Four Sons

Title: Four Sons

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: MOTHER THEME “Little Mother” by Rapee
  2. The Old World: “Hansel and Gretel” by Humperdinck
  3. Wine Cellar Seen: “Immer Noch Ein Tropfchen” by Hinsch (Trio)
  4. Old Woman Seen Washing Clothes: Repeat Mother Theme No.1
  5. Fade-In to Soldiers: “Under the Double Eagle” by Wagner
  6. Change of Scene Back to Mother: MOTHER THEME “Little Mother” by Rapee (last 8 bars)
  7. Change of Scene to Group on Hay Wagon: “True Love’s Greetings” by Luz
  8. Change of Scene Back to Mother: Repeat Mother Theme No.6
  9. Change of Scene to Man in Blacksmith Shop: “Songs of Germany No.2” by Margis-Berger (Allo. Maestoso Move.)
  10. Andreas: “Rural Scene” by Zamecnik
  11. Change of Scene Back to Mother: Repeat Mother Theme No.1
  12. Postmaster Seen: Repeat No.3 “Immer Noch Ein Tropfchen”
  13. Change of Scene to Trains: “Woodland Whispers” by Czibulka
  14. Train Stops: “Under the Banner of Victory” by Von Blon
  15. Change of Scene to Group on Hay Wagon: “Hurrah! For the Germans” by Forster
  16. Young Man Jumps Off Hay Wagon: “A.B.C. Dram. Set No. 18-A1” by Luz
  17. Change of Scene to Mother: Repeat Mother Theme No.1
  18. Son Seen: “Love Scene from ‘Salammbo’” by Ahrends
  19. Mother Goes to Trunk: MOTHER THEME “Little Mother” by Rapee
  20. Officer Seen: Repeat No.14 “Under the Banner of Victory”
  21. Three Sons Seen Coming Home: Repeat No.15 “Hurrah! For the Germans”
  22. Family Seated at Table: Orchestra Tacet—Slow Soft Chime by Drummer
  23. You Should See the New: “Alice” by Hauenschild
  24. Son Walks Over to Mother: MOTHER THEME “Little Mother” by Rapee
  25. Fade-In to Guests Arriving at Home: Repeat No.15 “Hurrah! For the Germans”
  26. Villagers Seen—Exterior of Home: “Fanchette” by Bendix
  27. After Dance: Repeat Mother Theme No.19
  28. A Letter From Joseph: “Homeland” by Heurter
  29. Couple Seen on Swing: “Sweetheart from ‘Maytime’” by Romberg
  30. Change of Scene to Red Smoke Screen: “Phedre Overture” by Massenet (from beginning)
  31. Officers Seen: “Nibelungen March” by Wagner
  32. Mother and Sons Seen: “Resignation” by Von Fielitz
  33. Two Sons Leave Mother: “Deutschland uber Alles” by Lake
  34. Close-Up of Mother: Repeat Mother Theme No.19
  35. Troops Seen in Distance: “Under the Double Eagle” by Wagner
  36. Watch Over the: Repeat Mother Theme No.19
  37. Closeup of Trumpeter: Short German Trumpet Call               Segue: “Loyal Comrades” by Blankenburg
  38. Change of Scene to Delicatessen: “Frivolous Coquette” by Kempinski
  39. A Month of War: Repeat No.30 “Phedre Overture”
  40. Waiter Leaves Joseph: “Melancolic” by Labis
  41. Change of Scene to Group of Women: “Echoes of the Fatherland” by Henneberg
  42. Shadow of Postmaster on Wall: “Tragic Andante” by Sibelius
  43. A Christmas Box: “Grief” by Zamecnik
  44. Church Bells Ring: “Chant Elegiaque” by Tschaikowsky
  45. Change of Scene to Delicatessen Stoe: “Farewell” by Howgill
  46. Well, I’m A Son of A Gun!: “Over There” by Cohan
  47. Change of Scene to Street in Germany: MOTHER THEME “Little Mother” by Rapee
  48. Mother and Son Seated at Table: Slow Soft Chimes by Drummer
  49. Flashes of Searchlight seen on Window: Repeat No.31 “Nibelungen March”
  50. You Have a Son in America: “Rache-Vengeance” by Porret
  51. Report at the Barracks: “Dramatic Love Scene” by Axt
  52. Change of Scene to Mother in Front of Military Headquarters: “Nocturne No.14 from ‘Chopiniana Suite’” by Chopin
  53. Soldiers Marching Out of Barracks: “Flag of Victory” by Von Blon
  54. Herr Schoolmaster!: “Heartaches” by Pasternack
  55. The 9th of November: “Gruesome War Theme” by Rapee
  56. Young Man Goes Over the Top: “Orgies of the Spirits” by Ilynsky
  57. Young Man Takes Out Water Flask: “Pathetic Andante No.1” by Langey
  58. Troops Seen Moving Up on Battlefield: Repeat No.56 “Orgies of the Spirits”
  59. Armistice: Repeat No.44 “Chant Elegiaque”
  60. Change of Scene to German Officer Packing: “Camorra” by Joels
  61. Change of Scene to Mother Washing Clothes: Repeat Mother Theme No.47
  62. Clothes Are Thrown Off: “Chant de la Mort” by Kempinski
  63. Mother Seen Again: “Lamento” by Gabriel Marie
  64. The Great Adventure: “Medloy of ‘Yankee Doodle Boy,’ ‘My Buddy’, and ‘Home Sweet Home’”
  65. Joseph Goes Into Private Office: “At Dawning” by Cadman
  66. You Forgot Somethin’: Repeat Mother Theme No.47
  67. Change of Scene to Mother in Home: Repeat No.44 “Chant Elegiaque” with chimes
  68. Change of Scene to Postmaster: “Allegro Scherzoso No.1” by Jacquet
  69. Joseph Asks You to Come: “Dear Little Boy of Mine” by Ball
  70. But Americans had Strange: “Gaily Thro’ Life” by Schad
  71. Mother Returns to Classroom: “Snitzelbank”
  72. Farewell Burgendorf: “Hurrah! For the Germans” by Forster
  73. Change of Scene to Joseph’s Home: “Joyous Appassionato” by Carbonara
  74. Ellis Island: “Daughters of the Revolution” by Lampe (Trio)
  75. Ask her If She Knows: Repeat No.71 “Snitzelbank”
  76. Mother Breaks Down: “Andante Doloroso” by Langey
  77. Joseph Comes Through Gate of Ellis Island: “Zigzag” by Ferber
  78. Mother Seen in Detention Room Second Time: MOTHER THEME “Little Mother” by Rapee
  79. Change of Scene to Joseph’s Home: “Agitation No.28” by Borch
  80. Change of Scene to Subway: “Rush Hours” by Sanders
  81. Mother Seen Sitting on Curb: Repeat Mother Theme No.78
  82. After Hours of Vain Search: “A Tender Thought” by Grandfield
  83. Wife Sees Grandmother and Son: Repeat Mother Theme No.78

