “Animated Agitato” by Levy
  20. The gentleman’s got your blonde: “Sinister Presto” by Bradford
  21. Speed Williams and girl in their own aeroplane: Theme FF

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Body Punch

Title: Body Punch

Author: M. Winkler

Publisher: Belwin, Inc., 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: M. Winkler

OCLC Number:


Theme: “Demande d’Amour” by Drigo. In the event the above mentioned theme is not in your library or unknown to you, you may substitute: “Love’s Declaration” by Baron or “Love’s Sweet Hour” by Otvos.


  1. At screening: “Approaching Meeting” by W. C. Schad
  2. I don’t believe it: “Recitative Patetico” by Dudley Peele
  3. Jack’s manager: “Descriptive Agitato” by Boehlein
  4. Water Street Mission: Theme
  5. Let’s eat in there: “Creepy” by Hoff
  6. I am gonna get me a dance: “Trembling Agitato” by Kilenyi
  7. Go ahead and sing: Theme
  8. I held them back: “Whimsical Charms” by Fresco
  9. Ladies’ Guild St. Johns: “Spinning Top” by Joseph Knecht
  10. Will you have them right now: “The Accusation” by Patou
  11. The next event: “Aces High” by Roberts
  12. Close up of gong: Produce effect followed by “Misterioso Furioso” by Affrunti
  13. I am a private detective: “Dramatic Tension No. 44” by Borch
  14. Paul Steinert took: “Misterioso Agitato” by Smith
  15. You do know something about it: “Reverie Poetique” by Baron
  16. I am a friend of Steinert: “Dramatic Agitato” by Minot
  17. Steinert running after kids: “Light Agitato” by Noyes
  18. You know something about: “Furioso No. 60” by Shepherd
  19. Turner swiped it: Theme

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Beauty and Bullets

Title: Beauty and Bullets

Author: M. Winkler

Publisher: Belwin Inc., 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: M. Winkler

OCLC Number:

THEME: “Tenderness” by Schad. In the event the above mentioned THEME is not in your Library or unknown to you, you may substitute: “Love Among Flowers” by Frommel [or] “Serenade Lontaine” by Berge


  1. At screening: “Tensive Allegro” by Aborn
  2. Highwaymen: “Allegro Agitato” by Kiefert
  3. Bill Holt, let’s beat it: “Dramatic Andante” by Berge
  4. And the trial of the: Agitato Appassionato
  5. Mary Crawford: “Anger Motif” by Kilenyi
  6. Frank, what’s the matter: Theme
  7. Dad Miles owner of the ranch: “Eccentric Comedy Theme
  8. Night: “Creepy Creeps” by Borch
  9. Telephone conversation is ended: “The Crook” by Peele
  10. Fight starts: “Descriptive Agitato” by Boehnlein
  11. You hide the bag: “Animated Agitato” by Levy
  12. Wait for me inside: “Dramatic Agitato” by Hough
  13. Don’t’ tell Bill: “Tragic Theme” by Vely
  14. So you’re a crook: “Sinister Agitato” by Becce
  15. Kemp escapes: “Galop” by Minot
  16. Both men fighting on wagon: “Misterioso Furioso” by Affrunti
  17. Sheriff if you take me: Theme FF.

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Arizona Cyclone

Title: Arizona Cyclone

Author: M. Winkler

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheets, 1928


Format: Cue sheet

Document type: Cue sheet

All authors/contributors: M. Winkler

OCLC Number:


  1. THEME: “Love’s Sweet Hour” by Otvos. In the event the above mentioned THEME is not in your Library or unknown to you, you may substitute: “A Place of Dreams” by Grass [or] “Love in May” by Beau.



    1. At screening: “Comedy Allegro” by Berg
    2. Wonder who owns: Theme
    3. Kathleen’s father: “Love Among Flowers” by Frommel
    4. My new foreman: “Sinister Theme” by Vely
    5. Meanwhile, Larry’s double: “Aeroplane Galop” by Winter
    6. I’ve got a hunch: “Burlesque” of Lucia Sextette by Kempinski
    7. Meanwhile, Hop-Toad: “The Crook” by Peele
    8. Ain’t forked a saddle in years: “Capricious Anette” by Borch
    9. Monkey fires shot: “Sinister Presto” by Bradford
    10. Run it your own way: “Dramatic Tension” by Levy
    11. Ah! Just in time: “Farcical Allegro” by Aborn
    12. Night found: “Cryptic Shadows” by Becce
    13. Drag him over there: “Phantom Visions” by Stevenson
    14. In that case suppose you: “Agitato Misterioso” by Peele
    15. Midnight—with the fearless: “Comedy Allegro” by Noyes
    16. Well, I’m back: “Dramatic Reproach” by Berge
    17. Morning in Hop-Toad: “Commotion” by Minot
    18. Larry escapes: “Galop No. 7” by Minot
    19. While at the Ranch: “Allegro Infernale” by Aborn
    20. You old buzzard: “Galloping Furies” by Rapee
    21. We’re after the Cyclone: “Allegro Infernale” by Aborn

