
Title: Outlawed

Author: Howard T. Wood

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Howard T. Wood

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Scenic Andante” by Hilse
  2. Ann Jenkins: “Ave Aprile” by Culotta
  3. Girl Fires Pistol: “Finale from ‘Symphonette’” by Berge
  4. Girl Sees Tom: THEME “Maid of the West” by Smith
  5. For Months the Village: “Mysterious Stranger” by Kay
  6. Jenkins Enters Bank: “Dram. Tension No.36” by Andino
  7. Jim Dervish Had An Established Reputation: Repeat No.5 “Mysterious Stranger”
  8. Back to Jenkins and Banker: Repeat No.6 “Dram. Tension No.36”
  9. Shortly After Midnight: Repeat No.5 “Mysterious Stranger”
  10. Villain Shoots Banker: “Trouble” by Bierman
  11. Sheriff Enters Bank—Arrests Tom: “The Accuser” by kay
  12. Are We Going To Wait For The Law: “Allegro Precipitoso” by Savino
  13. Man Ropes Sheriff’s Gun: “Hurry No.87” by Berge
  14. Mix Is Shot, From Horse: “Sinister Agitato” by Drigo’s Cinema Classics
  15. Dawn: “Amerinda” by Smith
  16. You Were Plumb Right: “Hedge Roses” by Frey
  17. Who Fired That Shot?: “Dram. Tension No.67” by Shepard
  18. The Largest Ranch: “Autumn Gold” by Kappey
  19. The Hide-Out of Dervish’s Gang: Repeat No.5 “Mysterious Stranger”
  20. Tom Became an Ideal Domestic: “Sheep and Goat” by Guion
  21. That’s De Long The Ranch Foreman: Repeat No.5 “Mysterious Stranger”
  22. Mix Mounts—Follows De Long: “Omens” by Schad
  23. Girl’s Horse Frightened—Runaway: “Agitated Hurry” by Berge
  24. I Was On My Way: Repeat Theme No.4
  25. Ann Always Kept Her Promises: “Rambler Roses” by Wheeler
  26. Mix Enters: “Ballade d’Amour” by Sanders
  27. But I Do Believe You: Repeat Theme No.4
  28. Change of Scene To Jenkins’ Ranch: Repeat No.5 “Mysterious Stranger”
  29. Mix, Ann and Sagebrush Ride Up: “En Visite” by McDonald
  30. Interior—Jenkins and Dervish: Repeat No.5 “Mysterious Stranger”
  31. Exterior—Ann and Tom: Repeat Theme No.4
  32. Change Back To Jenkins and Dervish: “A Mysterious Event” by Zamecnik
  33. Tom Sees Dervish Sneaking: Repeat No.5 “Mysterious Stranger”
  34. Tom Struck Down: “Spirit of the Night” by Neinass
  35. Fade-Out of Dervish At Upper Window: “At Dawn” by Delje
  36. Change To Gang And Tom: “Agitato Misterioso” by Langey
  37. Ann Is Seen: Repeat Theme No.4
  38. Dervish Is Giving Us The Double Cross: “Mystery Hurry” by Berge
  39. We Got A Tip That The Man: “Poursuite Dramatique” by Drigo’s Cinema Classics
  40. Tom At Ranch—Attacks Dervish: “Angosciosamente” by Gabriel Marie
  41. Tom Jumps From Porch On To Dervish: “Dram. Agitato No.1” by Ketelbey
  42. Dervish Killed Barnes: Repeat Theme No.4

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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