Legend of A Rose

Title: Legend of A Rose

Author: Jules Reynard

Publisher: Sam Fox Pub. Co., 1915

Series: Sam Fox Theatre Pianists and Organists Series

Format: Sheet Music

Document type: Musical Score

All authors/contributors: Jules Reynard, Arr. by J.S. Zamecnik

OCLC Number:


Notes: For Piano

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Bowl of Pansies

Title: Bowl of Pansies

Author: Jules Reynard

Publisher: Sam Fox Pub. Co., 1914

Series: Sam Fox Theatre Pianists and Organists Series

Format: Sheet Music

Document type: Musical Score

All authors/contributors: Jules Reynard, Arr. by J.S. Zamecnik

OCLC Number:


Notes: For Piano

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: mdcGUln11Y

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Sam Fox Library Orchestra Folio No. 2

Title: Sam Fox Library Orchestra Folio No. 2

Author: Jules Reynard; Walter E. Miles; Ralph C. Jackson; Jessie L. Deppen; J. Dellinger Wood; W. T. Pearson; Lee S. Roberts

Publisher: Cleveland: Sam Fox Pub. Co., 1915


Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Jules Reynard; Walter E. Miles; Ralph C. Jackson; Jessie L. Deppen; J. Dellinger Wood; W. T. Pearson; Lee S. Roberts

OCLC Number: 367527938

Contents: 1. Legend of a Rose by Jules Reynard
2. Dainty Daffodils by Walter E. Miles
3. Admiration by Ralph C. Jackson
4. A Japanese Sunset by Jessie L. Deppen
5. Tulips by Walter E. Miles
6. Danse Fantastique by Jules Reynard
7. Phyllis (Valse Caprice) by Jessie L. Deppen
8. Spring Flowers by J. Dellinger Wood
9. Gavotte Piquante by W. T. Pearson
10. Iris by Jules Reynard
11. Cupid’s Frolic by Walter E. Miles
12. Summer Nights by Lee S. Roberts

Notes: for piano with violin line

Source: Silent Film Collection, Claire Hamack materials, American Music Research Center, University of Colorado at Boulder

SFSMA ID: 5Uj2gTj4e4

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