Dream of Love

Title: Dream of Love

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Café Chantant” by Fletcher
  2. Clown blows trumpet: “Dark Eyes” by Marquardt
  3. Men grab girl’s ankles: “Sognai” by Schira
  4. Flowers thrown at girl: “Paragraphs” by Fall
  5. I couldn’t go: “If Love Were All” by Axt (WHITE)
  6. Play once and segue: “Springtime of Life” by Marquardt
  7. Soldier opens bottle of wine: Repeat No. 5 (WHITE)
  8. Fade to exterior – rain scene: “Redzi” by Caludi
  9. Rose and note put in envelope: “Wedding Dreams” by Marquardt
  10. Time and love: “Recitative Heroique” by Rapee (RED)
  11. But if he becomes: “Adolescence” by Collinge
  12. The dictator entertained: “Dance of the Sylphes” by Marquardt
  13. The last time: “Maesmawr” by Curti
  14. Men die: “Plaisir d’Amour” by Martini
  15. Prince opens door: “Loves Fantasy” by Frommel
  16. Dictator enters: Repeat No. 10 (RED)
  17. Dictator steps on lace veil: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 14” by Marquardt
  18. Dictator leaves prince: Repeat No. 15 “Loves Fantasy”
  19. Theatre placard on screen: “Halimar” by Banta
  20. Stage curtains open: Repeat No. 5 (WHITE)
  21. Stage curtains close: “Bacchanale de Montmartre” by Ketelbey
  22. Stage curtains open—2nd Act: Repeat No. 9 “Wedding Dreams”
  23. Stage curtains close: Repeat No. 21 “Bacchanale de Montmartre”
  24. Plays about love: “Poeme Erotique” by Varnier
  25. Play once and segue: “Love Song” by Langgaard
  26. Stripes for wounds: “Tendresse” by Pente
  27. If it would interest you: “If Love Were All” by Axt (WHITE)
  28. Actress goes to dictator: “Recitative Heroique” by Rapee (RED)
  29. Woman’s feet and train seen: “Albumblatt” by Hilse
  30. Woman telephones to prince: “Love Fantasy” by Frommel
  31. End of telephoning scene: “Love Scene” by Borch
  32. Fade to chess game: Repeat No. 28 (RED)
  33. I’m sorry: Repeat No. 30 “Love Fantasy”
  34. Prince signs paper: Repeat No. 27 (WHITE)
  35. I am playing: “Recitative and Soliloquy” by Savino
  36. Dictator pushes door open: Repeat No. 28 (RED)
  37. Gentlemen, you will be: Repeat No. 17 “Symphonic Incidentals No. 14”
  38. Dictator and soldiers leave: “Ombres d’Automne” by Mavne
  39. Woman drinks from wine glass: Repeat no. 28 (RED)
  40. Woman selling papers: “Funebra” by Gabriel Marie
  41. Some people like opera: “Is Mournful Mood” by Sibelius
  42. Soldiers fire in air: “Insurrection” by Schertzinger
  43. Church bells tolling: “Processional” by Clutsam
  44. Interior scene—room door closed: “If Love Were All” by Axt (WHITE)

Proper orchestra rest period is Nos. 24 to 31 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetitions of numbers designate the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetition.

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: s5uwsQrQTl

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The Dove

Title: The Dove

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Magic Sunbeams” by Drumm, Segue to “Spanish Love Theme” by Marquardt (WHITE)
  2. A palm blessed land: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 2” by Marquardt
  3. Woman walks out of store: “Facing Death” by Becce (BLACK)
  4. Across the desert: “La Gitana” by Kreisler
  5. People show on screen after moving scenes: “Diabolical Allegro” by Bergunker (RED)
  6. Very well, let him talk: “Eroticon” by Mikulicz, Segue to “Santanna” by Bryan
  7. The dance hall is called: “Pepita” by Motzan
  8. Don Sandoval has: Trumpet Call by trumpeter
  9. One scene: “Matador” by Marchisio
  10. Man stops band playing: “La Clavel” by Kempinski
  11. Enough of this: “The Kinkajou” by Tierney
  12. Don Sandoval kissing girl: “Jurame” by Grever
  13. After toast – party drinks: “Yearning” by Crist
  14. Second time “The Dove” door shows: “Rio Rita” by Tierney
  15. Lights go out while Don Sandoval is dancing on table: “Charrita” by Santos
  16. End of dance—Norma’s back to camera: “Fandango” by Hosmer
  17. Hot sport: “Melida” by Elie (LIGHT GREEN)
  18. I cannot go on: “Echo of Spring” by Cunningham
  19. Norma Talmadge gets up from chair: Repeat No. 17 (LIGHT GREEN)
  20. Don Sandoval closes gates: “Diabolical Negro” by Bergunker (RED)
  21. Messenger at door speaks to Don Sandoval: “Cavatina” by Bohm
  22. Man walks out of room from Norma Talmadge: “Spanish Love Theme” by Marquardt (WHITE), Segue to “Memories Eternal” by Torke
  23. I’ve got no sweetheart: “Serenade” by Pierne
  24. Fade-out as boy walks from lovers in house: “Facing Death” by Becce (BLACK)
  25. Fade-out of Don Sandoval: Repeat No. 22 (WHITE)
  26. Close-up of Norma Talmadge at door after lover leaves: Repeat No. 17 (LIGHT GREEN)
  27. Proprietor walks into room: “Defiant Love” by Schad (LIGHT BLUE)
  28. Door opens: “Espana Waltz” by Waldteufel
  29. Next morning: “Manzanillo” by Robyn
  30. Norma Talmadge throws dice: Repeat No. 22 (WHITE)
  31. Shanghai Charley’s: “Moon Madness” by Lodge
  32. Girl at gambling table winning chips: Repeat No. 20 (RED)
  33. Don Sandoval walks out of gambling house: Repeat No. 27 (LIGHT BLUE)
  34. Will you stop: “The Rebellion” by Patou
  35. Close-up of man with two revolvers: Repeat No. 20 (RED)
  36. Dealer changes dice: Repeat No. 24 (BLACK)
  37. Boy shows dice to people in room: “Incidental Symphony No. 13” by Casini
  38. People chased out of gambling house: Repeat No. 24 (BLACK)
  39. Worry not: Repeat No. 27 (LIGHT BLUE)
  40. Norma Talmadge walks back to lover: “Spanish Love Theme” by Marquardt (WHITE)
  41. But I’m so scared: “The Awakening” by Zamecnik
  42. This ring my Johnny give me: “Facing Death” by Becce (BLACK)
  43. Fade-out of Commandante with money: “Reverie” by Drumm
  44. Shadow shows on screen: “Diabolical Allegro” by Bergunker (RED)
  45. Don Sandoval drinks: “Misterioso Fantastico” by Becce
  46. Don Sandoval applauds: Repeat No. 44 (RED)
  47. What you want: “Descriptive Agitato No. 38” by Bochnlein
  48. You will tell him: Repeat No. 42 (BLACK)
  49. Close-up of lover with soldiers after villains hide: Repeat No. 40 (WHITE)
  50. This is good-bye: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 6” by Marquardt
  51. Fade-out after title – “You betcha my life”: “Mysterious March” by Borch
  52. Scene showing house: “Manzanillo” by Robyn
  53. Soldiers ride into house: “Mehda” by Elie (LIGHT GREEN)
  54. Maybe I like you very much: “Misterioso Irresoluto” by Langey
  55. Don Sandoval knocks glass of wine out of Norma Talmadge’s hand: “Defiant Love” by Schad (LIGHT BLUE)
  56. Don Sandoval stops laughing at Norma Talmadge: Repeat No. 42 (BLACK)
  57. Lover walks to Norma Talmadge: Repeat No. 40 (WHITE)
  58. Servant throws plant from balcony on lover: “Furioso No. 89” by Berge
  59. Courtyard scene after lover is captured: “Grand Dramatic Scene” by May
  60. Norma Talmadge runs to and embraces lover: “Reproach” by Zamecnik
  61. Norma Talmadge goes from Don Sandoval to lover: “Spanish Love Theme” by Marquardt (WHITE)
  62. Soldiers raise rifles: “Facing Death” by Becce (BLACK)
  63. The best damn caballero: Repeat No. 55 (LIGHT BLUE)
  64. Servant walks on to Don Sandoval and off: Repeat No. 61 (WHITE)

Proper orchestra rest period is Nos. 26 to 34 inclusive.

NOTE: “Diabolical Allegro” by Bergunker, No. 5 and 20, etc., in the score should never be played fast, and not like an Agitato. A cynical threat is desired. The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetitions of numbers designate the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetition.

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: g4lJo8Oa8j

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The Divine Woman

Title: The Divine Woman

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Your Live Is All” by Zamecnik
  2. To understand this woman: “Isabel” by Bowers
  3. In Brittany: “Your Love Is All” by Zamecnik (WHITE)
  4. Fade-out of bedroom scene: “Chanson Francaise” by Marquardt (YELLOW)
  5. Woman and man walk out of dining room to hall: “Habanera” from Carmen by Bizet
  6. Don’t you understand: Repeat No. 3 (WHITE)
  7. Child embraces mother: “Serenade Passionnee” by Heymann
  8. Child puts on cloak: Repeat No. 4 (YELLOW)
  9. A portrait of one of my departed husbands: Repeat No. 7 (DARK BLUE)
  10. Screen falls down: “Film Theme No. 1 by Tschaikowsky
  11. Fade-out of man seated on floor: “Carabi” (old French chant)
  12. Girl stops on steps to house: Repeat No. 3 (WHITE)
  13. In that case: Repeat No. 11 “Carabi”
  14. Wagon drives off: “Garden Whispers” by Herkan
  15. Fade as soldier and girl go up steps: “Dreams of Love” by Liszt
  16. After soldier kisses girl: “Endearment” by Hawthorne
  17. Girl enters house: Repeat No. 4 (YELLOW)
  18. Soldier walks up street: Repeat No. 3 (WHITE)
  19. Fade as two women embrace: “Mystic Romance” by Srawley (RED)
  20. Fade as officer leads girl off: “Gavotte” from Garden Suite by Luz
  21. Clock on screen: “Nocturne” from Garden Suite by Luz
  22. Soldier leaves room after title – “There’ll still be soldiers”: Repeat No. 11 “Carabi”
  23. Soldier and girl kiss: “Chanson Francaise” by Marquardt (YELLOW)
  24. Girl about to light lamp: “Carabi” (old French chant)
  25. Soldier places girl back on chair: “Your Love Is All” by Zamecnik
  26. Quarrel at table: “Serenade passionnee” by Heymann (DARK BLUE)
  27. Girl takes off soldier’s belt: Repeat No. 1 (WHITE)
  28. Lovers seated in window: Repeat No. 24 “Carabi”
  29. Fade after title – “How brave a lad I was”: “In the Queen’s Palace” by Schertzing
  30. Girl in dressing room: Repeat No. 19 (RED)
  31. Molly Moran smoking cigar: “Told At Twilight” by Huerier
  32. Girl sees man at door: “Agitato No. 20” by Borch
  33. Girl runs out of room followed by man: Repeat No. 26 (DARK BLUE)
  34. The combination of an umbrella and you: Repeat No. 23 (YELLOW)
  35. Clothes shop: “Mystic Romance” by Srawley (RED)
  36. Love walks out of shop after stealing dress: Repeat No. 23 (YELLOW)
  37. They were given to me: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 1” by Marquardt
  38. Lover slaps girl’s face: Repeat No. 25 (WHITE)
  39. Police entering door: Repeat No. 35 (RED)
  40. Girl embracing lover: “Serenade passionnee” by Heymann (DARK BLUE)
  41. Lover led off — girl in hall: “Simple Aveu” by Thome
  42. I don’t want to be an actress: “Zareda” by Tschaikowsky
  43. Fade as girl is reading part in play: “Marche Lorraine” by Canne
  44. Fade-out of hands applauding: Repeat No. 42 “Zareda”
  45. I’ll see if rehearsal is ready: “Your Love Is All” by Zamecnik (WHITE)
  46. Poor Lucien: Repeat No. 40 (DARK BLUE)
  47. Bell rings: “Sympathy” by Mezzacapo
  48. Actress picks up two wash baskets: Repeat No. 40 (DARK BLUE)
  49. Actor dismissed: “Reverie” from Pathetic Suite by Luz
  50. Dressing room scene: “Elegie” from Pathetic Suite by Luz
  51. Actress sits down at table: Repeat No. 42 “Zareda”
  52. Prison scene: Repeat No. 35 (RED)
  53. Electric lights flashed: “Passe-Pied” by Gillet
  54. To La Marianne: “Uneasiness” by Mendelssohn
  55. Mother leaves dressing room: Repeat No. 35 (RED)
  56. Actress runs to lover: “Serenade passionnee” by Heymann (DARK BLUE)
  57. Yes, I am: Repeat No. 45 (WHITE)
  58. People show in hall: “Winsome Winnie” by Mehegan
  59. People leave room: “Your Love Is All” by Zamecnik (WHITE)
  60. The last act: Repeat No. 56 (DARK BLUE)
  61. Door opens: “Canto Amoroso” by Samartini-Elman
  62. Curtain down: “Lament” by Herrmann
  63. Fame is witch: “Carabi” (old French chant)
  64. Vision of lover in hall: “Mystic Romance” by Srawley (RED)
  65. Newspaper article on screen: “Lovers Meeting” by Kempinski
  66. Won’t you go for me: Repeat No. 56 (DARK BLUE)
  67. You’re going to live: “Your Love Is All” by Zamecnik (WHITE)

Proper orchestra rest period is Nos. 20 to 33 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetitions of numbers designate the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetition.

