Loves of Casanova

Title: Loves of Casanova

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “A Gondola Love Song” by Olsen
  2. At This Period of My Life: “Carnival of Nice” by Ancliffe
  3. The Divine Corticello: “A Smile—A Kiss” by Marquardt
  4. Among Those Present: “Symphonic Incidentals No.11” by Marquardt (RED)
  5. I Called For The Dance of the Swords: “Carnival Gayety” by Juon (YELLOW)
  6. End of Dance—Woman Drops Sword: Repeeat No.4 (RED)
  7. Perhaps Your Aim Will Be Better: “Presto No.5” by Lake
  8. Stop Short as Duel Ends: “In A Kentish Garden” by Rawlinson
  9. In My Bachelor’s Establishment: “Rose of Spring” by Bicchieri
  10. Ah Woman, Woman: Repeat No.3 “A Smile—A Kiss”
  11. The Baroness: “Incid. Symphony No.40” by Hintz
  12. Baroness Tears Letter: Repeeat No.4 (RED)
  13. All Day I Had Dreamed Of The Baroness: Repeat No. 11“Incid. Symphony No.40”
  14. Meanwhile the Baron: “Appassionato Patetico” by Bradford (DK. Blue)
  15. I Did Not Mind: “Film Theme No.41” by Nicode—Roberts
  16. Wandering For Many Unpleasant Weeks: “Blue Danube Waltz” by Strauss
  17. Violnist On Screen After Title ‘AMONG ALL THESE FOOLS’: Continue No.16
  18. Soldier Molests Violinist: “Incid. Symphony No.1” by Kempinski
  19. Man Thrown Out of Inn: Repeat No.3 “A Smile—A Kiss”
  20. Alas That the Women: Repeat No.14 (DK. BLUE)
  21. Casanova Goes To Girl’s Rescue: “Incid. Symphony No.28” by Damaur
  22. Casanova and Girl Captured In Field: “A Summer Morning” by Ewing
  23. As I Left M. Dupont: “Dramatic Appassionato” by Ciganeri
  24. My Destiny Was Leading Me: “The King’s Entrance” by Marquardt
  25. Like Most Imbeciles: “Gay Gallantry” by Fletcher
  26. Had I Been A Russian: “The Atlas” by Schubert
  27. Dupont, My Dressmaker From Paris: “Symphonic Incidentals No.11” by Marquardt (RED)
  28. Czar Enters Room to Wife: Repeat No.24 “King’s Entrance”
  29. Fade-Out As Orlov Is Seen Kissing Czarina’s Hand: Repeat No.26 “The Atas”
  30. Stand Up, You Imbecile: “Sadness” by Engleman
  31. The Czar Has Ordered Your Arrest: Repeat No.27 (RED)
  32. I Have Seen the Downfall: “Processional” by Clutsam
  33. We Celebrated: “La Czarine” by Ganne
  34. I Have Often Wondered: “Pomp and Pageantry” by Schertzinger
  35. Orchestra On Screen: Repeat No.33 “La Czarine”
  36. Orchestra Shows—Stops Playing: “Suite Ancienne No.2” by Hadley
  37. Stop Short As Screen Falls Down Showing Lovers (Short Pause and Segue): “Noctoune” by Krzyzanowski
  38. Languishing In Jail: “A Russian Pansy” by Langey
  39. Casanova Taken Out of Jail: “Vivacity” by Conterno
  40. It Was My Duchess: “Moonlight in Naples” by Marquardt
  41. Empress Shows on Screen: Repeat No.27 (RED)
  42. Letter On Screen: Repeat No39 “Vivacity”
  43. Coach Stopped In Snow: Repeat No.40 “Moonlight in Naples”
  44. Traversing the Cold Snows of Russia: “Carnival Gayety” by Juon (YELLOW)
  45. My Faithfull Friends and Carlotta: “Reverie” by Drumm
  46. Boat Shows on Screen: “Incid. Symphony No.40” by Hintz
  47. Casanova Outside of Window Before People Show: Repeat No.44 (YELLOW)
  48. Ah Venice Venice: “Sunny Italy Waltz” by Tobani
  49. Casanova: Repeat No.46 “Incid. Symphony No.40”
  50. I Do Not Think: Repeat No.40 “Moonlight in Naples”

Proper orchestral rest period is Nos. 22 to 32 inclusive

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE, sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetition of numbers designates the Mood or Emotion and is used as a code for such repitions.

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: uv07Kzr5xO

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