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Title: Fazil

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Neapolitan Nights” by Zamecnik
  2. Araby—Untouched By: “Men of Sparta” by Zamecnik
  3. Fazil—Holding From: “March Triomphale Creole” by Kriens               Segue: “Semi-Oriental Maestoso” by Becce
  4. Man Seen in Tower: “The Sunset Call to Prayer” by Andre
  5. Paris—Three Thousand: “Alice” by Hauenschild
  6. Fade-In to Arabians: “In the Sudan” by Sebek
  7. Fade-In to Coffee Being Served: “A Breezy Evening” by Howgill
  8. Fazil Walks Over to Window: Repeat Theme No. 1
  9. Ballroom Seen: “Ball-Scene” by Nicode
  10. Fazil Sees Girl: Repeat Theme No. 1
  11. Orchestra Starts to Play: THEME “Neapolitan Nights” by Zamecnik
  12. Dance is Over: “Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life” by Herbert
  13. Man Seen in Gondola: Repeat Theme No. 1
  14. Close-up of Bed: “Salut d’Amour” by Elgar
  15. Fade-In to Prayer: Short Pause, then repeat No.4 “Sunset Call”
  16. After Fade-Out on Prayer: Repeat No. 14 “Salut d’Amour”
  17. Paris—Or Paradise: “Ma Poulette” by Roberts
  18. Change of Scene to Interior: “Film Theme No. 28” by Goldmark
  19. Arabia or Not, You Are: Repeat No. 14 “Salut d’Amour”
  20. Change of Scene to John: “Mignonette” by Frimi
  21. John Leaves: “Second Love Tragedy” by Savino
  22. Couple Enter: “Lords and Ladies” by Salzer
  23. Just-A-Difference: “The Sunset Call to Prayer” by Andre                               Segue: “Film Theme No. 28” by Goldmark
  24. Woman Seen Lying in Bed: Repeat No. 14 “Salut d’Amour”
  25. Change of Scene to Arabia: THEME “Neapolitan Nights” by Zamecnik
  26. I Cannot Stand This: “March Triomphale Creole” by Kriens
  27. Arabian Street Seen: “A Street in Algiers” by Ansell
  28. Fade-in to Door Knob: “Reves d’Orient” by Baron
  29. Fabienne Walks into Harem Quarters: “Orientale” by Amani
  30. Fazil Arrives: “Dance of the Camorrists” by Wolf-Ferrari
  31. Fazil Sees His Wife: “Appassionato Patietico” by Bradford
  32. Why Did You Come?: “Mere Douloureuse” by Gabriel Marie
  33. You Dare Speak to Me: “Emotional Agitato” by Savino
  34. You Mean That You Will: Repeat Theme No. 25
  35. Something Terrible has: “Camorra” by Joels
  36. Dragging Days: “Desert Monotony” by Aborn
  37. Snake Charmer Seen: “Scheherazade” by Korsakow (1st)
  38. Dancing Girls Seen: “Danse Orientale” by Lubomirsky
  39. Dance is Over: “Mystic Romance” by Srawley
  40. Fade-in to Oriental Marriage: “The Sunset Call to Prayer” by Andre
  41. Flash-Back to Fabienne and Servant: Repeat No.39 “Mystic Romance”
  42. Husband Returns Home: “Dramatic Love Scene” by Finck
  43. Insert—Letter: “Imprecations” by Baron
  44. Lantern Being Lighted in Balcony: “A Ghastly Night” by Beghon
  45. It Means I Am Going to Leave You: “Dramatic Finale” by Noyes
  46. People Mount Horses: “The Night Riders” by Axt
  47. After Husband is Shot: Short Pause                Segue: “Allegro Agitato” by Becker
  48. Wife Extends Stretched Arms to Husband: THEME “Neapolitan Nights” by Zamecnik
  49. Escort Them to the French: “The Sunset Call to Prayer” by Andre
  50. Promise You Will: Repeat Theme No.48
  51. Husband Closes Wife’s Eyes: Two Muffled Gongs               Segue: “Salut d’Amour” by Elgar