“Serenade passionnee” (DARK BLUE) should always begin at 5th bar and played Appassionato—instruments play all small notes. No. 11 “Carabi” must be played in four beats to bar Moderato tempo to fit “Ron, Ton, Ton” words on screen.

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: ty6LT6fPde

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Diamond Handcuffs

Title: Diamond Handcuffs

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Forest Murmurs” by Friml (WHITE)
  2. A diamond mine: “Vale of Kashmir” by Bierman
  3. Three men seated at table looking at diamonds: “Zuleika” from Oriental Ballet No. 2 by Riesenfeld (DARK GREEN)
  4. Fade-out of native girl crouching along wall: “Notturno Fantastico” by Huppertz (RED)
  5. Man escapes under wall – girl shows: Repeat No. 3 (DARK GREEN)
  6. Native leaves girl – crawls under wall: Repeat No. 4 (RED)
  7. Foreman walks to injured native: “Hindu Nautch Dance” by Vaughan
  8. One dance scene (injured man shows): “The Enchanted Castle” by Marquardt
  9. Native man at wall: “Furioso No. 2” by Armandola
  10. Girl hides injured man: Repeat No. 3 (DARK GREEN)
  11. Injured man falls at feet at girl: “The Meeting” by Bierman
  12. Then the diamond travelled: “Little Dot” by Froehlich
  13. I’ll be delighted: Repeat No. 4 (RED)
  14. Fade-out of jewelry store: Repeat No. 3 (DARK GREEN)
  15. Fade to street from couch in room: Repeat No. 4 (RED)
  16. Husband comes from jewelry store: “A Remembered Kiss” by Vannah
  17. Maid with diamond on finger walks from husband: Repeat No. 3 (DARK GREEN)
  18. Morning: Repeat No. 4 (RED)
  19. After jewelry store wife telephoning: “Melancholy” by Eggert
  20. Husband leaves wife: Repeat No. 4 (RED)
  21. After main shows in bedroom: “Furioso No. 3” by Langey
  22. So the diamond: “Little Miss Butterfly” by Cussans
  23. Girl sits down at table with three men: “Dramatic Andante No. 1” by Borch
  24. Girl enters room upstairs: “Un Sonnet d’Amour” by Harms
  25. I’ll never be happy: Repeat No. 3 (DARK GREEN)
  26. Girl lies down on couch: Repeat No. 4 (RED)
  27. Jewelry store scene: “Unrest” by Geehl
  28. After thief leaves store – taxi interior: “Misterioso alla Valse” by Savino
  29. Detectives enter Spike’s Restaurant: “Dramatic Appassionato” by Ciganeri
  30. Now that our friends have beat it: Repeat No. 4 (RED)
  31. Girl in room upstairs at mirror: Repeat No. 3 (DARK GREEN)
  32. It’s not that big stone: Repeat No. 1 (WHITE)
  33. Don’t you understand: “A Tone Picture” by Haas
  34. Fade-out of girl seated with doctor to street scene: “Arabian Romance” by Polla
  35. Orchestra stops: Short Tacet
  36. Leader makes announcement: “Sugar Foot Strut” by Schwab
  37. Dancers off after title – “You did”: Repeat No. 4 (RED)
  38. After announcement: “My Pet” by Ager
  39. Never mind the dance: Repeat No. 4 (RED)
  40. Stop short as Spike strikes girl: “Lonely Hours” by Kempinski
  41. Doc, I want to know: “Misterioso No. 82” by Berge
  42. Three men walk to table: Repeat No. 4 (RED)
  43. And they never come back: “Panicy Agitato” by Berge
  44. Two colored actors show: “Presto No. 27” by Lake
  45. After Spike is shot: Repeat No. 3 (DARK GREEN)
  46. Wagon runs over diamond: Repeat No. 1 (WHITE)

Proper orchestra rest period is Nos. 19 to 29 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetitions of numbers designate the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetition.

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Devil Dancer

Title: The Devil Dancer

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Kashmiri Song” by Woodforde-Finden (WHITE)
  2. Tibet, high in the: “Before the Battle” from T’Chaka by Ring (RED)
  3. While on the road: “Monarah” from T’Chaka by Ring
  4. And a strange event: Repeat No. 2 (RED)
  5. And thus Takla: Repeat No. 1 (WHITE)
  6. Big gong: “Incidental Symphony No. 28” by Damaur
  7. Close-up scene of prisoners coming downstairs: “Marcia Tragica” by Mikulicz
  8. Our ancient law: Repeat No. 6 “Incidental Symphony No. 28”
  9. Servant embraces Takla: “Orientale” by Cui
  10. Fade-out of men making up to tom tom: tom tom by drummer
  11. One scene: “Orgy” from Babylon by Elie
  12. Close-up of man hitting native cymbal: “Temple Bells” by Woodforde-Finden (ORANGE)
  13. Mask taken off girl’s head: “Dance of the Gnomes” by Hynsky
  14. Dancer falls down stairs: “Misterioso No. 4” by Bergunker
  15. White man climbs over garden wall: “Less Than the Dust” by Woodforde-Finden (BROWN)
  16. White man climbs to girl on balcony: Repeat No. 1 (WHITE)
  17. While the prayer wheels spin: “Before the Battle” from T’Chaka by Ring
  18. Garden scene: “Kashmiri Song” by Woodforde-Finden (WHITE), interrupt with trombone and horns imitating big trumpet, then segue to “Sarcasm” by Kempinski
  19. Maid shows after white man gives Takla cross: Repeat No. 18 (WHITE)
  20. When the moon is highest: Repeat No. 17 (RED)
  21. Masked girl enters temple: “Incidental Symphony No. 28” by Damaur
  22. Fade to two priests after close-up of wagon interior showing girl: “Semi-Oriental Maestoso” by Becce
  23. Kolan: “On the Bosporus” by Lincke
  24. Stephen says he has a surprise for us: “Miss Mischief” by Kempinski
  25. Man in garden mixes drink and drinks: “Temple Bells” by Woodforde-Finden (ORANGE)
  26. Takla drops cup of tea and cake: “Kashmiri Song” by Woodforde-Finden (WHITE), introduction
  27. Evening: “Spirit of Spring” by Reiser
  28. Lover walks off screen from sister: Repeat No. 26 (WHITE)
  29. Outside the gates: “Egyptian Dance” by Friml
  30. Lover walks to Takla dancing: “Kashmiri Song” by Woodforde-Finden (WHITE)
  31. Man enters room closing doors: Repeat No. 29 “Egyptian Dance”
  32. One dance scene: “Tensive Misterioso” by Peele
  33. Fade-out as woman walks from gate: “Fugitive” by Maiorana
  34. South toward: “In Sight of the Oasis” by Baron, SEGUE to “An Indian Legend” by Baron
  35. Takla has handkerchief – drops to ground: “Danse Oriental” by Lubomirsky
  36. Hassim annoying Takla after dancing: “An Indian Legend” by Baron
  37. Takla throws cross to floor: “Scene au Serai” by Les Orientales by Gauwin
  38. A month later: Continue No. 37
  39. Takla finishes dance with whirl: “Defense of Honor” by Zamecnik
  40. Nautch girls pass Takla on balcony: “Vision Orientale” by Marquardt
  41. Hassim embraces Takla: Repeat No. 39 “Defense of Honor”
  42. Hassim walks out of room after fight: Repeat No. 40 “Vision Orientale”
  43. Nautch girls show: Repeat No. 35 “Danse Oriental”
  44. Nautch rubs body against white visitor: Repeat No. 40 “Vision Orientale”
  45. Takla walks out on balcony: Repeat No. 35 “Danse Oriental”
  46. One dance scene: “A Villainous Theme” by Engleman
  47. Takla walks out of room: Repeat No. 35 “Danse Oriental”
  48. One dance scene: “Before the Battle” from T’Chaka by Ring (RED)
  49. I have come to take you back: “Shadowed” by Zamecnik
  50. What have you done with Takla: “Incidental Symphony No. 1” by Kempinski
  51. Lama kills boy with knife in Takla’s dressing room: “Monarah” from T’Chaka by Ring
  52. Lama leading Takla out of room: Repeat No. 50 “Incidental Symphony No. 1”
  53. Interior of room after Lama is thrown into river: “Kashmiri Song” by Woodforde-Finden (WHITE)

Proper orchestra rest period is Nos. 22 to 29 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetitions of numbers designate the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetition.

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Title: Detectives

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “The Devil’s Elixir” by Marquardt (BROWN)
  2. This story is dedicated: “Agitato No. 4” by Zamecnik
  3. Men knocked down stairs: “Sunshine and Flowers” by Schoenfeld
  4. Close-up of man snoring: “Mignonette” by Sodero
  5. Up in Orloff’s room: “Gossip” by Marquardt (LIGHT BLUE)
  6. Doctor speaking to detective: ”Lucky In Love” by Henderson (YELLOW)
  7. Detective stabs bellboy with badge pin: Repeat No. 5 (LIGHT BLUE)
  8. Tomorrow ladies: “The Hour of Ghosts” by Becce (RED)
  9. Hall scene showing bellboy: Repeat No. 5 (LIGHT BLUE)
  10. Stop short as detective raises hand to strike bellboy: “Eternal Poem” by Weiller
  11. Plotters show on screen after detective laughs: Repeat No. 8 (RED)
  12. Bellboy walks out of room where card players are seen: “Agitato Mysterioso” by Norton
  13. Hand takes hold of detective’s legs: “In Pensive Mood” by Berge
  14. I’ve got it: :”The Devil’s Elixir” by Marquardt (BROWN)
  15. Man falls out of closet: “Gossip” by Marquardt (LIGHT BLUE)
  16. The following morning: “Lucky In Love” by Henderson (YELLOW)
  17. Stop with pistol shot: “A Little Peach” by Colin
  18. Boy disguised as girl enters room: “The Hour of Ghosts” by Becce (RED)
  19. Crook puts flashlight in drawer: “Defense of Honor” by Zamecnik
  20. I never saw such a fresh maid: “A Place of Dreams” by Gras
  21. Hotel hall scene: “The Home Stretch” by Bierman
  22. Fade-out after detective is caught in window: Repeat No. 18 (RED)
  23. Girl takes necklace out of crook’s pocket: Repeat No. 15 (LIGHT BLUE)
  24. Girl hid in mummy box: “Astir” by Berge
  25. Miles out: Continue No. 24 with storm effects
  26. Bellboy comes out of mummy box: Repeat No. 14 (BROWN)
  27. Detective closes big window: “Dramatic Allegro” by Falck
  28. Bellboy and detective recognize each other: Repeat No. 14 (BROWN)
  29. The next time I see you: Repeat No. 18 (RED)
  30. Detective falls into cellar: “Incidental Symphony No. 34” by Kempinski
  31. You here again: “The Hour of Ghosts” by Becce (RED)
  32. Plotters walk away from prison doors: “Passing of Summer” by Parker
  33. You’re a fine detective: “Dance of the Skeletons” by Allen
  34. Karl Dane hops into mummy box: Repeat No. 31 (RED)
  35. Bellboy takes barrel off head: “The Devil’s Elixir” by Marquardt (BROWN)
  36. Doctor begins to cut mummy: “Gossip” by Marquardt (LIGHT BLUE)
  37. Get them quick: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 9” by Marquardt
  38. Crooks fall through trap door (stop with crash): Repeat No. 37 “Symphonic Incidentals No. 9”
  39. Police office scene: “Agitato Pathetic” by Kilenyi
  40. After what I just told you: “Air de Ballet” by Herbert
  41. Detective opens searchlight: “Pekoe Dance” by Tschakoff
  42. You’re a disgrace: “Lucky In Love” by Henderson (YELLOW)
  43. Detective locked in cell: Repeat No. 36 (LIGHT BLUE)

Proper orchestra rest period is Nos. 16 to 27 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetitions of numbers designate the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetition.

