The Gosh-Darn Mortgage

Title: The Gosh-Darn Mortgage

Author: Eugene Conte

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1926


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Eugene Conte

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening
  2. A Stranger from the City: “Isn’t She the Sweetest Thing” by Donaldson
  3. Amos Spruder: “The Hustler” by Strawley
  4. Squirrel Goes Up Girl’s Boot: “Ouch” by Kaufman
  5. It Was Afternoon: “Splivin’s Corners” by Ellis
  6. Villain Shows Mortgage: “Herts and Flowers” by Tobani
  7. That Night: “Danse Macabre” by St. Saens
  8. Negro Boys Playing: “The Skyrocket” by Frey
  9. Tessie’s Wedding: “The Flapper Wife” by Rupp
  10. Bride and Father Come Downstairs: “Wedding March” by Mendelssohn
  11. Ford Car Leaves: “Speed” by Frey
  12. Married: “Are You Sorry” by Ager

Source: Ben Model


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