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Dry Martini

Title: Dry Martini

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Blue Law Blues” by Lake
  2. With the coming: “Lords and Ladies” by Salzer
  3. Two policemen enter café with man: “Witty Moments” by Marquardt
  4. I’m sailin’ for old: “My New York” by Berlin
  5. Girl seen at telephone: “Y’A D’Jolies Femmes” by Salabert
  6. Quimby leaves café with dog: Repeat No. 2 “Lords and Ladies”
  7. I guess Fletcher just: “Chanson sans Paroles” by Tschaikowsky
  8. Quimby leaves Lina: Repeat No. 2 “Lords and Ladies”
  9. Group of men seen drinking: “He’s a Jolly Good Fellow” by Loesch
  10. Bad news: “Contrary” by Barnes
  11. Quimby walks into guest room: “Chastity” by Kay
  12. Butler brings in drinks: “Two in a Bar” by Copping
  13. Woman and man seen thru window fo café door: “Le Reve de L’Apache” by Donaldson
  14. Meet Paul de Launay: “Laughing Love” by Christine
  15. Frenchman leaves café: Repeat No. 12 “Two in a Bar”
  16. Change of scene to Lina’s apartment: “Chant d’Amour” by Jacquet
  17. I’ve terrible: “Under the Leaves” by Thome
  18. Lina answers telephone: “Souvenir Douloureux” by Bicchiere
  19. Phonograph starts to play: Orchestra tacet – play phonograph record of “My Heart Stood Still” (Fox-Trot)
  20. Quimby arrives home: “Amour Coquet” by Friml
  21. Hello, Dad: “Wings of Joy” by Van Norman
  22. Quimby leads daughter to guest room: “Tell Me You Love Me” by Santly
  23. Father and daughter seen in guest room: “Lady of My Heart” by Roder
  24. Flash back to young couple: Repeat No. 22 “Tell Me You Love Me”
  25. Fletcher seen in doorway: Repeat No. 3 “Witty Moments”
  26. Well, Frederick: Repeat No. 21 “Wings of Joy”
  27. Fade-in to books: “Paris Life” by Mosay
  28. Change of scene to cemetery: “Les Champs” by Bradford-Boutelje
  29. Ritz: “Mam’selle Caprice” by Baron
  30. Café seen: Repeat No. 5 “Y’A D’Jolies Femmes”
  31. A gentleman turns: “En Tapinois” by Mouton
  32. Why did you do that?: ‘Cause I’m in Love” by Donaldson
  33. Calendar seen again: “C’est Vous” by Greenberg
  34. Change of scene to two girls: “Amorous Adventure” by Bradford
  35. Lucille reads note: “Melodic Appassionato No. 1” by Marquardt
  36. Elizabeth answers telephone: “C’est Vous” by Greenberg
  37. Father seen dressing: “Pastime” by Clutsam
  38. Phonograph starts playing: Orchestra tacet – play phonograph record of “Doing the New Low Down” by Mills
  39. Phonograph stops playing: “That’s My Weakness Now” by Green
  40. Lucille sees Bobbie: Repeat No. 22 “Tell Me You Love ME”
  41. Lucille and Bobbie leave: Repeat No. 39 “That’s My Weakness Now”
  42. Telephone rings: “Second Love Tragedy” by Savino
  43. Dog barks: “Puppets” by Bierman
  44. Youth seeks the great: Repeat No. 36 “C’est Vous”
  45. Father seen: “Dramatic Agitato No. 38” by Minot
  46. Change of scene back to Elizabeth and Paul: Repeat No. 36 “C’est Vous”
  47. Elizabeth enters boudoir: “La Folie” by Franceschi
  48. Change of scene to automobile: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 18” by Marquardt
  49. Father arrives at Paul’s house: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 13” by Marquardt
  50. Elizabeth!: “Defiant Love” by Schad
  51. The greatest thing: “Rache-Vengeance” by Porret
  52. Fletcher takes his coat off: “Help! Help!” by Kovacs
  53. Fletcher is thrown out of room: “Burlesque on Chopin’s Funeral March” by Kempinski
  54. Daughter seen in automobile: “Romance” by Frommel
  55. Youth departs: Repeat No. 32 “Cause I’m in Love”
  56. Hurry up or you’ll miss: “A Busy Thoroughfare” by Baron
  57. After crowd say good-bye to Quimby: “A Perfect Day” by Bond
  58. Frank, a dry martini: Repeat No. 39 “That’s My Weakness Now”