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Desert Nights

Title: Desert Nights

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Babylon Suite No. 1” by Elie (ORANGE)
  2. Cablegram on screen: “To My Star” by Marquardt
  3. People get out of auto: “A Love Lesson” by Fresco
  4. Girl lifts her veil: “Wooing” from Love Tales by Schertzinger (WHITE)
  5. Fade-out after Gilbert walks off screen: “Geraldine” by Tobias (from beginning)
  6. I say, am I going to kill this lion alone: “Merriment” by Kempinski
  7. Gilbert leaves room – follows girl to balcony: Repeat No. 4 (WHITE)
  8. Girl asks father through window to play waltz: “Geraldine” by Tobias” (chorus)
  9. End of waltz – card seen: “Cocotte” by Tyson
  10. A half million dollars worth: “Misterioso Fantastico” by Becce (RED)
  11. Whistle blows: “Excitement and Hurry” by Hoffman
  12. Splendid: Repeat No. 10 (RED)
  13. Leaving civilization behind: “Desert Caravan” by Friml
  14. Hello good looking: Repeat No. 4 (WHITE)
  15. As a hostess: “Semi-Oriental Maestoso” by Becce
  16. Play once and segue: Repeat No. 10 (RED)
  17. Morning: “Pastorale Orientale” by Levenson
  18. Girl comes from tent: “Astir” by Berge
  19. Girl walks to Gilbert in wagon: “Vision Orientale” by Marquardt
  20. Gilbert kissing girl: “Incidental Symphony No. 35” by Kempinski
  21. Shoot, you fool: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 15” by Marquardt
  22. Fade-out of Gilbert and crook: “In Mournful Mood” by Sibelius
  23. See here, good looking: “Wooing” from Love Tales by Schertzinger (WHITE)
  24. Man staggers on screen: Repeat No. 22 “In Mournful Mood”
  25. Men shake hands: Repeat No. 23 (WHITE)
  26. Fade-out of Gilbert embracing girl: “Dreamy Moments” by Marquardt
  27. Gilbert jumps off wagon: “Scherzando Hurry” by Frey (LIGHT BLUE)
  28. Oxen released – Gilbert tastes water: “Morne Desert” by Gabriel Marie
  29. Fade-out of girl to night scene: Continue No. 28
  30. Gilbert on screen with girl – close-up: “Appassionato No, 4” by Axt
  31. 1-2-3-4: “The Hermit’s Dream” by Marquardt
  32. Girl runs from Gilbert after he throws her on ground: Repeat No. 27 (LIGHT BLUE)
  33. Gilbert lifts girl from ground: “Misterioso Fantastico” by Becce (RED)
  34. Fade-out of close-up of Steve and Gilbert: “Dreams” by Crist
  35. Save me: “Nocturne” by Crist
  36. Fade-out as Steve gets up on feet: Repeat No. 27 (LIGHT BLUE)
  37. Crook falls into sand pit: Repeat No. 35 “Nocturne”
  38. Gilbert sees water: “Intermezzo” by Arensky
  39. I got you this far: “Redemption Theme” by Tschaikowsky
  40. Fade-out of Gilbert lying on ground: “Parade of the Toys” by Schertzinger
  41. Gilbert at campfire: “Pastorale” from L”Arlesienne by Bizet
  42. Now, the only honorable thing to do: “Geraldine” by Tobias (from beginning)
  43. I’m your prisoner: Repeat No. 33 (RED)
  44. Goodbye and good luck: “Geraldine” by Tobias (chorus)
  45. Fade0out after title – “Not bad, the diamonds and one prisoner”: “The Devil’s Elixir” by Marquardt
  46. Come right along: “Babylon Suite No. 1” by Elie (ORANGE)
  47. Did you get lost: “Chant Russe” by Lalo
  48. See that he gets bread: Repeat No. 44 “Geraldine”

Proper orchestra rest period is Nos. 15 to 22 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetitions of numbers designate the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetition.

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: uamvU69Yon

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The Crowd

Title: The Crowd

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “A Busy Thoroughfare” by Baron (YELLOW)
  2. July Fourth, 1900: “Dixie’s Land” by Reeg
  3. But what was: “Berceuse d’Amour” by Marquardt
  4. Fade-out after title – “I’m gonna give him”: “Ripples” by Lowitz
  5. My dad says: “Dramatic Hurry No. 1” by Baron (LT. BLUE)
  6. Body being carried upstairs: “Light Romantic Theme No. 3” by Luz
  7. When John was twenty-one: “Nocturno” by May
  8. Flash to river scene: Repeat No. 1 (YELLOW)
  9. High building fades to office scene: “My Little Billiken” by Lotter (BROWN)
  10. Clock jumps to “Five”: “In Merry Mood” by Axt
  11. Jane, John, John, Jane: Repeat No. 9 (BROWN)
  12. Come on Romeo: “Cheer Up” by Kaufman
  13. Fade-out of top of bus: “Good News” by Henderson
  14. Fade-out of ice imitation: “Yankee Doodle” from National Melodies
  15. Sit down: play chorus of “A Kiss In the Dark” by Harms
  16. Long shot scene of entrance to ride: “Dance of the Night Hawks” by Gurney
  17. Johnny Sims strokes girl’s forehead: “Wedding Dreams” by Marquardt
  18. Fade to railroad station sign moving: “Pins and Needles” by Kaufman
  19. Fade-out of station scene to magazine page: “Wedding Dreams” by Marquardt
  20. Bride and groom leave berth: “My Little Billiken” by Lotter (BROWN)
  21. Man picks up book from floor: “Dance of the Spooks” by Rollinson
  22. Wife in berth shows on screen: Repeat No. 19 “Wedding Dreams”
  23. Fade-out of berth to Niagara Falls: “Peg” by Hauenschild
  24. Husband snaps picture of wife: Repeat No. 19 “Wedding Dreams”
  25. Stop with falls and surf effects after kiss: “Bingo” from Five College Songs by Luz
  26. Wife shows on screen: “Merriment” by Kempinski
  27. Door bell: “Marionettes” by Felix
  28. Husband comes out of bathroom: “Wedding Dreams” by Marquardt
  29. Play all of 4/4 movement and segue: “Mysterious Tension” by Axt
  30. Husband slides down stoop stairs: “A Busy Thoroughfare” by Baron (YELLOW)
  31. Johnny begins to run: Victrola Imitation – hot fox trot
  32. Fade-out of Johnny dancing: Play one slow burlesque chorus of “Show Mne the Way To Go Home” by Harms
  33. Segue: “Characteristic Theme No. 1” by Roberts
  34. They do not understand you: “Wedding Dreams” by Marquardt
  35. April: Repeat No. 20 (BROWN)
  36. Husband breaks plate: “Prelude Dramatique” by Srawley
  37. Husband leaves room: Repeat No. 34 “Wedding Dreams”
  38. Wife closes door—motions to husband with finger: “Berceuse d’Amour” by Marquardt
  39. From now on I’m gonna treat you different: Repeat No. 34 “Wedding Dreams”
  40. October: “Effervescence” by Wolf
  41. Don’t worry: Repeat No. 38 “Berceuse D’Amour”
  42. Nurse says “John Sims”: “Wedding Dreams” by Marquardt
  43. During the next five years: “All Alone” by Berlin
  44. Play one chorus and segue: “Carnival Frolics” by Lakav
  45. Hey, your fire is out: Repeat No. 42 “Wedding Dreams”
  46. Who couldn’t: “My Little Billiken” by Lotter (BROWN)
  47. Husband burns his finger: “Wedding Dreams” by Marquardt
  48. We want to ride horsey back: “Cupid’s Surprise” by Gross
  49. Children on street: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 1” by Marquardt (DARK BLUE)
  50. Stop with crash at accident: “Dramatic Hurry No. 1” by Baron (LIGHT BLUE)
  51. Father carries child into bedroom: “Light Romantic Theme No. 3” by Luz
  52. Mother Fanning sick baby: Repeat No. 30 (YELLOW)
  53. Get inside: Repeat No. 51 “Light Romantic Theme No. 3”
  54. Mary, Mary: Repeat No. 49 (DARK BLUE)
  55. Fade-out of raving husband to street scene: “Fate” by Bierman
  56. Months, endless months: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 1” by Marquardt (DARK BLUE)
  57. Looks to me like you: “Berceuse d’Amour” by Marquardt
  58. Boss shows in office second time—flash-back to big office: Repeat No. 49 (DARK BLUE)
  59. Easy to quit a job: “Wedding Dreams:” by Marquardt
  60. Fade-out of kitchen scene—wife kissing husband: “Following the Sun Around” by Tierney
  61. You better tell Mary: “Wedding Dreams” by Marquardt
  62. Mary was right: “The Season’s Greetings” by Marquardt
  63. Mary, I didn’t want to waste: “Wedding Dreams” by Marquardt
  64. We do not know: “Star Night” by Marquardt
  65. You mean you won’t take it: “Wedding Dreams” by Marquardt
  66. Wife’s two brothers walk out of room: Repeat No. 49 (DARK BLUE)
  67. Wife closes door on husband: Repeat No. 50 (LIGHT BLUE)
  68. Train passes: Repeat No. 65 “Wedding Dreams”
  69. We can do it, boy: “A Busy Thoroughfare” by Baron (YELLOW)
  70. I’ve got to get a job: “Serenade” by Widor
  71. Husband juggles ball: Repeat No. 69 (YELLOW)
  72. Husband returns home with boy: Repeat No. 65 “Wedding Dreams”
  73. Stop with crescendo accent as husband is thrown to floor: “Incidental Symphony No. 1” by Kempinski
  74. Husband throws wife’s two brothers out of house: Repeat No. 65 “Wedding Dreams”
  75. Year, fleet years: “In the Clover” by Thurban
  76. I always said Mary knew her onions: “My Little Billiken” (BROWN)
  77. End of trick: “Wedding Dreams” by Marquardt

Proper orchestra rest period is Nos. 35 to 45 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE, sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetition of numbers designates the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetitions.

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: ohI79QMj7j

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The Cossacks

Title: The Cossacks

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Russian Suite – A1” by Luz
  2. For centuries: “Rural Russia” by Levenson
  3. Work and their man: “The Cossack Batallion” by Schoenfeld
  4. To the grist mill: “Russian Suite – D4” by Luz
  5. Interrupt with Angelus Bells: big church bells by drummer and organ
  6. One scene: “Russian Rural Scene” by Friml (PURPLE)
  7. Boss Cossack stands up: “Russian Rural Scene” by Friml (PURPLE)
  8. Fade-out of girl on hay wagon: “Idyl Pastorale” by Savino
  9. Fade-out after title – “I, the Ataman”: “Elopement” by Carrozzini
  10. Gilbert catches girl: “Cossack Lullaby” by Juranek” (WHITE)
  11. Your uncle’s son: “Lyric Agitato” by Savino (LT. BLUE)
  12. Man holds up banjo: “Russian Suite – A1” by Luz
  13. Gilbert takes off dress: “Agitated Appassionato” by Kilenyi
  14. Segue quick at whipping: “Russian Suite – B2” by Luz
  15. End of fight – Gilbert throws whip on floor: “Russian Suite – C3” by Luz
  16. Exterior scene: Repeat No. 14 “Russian Suite—B2”
  17. Gilbert runs to Dancer—kisses her: Repeat No. 10 (WHITE)
  18. Fade-out to drums after title “old Woman”: heavy tom tom by drummer
  19. One scene: Repeat No. 10 (WHITE)
  20. Gilbert walks past girl to horse: “Russian Suite—A1” by Luz
  21. We’ll slit: church bells by drummer and organ
  22. One bell scene: “Russian Rural Scene” by Friml (PURPLE)
  23. Girl crawling on ground: “Cossack Lullaby” by Jiranek (WHITE)
  24. And over all is God: Repeat No. 20 “Russian Suite—A1”
  25. And the men fought: “Incidental Symphony No. 42” by Damaur
  26. Your magnificence: “Powder and Patches” by Miles
  27. Prince follows woman into bedroom: “The Scandal-Mongers” by Paton
  28. It wouldn’t be: “Sweet Thoughts of Love” by Alu (LT. GREEN)
  29. Fade-out after girl leaves prince’s room: “Implorations” by Pasternack
  30. Gilbert stops laughing: “Impending Danger” by Kempinski
  31. Anticipate attack: “Battle Agitato No. 48” by Shepherd
  32. End of fight—Turks retreat: “Russian Suite—A1” by Luz
  33. Fade-out of victors: Repeat No. 28 (LT. GREEN)
  34. Prince puts necklace around girl’s neck: Repeat No. 20 “Russian Suite—A1”
  35. Flash-back to prince and girl: “Allegro Festival” by Armandola
  36. After short struggle: Repeat No. 28 (LT. GREEN)
  37. Cossacks never grow old: “Rural Russian” by Levenson
  38. Did you hear?: “Alice” by Hauenschild
  39. Gilbert looks at Maryana: “Incidental Symphony No. 13” by Casini (1st movement)
  40. I don’t understand women: “Incidental Symphony No. 13” by Casini (from Allo.)
  41. Girl walks from prince: “Sweet Thoughts of Love” by Alu (LT. GREEN)
  42. Now was the three days: “The Cossacks” by Bendix
  43. Fade-out of Pyramid on horseback: “Lady of My Heart” by Roder
  44. I have the honor to deliver: “Troyka Paraphrase” by Kretschmer
  45. Who ever heard of such a thing: “Rustic Revels” by Axt
  46. The Sultan himself: “Magic Sunbeams” by Drumm
  47. If the Sultan can read: “Cossack Revels” by Tschakoff
  48. Gilbert goes to Dancer: “Russian Suite—D4” by Luz
  49. Fade-out of girl to dining room: “Affection” by Berge
  50. Unchanged since the days: “The Cossacks’ Wedding Fete” by Krein (1st movement)
  51. Betrothed couple kiss bread: “The Cossacks’ Wedding Fete” by Krein (from Dance)
  52. Stop short with big crash after title – “Gypsy Kisser”: “Insurrezione” by Becce
  53. Gilr leaves room: “Cossack Lullaby” by Jiranek (WHITE)
  54. I am your man: “Melodic Appassionato No. 1” by Marquardt
  55. Second scene showing knocking on door: “Elegy” by Friml
  56. Coach drives off: “Evening Glow” by Van Norman
  57. I could never: “Lyric Agitato” by Savino (LT. BLUE)
  58. Kneel: “Grand Appassionato” by Becce
  59. Father and son tied to posts: Repeat No. 57 (LT. BLUE)
  60. This sun and moon: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 12” by Marquardt
  61. Exterior after hand and eye burning: “Uproar” by Neinass
  62. Close—up of Gilbert lying on floor: “Russian Suite—C3” by Luz
  63. Fade-out of death scene: “Russian Suite—A1” by Luz

