Title: PianOrgaN Film Books of Incidental Music, Vol. 1: Pathetic Love Themes
Author: Belwin, Inc.
Publisher: New York: Belwin, 1925
Series: PianOrgaN film books of incidental music
Format: Sheet music
Document type: Musical score
All authors/contributors: Carl Kiefert, Gaston Borch, James C. Bradford, Valentina Crespi, Abbott Lee
OCLC Number: 761197680
Contents: 1. Withered Flowers by Kiefert
2. Pastoral by Kiefert
3. A Dream by Borch
4. Pleading Love Theme by Bradford
5. Thoughts by Crespi
6. Purity by Borch
7. Sinfulness by Borch
8. Love Theme by Lee
Notes: for piano and organ
Source: Greg Breed
SFSMA ID: LOfXjmdzm6
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