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: 5q3YOz3sfh

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Dressed to Kill

Title: Dressed to Kill

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “The Gentleman Burglar” by Jacquet
  2. Exposure seen: “It Looks Like a Big Night Tonight” by Van Alstyne
  3. Lowe steps into car: “Who’s Who?” by Morris
  4. Close-up of clock seen: “Affolement” by Ourdine
  5. Fade-in to sign—“Garage For Rent”: “Uneasiness” by Mendelssohn
  6. Lowe gets out of taxi: “Melancolie” by Bubeck
  7. Lowe and girl enter private club: “Is She My Girl Friend?” by Ager
  8. Is that new waiter safe: “Ondes Mysterieuses” by Franceschi
  9. Change of scene to orchestra: “Make Believe You’re Happy” by Woods
  10. Orchestra stops playing: “An Evening Melody” by St. Clair
  11. Close-up of professor and other crooks sitting down: “A Mysterious Fable” by Juon
  12. Orchestra seen again: “Dark Town Strutters’ Ball” by Brooks
  13. Change of scene to Lowe and girl: “When Love Comes Stealing” by Rapee
  14. Automobile drives up: “Agitated Misterioso” by Rapee
  15. Detective enters club: Repeat No. 1 “The Gentleman Burglar”
  16. Barry and girl leave club: “Evil Intentions” by Kempinski
  17. Orchestra seen: “Keep Sweeping the Cobwebs Off the Moon” by Lewis
  18. Waiter comes in to gang with four drinks: “Treacherous Knave” by Zamecnik
  19. Orchestra seen again: Repeat No. 17 “Keep Sweeping the Cobwebs Off the Moon”
  20. Taxi seen in backyard: “Misterioso Dramatique No. 54” by BOrch
  21. Change of scene to dancing: Repeat No. 17 “Keep Sweeping the Cobwebs Off the Moon”
  22. Change of scene to Barry and girl entering house: “Wings” by Zamecnik
  23. Just what will be my duties: “Shadows In the Night” by Borch
  24. Well, let’s call it a night: “Moonlight Memories” by Edwards
  25. Coffee being served to Lowe in the morning: “A Summer Morning” by Ewing
  26. Newspaper insert seen: “Cortege” by Rapee-Axt
  27. Fade-in to girl at dressing table: “Vanity” by Jackson
  28. Victrola seen: Repeat No. 13 “When Love Comes Stealing”
  29. Barry takes out gun: “Dramatic Tension” by Axt
  30. I’m leaving a little more protection: “Admiration” by Jackson
  31. Orchestra seen: “For My Baby” by Kahal
  32. Tacet: Stop music
  33. Segue: Repeat No. 13 “When Love Comes Stealing”
  34. I’m not so sure about this Moll: “Fuga” by Gabriel Marie
  35. Gentlemen, this is our: “Karma” by Herbert
  36. Count removes his hat: “Fleeting Shadows” by Weiss
  37. Fade-in to automobile on street: “A Busy Thoroughfare” by Baron
  38. How much is it: “Gruesome Suspense” by Beghon
  39. Girl faints: “Scherzo Serioso” by Lowitz
  40. Fade-in to gang: “Stalking the Prey” by Kempinski
  41. Change of scene to Barry’s apartment: “The Crisis” by Pasternack
  42. You mean everything: “Appassionato” by Borch
  43. So you’re a stool pigeon!: “Dramatic Finale” by Noyes
  44. If I’d know a girl: “Where Roses Bloom” by Edwards
  45. Barry leaves: “In Despair” by Berge
  46. Fade-in to double exposure of sweethearts: “Because I Love You” by Berlin
  47. Change of scene to gang: “Tensive Misterioso” by Berge
  48. Close-up of electric sign—“Night and Day Bank”: “Agitato a la Valse” by Savino
  49. Change of scene back to girl: “Tensive Misterioso” by Peele
  50. Gang throws girl on sofa: “The Accuser” by Kay
  51. Barry jumps out of automobile: “Uneasiness” by Borch
  52. Barry holds up gang: “Eccitamento” by Retlaw
  53. I’m giving them to her: “An Argument” by Breil
  54. Automobile seen: “Agitato Misterioso” by Delille
  55. I’ll get away: “Adieu” by Friml
  56. Girl gets into taxi: “Facing Death” by Becce
  57. Pistol shot: “Chant de la Mort” by Kempinski
  58. Change of scene to professor seen walking: “A Spooky Adventure” by Pasternack
  59. It only takes one dame: “I May Be Gone For a Long, Long Time”

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Don’t Marry

Title: Don’t Marry

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Dream River” by Brown
  2. If all the people, claiming descent: “Stephanie Gavotte” by Czibulka
  3. On the other side of the wall: “Rain or Shine” by Ager
  4. I would never allow: “Comic Conversation” by Aborn
  5. Priscilla seen on beach: “The Best Things In Life Are Free” by Henderson
  6. Priscilla, how can you stand: “Rustic Idyl” by Pasternack
  7. Man seen carrying ice cream cones: “Ice Cream” by Johnson
  8. Shameless hussy: Repeat No. 4 “Comic Conversation”
  9. Close-up of directory: “Frivolous Coquette” by Kempinski
  10. That’s the most indecent: “Anxiete” by Srawley
  11. General meets Priscilla: “Cocotte” by Tyson
  12. Change of scene to exterior: “Tell Me Pretty Maiden” from Floradora by Stuart
  13. Son enters general’s office: “Adventure d’Amour” by Bradford
  14. Close-up of door knocker: “Mademoiselle-Promenade?” by Jacquet
  15. Henry Willoughby sees Priscilla coming downstairs: Repeat No. 12 “Tell Me Pretty Maiden”
  16. Priscilla plays harp: “Love’s Old Sweet Song” by Molloy
  17. Priscilla finishes playing: Repeat No. 12 “Tell Me Pretty Maiden”
  18. Poet stands between men at card table: “Humoresken” by Jones
  19. I’ve always dreamed: Repeat No. 1 “Dream River”
  20. Well, our little plot: “I’m Falling In Love With Someone” by Herbert
  21. Tennis court seen: “Happy Go Lucky” by Kaufman
  22. Priscilla enters her room: “Babbling Brook” by Golden
  23. Priscilla and Henry in bathing outfits: “Simplicity” by Lee
  24. Let me get you a bathing: “Paderewski Rag” by Klickmann
  25. Priscilla dives into water: “Oh Mister” by Frey
  26. Well, if it isn’t little: “Sunshine” by Berlin
  27. When it came to baseball: “Sultan of Swat” by Donaldson
  28. Priscilla sits alongside of Henry knitting: “Gavotte and Musette” by Raff
  29. Automobile seen along road: Repeat No. 26 “Sunshine”
  30. Have you children?: “Glow Worm” by Lincke
  31. Back seat of car accidentally closes: “Intermezzo” by Arensky
  32. Teo men seen in hallway: “Sh! Not So Loud” by Barrett
  33. After table falls: “Trouble Extreme” by Gabriel Marie
  34. You young scamp: “Dramatic Finale” by Noyes
  35. Wedding bells: “O Promise Me” by DeKoven
  36. Close-up of registration book: “Two Little Pretty Birds” by Tucker
  37. Priscilla phones down to hotel clerk: “Entr’acte Lovelorn” by Wood
  38. This is Betty – I’m downstairs: “Without You Sweetheart” by Henderson
  39. Henry enters wife’s room: “Appassionato Patetico” by Bradford
  40. Henry walks into room no. 746: “Love Me and the World is Mine” by Ball
  41. Henry shows Priscilla her bridal gown: “Ferocity” by Carrozzini
  42. Couple embrace: Repeat No. 26 “Sunshine”

