Title: The Head of the Family
Author: Joseph E. Zivelli
Publisher: Gotham Publications, 1928
Series: A Zivelli Cue Sheet
Format: Cue Sheet
Document type: Cue Sheet
All authors/contributors: Joseph E. Zivelli
OCLC Number:
DAD THEME: “Poor Papa” by Woods
BILL THEME: “Ho-Ho-Hogan” by Schuster
MABEL THEME: “The Gold Digger” by Hanley
MAGGIE THEME: “Bridget O’Flynn” by Shapiro Bernstein
- At Screening: DAD THEME
- Midnight: “Anxiete” by Srawley
- Broken Water Pipe: “The Jesters” by Carbonara
- Maggie Appears: MAGGIE THEME
- Michael With Packages: “Entr’Acte to A Comedy” by Axt
- Water Shut Off: BILLY THEME
- Alice Seen: “Charming” by Zivelli
- Aren’t You Ashamed: “Dram. And. No.2” by Axt
- Charley Seen: “Just A Little Drink” by Gay
- Dad Gets Heart Attack: DAD THEME
- The Next Day: “Simple Meditation” by Ludwig
- Exterior: BILLY THEME
- I’ll Teach You Two: DAD THEME
- Maggie Enters: MAGGIE THEME
- Charlie and Mabel Enter: MABEL THEME
- That Guy May Be: DAD THEME
- After Dinner: MAGGIE THEME
- Bill and Michael Enter: BILL THEME
- I Can Handle: MAGGIE THEME
- I’m The Head of the Family: BILL THEME
- Alice On Phone: “Gotta Big Date” by Feist
- Alice Walks Away From Bill: “Pulchinello” by Aletter
- Bill Sees Michael at Keyhole: BILL THEME
- Alice Throws Powder At Bill: “Humorous Escapade” by Delille
- There Were Three Members: “Prudence” by Luz
- Bill Sees Alice: “In A Little Love Nest” by Siras
- Let Someone Talk: MAGGIE THEME
- There Were Three: MABEL THEME
- Oh, Please Sit Down: “She Knows Her Onions” by Ager
- So He Became Dear: “Dainty Blossoms” by Kahn
- Charlie Gets “Bad News”: “Emotional Agitato” by Savino
- Better Take Off: MABEL THEME
- Exterior—Fast Auto: “Melodic Agitato” by Savino
- Alice Sees Bill and Mabel: “A Musical Thought” by Teitelbaum
- Say, You Don’t Mean: MABEL THEME
- Sullivan Returns: DAD THEME
- Bill and Michael: “Hedge Roses” by Frey
- Bill Enters Bathroom: BILL THEME
- Maggie Enters: MAGGIE THEME
- What You Need: “What D’Ya Say” by Henderson
Source: Carl Braun Collection
SFSMA ID: l6jYQ90Vxa
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