Jacobs’ Piano Folio of Ballets and Concert Waltzes, No. 2

Title: Jacobs’ Piano Folio of Ballets and Concert Waltzes, No. 2

Author: Walter Jacobs, Inc.

Publisher: Boston: Walter Jacobs, Inc., 1922

Series: Modern movie music

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Bernisne G. Clements, Gerald Frazee, Frank H. Grey, Frank E. Hersom, Norma Leigh, George L. Cobb

OCLC Number: 793850475

Contents: 1. Nature’s Mirror by Clements
2. Meditation by Frazee
3. Midsummer Fancies by Grey
4. Relaxation by Hersom
5. Fire-Fly and the Star by Leigh
6. Three Nymphs by Cobb

Notes: for piano

Source: Greg Breed

SFSMA ID: P7Hf0e81Xz

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PianOrgaN Film Books of Incidental Music, Vol. 1: Western Music and Galops

Title: PianOrgaN Film Books of Incidental Music, Vol. 1:  Western Music and Galops

Author: Belwin, Inc.

Publisher: New York: Belwin, 1925

Series: PianOrgaN film books of incidental music

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Adolf Minot, Walter C. Simon, Morris Aborn

OCLC Number: 761197680

Contents: 1. Western Rodeo (cowboy char) by Minot
2. Wild and Woolly (allgero) by Minot
3. Galop (char) by Minot
4. Stampede (lively) by Simon
5. Dashing Cowboy (char) by Aborn
6. Farcical Allegro by Aborn
7. The Round Up (galop) by Aborn

Notes: for piano and organ

Source: Silent Cinema Presentations, Inc.


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PianOrgaN Film Books of Incidental Music, Vol. 1: Misteriosos

Title: PianOrgaN Film Books of Incidental Music, Vol. 1:  Misteriosos

Author: Belwin, Inc.

Publisher: New York: Belwin, 1925

Series: PianOrgaN film books of incidental music

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Paul Vely, Gaston Borch, Adolf Minot, J. E. Andino, J. Santos

OCLC Number: 761197680

Contents: 1. Sinister Theme by Vely
2. Gruesome Misterioso (for Infernal or Witch Scenes) by Borch
3. Misterioso Dramatico (for Sudden or Impending Danger) by Borch
4. Pizzicato Misterioso (for Burglary and Stealth) by Minot
5. Misterioso (for general use) by Andino
6. Misterioso (for Burglary or Mystery) by Minot
7. The Conspirators by Santos

Notes: for piano and organ

Source: Silent Cinema Presentations, Inc.


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PianOrgaN Film Books of Incidental Music, Vol. 1: Melancholic Music

Title: PianOrgaN Film Books of Incidental Music, Vol. 1:  Melancholic Music

Author: Belwin, Inc.

Publisher: New York: Belwin, 1925

Series: PianOrgaN film books of incidental music

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Jacques Pintel, Erno rapee, Irenee Berge, Gaston Borch, Boris Levenson

OCLC Number: 761197680

Contents: 1. Melancholic Andante by Pintel
2. Melancholic Appassionato by Rapee
3. Appassionato Lirico by Berge
4. Andante Doloroso by Borch
5. Dramatic Andante by Berge
6. Andante Tragic by Levenson

Notes: for piano and organ

Source: Silent Cinema Presentations, Inc.


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PianOrgaN Film Books of Incidental Music, Vol. 1: Characteristic Incidents

Title: PianOrgaN Film Books of Incidental Music, Vol. 1:  Characteristic Incidents

Author: Belwin, Inc.

Publisher: New York: Belwin, 1925

Series: PianOrgaN film books of incidental music

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Bruno Hilse, Edouard Roberts, Morris Aborn

OCLC Number: 761197680

Contents: 1. Humorous Drinking Character by Roberts
2. Eccentric Comedy Character by Roberts
3. A Prohibition Episode (John Barleycorn’s Funeral) by Aborn
4. Desert Monotony (American desert scenes) by Aborn
5. Funeral Pomposo by Hilse
6. In an Opium Den by Aborn
7. Mournful Agitato by Hilse

Notes: for piano and organ

Source: Silent Cinema Presentations, Inc.