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Cowboy Kid

Title: The Cowboy Kid

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Prelude to Western American Drama” by Baron
  2. Jim Barrett: “He Was a Cowboy” [no composer given], SEGUE to “The Stampede” by Luscomb
  3. Small calf seen: “In a Shady Nook” by Golden
  4. Evening – the chuck wagon: “Happy Go Lucky” by Kaufman
  5. Woman seen in front of microphone: “Carissima” by Penn
  6. John Grover: “Gay Deceivers” by Claypoole
  7. Fade-on to town: “Headin’ West” by Lakay
  8. Change of scene to gang of men: “Stalking the Prey” by Kempinski
  9. Change of scene to town: “Commotion” by Conterno
  10. Girl and driver being chased: “The Call For Aid” by Pasternack
  11. Car starts backing up: “Comic Hurry” by O’Hare
  12. Car backs up through jail wall: ‘Moon Madness” by Lodge
  13. Change of scene to couple on settee: “Is She My Girl Friend?” by Ager
  14. Shorty goes into dentist’s office: “The Jesters” by Carbonara
  15. Change of scene to ice cream parlor: “Rambler Roses” by Wheeler
  16. Sheriff sprays his throat: “Morning” from Peer Gynt No. 1 by Grieg
  17. Change of scene to Shorty in dentist’s chair: “Children’s Game” by Ascher
  18. Change of scene to ice cream parlor: “Intermezzo Giocoso” by Egener
  19. Lilly leaves: THEME – “Happy Go Lucky Lane” by Meyer
  20. Change of scene to party: Repeat No. 5 “Carissima”
  21. Demijona Jin: “Mystery” by Baynes
  22. I see a big handsome man: “Lily of the Valley” by Gilbert
  23. Lady gives Jim baby to hold: “Poupee Valsante” by Poldini
  24. Woman on bench gets up: “London Bridge is Falling Down” by Ascher
  25. Change of scene to jail: “The Plotters” by Carrozzini
  26. At pistol shot: “Comedy Allegro” by Haines
  27. You stay here: Repeat No. 25 “The Plotters”
  28. Why don’t you see what: Repeat No. 21 “Mystery”
  29. At explosion: “Animated Agitato” by Levy
  30. I am sorry, Mr. Grover: “Uneasiness” by Borch
  31. Fade-in to crowd outside bank: “Panicy Agitato” by Berge
  32. Villain walks into broadcasting station: “Eccitamento” by Retlaw
  33. Girl walks into broadcasting room: “A Critical Moment” by Becce
  34. Jim unties rope: “Help! Help!” by Kovacs
  35. Jim gets on horse: “Presto” by Brockton
  36. Girl gets on motorcycle: “Comedy Allegro” by Berg
  37. I heard about the hold-up: “Agitato Misterioso” by Becce
  38. Armored car is held up: “The Snake in the Grass” by Srawley
  39. Jim jumps on armored car: “The Rabble” by Herbert
  40. Armored car seen in village street: “Joyous Allegro” by Borch
  41. I’ll show you the cause: “Evil Motive” by Hoffman
  42. Here’s your prisoner: Repeat No. 14 “The Jesters”
  43. I’m grateful, Jim: Repeat Theme No. 19

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: sOwlzRmef4

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Come To My House

Title: Come To My House

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: THEME – “Did You Mean It?” by Baker
  2. The Surf and Saddie Club: “Whimsical Charms” by Fresco
  3. Two men appear: “Together We Two” by Berlin
  4. Just one more: “Debutante” by Rapee-Axt
  5. Group in motor boat: “Step ON It” by Kaufman
  6. Floyd Bennings: Repeat Theme No. 1
  7. The Barton home: “Mystery Waltz” by Baynes
  8. Olive Borden comes down stairs: Repeat Theme No. 1
  9. Floyd Bennings and Joan are interrupted: “Some Day You’ll Say O.K.” by Donaldson
  10. Where have you children: “Intermezzo Giocoso” by Egener
  11. Joan throws book down: Repeat Theme No. 1
  12. Unfamiliar roads: Repeat Theme No. 1
  13. Second automobile seen: “Who’s Who?” by Morris
  14. Couple enters house: Repeat Theme No. 1
  15. I heard tonight that you: “Appassionato No. 2” by Tyson
  16. Bennings kisses Joan: Repeat Theme No. 1
  17. Change of scene to man waiting in automobile: Repeat No. 13 “Who’s Who?”
  18. Change of scene to Joan sleeping: “Worryin’” by Fairman
  19. Joan answers phone: Repeat No. 13 “Who’s Who?”
  20. Joan hangs up phone: “Love’s Impulse” by Jacquet
  21. Insert – Floyd Bennings: “Good News” by Henderson
  22. Joan enters Bennings apartment: Repeat No. 18 “Worryin’”
  23. Say, somebody, what time: Repeat No. 21 “Good News”
  24. After crowd leaves: “Dramatic Tension No. 6” by Zamecnik
  25. Telephone bell rings: Repeat No. 13 “Who’s Who?”
  26. Don’t worry, Joan dear: “Appassionato Patetico” by Bradford
  27. Joan’s apartment: “Andante Appassionato” by Soro
  28. But it’s true, Douglas: “Love Tragedy” by Savino
  29. Maid opens door for man: “Tragic Andante” by Savino
  30. Days without end: ”The Accuser” by Kav
  31. You may tell your story: “Darkness” by Brunelli
  32. Street seen – newspapers: “A Busy Thoroughfare” by Baron
  33. Change of scene to home: “Devotion” by Deppen
  34. Maid opens door for Bennings: “The Song is Ended” by Berlin
  35. Douglas and Joan enter dining toom: “Extase” by Ganne
  36. Douglas stops Bennings: Repeat No. 20 “Love’s Impulse”
  37. Bennings leaves Douglas: Repeat Theme No. 1