Proper orchestra rest period is Nos. 24 to 36 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE, sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetition of numbers designates the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetitions.

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Title: College

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “College Boys” by Klohr
  2. On the Sunkist slopes: “Incidental Symphony No. 35” by Kempinski
  3. Interior scene after second rain scene: “Toddling” by Rapee-Axt
  4. It will be my pleasure: “Freshie” by Greer. Play two choruses and segue to “June Breezes” by Miles
  5. Buster Keaton walks from stage: “A Song of Supplication” by Fletcher
  6. Keaton and mother walk from room to street: Repeat No. 2 “Incidental Symphony No. 35”
  7. Girl goes from Buster Keaton to auto: “My Idea of Heaven” by Tobias
  8. So the following term: “Freshie” by Greer
  9. After Buster Keaton gets into his bedroom: “Humorous Escapade” by Delille
  10. Sunday found Ronald: “Graduation” by Baron
  11. Two girls and boy sit down at table: Repeat No. 7 “My Idea of Heaven”
  12. Buster Keaton falls through door: Repeat No. 8 “Freshie”
  13. Ball game starts after Buster Keaton gets off bag: “Play Ball” by Kaufman
  14. Buster Keaton runs to home plate: “Collegiate” by Jaffe”
  15. Woman falls out of window and boys run away: “Sambo’s Holiday” by Tschakoff
  16. Half of Buster Keaton’s face white: “Incidental Symphony No. 35” by Kempinski
  17. Clayton’s wonder track team: “Collegiate” by Jaffe
  18. Fade-out after Buster Keaton sits down after running with two boys: “Sunny Hours” by Rich
  19. College athlete walks to girl: “My Idea of Heaven” by Tobias
  20. You take an awful lot for granted: “La Fiancee” by Hartz
  21. Attaboy, you make a hole in one: “College Capers” by Zamecnik
  22. Boys walk off athletic field after high jump: Repeat No. 19 “My Idea of Heaven”
  23. A call to the dean’s office: “Love Is Just a Little Bit of Heaven” by Baer
  24. College coach walks into office: “Serenade Petite” by Zamecnik
  25. Photo of dean’s sweetheart on screen: Repeat No. 19 “My Idea of Heaven”
  26. Girl walks from Buster Keaton: “Freshie:” by Greer
  27. The day of the race: “Queer Antics” by Zamecnik
  28. Fade-out after Cracker flies from Buster Keaton: “Happy Moods” by Marquardt
  29. Girl opens door: “Repeat No. 27 “Queer Antics” (play slowly)
  30. End of the room scene after title: “I was expelled”: “Incidental Miniatures No. 5” by Kempinski
  31. The rival crew: “Jolly Buccaneers” by Schertzinger
  32. Maybe it’s halitosis: “Collegiate” by Jaffe
  33. Ready all: “Jolly Fellows” by Suppe
  34. End of race – segue as two boats collide: “Freshie” by Greer
  35. Buster Keaton standing alone on dock: Repeat No. 27 “Queer Antics” (play slowly)
  36. Man pulls telephone cord out of wall: “Radio Galop” by Bub
  37. Man thrown down by washline: “My Idea of Heaven” by Tobais

Proper rest period is Nos. 16 to 25 inclusive.

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Circus Rookies

Title: Circus Rookies

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Washington Post March” by Sousa
  2. Circus poster on screen: “Down the Stretch” by Balfmoor
  3. This is the last time I’ll tell you: “Valse Elaine” by Baxter
  4. Man putting pail of water into cage: “The Flight of the Bumble Bee” by Korsakow (LT. BLUE)
  5. Bimbo’s done it again: “Melly In the Moonlight” by Latour
  6. Karl Dane enters cage: Repeat No. 4 (LT. BLUE)
  7. Gorilla shows on screen: “Starland” by Markwith
  8. Dane puts gorilla into cage: “Carnival Grotesque” by Savino (BROWN)
  9. Along the circus route: “La Gaiete” by Ewing
  10. The train pulled into: “Love’s Caprice” by Heindl
  11. This is la belle: “A Smile – A Kiss” by Marquardt (WHITE)
  12. Girl gets into Ford with newspaper man: “Jollity” by Zamecnik
  13. Dane sees Arthur at table: Repeat No. 8 (BROWN)
  14. Cigar explodes: Repeat No. 4 (LT. BLUE)
  15. Ford auto hits tree and explodes: “Rustic Twilight” by Rolfe
  16. So Francis became: Repeat No. 11 (WHITE)
  17. Paper bag explodes: “The Jesters Serenade” by Herbert
  18. How would you like: Repeat No. 11 (WHITE)
  19. Now I know: “Carnival Grotesque” by Savino (BROWN)
  20. Segue with crash as seats fall down: “The Flight of the Bumble Bee” by Korsakow (LT. BLUE)
  21. Axe thrower takes handkerchief from eyes: “An Autumn Song” by Haines
  22. Acrobats fall down: “Dance of the Sylphes” by Marquardt
  23. Girl fixing boy’s necktie: “Little Flower Garden” by Breil
  24. The biggest miracle: “The Record” by Englemann
  25. End of feature act – Dane on horseback: “On the Mill Dam” by Babb
  26. End of chariot race – Dane in cage: “Gangway” by Kaufman
  27. Dane dressing boy: “Merry Widow Waltz” by Lehar
  28. That night: “Summer Furs” by Cobb
  29. The doctor: “Shoot” by Kaufman
  30. Dane hist Arthur over head: “Lucille” by Wadsworth
  31. I’ll show you how to pull a tooth: “Tramway” by Gobbaerts
  32. Get out of this show: “Phyllis” by Deppen
  33. So the show goes on: Train effect by Drummer
  34. Observation car platform: “A Smile – A Kiss” by Marquardt (WHITE)
  35. Francis has promised me: Repeat No. 19 (BROWN)
  36. Pardon me: Repeat No. 20 (LT. BLUE)
  37. Ape on rear platform of train: “Hurry No. 33” by Minot
  38. Ape hits Dane on head with hammer: “Hurry No. 26” by Minot
  39. Train stops: Repeat No. 37 “Hurry No. 33)
  40. Dane falls into faint: Repeat No. 34 (WHITE)

Proper rest period is Nos. 17 to 25 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE, sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetition of numbers designates the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetitions.

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Cardboard Lover

Title: The Cardboard Lover

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “My Song of Love For You” by Aborn (WHITE)
  2. The French Riviera: “Main Street” by Lake (YELLOW)
  3. What do you think this is: “Rose of Spring” by Bicchieri (LT. GREEN)
  4. Marion Davies tears leaf out of album: Repeat No. 2 (YELLOW)
  5. Tall man and girl shake hands: “Gloaming” by Kempinski
  6. You attend to my clothes: ad lib to screen – piano imitation
  7. It is only the phonograph: “The Broken Melody” by Van Biene
  8. Fade after title – “If Madame Simone phones, tell her”: Repeat No. 2 (YELLOW)
  9. Tall man knocks at room door: “Incidental Symphony No. 4o” by Hintz
  10. Tall man enters room: Repeat No. 5 “Gloaming”
  11. Lovers kiss: “Ardent Affection” by Marquardt (DK. BLUE)
  12. Singer thrown out into hall: Repeat No. 5 “Gloaming”
  13. Tall man walks from room door: Repeat No. 2 (YELLOW)
  14. Marion Davies crushes high hat: Repeat No. 3 (LT. GREEN)
  15. Ink from pen splashes on wall: Repeat No. 2 (YELLOW)
  16. The casino: “Flimsy Flouonces” by Hersom
  17. Banco: “Romance sans Paroles” by Marquardt
  18. After woman gets out of auto: Repeat No. 1 (WHITE)
  19. Marion Davies hands man check: “Gloaming” by Kempinski
  20. But whom: “Incidental Symphony No. 40” by Hintz
  21. It will be your duty: Repeat No. 19 “Gloaming”
  22. I will save you from her: “My Song of Love For You” by Albers (WHITE)
  23. I must see you alone: Repeat No. 19 “Gloaming”
  24. Permit me to present: Repeat No. 22 (WHITE)
  25. Marion Davies and man walk out of room: Repeat No. 20 “Incidental Symphony No. 40”
  26. Note handed to man: Repeat No. 19 “Gloaming”
  27. Will you do me a favor?: “Rose of Spring” by Bicchieri (LT. GREEN)
  28. Who was calling for: “Sincerity” by Byford
  29. And furthermore: Repeat No. 20 “Incidental Symphony No. 40”
  30. Whatever Sally started: “Rustic Caprice” by St. Clair
  31. Don’t worry, he’ll be detained: Repeat No. 27 (LT. GREEN)
  32. I’ll get my hat: Repeat No. 20 “Incidental Symphony No. 40”
  33. Marion Davies seen in rear of auto: “Main Street” by Lake (YELLOW)
  34. Man in library sits down: “Poeme Erotique” by Varnier
  35. Marion Davies gets out of auto: “Incidental Symphony No. 40” by Hintz
  36. Man gets into bed: Repeat No. 33 (YELLOW)
  37. Marion Davies puts porous plaster on man: “A Halloween Ride” by Marquardt
  38. Quick, get me out of here: “Love’s Awakening” by Fletcher
  39. Tell that little pest: Repeat No. 22 (WHITE)
  40. Let’s spend a nice quiet evening at home: Repeat No. 27 (LT. GREEN)
  41. You’re ticklish: Repeat No. 33 (YELLOW)
  42. Man opens drawer in writing table: “Gloaming” by Kempinski
  43. Let’s make sure of it: Repeat No. 27 (LT. GREEN)
  44. Marion Davies kicks trail of dress around: Repeat No. 40 “Gloaming”
  45. Stop with crash as Marion Davies is thrown on couch: “My Song of Love For You” by Albers (WHITE)
  46. Mademoiselle Simone is on the wire: Repeat No. 42 “Gloaming”
  47. Have you forgotten?: “Ardent Affection” by Marquardt (DK. BLUE)
  48. Man puts down telephone: Repeat No. 45 (WHITE)
  49. If you don’t snap out of it: “Rose of Spring” by Bicchieri (LT. GREEN)
  50. Well, I guess my job is finished: Repeat No. 45 (WHITE)
  51. Auto on screen: “Love’s Emotion” by Marquardt
  52. There is no one else: “Main Street” by Lake (YELLOW)
  53. I wouldn’t interfere: Repeat No. 51 “Love’s Emotion”
  54. You little salande: “Incidental Symphony No. 40” by Marquardt
  55. Man throws Marion Davies on floor: “Adagio Cantabile” by Ketelbey
  56. I can do nothing more: Repeat No. 45 (WHITE)

Proper rest period is Nos. 25 to 36 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE, sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetition of numbers designates the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetitions.