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PianOrgaN Film Books of Incidental Music, Vol. 1: Grave and Pathetic Music

Title: PianOrgaN Film Books of Incidental Music, Vol. 1:  Grave and Pathetic Music

Author: Belwin, Inc.

Publisher: New York: Belwin, 1925

Series: PianOrgaN film books of incidental music

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Erno Rapee, Gaston Borch

OCLC Number: 761197680

Contents: 1. Peacefulness by Borch
2. Lamentation Exotique by Borch
3. Recitative Heroique by Rapee
4. Silent Sorrows by Borch

Notes: for piano and organ

Source: Silent Cinema Presentations, Inc.

SFSMA ID: E50exXf6fS

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PianOrgaN Film Books of Incidental Music, Vol. 1: Furiosos and Battle Music

Title: PianOrgaN Film Books of Incidental Music, Vol. 1:  Furiosos and Battle Music

Author: Belwin, Inc.

Publisher: New York: Belwin, 1925

Series: PianOrgaN film books of incidental music

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Morris Aborn, Victor Boehnlein, Carl Kiefert, John Shepherd, Adolf Minot

OCLC Number: 761197680

Contents: 1. Blizzard by Aborn
2. Furioso (oriental) by Boehnlein
3. Furioso (riot and storm) by Kiefert
4. Battle Agitato by Shepherd
5. Battle Agitator (char.) by Minot
6. Furioso (riot and conflict) by Shepherd

Notes: for piano and organ

Source: Silent Cinema Presentations, Inc.


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PianOrgaN Film Books of Incidental Music, Vol. 1: First Book of Baron Preludes

Title: PianOrgaN Film Books of Incidental Music, Vol. 1:  First Book of Baron Preludes

Author: Maurice Baron

Publisher: New York: Belwin, 1925

Series: PianOrgaN film books of incidental music

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Maurice Baron

OCLC Number: 761197680

Contents: 1. Prelude to Oriental Dance
2. Prelude to Heroical Love Drama
3. Prelude to Western American Drama
4. Prelude to Period Costum [sic] Pictures
5. Prelude to Mystery Drama
6. Prelude to Parlor Comedy

Notes: for piano and organ

Source: Silent Cinema Presentations, Inc.

SFSMA ID: Avflt5forX

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PianOrgaN Film Books of Incidental Music, Vol. 1: Dramatic Appassionatos and Andantes


Title: PianOrgaN Film Books of Incidental Music, Vol. 1:  Dramatic Appassionatos and Andantes

Author: Belwin, Inc.

Publisher: New York: Belwin, 1925

Series: PianOrgaN film books of incidental music

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Gaston Borch, Irenee Berge, Chas. K. Herbert

OCLC Number: 761197680

Contents: Dramatic Andante (suppressed emotion)/Berge–Andante Pathetique/Berge–Andante Dramatic (danger)/Herbert–Appassionato (love scenes of passion)/Borch–Appassionato (from Romeo and Juliet)/Berge–Andante Dramatico (dramatic emotion)/Borch–Dramatic Andante (suppressed emotion)/Borch

Notes: for piano and organ

Source: Silent Cinema Presentations, Inc.


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PianOrgaN Film Books of Incidental Music, Vol. 1: Baron Cinema Music

Title: PianOrgaN Film Books of Incidental Music, Vol. 1:  Baron Cinema Music

Author: Maurice Baron

Publisher: New York: Belwin, 1925

Series: PianOrgaN film books of incidental music

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Maurice Baron

OCLC Number: 761197680

Contents: Galop Dramatique–Plainte Passionatee–Poursuite Impitoyable–Terreur–Lamentation Desesparee–Recitatif Dramatique, No. 1.

Notes: for piano and organ

Source: Silent Cinema Presentations, Inc.


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PianOrgaN Film Books of Incidental Music, Vol. 1: Neutral Agitatos

Title: PianOrgaN Film Books of Incidental Music, Vol. 1:  Neutral Agitatos

Author: Belwin, Inc.