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: Mh1on7J3tF

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Chicken a la King

Title: Chicken a la King

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “I Still Love You” by Ager
  2. Marriage is like: “Happy Moods” by Marquardt
  3. Insert of letter: “Auld Lang Syne” by Catlin
  4. We’ve been very happy: “Together” by Henderson
  5. A telegram for you: “Zigzag” by Ferber
  6. Brother arrives: “The Joker” by Srawley
  7. Group sit down at breakfast table: “Bubbles” by Gruenwald
  8. Cigarette seen on book: “Fruhlingsliebe” by Pasternack
  9. Change of scene to chorus girls: “Oh Baby!” by Murphy
  10. Chorus girls leave stage: “Without You Sweetheart” by Henderson
  11. You want Miss Lorraine: “A Game of Tag” by Trinkaus
  12. Horace enters girls’ dressing room: “Just Another Day Wasted Away” by Tobias
  13. Oscar enters backstage of theatre: Repeat No. 6 “The Joker”
  14. You brute! You are: “The Curse Of An Aching Heart” by Piantodosi
  15. Oscar leaves dressing room: Repeat No. 6 “The Joker”
  16. I could learn to love: “What Do You Say?” by Ager
  17. Girl friend returns to dressing room: “Daddy, You’ve Been A Mother To Me” by Fisher
  18. But being a daddy: “He’s A Ladies’ Man” by Henderson
  19. Messenger knocks on door: “En Visite” by McDonald
  20. Horace leaves table: Repeat No. 17 “Daddy, You’ve Been A Mother To Me”
  21. Wife seen coming out of elevator: “Anxiete” by Srawley
  22. Girl leaves room with bankroll: “Gigue” by Bradford
  23. Change of scene back to Babe’s room: Repeat No 18 “He’s A Ladies’ Man”
  24. Oscar enters Babe’s room to warn Horace: “Comic Hurry” by O’Hare
  25. Effie enters Babe’s room: “Loves Glamour” by Varley
  26. Horace without hat and coat seen pacing in front of home: “Much Ado About Nothing” by Srawley
  27. Why Horace – what: “In A Cozy Corner” by Bratton
  28. Close-up of Babe: “The Best Things In Life Are Free” by Henderson
  29. Effie comes into Babe and friend’s room: “There Must Be A Silver Lining” by Donaldson
  30. Horace seen: “Is It A Sin – My Loving You?” by Leopold
  31. Horace interrupts singing: Repeat No. 18 “He’s A Ladies’ Man”
  32. That’s what comes of: “The Gold Digger” by Hanley
  33. Effie returns to girls: “Comedy Allegro” by Haines
  34. Horace re-enters Babe’s room: “Not Guilty!” by Kempinski
  35. Horace meets Oscar: Repeat No. 6 “The Joker”
  36. Change of scene back to Effie and girls: “Requitted Love” by Rollinson
  37. Insert of telegram: “Lords and Ladies” by Salzer
  38. Oscar enters office: “Comedy Excitement” by Zamecnik
  39. This is terrible!: “Allegro” from Symphonette by Berge
  40. Change of scene to girls’ apartment: Repeat No. 10 “Without You Sweetheart”
  41. Exterior scene- raining: “Rain” by Ford
  42. Change of scene back to apartment: “Dramatic Tension No. 44” by Borch
  43. Horace enters apartment: “Demande d’Amour” by Drigo
  44. Oscar knocks on door: “Scherzo Serioso” by Lowitz
  45. Oscar and girl seen outside of apartment: Repeat No. 32 “The Gold Digger”
  46. Horace seen alone: “Eccitamento” by Retlaw
  47. Oscar starts fighting with girl: “Farcical Allegro” by Aborn
  48. Horace Trundle – my: “La Folie” by Franceschi
  49. Husband kisses wife’s hand: Repeat No. 1 “I Still Love You”
  50. Merciful heaven!: “Elopement” by Carrozzini
  51. Wife seen crying: Repeat No. 6 “The Joker”
  52. Effie takes off her coat: Repeat No. 1 “I Still Love You”