Notes: Cues transcribed by James Doering; handwritten notes

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: emqQYhmve7

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The Long Chance

Title: The Long Chance

Author: Max Winkler

Publisher: 1922


Format: Cue sheet

Document type: Cue sheet

All authors/contributors: Max Winkler

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: Desert Monotony by Aborn
  2. Two days later: Allegro Infernale by Aborn
  3. Meanwhile at a railway: Fly Home to Your Nest by Breau
  4. Like a giant suddenly: Storm in the Desert by Davis
  5. Jim Coberly never returned: Because You Say Goodbye by Levy
  6. There by the lonely: Elegie by Baron
  7. It was not often that: THEME: Love’s Sweet Hour by Otvos
  8. Three men detain girl: Dramatic Agitato by Simon
  9. I’m glad I got here in: Andante Doloroso No. 70 by Borch
  10. Next morning (continue to action)
  11. The only thing that: THEME: Love’s Sweet Hour by Otvos
  12. As the weeks rolled by: Barcarolle Amoreuse by Casedesus
  13. The following afternoon: Musical Thought by Titlebaum
  14. Of course it was: Chant Erotique by Berge
  15. And then sweet hours: The World is a Beautiful Song by Breau & Vane
  16. Morgan Carey had not: Sinister Theme by Vely
  17. A month later in San Pasqual: Chant D’Amour by Frommel
  18. At 10 minutes to four: Allegro Infernale by Aborn
  19. I thought he did you: Agitato Pathetique by Borch
  20. I promised her mother: Chanson Melancolique by Collinge
  21. He who walks in love: THEME: Love’s Sweet Hour by Otvos


Source: Silent Film Collection, Claire Hamack materials, American Music Research Center, University of Colorado at Boulder

SFSMA ID: vqmKacSDi2

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Let ‘er Buck

Title: Let ‘er Buck

Author: Max Winkler

Publisher: Belwin, 1925


Format: Cue sheet

Document type: Cue sheet

All authors/contributors: Max Winkler

OCLC Number:


ALTERNATE THEME: Fragrance Lane by Fresco

ALTERNATE THEME: Love’s Acclaim by Andino

  1. At screening: THEME: Where Love Dreams Come True by De Voll
  2. Come on Bob: Conspirators by Santor
  3. While at the McCall mansion: Recitation No. 3 by Aborn
  4. Deep down in his heart: Dramatic Agitato by Hough
  5. Six months later: Miss Blue Eyes by Bergh
  6. Close up of street parade: America United March by Perry
  7. At the arena: The Round-Up by Aborn
  8. Suppose I would protect you: Agitato No. 37 by Andino
  9. You said you wanted a job: Western Rodeo by Minot
  10. Well, take him out to the ranch: Serenade Pomantique by Berge
  11. Won’t you have some breakfast: THEME: Where Love Dreams Come True by De Voll
  12. A few days before: Charmeuse by Baron
  13. That afternoon: Because You Say Goodbye by Levy
  14. There’s your cowboy: Mysterious Agitato by Borch
  15. Are you falling in love: THEME: Where Love Dreams Come True by De Voll
  16. The following morning: Dashing Cowboy by Aborn
  17. Well Crosby told me to do it: THEME: Where Love Dreams Come True by De Voll
  18. The night before: Fly Home to Your Nest by Breau
  19. Pardon me, I have: Beautiful Hudson by Cohan
  20. I have something to tell you: THEME: Where Love Dreams Come True by De Voll
  21. The day of the round-up: Aces High–March by Roberts
  22. I am sure Crosby’s at the, etc: Military Galop by Fahrbach
  23. While in a cabin: Radio Message by Baron
  24. The chariot race is: Wild and Woolly by Minot
  25. Chariot race starts: Saddle Back by Allen
  26. After the chariot race: THEME: Where Love Dreams Come True by De Voll


Source: Silent Film Collection, Claire Hamack materials, American Music Research Center, University of Colorado at Boulder