Publisher: New York: Belwin, 1925

Series: PianOrgaN film books of incidental music

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors:  Morris Aborn, Victor Boehnlein, Carl Kiefert, Adolf Minot, John Shepherd

OCLC Number: 761197680

Contents: Agitato (angry discussion)/Kiefert–Agitato (general use)/Shepherd–Agitato (tumalt)/Minot–Agitato (minot)/Boehnlein–Agitato (rhythmic)/Boehnlein–Tensive Allegro (general)/Aborn

Notes: for piano and organ

Source: Silent Cinema Presentations, Inc.


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PianOrgaN Film Books of Incidental Music, Vol. 1: Characteristic Hurries and Allegros

Title: PianOrgaN Film Books of Incidental Music, Vol. 1:  Characteristic Hurries and Allegros

Author: Belwin, Inc.

Publisher: New York: Belwin, 1925

Series: PianOrgaN film books of incidental music

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: J. Andino, Gaston Borch, Adolf Minot, Erno Rapee

OCLC Number: 761197680

Contents: Cavalry Parade (Military scenes)/Andino–Hunting Scene (allegro vivace/Borch–Storm Furioso/Minot–Joyous Allegro (victory)/Borch–Galloping Furies (stampeding cattle)/Rapee

Notes: for piano and organ

Source: Silent Cinema Presentations, Inc.


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PianOrgaN Film Books of Incidental Music, Vol. 1: Recitatives and Tragic Music

Title: PianOrgaN Film Books of Incidental Music, Vol. 1:  Recitatives and Tragic Music

Author: Belwin, Inc.

Publisher: New York: Belwin, 1925

Series: PianOrgaN film books of incidental music

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Sol P. Levy, Paul Vely, Gaston Borch, Morris Aborn

OCLC Number: 761197680

Contents: Dramatic Recitative No. 1 (Heavy dramatic)/Levy–Dramatic Recitative No. (intensive dramatic)/Levy–Tragic Theme (Fatal and mournful)/Vely–Lamentoso (death-bed scene)/Borch–Andante Doloroso (grief and anguish)/Borch–Dramatic Recitative No. 2 (arguments)/Aborn

Notes: for piano and organ

Source: Silent Cinema Presentations, Inc.


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Sam Fox Moving Picture Music, Vol. 3

Title: Sam Fox Moving Picture Music, Vol. 3

Author: J. S. Zamecnik

Publisher: Cleveland: Sam Fox Pub. Co., 1914

Series: Sam Fox Moving Picture Music

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors:

OCLC Number: 761197680

Contents: 1. Moving Picture Medley
2. Western Scene
3. Western ‘Round Up’ Music
4. Indian Attack
5. Hunting Scene
6. Chimes (Church or Religious Scenes)
7. Intensely Dramatic Scene
8. Lullaby Music
9. Reception Music
10. Comedy Scene
11. Battle Scene
12. Court Martial Scene
13. Garden Love Scene
14. Plaintive Scene
15. Remorse
16. Cuban or Mexican Music (Maxixe Brazilian)
17. Marine Scene
18. Water or Magic Scene
19. Goodbye Music (For Parting or Love Scene)
20. Roman Festival Music
21. Detective Scene (In Search of a Clue)

Notes: for piano

Source: Silent Cinema Presentations, Inc.


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Sam Fox Moving Picture Music, Vol. 2

Title: Sam Fox Moving Picture Music, Vol. 2

Author: J. S. Zamecnik

Publisher: Cleveland: Sam Fox Pub. Co., 1914

Series: Sam Fox Moving Picture Music

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors:

OCLC Number: 761197680

Contents: 1. Triumphal March
2. Indian Love Song
3. Indian War Dance
4. Indian Music
5. Japanese Love Song
6. Oriental Dance or Scene
7. Oriental Music
8. Love Scene
9. Plaintive Music
10. Spanish or Mexican Scene
11. Five Dances: I. Russian Folk Dance, II. Minuet (Court Dance
12. Louis Xiv Period), III. Italian Tarantella, IV. Spanish Fandango, V. Zulu or African Dance
13. Weekly (Pathe, Gaumont, etc): Part 1. European Army Maneuvers, Part 2. Funeral March, Part 3. Paris Fashions, Part 4. Aeroplane of Regatta Races, Part 5. Marathon, Horse, or Automobile Races, Part 6. Exhibition-(Flower, etc), Part 7. Explosion or Fire Scene
14. Burglar or Sneaky Music
15. Hurry Music (for Combats, Struggles, etc).