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Title: Buttons

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Ship Ahoy” by Lusk
  2. At Southampton: “A Breezy Evening On Shore” by Howgill (YELLOW)
  3. Won’t you let me ship: “Cupid’s Conquest” by Kahn
  4. Coogan gets into life boat: “Serenade” by Widor
  5. Boat whistle: “First Courtship” by Lindgreen
  6. A year later: Repeat No. 2 (YELLOW)
  7. Buttons talks to maid: “The Flapper” by Srawley
  8. Captain and girl show: “Love’s Romance” by Padney (WHITE)
  9. Captain walks away from girl: “Misterioso alla Valse” by Savino (BROWN)
  10. Coogan walks away from cabin door: Repeat No. 2 (YELLOW)
  11. What’s doin’ today: “Misterioso Drammatico” by Savino (RED)
  12. Here comes Hatchet Face: “Leaving Port” by Howgill
  13. Go on. Kiss: “Agitato No. 6” by Kiefert
  14. End of fight – officer shows: “Melody” by Franck
  15. Sunrise on the S. S. Queenton: “Fun On Deck” by Howgill
  16. Boys lined up for inspection: “Solitude” by Mule
  17. Boys march off: “A Breezy Evening On Shore” by Howgill (YELLOW)
  18. Coogan comes out of captain’s office: “Love’s Romance” by Padney (WHITE)
  19. You’re the guy: “Reconciliation” by Fletcher
  20. Coogan takes flowers into stateroom: “Misterioso Drammatico” by Savino (RED)
  21. Nearing Southampton: “Just Once Again” by Donaldson
  22. One dancing scene: Repeat No. 20 (RED)
  23. Telephoning scene: “Misterioso alla Valse” by Savino (BROWN)
  24. D’Arcy put on horse: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 8” by Marquardt (LIGHT BLUE)
  25. You fix him up: Repeat No. 20 (RED)
  26. After fade-out: Repeat no. 24 (LIGHT BLUE)
  27. Man taken out of cabinet: Repeat no. 20 (RED)
  28. Slugger picks up man’s body from table: “Joy Bells” by Santly; NOTE – play one chorus only and segue to “Misterioso Drammatico” by Savino (RED)
  29. Bring my costume: Repeat No. 23 (BROWN)
  30. Coogan and Slugger leave man’s cabin: “Sweet Memories” by Singorsky
  31. Deck scene: “Misterioso alla Valse” by Savino (BROWN)
  32. Man gives girl jewel box: “Queer Antics” by Zamecnik
  33. Sprinkler in cabin opens: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 8” by Marquardt (LIGHT BLUE)
  34. Sailors leave room: “Melodie” by Tschaikowsky; NOTE – play once and segue to “Berceuse” by Hynsky
  35. The barometer is falling fast, sir: “Misterioso Drammatico” by Savino (RED)
  36. Boat whistle: Repeat No. 33 (LIGHT BLUE)
  37. Good-bye: “Swan Song” by Wagner; NOTE – play once and segue to “Farewell” by Howgill

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE, sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetition of numbers designates the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetitions.

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Bushranger

Title: The Bushranger

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Treachery and Vengeance” by Fletcher
  2. Sussex Manor, England: “Promenade” by Rapee-Axt
  3. After toast drunk: “Symphonic Color Classic No. 2” by Schoenfeld (RED)
  4. Maid comes to take Goldilocks to bed: “Parade of the Toys” by Schertzinger
  5. Child taken out of room: Repeat No. 3 (RED)
  6. May heaven forgive you: “The Tragic Discovery” by Patou
  7. Fade to duel: “Incidental Symphony No. 18-A” by Schertzinger
  8. End of duel: “The Tragic Discovery” by Patou
  9. A year later: Continue No. 8
  10. I’ve a pardon: “Incidental Symphony No. 7” by Kempinski
  11. Poor blighter: “Irvina” by Rolfe
  12. Fate had made an outlaw: “Incidental Symphony No. 18-B” by Schertzinger
  13. I’m going to find: Repeat No. 11 “Irvina”
  14. Murphy, I think I’ll ride out: Repeat No. 12 “Incidental Symphony No. 18-B”
  15. I’ll beat him to it: “Presto Galop” by Rosey
  16. The coach for Ballarat: Repeat No. 10 “Incidental Symphony No. 7”
  17. McCoy dismounts at coach: “Incidental Symphony No. 24” by Kempinski
  18. Coach driven off: Repeat No. 10 “Incidental Symphony No. 7”
  19. Coach stops—soldiers on coach: “Tout a Vous” by Tyers
  20. Dancers stops and applaud: “Caroma” by Pabst
  21. Girl motions how Bushranger looked: “Quelques Fleurs” by Baron
  22. Brother recognizes brother: Repeat No. 3 (RED)
  23. McCoy knocks brother down: “Hurry No. 1” by Ancliffe
  24. A thousand pounds: “Little Fawn” by Rosenbaum
  25. Why Lucy: “Lotus Flower” by McGrath
  26. Fade-out of girls on balcony: “Symphonic Color Classic No. 2” by Schoenfeld (WHITE)
  27. Edward, Edward: “Symphonic Color Classic No. 2” by Schoenfeld (RED)
  28. Sir Edward told me: Repeat no. 27 (WHITE)
  29. Girl on with lovers: Repeat No. 27 (RED)
  30. Fade-out after prisoner is taken away: Repeat No. 26 (WHITE)
  31. Girl comes from prison – exterior: “Rache-Vengeance” by Porret
  32. Prison cell: “Symphonic Color Classic No. 2” by Schoenfeld (DK. BLUE)
  33. McCoy dismounts at Outlaw Camp: “Agitato No. 11” by Lake
  34. Prisoner released: Repeat No. 32 (DK. BLUE)
  35. Soldiers mount horses: Repeat No. 33 “Agitato No. 11”
  36. McCoy thrown out of hut: Repeat No. 32 (DK. BLLUE)
  37. McCoy mounts horse: “Six Furlongs” by Bub
  38. Girl brought back to father: “Afflizione” by Gabriel Marie
  39. After boy dies: “Symphonic Color Classic No. 2” by Schoenfeld (WHITE)

Proper orchestral rest period is Nos. 20 to 29 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE, sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetition of numbers designates the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetitions.

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Bugle Call

Title: The Bugle Call

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Assembly Call”- bugle call by trumpeter
  2. The bugle call: “Down South” by Myddleton
  3. After one scene – colored children dancing: “Shenandoah” by Bendel
  4. Soldier turns letter to second page: “That Wonderful Mother of Mine” by Goodwin (WHITE)
  5. All aboard: “Aces High” by Boulton
  6. Fort Rumson: “Assembly Call” by trumpeter
  7. Scene on: “Radio Galop” by Bub
  8. Horses stop: “Entrance and Dance of the Goblins” by Schertzinger (YELLOW)
  9. Coogan blows bugle: “Bugle Call” by trumpeter as introduction to No. 10
  10. One scene: “The Live Wire” by Frey
  11. Wait till you see: Repeat No. 8 (YELLOW)
  12. Fade-out as wagon drives off: “Parade of the Wooden Soldiers” by Jessel
  13. After Coogan sees toy soldiers: Repeat No. 4 (WHITE)
  14. Jackie Coogan runs out of room: “Alice” by Hauenschild
  15. Society notes – paper: “Laughing Eyes” by Silberberg
  16. Soldiers, go to sleep: “Taps” by trumpeter
  17. Scene well on: “Boogie Man’s Patrol” by Boehnlein
  18. Coogan puts bugle to lips: “Boots and Saddles” – bugle call
  19. One scene: “Roller Coaster” by Schertzinger
  20. Close-up of Coogan at window: “The Busy Bee” by Bendix
  21. Imitation of steps walking upstairs: “In the Middle of the Night” by Rose
  22. The Armee. The Armee. It’s hep, hep, hep: “American Patrol” by Meacham
  23. Good-bye: “Immortellen Waltz” by Gung’l
  24. Fade-out to potato scene: “We’re In the Army Now”
  25. Cook stopes playing guitar: “On the Mill Dam” by Babb
  26. Jackie Coogan runs into room to father: Repeat No. 4 (WHITE)
  27. The day that his future step-mother arrived: “Jollity” by Zamecnik
  28. Captain Tremayn’s regrets: Repeat No. 8 (YELLOW)
  29. Girl walks from Jackie Coogan: “Dagger Dance” by Herbert (BROWN)
  30. End of Indian scene: Repeat No. 8 (YELLOW)
  31. Most people think: Repeat NO. 29 (BROWN)
  32. My mother wasn’t afraid of Indians: “Love Secrets” by Zamecnik
  33. Jackie Coogan eating soup: “The Season’s Greetings” by Marquardt
  34. I’m sure Billy didn’t mean to hurt you: Repeat No. 4 (WHITE)
  35. From then on, every day: “My Lady’s Boudoir” by Schertzinger
  36. Let’s give them: “Hark the Held Angel’s Sing” from Five Favorite Yule-Tide Songs by Mendelssohn
  37. Husband and wife embrace: bugle call one scene, then segue to ‘All America” by Zamecnik
  38. Where’s Billy: “Vivacity” by Conterno
  39. Jackie Coogan crawls over tree at grave: Repeat No. 4 (WHITE)
  40. He called me mother: Continue No. 39, pathetic and slow
  41. Coogan embraces father: “Pathos – Incidental Miniatures No. 2” by Schertzinger
  42. Shortly after spring: Repeat No. 18 “Boots and Saddles”
  43. After one trumpeter scene: “Devil Dogs” by Marquardt
  44. Long shot of soldiers on horseback: Repeat No. 29 (BROWN)
  45. Coogan walks from soldier to house fence: “Tears – Indicental Miniatures No. 2” by Schertzinger
  46. Would you: “Indian Orgy” by Rapee-Axt
  47. Coogan on horseback blows bugle: Long bugle call by trumpeter
  48. Second scene- Coogan blowing bugle: Repeat No. 29 (BROWN)
  49. Coogan blows bugle again: Recall – bugle call
  50. Coogan stops blowing bugle: “Hurry No. 25” by Lake
  51. Soldiers at rescue at fort: “Battle Agitato No. 16” by Minot
  52. Coogan at cave rescued: Repeat No. 4 (WHITE)

Proper orchestral rest period is Nos. 27 to 36 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE, sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetition of numbers designates the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetitions.

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Brotherly Love

Title: Brotherly Love

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Wooing” from Love Tales by Schertzinger (WHITE)
  2. If women’s skirts: “In Cheerful Mood” by Gabriel Marie
  3. Play once and segue: “The Philanderer” by Srawley (BROWN)
  4. Girl barber begins to work on Karl Dane: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 15” by Marquardt (RED)
  5. I’m awfully sorry: “Butterflies” by Arundale
  6. K. Arthur opens street door: “Allegro Buffonesco” by Kempinski
  7. Shawl flies on fan: Repeat No. 1 (WHITE)
  8. There’s a town in Massachusetts: Repeat No. 4 (RED)
  9. Karl Dane puts money in blind man’s box: “Agitato” by Armandola (LT. BLUE)
  10. Fender falls off Ford car: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 15” by Marquardt (RED)
  11. Fade-put of police station scene: “Fairy Tiptoe” by Fredericks
  12. Play once and segue: “The Philanderer” by Srawley (BROWN)
  13. The big brute: Repeat No. 9 (LT. BLUE)
  14. Hospital: “The Philanderer” by Srawley (BROWN)
  15. Prisoner brought to hospital: “Wooing” from Love Tale by Schertzinger (WHITE)
  16. Boy and girl scene in hospital to warden in office: “Marionettes” by Byford
  17. Play once and segue: Repeat No. 14 (BROWN)
  18. Exterior scene – auto on: “Close Up” Kaufman
  19. Play twice and segue: “Rural Flirts” by Bradford
  20. The next day was Sunday: “First Call of Spring” by Smith
  21. This is on me: “Lead, Kindly Light” from Hymns of the Sabbath by O’Hare (organ and voice)
  22. End of girl singing: “Organ transformation”
  23. Congregation stands up: “Nearer My God To Thee” from Hymns of the Sabbath by O’Hare
  24. End of song: Repeat No. 22 “Organ transformation”
  25. Fade-out of church interior: “Improvisation” by Beghon
  26. Fade-out of turkey cutting scene: “Petite Bijouterie” by Bohm
  27. I’ve never known a boy like you: Repeat No. 18 (WHITE)
  28. Fade-out of girl on swing: Repeat No. 19 “Cavatina”
  29. Fade-put after title – “This town is getting on my nerves”: “Mysterioso No. 1 by Luz (whistling)
  30. Can you whistle Yankee Doodle: “Yankee Doodle” from American National Melodies by Asher
  31. Haines comes from bank: “Incidental Symphony No. 32” by Kempinski
  32. Child talks to Haines: “Woodland Stream” by Beghon
  33. Girl seen on screen: “Love Dreams” by Golden (WHITE)
  34. Fade-out as father and daughter walk to house: Repeat No. 31 “Incidental Symphony No. 22”
  35. We’re all going to stay I this town: “Romance” by Wieniawski
  36. Two crooks leave room: “Love’s Response” by Marquardt
  37. Stop with two shots: “A.B.C. Dramatic Set No. 18-B2” by Luz
  38. I thought it was a robber; “A.B.C. Dramatic Set No. 18-C3” by Luz
  39. Fade to newspaper article: “Dramatic Tension No. 1” by Levy (RED)
  40. Fade-out to detective to bank interior: “Budding Blossoms” by Schoenfeld
  41. Father of girl walks from lovers: Repeat No. 33 (WHITE)
  42. Children on screen (segue quickly): Scherzoso” by Friml
  43. Haines opens telegram: “Uneasiness” by Mendelssohn (LT. BLUE)
  44. Haines at desk handling money: Repeat No. 33 (WHITE)
  45. Girl leaves office: Repeat No. 39 (RED)
  46. Play once and segue: “May Dreams” by Borch
  47. Laugh this off: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 17” by Marquardt
  48. Just a matter of form: Repeat No. 39 (RED)
  49. Girl enters office: Repeat No. 43 (LT. BLUE)
  50. Safe door opened: “Love Dreams” by Golden (WHITE)

Proper orchestral rest period is Nos. 20 to 31 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE, sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetition of numbers designates the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetitions.

