
Title: Mockery

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Symphonic Color Classic No.2” by Schoenfeld (RED)
  2. In Siberia: “Troyka Paraphrase”
  3. Girl Hands Man Her Parcel To Carry: “Symphonic Color Classic No.2” by Schoenfeld (WHITE)
  4. Girl and Sergei Get Up To Walk Away—Soliders Show: Repeat No.1 (RED)
  5. Girl and Sergei Pass Soldiers: “Visions of the Dance” by Wallace
  6. It Is Very Quiet Here: Repeat No.1 (RED)
  7. Girl Sits Down To Take Off Boots: “Symphonic Color Classic No.2” by Schoenfeld (WHITE)

SEGUE: “La Bas” by Francschi

  1. Girl Lying on Couch Asleep: Repeat No.1 (RED)
  2. Man Takes Shawl From Woman’s Head: “Evil Plotter” by Zamecnik (LIGHT BLUE)
  3. Men Ride Off After Title THE SOLIDERS ARE COMING: “Film Theme No.1” by Tschaikowsky
  4. In Novakursk: “The Cossack Battalion” by Schoenfeld
  5. Captain, Go To The Hospital: “Symphonic Color Classic No.2” by Schoenfeld (DARK GREEN)
  6. When Sergei Left The Hospital: “Polina” by Easton
  7. We Are All Pleased: Repeat No.7 (WHITE)
  8. Countess Walks Upstairs: “A Regret” by Byford
  9. The Master of the House: “La Czarine” by Ganne
  10. Girl Sits Down At Piano: Continue No.16 (Piano Alone)
  11. Flash to Sergei and Gate-Keeper: Repeat No.12 (DARK GREEN)
  12. Lovers Kiss and Embrace: “Symphonic Color Classic No.2” by Schoenfeld (RED)
  13. Sergei Walks Away From Lovers: “Symphonic Color Classic No.2” by Schoenfeld (WHITE)
  14. And So Sergei’s Dull Pleasant Mind: “Pomp and Circumstance No.2” by Elgar (BROWN)
  15. Like You, How Could She Help It: “Symphonic Color Classic No.2” by Schoenfeld (DARK BLUE)
  16. Girl In Window Waves to Soldier: Repeat No.19 (RED)
  17. With Military Protection: “Evil Plotter” by Zamecnik (LIGHT BLUE)
  18. Countess Hands Note to Gaidaroff: Repeat No.21 (BROWN) (Not slow)
  19. Servant Passes Countess on Balcony: Repeat No.24 (LIGHT BLUE)
  20. Servants Leaving House—Sergei Shows: Repeat No.21 (BROWN) (Not slow)
  21. The Revolution Is On The Stairs: “Incid. Symphony No.14” by Luz (Letter A)
  22. Is That Old Sea Lion Barking At You Again: “Incid. Symphony No.14” by Luz (Letter B) (Play “PP”)
  23. Sergei Goes Upstairs Again: Repeat No.28 “Incid Symphony No.14”
  24. Sergei, Come Here: “Symphonic Color Classic No.2” by Schoenfeld (RED)
  25. Sergei Goes Out of Room: Repeat No.24 (LIGHT BLUE)
  26. Shooting In Street—Open Cellar Door Shows: Repeat No.31 (RED)
  27. Two Women and Man Show After Sergei Closes Cellar Door: “Stealthy Escape” by Zamecnik
  28. Man and Wife Show As Countess Passes Sergei: “Evil Plotter” by Zamecnik (LIGHT BLUE)
  29. Sergei Is Not The Fool Any More: Repeat No.31 (RED)
  30. Go Downstairs Where You Belong: “Symphonic Color Classic No.2” by Schoenfeld (DARK BLUE)
  31. Lovers Meet After Title TATIANNA: “Lonely Hours” by Kempinski
  32. He Was The Only One That Stayed To Protect Me: “Symphonic Color Classic No.2” by Schoenfeld (WHITE)
  33. Barrel On Door Moves After Sergei Is Seen Kneeling To Countess: Repeat No.31 (RED)
  34. Don’t You Try To Touch Her: Repeat No.37 (DARK BLUE)
  35. Hands Go From Sergei’s Throat: Repeat No.39 (WHITE)

Proper rest period is Nos. 25 to 34 inclusive

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE, sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetition of numbers designates the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetitions.

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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