Stepping Along

Title: Stepping Along

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1926


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “The Streets of New York” by Herbert
  2. Get Ready Boys: “Marionette” by Arndt
  3. Street Scene—Hurdy Gurdy Playing: “Old Timers” by Lake
  4. Hey Johnny, Give Us A Dance: “Down By the Winegar Works” by Donovan
  5. Johnny Enters House: “I’m Lonely Without You” by Green
  6. Fay Allen—Pat O’Toole: “Syncopation” by Kreisler
  7. Political Meeting: “There’ll Be A Hot Time” by Beyer
  8. Boss O’Brien Wants You To Be: “My Sweetie Turned Me Down” by Donaldson
  9. The Annual Meeting: “The Racket At Gilligan’s” by DeWitt
  10. Meanwhile At The Midget Theatre: “Rock-a-bye Baby Days” by Silver
  11. Men, I Have Passes For Steeplechase: “Zip” by Frey

SEGUE: “By Wireless” by Berge

  1. Everything Is Speeches: “The Irish Dragoons” by De Ville
  2. Nervous As I Am: THEME “Yankee Doodle Boy” by Cohan
  3. That Evening: “When Irish Eyes Are Smiling” by Ball
  4. Boss and Friend At Table: “Wearing of the Green from ‘Shamrock’” by Brewer
  5. Girl Riding In Car: “Me and the Boy Friend” by Monaco
  6. How Dare You Enter: “I’m Walking Around In Circles” by Phillips
  7. Johnny Starts To Dance: “Charleston” by Johnson
  8. He Stops Dancing: Repeat Theme No.13
  9. Boss O’Toole Secured Front Parlor: “Shamrock” by Brewer
  10. The Opening Night: “Jig Walk” by Ellington
  11. Johnny At Stage Door: “Somebody” by Little
  12. No Speech, Johnny: “Down Home Rag” by Sweatman
  13. Where’s Miss Taylor’s Dressing Room: “Uneasiness” by Mendelssohn
  14. Molly Starts Dance: “Old Chesnuts” by lake
  15. Molly Enters Dressing Room: “Appassionato Dramatico” by Berge
  16. Insert—Note To Johnny: “After I Say I’m Sorry” by Donaldson
  17. I Tell You Moreland: “Allegro Mysterioso” by Axt
  18. A Reporter Wants A Sketch: “Scherzando Hurry” by Frey
  19. Never Mind, Frank Moreland Has: “Aces High” by Boulton
  20. Ferdinand Darewskey: “Echoes from Poland” by Nowicki
  21. In Auto—Wild Ride: “Mounted Police Galop” by LeThiere
  22. Girl Enters Editor’s Office: “Emotional Agitato” by Savino
  23. I Owe You Something: “Six Furlongs” by Bub

SEGUE: “Aeroplane Galop” by Lamothe

  1. Night Parade: Repeat No.7 “There’ll Be A Hot Time”

SEGUE: “Yankee Doodle Boy” by Cohan

  1. Let’s Make Him Dance: Repeat No.4 “Down By The Winegar Works”
  2. Johnny Embraces Molly: “Here I Am” by Henderson

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: vgLxj10b0J

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