Title: The Chase and Wayside Flowers (From “Autumn Sketches”)
Author: Wilson G. Smith
Publisher: Cleveland: Sam Fox Pub. Co., 1912
Series: Autumn Sketches
Format: Sheet music
Document type: Musical score
All authors/contributors: Wilson G. Smith, Arr. by J.S. Zamecnik
OCLC Number: 24980129
Notes: for Clarinet 1, Violin 1, Piano, Bass, Drums and Bells, Trombone, Violin 2, Cornet 1, Viola, Flute, Cornet 2, Cello; Written Performance indication on top of all Wayside Flower copies, some with decrescendo, some with word written, perhaps “heu”; All sheets were wrapped in a title page/cue sheet of: Chester Bennett Presents Jane Novak in “Divorce”
Source: Chuck Berg Silent Film Music Collection
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This digitization was supported by a University of Kansas School of Music General Research Fund.