Notes: for piano

Source: Silent Cinema Presentations, Inc.

SFSMA ID: 2oxKfzwsqK

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Sam Fox Moving Picture Music, Vol. 1

Title: Sam Fox Moving Picture Music, Vol. 1

Author: J. S. Zamecnik

Publisher: Cleveland: Sam Fox Pub. Co., 1914

Series: Sam Fox Moving Picture Music

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors:

OCLC Number: 761197680

Contents: 1. Festival March
2. Indian Music
3. Oriental Veil Dance
4. Chinese Music
5. Oriental Music
6. Mexican or Spanish Music
7. Funeral March
8. Death Scene
9. Church Music
10. War Scene: Part I (In Military Camp, Part 2 (Off to the Battle), Part 3 (The Battle)
11. Cowboy Music;” Grotesque or Clown Music
12. Mysterioso-Burglar Music
13. Mysterioso-Burglar Music
14. Hurry Music (for struggles)
15. Hurry Music (for duels)
16. Hurry Music
17. Hurry Music (for mob or fire scenes)
18. Storm Scene
19. Sailor Music
20. Fairy Music
21. Plaintive Music
22. Plaintive Music

Notes: for piano

Source: Silent Cinema Presentations, Inc.


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Recording by Michael Brown: on YouTube

The Verdict

Title: The Verdict

Author: J. S. Zamecnik

Publisher: Cleveland: Sam Fox Pub. Co., 1922

Series: Sam Fox Photoplay Edition, Vol. 2

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: J. S. Zamecnik

OCLC Number:


Notes: for piano

Source: Silent Cinema Presentations, Inc.


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Title: Regret

Author: J. S. Zamecnik

Publisher: Cleveland: Sam Fox Pub. Co., 1923


Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: J. S. Zamecnik

OCLC Number: 271777767


Notes: for violin 1, violin 2, viola, cello, bass, flute, clarinet 1, cornet 1, cornet 2, trombone, timpani, piano



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Recitativo No. 1

Title: Recitativo No. 1

Author: Erno Rapee and William Axt

Publisher: New York: Robbins-Engel, 1924

Series: Capitol Photoplay Series P15

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Erno Rapee and William Axt

OCLC Number: 37110700


Notes: for violin1, violin 2, viola, cello, bass, flute, clarinet 1, cornet 1, cornet 2, trombone, timpani, piano

Source: Silent Cinema Presentations, Inc.


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Belwin Incidental Symphonies, No. 12 Mysterioso Dramatico

Title: Belwin Incidental Symphonies, No. 12 Mysterioso Dramatico

Author: Leo A. Kempinski

Publisher: New York: Belwin, 1922

Series: Belwin Incidental Symphonies

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Leo A. Kempinski

OCLC Number: 24686376


Notes: for piano

Source: Silent Cinema Presentations, Inc.


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Agitato Pathetic

Title: Agitato Pathetic

Author: Edward Kilenyi and Hugo Frey. Orchestrated by Edward Turkisher.

Publisher: New York: Robbins-Engel, 1927

Series: Capitol Photoplay Series

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Edward Kilenyi, Hugo Frey, Edward Turkisher

OCLC Number: 271310352


Notes: for piano

Source: Silent Cinema Presentations, Inc.


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Fischer Professional Pianist’s Collection