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Bringing Up Father

Title: Bringing Up Father

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “A Southern Reverie” by Bendix
  2. Photo studio fades to picture on wall: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 10” by Marquardt (LT. BLUE)
  3. Milkman hit on head: “Sunny Hours” by Rich
  4. Door knock: Repeat No. 2 (LT. BLUE)
  5. Fade of Polly Moran at window: “Sweet Adeline” [no composer given]
  6. With that singing: “Fresh Flowers” by Lincke
  7. Armless man at bar: “Romance sans Paroles” by Davidoff
  8. Is this the smallest you got: Repeat No. 2 (LT. BLUE)
  9. Put this in the cash register: “Fragrance Lane” by Fresco
  10. Telephone bell rings: Repeat No. 2 (LT. BLUE)
  11. Wait a minute, Maggie: “Caressing Butterfly” by Barthelemy
  12. Play once and segue: “Love’s Wilfulness[sic]” by Barthelemy
  13. Jiggs sits down in arm chair: “La Confession” by Morgan
  14. Tell Papa what happened: “Oh Mister” by Frey
  15. Here comes my honored guest: “Call Me Sweetheart” by Robe (YELLOW)
  16. Always call me Dennis: “Punchinello” by Herbert
  17. Father filling his pipe: “Yesterthoughts” by Herbert
  18. Father hurts his foot: Repeat No. 16 “Pulchinello”
  19. Money’s gone to your head: Repeat No. 2 (LT. BLUE)
  20. Auntie dear, it’s Helen: “Only a Smile” by Zamecnik (WHITE)
  21. Dog’s tail caught in rat trap: Repeat No. 2 (LT. BLUE)
  22. Some of Maggie’s furniture: “Butterflies” by Arundale
  23. Yes, but I like my mah jongg: “How-Wah-Ya” by Banta
  24. Street scene: Repeat No. 2 (LT. BLUE)
  25. Jiggs throws rolling pin manufacturer into coal hole: “Chiffons and Laces” by Baron
  26. Man begins to play piano: “In a Little Spanish Town” by Wayne (piano and voice)
  27. Jiggs enters – end of song: “The Tragic Discovery” by Patou
  28. Will you deprive yourselves: Repeat No. 2 (LT. BLUE)
  29. Polly Moran kicked: “The Awakening” by Zamecnik
  30. Hall and stairway scene: Repeat No. 15 (YELLOW)
  31. Girl goes back into home: “Andante Pathetique No. 10” by Berge
  32. So Jiggs looked over Long Island: “Dainty Blossoms” by Kahn
  33. The Blackbird Café: “Let a Smile Be Your Umbrella” by Fain
  34. I might as well: “Diane” by Rapee
  35. Jiggs hit over head with rolling pin: “A Shepherd’s Pipe and Summer Skies” by Falk
  36. Wife opens door of bedroom: “Melody” by Franck
  37. The biggest event: “Pastime” by Clutsam
  38. I was giving a little surprise party: Repeat No. 20 (WHITE)
  39. That evening Maggie: “Slumberland” by Herringshaw
  40. Dennis walks to girl at cake: “Rendez-vous d’Amour” by Edwards
  41. Wife walks to Jiggs at chair: “Love’s Lullaby” by Vermeire
  42. Jiggs has pen – begins to write: Repeat No. 15 (YELLOW)
  43. Flash-back to house interior: “dew-Dew-Dewy Day” by Johnson
  44. Are you trying: Repeat No. 2 (LT. BLUE)
  45. Maggie prevents Jiggs shooting himself: Repeat No. 20 (WHITE)
  46. Letter to Mrs. Jiggs: Repeat No. 2 (LT. BLUE)
  47. Oh Maggie, Maggie: “Joyous Appassionato” by Carbonara
  48. If your prayers were answered: Repeat No. 20 (WHITE)
  49. Segue quick as Jiggs is hit with hammer: “Celebrated Canzonetta” by Mendelssohn
  50. Fade to bed in hospital: Repeat No. 20 (WHITE)

Proper orchestral rest period is Nos. 20 to 32 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE, sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetition of numbers designates the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetitions.

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: xbd2NqmM9X

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The Bridge of San Luis Rey

Title: The Bridge of San Luis Rey

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Dramatic Tension” by Axt
  2. Feet walking on bridge: “Incidental Miniature No. 6” by Hauenschild
  3. People enter cathedral: “Dilemma” by Savino
  4. Choir boys cross screen: “Cortege” by Rapee-Axt
  5. Priest in pulpit: “Sanctuary of the Heart” by Ketelbey
  6. Fade-out of priest in pulpit: “The Magic Flame” by Spaeth
  7. Lovers kiss: “The Enchanted Castle” by Marquardt (BLACK)
  8. Daughter enters room – locks door: Repeat No. 6 “Magic Flame”
  9. Groom kisses mother at auto: “Manzanillo” by Robyn
  10. A different love: “If Love Were All” by Axt (WHITE), chorus only
  11. Exterior scene: Repeat No. 7 (BLACK)
  12. In the public square: “Morena Y Sevillana” by Maduro
  13. Two boys open carriage door: Repeat No. 10 (WHITE)
  14. Carriage drives off: Repeat No. 12 “Morena U Sevillana”
  15. In the gay quarter: “Santiago”by Corbin
  16. Stop short as dancing girl falls: “The Mischief Makers” by Carbonara
  17. No wonder I fall: “Dark Eyes” by Marquardt
  18. Well, show me how: Repeat No. 15 “Santiago”
  19. A few months: “Marche Triumphale” by Kempinski
  20. People in theatre sit down: Repeat No. 15 “Santiago”
  21. End of dance: Repeat No. 17 “Dark Eyes”
  22. Dancing girl enters dressing room: Repeat No. 16 “Mischief Makers”
  23. Cane raps on dressing room door: “Moraima” by Tobani
  24. Why did you tell me not to go: “Jurame” by Grever (LIGHT GREEN)
  25. All Lima talked: “The Enchanted Castle” by Marquardt (BLACK)
  26. I am so lonely: “The Magic Flame” by Spaeth
  27. Once upon a time: “Spinning Song” by Mendelssohn
  28. Girl on couch throws shoe: “The Bridge of San Luis Rey” by Wendling
  29. Girl rises from couch: Repeat No. 24 (LIGHT GREEN)
  30. Cane raps on door: “Spinning Along” by Bierman
  31. Girl lying on couch: “Jurame” by Grever (LIGHT GREEN)
  32. You are very clever: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 11” by Marquardt
  33. Many women in Lima: Repeat No. 31 (LIGHT GREEN)
  34. Nobleman leaves house: “Senorita” by Friml
  35. Girl begins to dictate letter: “Agitato Pathetic” by Kilenvi”
  36. Write this: Repeat No. 31 (LIGHT GREEN)
  37. I can’t take it: Repeat No. 35 “Agitato Pathetic”
  38. Girl opens door for letter writer to leave: “Yearning” by Schoenfeld
  39. And the first shadow: “Redemption Theme” by Tschaikowsky
  40. In the Marquesa’s palace: “Romeo’s Farewell to Juliet” by Baron
  41. Boy falls on step: “If Love Were All” by Axt (WHITE), chorus only
  42. Fade-out of girl praying: Repeat No. 31 (LIGHT GREEN)
  43. Dancer leaves letter writer’s home; Repeat No. 38 “Yearning”
  44. Fade-out as letter writer goes to sleep: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 15” by Marquardt
  45. Dancing girl begins to laugh: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 7” by Marquardt
  46. Get your meddling old face: “Appassionato Patetico” by Bradford
  47. Dancing girl thrown on floor: Repeat No. 45 (RED)
  48. Fade-out of dancing girl in rage: “A Thief in the Night” by Axt
  49. Ramirez: “Appassionato No. 2” by Axt
  50. Letter writer thrown downstairs: Repeat No. 45 (RED)
  51. And Pepita: Repeat No. 41 (WHITE)
  52. Lover disappears from screen: “Dramatic Love Scene” by Axrt
  53. Weeks, fearful weeks: “Yearning” by Schoenfeld
  54. You came between me: “The Accusation” by Patou
  55. Door broken: Repeat No. 45 (RED)
  56. Girl begins to read letter: “Heart’s Pleading” by Rapee-Axt
  57. Fade-out after title – “No, no, I must go tomorrow”: “Redemption Theme by Tschaikowsky
  58. Estrahan, I can’t see you: “Sorrow” by Macat
  59. Fade-out of two brothers: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 11” by Marquardt
  60. Whispers had reached Captain Alvarado: “The Bridge of San Luis Rey” by Wendling
  61. Boy walking upstairs: “A.B.C. Dram.Set No. 18-A1” by Luz
  62. Captain cuts cord: “A.B.C. Dram. Set No. 18-C3” by Luz
  63. And on the feast day: Repeat No. 60 “The Birdge of San Luis Rey”
  64. I’m ready: “Incidental Miniature No. 6” by Hauenschild
  65. Stop short as lovers fall together on bridge: “If Love Were All” by Axt (WHITE), chorus only
  66. Church interior: “Sanctuary of the Heart” by Ketelbey

Proper orchestral rest period is Nos. 33 to 44 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE, sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetition of numbers designates the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetitions.