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Captain Lash

Title: Captain Lash

Author: Michael P. Kreuger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Heave Ho” by Copping
  2. I happen to be going: “Oh You Beautiful Doll” by Ayer
  3. Captain Lash seen entering girl’s room: “Goofy Gob” by McDonald
  4. The Campbells are coming: “The Campbells Are Coming” by Lake
  5. Captain Lash escapes thru window: Repeat No. 3 “Goofy Gob”
  6. Captain Lash and Cocky seen at bar: “A Hot Time” by Beyer
  7. Captain Lash sits down at table: “She Was Just a Sailor’s Sweetheart” by Burke
  8. Husband of blonde girl walking in street: “Warriors Bold” by Joels
  9. The Campbells are coming: Repeat No. 4 “The Campbells Are Coming”
  10. Husband sees Captain Lash: Repeat No. 8 “Warriors Bold”
  11. Fight starts: “Help! Help!” by Kovacs
  12. Captain Lash and mate in street: Repeat No. 3 “Goofy Gob”
  13. Automobile drives up: “Agitato a la Valse” by Savino
  14. Horse and carriage racing thru street: “Farcical Allegro” by Aborn
  15. I-I’m, sorry: THEME – “To Know You Is To Love You” by Henderson
  16. Ship seen in ocean: “A Cryptic Sea Tale” by Sibelius
  17. Far above the seething: “En Visite” by McDonald
  18. Change of scene back to boiler room: “Chantyman’s Song” from On the Briny by Carr
  19. Inspection party seen: “Cheero” by Finck
  20. Mate sees girl’s legs: Repeat No. 3 “Goofy Gob”
  21. Captain Lash sees girl: Repeat Theme No. 15
  22. Stand up you slacker: “Fire and Destruction” by Becce
  23. Change of scene to hospital: “Pleureuse” by Brunelli
  24. I’ll always remember: Repeat Theme No. 15
  25. Insert of chief officer’s log: “Secret of the Sea” by Zamecnik
  26. She’s a real lady: Repeat Theme No. 15
  27. Three decks up: “Hidden Charms” by Mosay
  28. And women were made to fascinate: “Agitated Appassionato” by Kilenyi
  29. Girl leaves room: “Incidental Symphony No. 6” by Kempinski
  30. Change of scene back to Captain Lash: Repeat No. 3 “Goofy Gob”
  31. Play somethin’ with more soul: THEME – “To Know You Is To Love You” by Henderson
  32. Attendant enters with basket of fruit: Repeat No. 3 “Goofy Gob”
  33. Girl enters hospital: Repeat Theme No. 15
  34. I can’t explain now: “A Mysterious Fable” by Juon
  35. Change of scene to Captain and jewel collector: “A Contrapuntal Misterioso” by Schad
  36. Singapore: “In Pekin” by Ansell
  37. The port matron wishes: “Second Misterioso a la Valse” by Savino
  38. Change of scene to Captain Lash and mate: Repeat No. 25 “Secret of the Sea”
  39. Girl leaves port matron’s quarters: Repeat No. 36 “In Pekin”
  40. Change of scene back to Captain Lash and mate: Repeat No. 25 “Secret of the Sea”
  41. Don’t you want me to go: “Eruption” by Dubensky
  42. Captain Lash leaves cabin: “He’s Me Pal” by Edwards
  43. Girl greets Captain Lash: Repeat No. 7 “She Was Just a Sailor’s Sweetheart”
  44. Girl sees mate: Repeat No. 3 “Goofy Gob”
  45. It’s all your fault: “Comic Conversation” by Aborn
  46. E’s flyin’ high now: “Sobbing” by Baron
  47. Captain Lash seen: “A Mysterious Event” by Zamecnik
  48. Change of scene back to mate and babe at table: “What a Fool I Was” by Gusman
  49. Change of scene to bandits’ apartment: “Stalking the Prey” by Kempinski
  50. Captain Lash visits girl: Repeat Theme No. 15
  51. Girl opens envelope: “Uneasiness” by Borch
  52. Come across with those rubies: “Hell Hath No Fury” by Carr
  53. Fight starts: “Mortal Combat” by Lowitz
  54. Officers enter apartment: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 19” by Marquardt
  55. Better ‘ave another: Repeat No. 48 “What a Fool Io Was”
  56. Mate starts to play concertina: Repeat No. 3 “Goofy Gob”
  57. Offices seen in street: Short pause – SEGUE – “Goofy Gob” by McDonald
  58. Wot’s up? A fight?: “Suite Domestica No. 1” by Riesenfeld
  59. Officers leave: Repeat No. 42 “He’s Me Pal”
  60. Go on an’ cheer ‘er up: “That’s How I Feel About You” by Davis

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: Sqw8rTr23d

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Branded Sombrero

Title: Branded Sombrero

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: Prelude to Western American Dream by Baron
  2. Proud of his son, the wild high tempered Lane: “Cherro” by Finck
  3. You boys might start headin’ home: “The Ridin’ Kid” form Western Sketches by Stahlberg
  4. Man seen sneaking up with gun: “Mysterious Stranger” by Kay
  5. After second man is shot: Repeat No. 3 “The Ridin’ Kid”
  6. Connie Marsh: “Tales By Moonlight” by Thomas
  7. Close-up of hat seen: “Remords” by Franceschi
  8. A puzzled countryside attended: “Mountaineer’s Dance” by Borch
  9. Jones enters house: “The Little White House” by Hanley
  10. Maggert walks over to Connie: “Love’s Impulse” by Jacquet
  11. Maggert leaves Connie: “Ecstasy” by Zamecnik
  12. Lane wanted me to give: THEME, “Worryin’” by Fairman
  13. Jones and Lane in house: ‘Chasity” by Kay
  14. Fade-out to gambling: “Evil Intentions” by Kempinski
  15. Lane leaves gambling room: “Charme d’Amour” by Kendall
  16. Lane enters Maggert’s office: “Uneasiness”[?] by Mendelssohn
  17. Lane leaves Maggert: “Who’s Who?” by Morris
  18. Link enters Connie’s room: “Enthusiasm” by Schad
  19. Link leaves Connie: “Mystic Magic” by Bradford
  20. Change of scene to cattle: “Agitato Misterioso” by Becce
  21. Lane leaves train loading cattle: “Eccitamento” by Retlaw
  22. Lane falls off horse: “Fleeting Shadows” by Weiss
  23. Link and Connie enter post office: “Desert Dawn” by Bernard
  24. Connie and Link leave post office: “Misterioso Dramatico No. 22” by Borch
  25. Connie enters jail: Repeat Theme No. 12
  26. Connie leaves jail: “Incid. Symphony No. 16” by Schertzinger
  27. Close-up of hat seen: Repeat No. 16 “Uneasiness”
  28. Maggert enters post office: “Mysterious Tension” by Axt
  29. It is your move, Sheriff: “Astir” by Berge
  30. Horse goes to rescue Starr Hallet: “Foursuite Impitoyable” by Baron
  31. Sheriff seen behind bars in jail: “Help! Help!” by Kovacs
  32. Maggert is getting away on the freight: “Excitement and Hurry” by Hoffman
  33. Jones jumps on Maggert on top of train: “The Rabble” by Herbert
  34. After Starr takes envelope with money away from Maggert: Repeat Theme No. 12
  35. Door is broken down in room where Lane is: Repeat No. 15 “Charme d’Amour”
  36. Change of scene back to Connie and Starr: Repeat Theme No. 12