Title: Fischer Professional Pianist’s Collection

Author: George Smith

Publisher: New York: Carl Fischer, 1913


Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: George Smith

OCLC Number: 35826128

Contents: 1. The Star Spangled Banner
2. Yankee Doodle
3. Marching though Georgia
4. Dixie’s Land
5. My Old Kentucky Home
6. Auld Lang Syne
7. We Won’t Go Home Until Morning
8. Home Sweet Home
9. LA Marseillaise
10. Killarney
11. Garibaldi Hymn
12. America
13. Soldier’s Farewell by Kinkel
14. Long, long ago by Bayly
15. Abide with Me by Monk
16. Nearer my God to Thee by Mason
17. The Girl I Left Behind Me
18. Dixie
19. The Boy Scouts March and Two-Step, introducing Columbia the Gem of the Ocean, Dixie and the Star Spangled Banner by Heneberg
20. Before the Mast Nautical Medley March by Laurendeal
21. The Skaters Watlz by Waldteufeu
22. Folle Extase (Dream of Delight) Valse by Milok
23. Birds of Spring Mazurka by Williams
24. Electric-Galop by Wohanska
25. Circus Galop by Donnawell
26. Sextette from Lucia di Lammermoor by Donizetti
27. Miserere (Il Trovatore) by Verdi
28. Toreador Song (March from Carmen) by Bizet
29. Spring Song, Op. 62, No. 6 by Mendelssohn
30. Intermezzo sinfonico by Mascagni
31. The Palms by J. Faure
32. Dreaming (Traumerei) Op. 15, No. 7 by Schumann
33. March Religioso No. 1 by Chambers
34. Bridal Chorus from the Opera Lohengrin by Wagner
35. Wedding March by Mendelssohn
36. Menuet from Don Juan by Mozart
37. Stephanie Gavotte by Czibulka
38. Coronation March from Lo Prophoto (Meyerbeer) by arr. Reinhard
39. Funeral March by Chopin
40. Tyrolienne by Kiesewetter
41. Indian Dance by Kiesewetter
42. Indian War Dance by Smith
43. Indian Love Song by Smith
44. Dance of the Medicine Man by Smith
45. Coochi Coochi by Clark
46. Turkish Patrol by Michaelis
47. Japanese Air
48. Chinese Wedding Procession by Hosmer
49. The Jolly German by Aucher-Mald
50. Mazel Tof
51. Czardas
52. The Skirt Dance by Lutz
53. Spanish Dances, Op. 12 by Moszkowsji
54. Spanish Waltz by Smith
55. La Paloma by Yradier
56. College or Sailor’s Hornpipe
57. Turkey in the Straw
58. Fisher’s Hornpipe
59. Garry Owen Jig
60. Pop Goes the Weasel Virginia Reel
61. U.S. Army Signals for Trumpet
62. Fire Alarm
63. Battle Scene by Smith
64. Storm Music by Smith
65. Mysterious Music by Smith
66. Fantastic Dance by Smith
67. Gipsy Dance by Smith
68. Mysterious by Smith

Notes: for piano



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Picture Music, vol. 2

Title: Picture Music: a collection of classic and modern compositions for the organ especially adapted for the moving pictures with practical suggestions to the organist, Vol. 2.

Author: Lacey Baker

Publisher: New York: The H. W. Gray Co., 1919


Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Lacey Baker

OCLC Number: 36958895

Contents: 1. Allegro quasi marcia, op. 9 by Cole
2. Berceuse, op. 13, no. 7 by Ilynsky
3. Cantilena in D by Matthews
4. Cradle song by Kreiser
5. Cradle song by Lacey
6. Concert caprice by Kreiser
7. Festive march by Maxson
8. Les cloches de Ste. Marie = St. Mary’s bells by Lacey
9. Meditation by Hailing
10. Minuet from String quartette by Boccherini
11. Prière du matin = Morning prayer by Lacey
12. Romance in C by Maxson

Notes: for organ



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Picture Music, vol. 1

Title: Picture Music: a collection of classic and modern compositions for the organ especially adapted for the moving pictures with practical suggestions to the organist, Vol. 1.

Author: Lacey Baker

Publisher: New York: The H. W. Gray Co., 1919


Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Lacey Baker

OCLC Number: 36958895

Contents: 1. Sonata quasi una fantasia. Adagio sostenuto (Moonlight sonata) by Beethoven
2. Danse arabe = (Arabian dance), op. 71a by Tschaikowsky
3. Canzonetta by Godard
4. Cantabile from Samson and Dalila by Saint-Säens
5. Chanson triste, op. 40, no. 2 by Tschaikowsky
6. Cornelius march, op. 108 by Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
7. Peer Gynt suite no. 1, op. 46. The death of Ase by Grieg
8. La reine des Péris. Forlane by Aubert
9. Humoreske, op. 33, no. 1 by Ward
10. Mélodie, op. 42, no. 3 by Tschaikowsky
11. Nocturne in G minor, op. 37, no. 1 by Chopin
12. Prayer: Adoramus te by Palestrina

Notes: for organ


SFSMA ID: nv3xr24mHG

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