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: F93h6zb7nc

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Beyond the Sierras

Title: Beyond the Sierras

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “PAstorale” from L’Arlesienne by Bizet
  2. Southern California: “Symphonic Color Classic No. 1” by Kempinski (RED)
  3. McCoy runs from mine entrance: “Symphonic Color Classic No. 1” by Kempinski (LT. BLUE)
  4. McCoy putting notches into revolver handle: Repeat No. 2 (RED)
  5. From the north, stranger: Repeat No. 3 (LT. BLUE)
  6. Why Carlos, that’s no way to talk: Repeat No. 2 (RED)
  7. Handkerchief on ground: “Symphonic Color Classic No. 1” by Kempinski (WHITE)
  8. Let’s settle this argument later: “Idyl Pastorale” by Savino
  9. My master prepared: Repeat No. 7 (WHITE)
  10. That night: “Sorella” by Clere
  11. Dancers stop—orchestra on screen: “Spanish Dance No. 1” by Moszkowski
  12. Exterior scene (garden): “Lisette” by Engel
  13. Get out of my sight: Repeat No. 11 “Spanish Dance No. 1”
  14. Exterior scene (garden): Repeat No. 7 (WHITE)
  15. Lovers interrupted: Repeat No. 11 “Spanish Dance No. 1”
  16. End of dance—orchestra on screen: “In a Canoe” by Zamecnik
  17. Senor why do you not unmask?: “Symphonic Color Classic No. 1” by Kempinski (RED)
  18. I never find it necessary: “Ondes Mysterieuses” by Franceschi
  19. None disputed your honor: Repeat No. 17 (RED)
  20. Shot fired after man falls on floor: “Adagio Elegiaque” by Wieniawski
  21. No gun play boys: “Dram. Hurry No. 1” by Baron
  22. I warn you Owens: Repeat NO. 20 “Adagio Elegiaque”
  23. Go to your homes: Repeat No. 17 (RED)
  24. Owens lost no time: “Dramatic Love Scene” by Axt
  25. Rosa found refuge at home: “Symphonic Color Classic No. 1” by Kempinski (LT. BLUE)
  26. Owens’ gang: Repeat No. 17 (RED)
  27. Fade-out after title: “Say if he comes”: “The Season’s Greetings” by Marquardt
  28. Exterior scene after two girls run out of room: “Symphonic Color Classic No. 1” by Kempinski (WHITE)
  29. Lovers interrupted: Repeat No. 27 “Season’s Greetings”
  30. I am sorry you must leave so soon: Repeat No. 28 (WHITE)
  31. Stop abrupt as door opens (slight pause, then segue): Repeat No. 25 (LT. BLUE)
  32. Reach for the sky: “Symphonic Color Classic No. 1” by Kempinski (RED)
  33. Fade-out after horsemen ride off: “Misterioso No. 3” by Andino
  34. Owens and girl seen: Repeat No. 32 (RED)
  35. Owens takes off his hat: Repeat No. 33 “Misterioso No. 3”
  36. Masked man comes to rescue: “Lover’s Quarrel” by Baron
  37. McCoy masking Owens: “Misterioso Furioso” by Affrunti
  38. Play twice and segue: “Symphonic Color Classic No. 1” by Kempinski (LT. BLUE)
  39. End of fight—Owens pulled off screen: “Dawn of Spring” by Grimm
  40. Stop this fiendish torture: Repeat No. 32 (RED)
  41. McCoy puts on mask: “Symphonic Color Classic No. 1” by Kempinski (WHITE)

Proper orchestral rest period is Nos. 20 to 29 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE, sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetition of numbers designates the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetitions.

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Title: Ben-Hur

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1925


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Trumpet Fanfare” from Oriental Suite by Luz
  2. Ben Hur: “Pearls Of My Soul” by Marquardt
  3. It was the 24th day: “The Knights’ Tournament” by Herbert (YELLOW)
  4. Two weary travelers: “Ave Maria” by Schubert
  5. Far to the southward; “The Heavens Are Telling” by Haydn
  6. And in the even: Repeat No. 4 “Ave Maria”
  7. The place is sanctified: Repeat No. 5 “The Heavens Are Telling”
  8. And they came with great haste: “Sanctuary of the Heart” by Ketelbey (BROWN)
  9. But year after year: Repeat No. 3 (YELLOW)
  10. There was disquiet: “Pavane” by Ravel (DARK GREEN)
  11. The young prince: “The Happy Warrior” by Kahl
  12. Old lady has pigeon: “Yearning” by Schoenfeld (WHITE)
  13. Pigeon flies from girl: “The Flight Of the Bumble Bee” by Korsakow
  14. Ben Hur catches pigeon: Repeat No. 12 (WHITE)
  15. Ben Hur walks off after girl leaves with pigeon: “Processional” by Clutsam (PURPLE)
  16. My mother and sister will be rejoiced: “At the Hamlet” by Godard
  17. Another to greet you: Repeat No. 15 (PURPLE)
  18. Forget I am a Jew: “Prologue” by Kilenyi
  19. Oh, if he would only: “Trumpet Fanfare” by Oriental Suite by Luz
  20. One scene: “Processional” by Clutsam (PURPLE)
  21. Ben Hur pushes stone from roof: “Furioso” by Savino
  22. The way of death: “Sorrow” by Macat (BLACK)
  23. A carpenter shop: “Sanctuary of the Heart” by Ketelbey (BROWN)
  24. The vengeful arm of Rome: “Facing Death” by Becce
  25. Then for a time: “The Toilers” by Axt
  26. Lookout of mast shows: “Hurry” by Langey
  27. Unshackle that slave; Repeat No. 25 “The Toilers”
  28. Ship deck scene: Repeat No. 26 “Hurry”
  29. Battle begins: “Battle Music No. 5” by Wiedermann
  30. Two days later: “Romance of Autumn” by Marquardt
  31. It was your final: “Pathetique No. 9” by Norton
  32. Tiem passed: “Joyous Allegro” by Engleman
  33. But Rome knew naught: “Pavane” by Ravel (DARK GREEN)
  34. While in the maze: Repeat No. 22 (BLACK)
  35. In the land of Israel: Repeat No. 23 (BROWN)
  36. Antioch: “Araby” by Johns
  37. He should drive goats: “Orient Express” by Benoit
  38. Driver falls from chariot: “Dram. Tension No. 11” by Norton
  39. Young Arrius announced to Simondies: “Yearning” by Schoenfeld (WHITE)
  40. Ben Hur walks from girl—Esther: “Sadness” by Engleman
  41. Ester follows Ben Hur to Portierres: Repeat No. 39 (WHITE)
  42. Servant enters after title—“Wear it always”: “Spirit of Spring” by Reiser
  43. For your belief: “Broken Vows” by Kempinski
  44. Across the river: “Processional” by Clutsam (PURPLE)
  45. Messala dismissed friends: “Bayaderes” from Babylon by Elie
  46. At the end of the days training: “Persian March” by Herbert
  47. Even Iras: Repeat No. 45 “Bayaderes”
  48. Guests re-enter tent: Repeat No. 46 “Persian March”
  49. Horses leave tent: Repeat No. 45 “Bayaderes”
  50. If you are as slow: “Romance of Autumn” by Marquardt
  51. Simonides on screen: Continue No. 50 quietly
  52. End of scene after Esther pulls cloak from shoulders: Repeat No. 44 (PURPLE)
  53. On the morrow: “Farcical Allegro” by Aborn
  54. Ben Hur interrupts Messala and Jew: “Bataille” by Silver
  55. Vile slave: “Fanfare” from Oriental Suite by Luz
  56. Once scene: “Comedy Excitement” by Zamecnik
  57. Horses on screen: Repeat No. 55 “Fanfare”
  58. One scene: “The Cossack Batallion” by Schoenfeld
  59. Horses with trumpeters on screen: Repeat No. 55 “Fanfare”
  60. One scene: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 2” by Marquardt
  61. White flags drop: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 5” by Marquardt
  62. Wheels of Messala’s car broken off: “Arretez-Le” by Roberty
  63. To end of race: “Devil Dogs” by Marquardt
  64. Face of race scene after stretcher is carried across screen: “Despair” by Kalbe
  65. Hail, Ilderim: “War March of Priests” by Mendelssohn
  66. Mark you Simonides: “Yearning” by Schoenfeld (WHITE)
  67. Fade after Ben Hur rides from tent: “Sanctuary of the Heart” by Ketelbey (BROWN)
  68. From among the humble fishermen: Repeat No. 65 “War March of the Priests”
  69. A new governor: “Sorrow” by Macat (BROWN)
  70. Now when the even was come: Repeat no. 67 (BROWN)
  71. And in that same hour: “Prattle” by Lowitz
  72. Ben Hur dismounts from white horse: Repeat no. 69 (BLACK)
  73. Lepers see Ben Hur asleep: “Lament” by Herrmann
  74. After Ben Hur awakes: Repeat No. 66 (WHITE)
  75. Horseman shows on screen: Repeat No. 69 (BLACK)
  76. And when they had bound him: “Grand Appassionato” by Becce
  77. In the valley of the lepers: “Elegie and Appassionato” by Savino
  78. And so Pilate delivered: Repeat No. 76 “Grant Appassionato”
  79. And a voice came to him: Repeat no. 77 “Elegie and Appassionato”
  80. There was a darkness; “Destruction” by Lowtiz
  81. And over the plains: “Unfold Ye Portals” by Gounod
  82. Weeping may endure for a night: “I Know That My Redeemer Liveth” by Handel

Proper orchestral rest period is Nos. 30 to 43 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE, sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetition of numbers designates the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetitions.

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Bellamy Trial

Title: The Bellamy Trial

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Devil Dogs” by Marquardt
  2. After weekly smoke screen: “Intermezzo Perpetual” by Lowitz
  3. Interior courtroom scene: “Yearning” by Schoenfeld (WHITE)
  4. Order in the courtroom: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 13” by Marquardt
  5. End of the first attorney’s speech: “La Confession” by Morgan
  6. Well, peoples: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 11” by Marquardt (RED)
  7. Then one cop say to me: “Colinette” by Harms
  8. Luigi Orsini, did you kill: Repeat No. 3 (WHITE)
  9. Doctor Richard: “Fury” by Zamecnik (DK. BLUE)
  10. Doctor is this the place: “Excerpts from Sakuntala” by Goldmark
  11. Recess for lunch: “Idlewilde” by Gottschalk
  12. Farnell’s a million miles away: Repeat No. 6 (RED)
  13. Yes I told Pat Ives’ wife: “Golden Sand” by Finck
  14. You see Sue: Repeat No. 6 (RED)
  15. The day of the murder: “Joy Through Tears” by Schertzinger
  16. Shy strike that out: “Stealthy Escape” by Zamecnik (BLACK)
  17. Husband walks from wife after title—“Not tonight”: “Happy Moods” by Marquardt
  18. Children led upstairs by nurse: Repeat No. 16 (BLACK)
  19. Attorney shows knife and letters to witness: Repeat No. 3 (WHITE)
  20. Don’t be afraid Mother: “Slumbers” by Kempinski
  21. Katie O’Connor: “Pine Tree Echoes” by Schoenfeld
  22. Newspaper article on screen: “Vengeance” by Franceschi
  23. We’ll drive over to the movies: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 11” by Marquardt (RED)
  24. But your wife didn’t return home: “Fury” by Zamecnik (DK. BLUE)
  25. Really, Mr. Bellamy: “Dram. Tension No. 2” by Ancliffe
  26. Patrick Ives: “Adoree” by Friml
  27. Clerk read these letters: “Jeanette” by Salcede
  28. I don’t write: Repeat No. 26 “Adoree”
  29. Doctor Barrett: Repeat No. 24 (DK. BLUE)
  30. Judge stops arguing attorneys: “True Love” by Ketelbey
  31. You heard Mr. Bellamy’s testimony: Repeat No. 24 (DK. BLUE)
  32. Then what did you do at that cottage: “Reproach” by Zamecnik
  33. Fade-back to witness on stand: “Yearning” by Schoenfeld (WHITE)
  34. I’d like to have Stephen Bellamy: Repeat No. 23 (RED)
  35. Mimi had always been afraid of the dark: Repeat No. 33 (WHITE)
  36. Attorney addressing jury: Repeat No. 24 (DK. BLUE)
  37. The electric chair: “Romance d’Amour” by Schoenfeld
  38. Clock on screen: Repeat No. 24 (DK. BLUE)
  39. Bring that man here: “Rosemary” by Reynard
  40. And on the night of the murder: Repeat No. 16 (BLACK)
  41. And as they were leaving: “Melodic Agitato” by Savino
  42. Jury returns to the courtroom: “Remorse” by Lowitz
  43. Reporter at court window waves: Repeat No. 41 “Melodic Agitato”
  44. Newspaper article on screen: Repeat No. 33 (WHITE)
  45. Reporters leaving courtroom: Repeat No. 23 (RED)
  46. Mother sits down by judge and tells story: Repeat No. 16 (BLACK)
  47. Old lady enters cottage after note on screen: Repeat No. 23 (RED)
  48. My boy has been so happy: Repeat No. 24 (DK. BLUE)
  49. Woman stabbed: Repeat No. 20 “Slumbers”

Proper orchestral rest period is Nos. 15 to 25 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE, sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetition of numbers designates the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetitions.