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Brothers Under the Skin

Title: Brothers Under the Skin

Author: Max Winkler

Publisher: Goldwyn and Belwin, 1922


Format: Cue sheet

Document type: Cue sheet

All authors/contributors: Max Winkler

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: THEME: Whims of Love (Melody Caprice) by Baron
  2. Newton Craddock: Budding Spring (Romance) by Platzman
  3. The Consolidate Plumber: Isoel (Allegretto Intermezzo) by Coventry
  4. Millie Had Occasional: THEME: Whims of Love (Melody Caprice) by Baron
  5. Wifely Conversation: Caprice Joyeaux (Moderato Melody) by Seeligso
  6. The Serpent in the: Scene De Ballet (Allegretto) by Sudessi
  7. Tom Kirtland Came Home With: Creepy (Skeleton Jazz) by Breau & Hoff
  8. Newton Didn’t Have: Continue pp.-ff during dancing scenes
  9. There Are Several Ways Of: Baby Dreams (Little Reverie) by Boyaner
  10. To Make Ends Meet: Love Among Flowers (Reverie) by Frommel
  11. Dorothy, Wait a Minute: Phantom Visions (Skeleton Dance) by Stevenson
  12. Nobody Has Ever Been Able: THEME: Whims of Love (Melody Caprice) by Baron
  13. Trade the Lamp For: Comedy Allegro by Berg
  14. Newton’s Last Act: Funeral March by Chopin

Note: Burlesque pp to action

  1. Idle Talk Sometimes Makes: Moon Shadows (Valse Serenade) by Walton
  2. Newton Would Have: THEME: Whims of Love (Melody Caprice) by Baron
  3. The Fag in Newton’s: Prohibition Episode by Aborn (drinking songs counter pointed with Chopin’s “Funeral March”)
  4. Close Up of Record: Home Sweet Home (Direct cue) (Note: To be produced on phonograph)
  1. Newton Stops Phonograph: Comedy Allegro by Haines
  2. I Didn’t Expect You So: Dramatic Conflict (Hurry Heroique) by Levy
  3. I’m the Guy With the: Eccentric Comedy Theme by Roberts
  4. Let Me Present My Friend: Itching Heels (Intermezzo) by Sarpy
  5. Send This Coat Back: Falling Rose Leaves (Reverie) by Sanders
  6. So You Came Back: Light Agitato by Noyes
  7. Newton Lighting Cigarette: THEME: Whims of Love (Melody Caprice) by Baron ff
  8. But the New Newton: Dramatic Agitato by Simon
  9. Success Comes to Him Who: THEME: Whims of Love (Melody Caprice) by Baron

Notes: Cues transcribed by Mariana Whitmer.

Source: Silent Film Collection, Claire Hamack materials, American Music Research Center, University of Colorado at Boulder


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The Hidden Truth

Title: The Hidden Truth

Author: M. Winkler

Publisher: International, 1919


Format: Cue sheet

Document type: Cue sheet

All authors/contributors: M. Winkler

OCLC Number:

Theme: Because You Say Good-Bye by Levy
1. At Screening: Western Moderato by Redia
2. Interior of Barroom: Savannah One-Step by Rosey
3. Strange Figure: Theme
4. When I Get Through: A la Mode One-Step by Rosey
5. In New York: Love Song by Puerner
6. To Catch the Eastern: Forest Whispers by Losey
7. Taylor’s Aunt Who: Sleeping Rose Valse Lento by Borsch
8. The Easy Mark From: Theme
9. Crowd Applauding: Ifunhatin One-Step by Levy
10. The Eastern Mining Bird: Dramatic Recitative by Levy
11. Helen’s Heart Goes Out: Sorrow Theme by Roberts
12. None o’that Baby Stuff: Dramatic Agitato by Hough
13. Who Did This: Dramatic Suspense by Winkler
14. Myrtle’s Spirit: Continue pp.
15. With a Glowing First: Melody by Huerter
16. They Will Keep Her: Theme
17. Reed’s Cunningly: Among the Roses Moderato by Lake
18. Taking Density Into: Continue to action
19. Mr. Taylor Reading Letter: Dramatic Narrative by Pement
20. What Will Be: Birds and Butterflies Internezzo by Vely
21. The Magic Beauty: Theme
22. Guests Applauding: Ballerina’s Vision Valse by Brahams
23. And in the Silent Hours: After Sunset by Pryor
24. Elated at the First: continue pp.
25. At Risk of Loosing [sic]: Theme
26. Reed Returns with Facts: Dramatic Fantasia by Bach
27. Next Morning: Prelaume Dramatic by Rachmaninoff
28. Playing the Game Safe: Dreams of Devotion Dramatic by Langey
29. The Horrible Revelation: Bleeding Hearts andante by Levy
30. The Purchase of the: Agitato Appassionato by Borch
31. I Want You to Forgive Me: Theme

Notes: Character: Dramatic; Atmosphere: Western mining camp and New York society

Source: Library of Congress


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