
Title: Pajamas

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: THEME “I’ll Dream of You” by Shilkret
  2. Speed Law Sign Seen: “Step On It” by Kaufman
  3. Young Lady, This Has: “Comedy Allegro” by Haines

NOTE: Play “PP” and to action.

  1. The Wade Home: “Happy Moods” by Marquardt
  2. Egbert For Rest: “Lazy” by Berlin
  3. Your Father Wants: “A Gay Lothario” by Bierman
  4. Come On—Let’s Swim!: “En Visite” by McDonald
  5. John Weston: “Johnny On The Spot” by Roberts
  6. Don’t Think Too Seriously: “Miss Mischief” by Kempinski
  7. Help! Cramp!: “Help! Help!” by Kovacs
  8. Well Weston! What Happened: “The Water Bug” by Miles
  9. That Young Man: Repeat No.9 “Miss Mischief”
  10. Board of Directors At Conference Table: “Grandioso” by Fassio (Play “PP”)
  11. Change of Scene To Living Room: “Polly” by Zamecnik
  12. Group Seated At Dining Room Table: “The Joker” by Srawley
  13. You Can’t Annoy Me: “Light Agitato” by Noyes
  14. Are You Going To Let: Repeat No.8 “Johnny On The Spot”
  15. Father Enters John Weston’s Room: “Babillage” by Castillo
  16. Aeroplane Starts: “Scherzando Hurry” by Frey
  17. Into The Canadian Rockies: “In The Clouds” by Rapee-Axt
  18. Young Man Lands In Parachute: “Scene Pastorale” by Tours
  19. Close-Up of Wrecked Aeroplane: “Love In Arcady” by Wood
  20. Stay On Your Own Side: “Waterfall” by Zamecnik
  21. Change of Scene to Father: “In The Ruins” by Kempinski
  22. Change of Scene to Camp Again: “Desolation” by Savino
  23. That’s My Fish!: “Love’s Impulse” by Jacquet
  24. I’m Sorry I Lost My: Repeat Theme No.1
  25. Change of Scene To Men Carrying Canoe: “Rustic Allegro” by Savino
  26. Good Morning!: Repeat Theme No.1
  27. Help! Cramp!: Repeat No.10 “Help! Help!”
  28. What’s The Matter: Repeat Theme No.1
  29. Change of Scene To Canoe: Repeat No.28 “Rustic Allegro”
  30. Change of Scene To John and Angela: Repeat Theme No.1
  31. Canoe Seen With Rescue Party Again: Repeat No.28 “Rustic Allegro”
  32. Change of Scene To Close-Up of John Weston: “In Arcadia” by Sellars
  33. Change of Scene To Blue Print Of Rescue Party: “Screening Preludes No.1” by Rapee-Axt
  34. John and Angela Seen: Repeat Theme No.1
  35. Angela Leaves John After Kiss: Repeat No.26 “Love’s Impulse”
  36. Rescue Party Seen: “Woodland Whispers” by Czibulka
  37. Let’s Stay Here: Repeat Theme No.1
  38. Please, John: “Grand Appassionato” by Becce
  39. John Leaves Angela: “In The Dell” by Frommel
  40. Angela and John See Each Other: “Rapture” by Zamecnik
  41. You Big Loafer: Repeat Theme No.1

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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