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: ddqHy7D9Sv

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Title: Becky

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Un peu d’Amour” by Silesu (WHITE)
  2. Among the great battles of life: “Incid. Symphony No. 37” by Hintz
  3. Sally O’Neil shows on screen: “Captain Cupid” by Bratton
  4. Sally O’Neil walks from counter with basket: “Bayaderes” from Babylon by Elie (DARK GREEN)
  5. Sally O’Neil falls into cart: “Happy Jacqueline” by Mondrone
  6. Old woman bumps into Sally O’Neil: “Ardent Longing” by Schlothen
  7. You gave me this: “Entr’acte Lovelorn” by Wood
  8. And salad and cheese: “Un peu d’Amour” by Silesu (WHITE)
  9. Kiss: “The Lure of Crimson” by Marquardt
  10. Girl sets clothing from clothes rack: Repeat No. 8 (WHITE)
  11. Girl closes door and runs upstairs: “A Love Lesson” by Fresco
  12. Own Moore and Sally O’Neil at Victrola: “My Heart At Thy Sweet Voice” by St. Saens
  13. Girl stops singing after Owen Moore stops record: Repeat No. 8 (WHITE)
  14. Fade-out as girl runs to Victrola: “March of the Mannikens” by Onivas
  15. Sally O’Neil falls on stage: “Dance of the Marionettes” by Herbert
  16. The opening night: Repeat No. 14 “March of the Mannikens”
  17. Chorus dances off screen: “Faust” by Gounod (letters V and W)
  18. Pretty soon Becky will come out: “Faust” by Gounod (letter U)
  19. Becky comes from tower; “Faust” by Gounod (letter F)
  20. After curtain is down: “Then You’ll Remember Me” by Balfe
  21. At Spiegelberg’s picnic: “Bavaderes” from Babylon by Elie (DARK GREEN)
  22. After all, the night is young: “Sing Me A Baby Song” by Donaldson
  23. One dancing scene: Repeat No. 21 (DARK GREEN)
  24. I presume you are waiting: “Nocturne” by Chenoweth
  25. The next morning: “Budding Blossoms” by Schoenfeld
  26. Rich man enters girl’s room with box of flowers: “Andante Amoroso” by Axt (LIGHT GREEN)
  27. Bed breaks down: “Lady Lilly” by Fresco
  28. Kiss after chewing gum business: Repeat No. 26 (LIGHT GREEN)
  29. Nan is so: “Give Me AS Night In June” by Friend
  30. Owen Moore shows on screen: Repeat No. 21 (DARK GREEN)
  31. During the next three weeks: Repeat No. 26 (LIGHT GREEN)
  32. Girl gest out of carriage: “Un peu d’Amour” by Silesu (WHITE)
  33. Shortly after: “Souvenir” by Drdla
  34. Exterior scene: “Chez Mere Grand” by Mouton
  35. Becky and men leave punch table and enter to party: “Pop Goes the Weasel” by Reeg
  36. Girl and old man stop dancing: “The Charleston” (piano)
  37. Old man kicks girl as she falls down: Repeat No. 21 (DARK GREEN)
  38. But why shouldn’t we elope: “Cavatina” by Bohn
  39. Be sure and carry: “Santiago” by Corbin
  40. People applaud after bedroom scene: “Alone At Night” by Marquardt
  41. Note to John on screen: “Haste” by Sanders
  42. Make yourself at home, dear: “Farewell” by Kuhne
  43. Take a tip from me: “Appassionato No. 3” by Axt
  44. Becky enters door to two men: Repeat No. 3 “Appassionato No. 3”
  45. Door opened—rich girl shows: “Ballade d’Amour” by Sanders
  46. If anybody calls: Repeat No. 32 (WHITE)

Proper orchestral rest period is Nos. 21 to 32 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE, sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetition of numbers designates the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetitions.

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Beau Broadway

Title: Beau Broadway

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Your Love Is All” by Zamecnik (WHITE)
  2. Broadway: “Rain Or Shine” by Ager
  3. Play one chorus and segue: “Roses and Thorns” by Loraine
  4. Lambert’s training camp: “Laughing Beauties” by Berge
  5. The doctor says: “Berceuse d’Amour” by Marquardt
  6. Within a few weeks: “Cinderella” by Loraine
  7. Cody at telephone: “Songe d’Automne” by Joyce
  8. End of telephoning: “Poppy Love Theme” by Luz (GRAY)
  9. Boy goes out of house—closes door: “Lady Lilly” by Fresco
  10. Everything is fixed: “Silver Fingers” by Mallory
  11. Good-night Daddy: Repeat No. 8 (GRAY)
  12. Scene showing children’s: “Misterioso Drammatico” by Savino (RED)
  13. End of telephoning: “Noetturno” by Grieg
  14. Sunday morning: “Midsummer” by Maquarre
  15. Fade-out of Cody with dress: “Largo” by Haendel
  16. Congregation rises to sing: “Rock of Ages from A. B. C. Sacred Set” by Luz (full organ)
  17. Madame Clair: “Dance of the Sylphes” by Marquardt
  18. Girl has coat on: Repeat No. 12 (RED)
  19. I’ve come to try on: “A Regret” by Byford
  20. Lambert’s birthday: “Mountain Trails” by Schoenfeld
  21. Look at that measly cake: “Whispering Hope” by Dews
  22. It’s all right dear: “Bridal Paths” by Langford
  23. Congratulations: “Sweet Smiles” by Waldteufel
  24. Take it or leave it: “Misterioso Drammatico” by Savino (RED)
  25. May I bring my friends in?: “Just Like A Melody—Out of the Sky” by Donaldson
  26. Dancers stop: “A Love Lesson” by Fresco
  27. That’s the trouble: Repeat No. 24 (RED)
  28. I want you to meet: “Poppy Love Theme” by Luz (GRAY)
  29. Killer Gordon vs: “Cheer Up” by Kaufman
  30. Gong rings: “Six Furlongs” by Bub
  31. Gong rings: “La Fiancee” by Hartz
  32. Gong rings: Repeat No. 30 “Six Furlongs”
  33. End of fight—man knocked out: “Step On It” by Kaufman
  34. After fight: “Hidden Love” by Marquardt
  35. Where’s Mona?: “Appassionato No. 4” by Axt (DARK BLUE)
  36. Don’t worry honey: “Your Love Is All” by Zamecnik (WHITE)
  37. If you open that door: Repeat No. 35 (DARK BLUE)
  38. Mona: Repeat No. 36 (WHITE)

Proper orchestral rest period is Nos. 18 to 26 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE, sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetition of numbers designates the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetitions.

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Battle of Sexes

Title: The Battle of Sexes

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 1” by Marquardt
  2. Manicurist sits down at barber chair: “Strande D’Ostende” by Hintz
  3. I see by the papers: “Bayaderes” from Babylon by Elie (DK. GREEN)
  4. Fade-out of girl in barber chair: “Twinkling” by Hauenschild (YELLOW)
  5. Mother has shawl on shoulders: “Adoree” by Friml (WHITE)
  6. Mother dries her eyes: Repeat No. 4 (YELLOW)
  7. Family seated at dining room table: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 6” by Marquardt (RED)
  8. Dining room table scene: Repeat No. 4 (YELLOW)
  9. Fade-out of dining room table scene: Repeat No. 3 (DK. GREEN)
  10. Such a man: “Serenade Petite” by Zamecnik
  11. Girl in room alone after family leaves: Repeat No. 7 (RED)
  12. Rat seen on floor: “Misterioso Burlesque” by Savino
  13. Man in room laughs: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 10” by Marquardt
  14. Door closed after title: “Shut the door”: Repeat No. 7 (RED)
  15. Man runs from couch for glass of water: “Bayaderes” from Babylon by Elie (DK. GREEN)
  16. Fade as man looks at himself in mirror to girl at piano: Piano ad lib to Screen
  17. Man enters girl’s room—maid takes coat: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 6” by Marquardt (RED)
  18. Girl begins to play piano and sing: “Rose in the Bod” by Forster
  19. Fade-out of girl singing: “Miss Mischief” by Kempinski
  20. Man falls on bed: Repeat No. 17 (RED)
  21. Fade-out of plotters on couch: Repeat No. 19 “Miss Mischief”
  22. Fade-out as man leaves room dressed: “Twinkling” by Hauenschild (YELLOW)
  23. Fade-out after title—“Please Mumsey”: “Cocotte” by Tyson
  24. Do you think I can get anywhere: “Poppy Love Theme” by Luz
  25. Fade-out as family leaves house to cabaret: “That’s My Weakness Now” by Green
  26. Girl at table eating: Repeat No. 24 “Poppy Love Theme”
  27. End of act—people enter cabaret: Repeat No. 25 “That’s My Weakness Now”
  28. Man shows money—wraps into girl’s hair: Repeat No. 17 (RED)
  29. Family at table have bill: “Out of the Dawn” by Donaldson
  30. Vampire kisses man: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 19” by Marquardt
  31. Wife motions and begins to walk: Repeat No. 29 “Out of the Dawn”
  32. People stop dancing and applaud: “Anything You Say” by Donaldson
  33. May 1: “Just Another Night” by Donaldson
  34. Man takes off his shoes in cabaret: “Broken Vows” by Kempinski
  35. More night work: “Adoree” by Friml
  36. I can’t tonight: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 6” by Marquardt (RED)
  37. Husband walks from wife (segue quick): “Melodic Appassionato No. 1” by Marquardt
  38. Husband walks out of room—stops in hall: Repeat No. 35 (WHITE)
  39. Husband walks out of hall: Repeat No. 37 “Melodic Appassionato”
  40. Daughter has mother’s head on her lap: Repeat No. 35 (WHITE)
  41. Fade-out of mother and daughter: “Misterioso No. 2” by Hintz
  42. Young man walks out of room: “Appassionato Lirico” by Bradford
  43. Girl lies down on couch: “Bayaderes” from Babylon by Elie (DK. GREEN)
  44. Fade-out of girl on couch: “The Answer In Your Eyes” by Savino
  45. Fade after maid closes hall door: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 13” by Marquardt
  46. Daughter drags mother from edge of roof: “Adoree” by Friml (WHITE)
  47. Daughter walks from mother: Repeat No. 41 “Misterioso No. 2”
  48. Stop short as vampire opens curtains and sees girl: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 1” by Marquardt
  49. Cane ringing doorbell: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 6” by Marquardt (RED)
  50. Every time you get a few drinks in you: “Mysterious Tension” by Axt
  51. Just be quiet: Repeat No. 49 (RED)
  52. Man sees cane on piano: Repeat No. 50 “Mysterious Tension”
  53. Father sees daughter in man’s arms: Repeat No. 37 “Melodic Appassionato”
  54. Girl doesn’t let father leave room after title—“You’d hit me”: “Romance” by Kardanoff
  55. Daughter runs off screen with mother: “Inspiration” by Edwards
  56. Fade-out of father in room: “Twinkling” by Hauenschild (YELLOW)
  57. We’ve saved the biggest present: Repeat No. 46 (WHITE)

Proper orchestral rest period is Nos. 34 to 44 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE, sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetition of numbers designates the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetitions.

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: mMgtCZo8he

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Baby Mine

Title: Baby Mine

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Beneath the Balcony” by Lacombe (YELLOW)
  2. The lucky ones: “Six Furlongs” by Bub
  3. Fade to college boy sharpening razor: “There’s A Trick In Pickin’ A Chick-Chick-Chicken” by Tobias
  4. Boy opens window: Wind Effect by Drummer and Organist
  5. Papers blown out of window: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 10” by Marquardt (LT. BLUE)
  6. Fade-out of Charlotte Greenwood: “Entr’ Act To A Comedy” by Axt
  7. Champion being examined by young doctor: “Aubade Fleurie” by Ganne
  8. Champ on doctor’s table stops moving legs: “A Busy Thoroughfare” by Baron
  9. Jimmie’s favorite subject: “Lucky In Love” by Henderson (WHITE)
  10. Woman with toothache at door: “Heap Big Injun” by Sawyer
  11. Woman takes boy out of house: “I’m Sitting On Top of the World” by Henderson
  12. Telephone bell rings: “Serenata amara” by Culotta
  13. Fade-out of Karl Dane at telephone to girl: “Lucky In Love” by Henderson (WHITE)
  14. Telephone bell: Repeat No. 12 “Serenata amara”
  15. I lost my fur: “Beneath the Balcony” by Lacombe (YELLOW)
  16. Oswald’s failure: “Intermezzo Giocoso” by Egener
  17. Girl shows on screen after boys walk off: Repeat No. 15 (YELLOW)
  18. Charlotte Greenwood shows in mirror: “Figaro’s Wedding” by Mozart
  19. Karl Dane brought back into room: Repeat No. 15 (YELLOW)
  20. Karl Dane pushes Greenwood on couch: “Pacific Train” by Gabriel Marie
  21. Sweetheart: “Mountain Laurel” by Allen
  22. Preparing for the wedding: “The Kewpies’ Redezvous” by Kempinski
  23. He’s so nervous. He’s speechless: “Burlesque on Mendelssohn’s Wedding March” by Kempinski
  24. Love’s awakening: “Lucky In Love” by Henderson (WHITE)
  25. For the next twelve months: “Love Sparks” by Holzmann
  26. Child taken off screen: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 10” by Marquardt (LT. BLUE)
  27. Oswald enters room with baby toys: “Cupid’s Surprise” by Gross
  28. The one on my left needs something: Repeat No. 26 (LT. BLUE)
  29. Lilliputian baby brought into room: “The Jolly Rover” by Schoenfeld
  30. Baby puts liquor into milk bottle: Repeat No. 26 (LT. BLUE)
  31. What was your idea: “Lucky In Love” by Henderson (WHITE)

Proper orchestral rest period is Nos. 12 to 21 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE, sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetition of numbers designates the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetitions.

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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