Title: Seventh Heaven
Author: Erno Rapee
Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927
Format: Cue Sheet
Document type: Cue Sheet
All authors/contributors: Erno Rapee
OCLC Number:
- At Screening: “Romance-Caprice” by Fauchey
- In The Slums: “L’Amour Maboul” by Flament
- Fade Into Stairs: “Overture Tragique” by Zerco
SEGUE: “A Critical Moment” by Becce
- Onion Seen: “Tragedienne” by Kay
- I Don’t Think You’re: “Temptation” by Sommer
- Medals Seen: “O Divine Redeemer” by Gounod
- Chico Meets Streetwasher: “La Belle France” by Laurendeau
- Girl Seen: “Bientot Libre” by Gabriel Marie
- Boy Takes Knife Away: Repeat No.6 “O Divine Redeemer”
- You’ve Got A Great Head: LOVE THEME “Valse Dramatique” by Rapee
- Crank Up Eloise: “Morning” by Speaks
- Couple Starts To Stairs: Repeat Love Theme No.10
- Couple Arrive In Room: “O Divine Redeemer” by Gounod
- Boy Leaves Room: “Reverie” by Vieuxtemps
- Fade-Out On Night Scene: LOVE THEME “Valse Dramatique” by Rapee
- Streetwasher Comes Visiting: Repeat No.7 “La Belle France”
- Two Men Leave Room: Repeat Love Theme No.10
- Change To Washers: Repeat No.7 “La Belle France”
- Fade-Out On Washers: “Mignonette” by Friml
- Detective Enters: Repeat No.6 “O Divine Redeemer”
- Detective Leaves: Repeat Love Theme No.15
- Change of Scene: “Caprice Joyeux” by Seeligson
- Change To Girl: Repeat Love Theme No.10
SEGUE: “Tales By Moonlight” by Thomas
- Heaven: Repeat Love Theme No.10
- Boy Looks At Medals: Repeat No.13 “O Divine Redeemer”
- Street Seen: Roll on Drums
- Two Men On Balcony: French Assembly Call—1/2 tone up
- Two Women Seen: “Patrie” by Bizet
- Girl Comes In White Gown: Repeat Love Theme No.15
SEGUE: “Patrie” by Bizet
- Boy Picks Up Medals: Repeat No.6 “O Divine Redeemer”
- Change To Woman In Bed: “Patrie” by Bizet
- Stand Still: Repeat Love Theme No.10
- Door Opens: “Agitato No.2” by Rapee-Axt
- After Girl Takes Whip: “O Divine Redeemer” by Gounod
- Girl Alone: Repeat Love Theme No.10
- Invading Armies: “Gruesome War Theme” by Rapee
- Change To Frenchmen: “Patrie” by Bizet
- Change To Germans: Repeat No.36 “Gruesome War Theme”
- Change To Room: Repeat No.6 “O Divine Redeemer”
- Change To French Officers: Repeat No.36 “Gruesome War Theme”
- Order Out The Garrison: “Madelon” by Robert
- Trumpeter Seen: French Assembly—Wheel Effect
- Taxis Seen: “La Marseillaise”
SEGUE: “Madelon” by Robert
- Big Gun Seen: “Robespierre Overture” by Litolff
- My Poor Eloise: Repeat No.41 “Madelon” (2 bars only)
- Change To Factory: “Patrie” by Bizet
- Duck Seen: “Ma Poulette” by Roberts
- Be Quiet: Repeat Love Theme No.10
- Change To Factory: Repeat No.46 “Patrie”
- Trenches Seen: “Robespierre Overture” by Litolff
- Chico Looks At Watch: Repeat Love Theme No.10
- Man Jumps In Trenches: “Robespierre Overture” by Litolff
- Chico’s Medal Taken Out By Father: Repeat No.31 “Patrie”
- Father Shows girl Medal: LOVE THEME “Valse Dramatique” by Rapee
SEGUE: “Lamento” by Gabriel Marie
- Chico Seen Running: LOVE THEME “Valse Dramatique” by Rapee
- Diane: LOVE THEME “Valse Dramatique” by Rapee
Source: Carl Braun Collection
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