Title: Indian Misterioso (For General Use)
Author: Sol P. Levy
Publisher: New York: Belwin Inc., 1918
Series: Cinema Inc. Series
Format: Sheet music
Document type: Musical score
All authors/contributors: Sol P. Levy
OCLC Number:
Notes: Time notes – Total time with repeat 4 min. Intro. 25 sec., 1 to 2 with repeat 1 min. 40 sec, 2 to 3 35 sec, 3 to 4 1 min. 20 sec.; for piano/conductor (2-page spread), violin 2, cello, bass (measure numbers after rehearsal section #1, time signatures circled at end of rehearsal section #1), flute, viola, clarinet 1 in Bb (2 copies), trumpet in Bb, Indian drum/Tympani G-D, trombone, violin 1/conductor
Source: Don Metzger Collection
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