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Blue Skies

Title: Blue Skies

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: DOROTHY and DICK THEME, “Blue Skies” by Berlin
  2. Close-up of sign—“John Baldwin” Orphanage: “Chacone” by Durand
  3. Come on kids, Dickie’s going to tell another story: “Fairly Tales” by Komzak
  4. And when the wind blows like this: Repeat Dorothy and Dick Theme No. 1
  5. Lady seen walking upstairs: “Vivacity” by Conterno
  6. Boy whistles out of window: Repeat Dorothy and Dick Theme No. 1
  7. Doll falls out of window: “A Frivolous Patrol” by Goublier
  8. Oh, Dickie, lookit ice-cream: “Ice-Cream” by Johnson
  9. Bowl of milk spills on table: Repeat Dorothy and Dick Theme No. 1
  10. We want to adopt a sister: “A Game of Tag” by Trinkaus
  11. Dick leaves table: “Allegro Agitato” by Becker
  12. Exterior seen: Repeat Dorothy and Dick Theme No. 1
  13. Change of scene back to dining room: “Marche Miniature” by Jacobi
  14. Little girl climbs out of window: Repeat Dorothy and Dick Theme No. 1
  15. Hurry, get in line: “Our Boys and Girls” by Ring-Hager
  16. Don’t take her, mister: “Symphonette No. 1” (Presto Movement) by Berge
  17. Dick goes into basement: “Remembrance” by Birkedal-Barford
  18. Girl whistles: Repeat Dorothy and Dick Theme No. 1
  19. Fade-in to two hearts: LOVE THEME, “Sweetheart” from Maytime by Romberg
  20. Girl and boy enter shop: “Happy Moods” by Marquardt
  21. Change of scene to garden: “Powder and Patches” by Fletcher
  22. So this is what has been going on: “Ferocity” by Carrozzini
  23. Change of scene to two men in office: “Gat Deceivers” by Claypoole
  24. Fire gong rings: “Hurry No. 7” by Lake
  25. Babies placed on ground: “Albumleaf” by Cui
  26. A fire drill every night at different hours: “Hustle, Bustle” by Delille
  27. Dick whistles for Dorothy: Repeat Love Theme No. 19
  28. Change of scene to two women: “Zigzag” by Ferber
  29. Gee Dorothy, you’re wonderful: “Melancholie Appassionato” by Rapee
  30. Matron approaches Dick and Dorothy: “After Midnight” by Bradford
  31. Change of scene to boy running across field: “Gaiety” by Savino
  32. Man enters office: “The Crisis” by Pasternack
  33. Change of scene back to children seen outdoors: “In Despair” by Berge
  34. Dick enters office: “Disperazione” by Becce
  35. Automobile drives up: “Lively and Happy” by Becce
  36. Do whatever you want with me: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 2” by Marquardt
  37. Two men enter office: “Dramatic Suspense” by Vrionides
  38. I can’t wait all day: “Threatening Elements” by Schad
  39. Group find Dick in basement: “Recitatif Dramatique No. 1” by Baron
  40. The child named Dorothy May Chevis: “Exultation” by Hosmer
  41. Dorothy may enters: Repeat Dorothy and Dick Theme No. 1
  42. A cold blooded, heartless thief: “Appassionato No. 1” by Rapee-Axt
  43. Dorothy and group leave basement: “Heart to Heart” by Trinkaus
  44. Insert of newspaper: Repeat Dorothy and Dick Theme No. 1
  45. Change of scene to office of orphanage: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 13” by Marquardt
  46. Change of scene to exterior of home: “Anxiete” by Srawley
  47. Change of scene to reflection of dancers on door window: Repeat Dorothy and Dick Theme No. 1 (Fox-Trot tempo)
  48. Fade-in to father and Dorothy entering private room: “Romance” by Nevin
  49. Change of scene to Dorothy walking thru ballroom: Repeat Dorothy and Dick Theme No. 1
  50. Two orphanage women seen: “The Tragic Discovery” by Patou
  51. Two orphanage women leave: “Suite Domestica No. 1” by Riesenfeld
  52. Dorothy enters: Repeat Love Theme No. 19
  53. Richard is going to stay here always: Repeat Dorothy and Dick Theme No. 1

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: EfargXiduX

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The Arizona Wildcat

Title: The Arizona Wildcat

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheets, 1927


Format: Cue sheet

Document type: Cue sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: THEME, “When I Look At You” by Jones
  2. The West where everything: “Junella” by Kahn
  3. Kids fighting in roadway: “”Elopement” by Carrozzini
  4. The greatest rodeo on earth: “Wild and Woolly” by Minot
  5. Here comes Virginia: “The Jolly Hunters” by Egener
  6. Virginia’s horse and carriage run away: “Hurry No. 2” by Langey
  7. You’re awfully brave, Tom: Repeat Theme No. 1
  8. Close-up of mail box: “One Sweet Letter From You” by Warren
  9. With the passing years: “Stampede” by Simon
  10. Tom Phelan: “Evening On the Ranch” by Stahlberg
  11. The fast and furious business: “The Cavalry Wiggle” by Brockenshire
  12. Cowboy is knocked out of barn: “Tex” by Stahlberg
  13. Mix gets off his horse: “Garden Whispers” by Herkan
  14. The Schuyler winter home: “Cupid’s Surprise” by Gross
  15. The beautiful day: Repeat No. 10 “Evening On the Ranch”
  16. Virginia and her aunt at railroad station: “Rodeo Love” by Raymond
  17. Stage coach horses run away: “The Flight” by Savino
  18. Stage coach in rapids: “Eccitamento” by Retlaw
  19. Mix saves Virginia: Repeat Theme No. 1
  20. A week later; “Kowboy Komedy” by Aborn
  21. Virginia gets on horse: “Horsie! Keep Your Tail Up” by Hirsch
  22. Change of scene to Virginia in stable: Repeat No. 4 “Wild and Woolly”
  23. Mix saves Virginia: Repeat Theme No. 1
  24. The next morning: “Sweet Lavender” by Wheeler
  25. You have been wonderful: Repeat Theme No. 1
  26. Weeks without word from Virginia: “Happy Moods” by Marquardt
  27. At the Schuyler home: “Dainty Blossoms” by Kahn
  28. An hour before the game: “Roxy and His Gang” by Krueger
  29. Mix gets hit on head: “Uneasiness” by Mendelssohn
  30. Polo game starts: Repeat No. 11 “Cavalry Wiggle”
  31. Mix gets up from under the horse in wagon: “Dance of the Furies” by Gluck
  32. Men fall off polo horses during game: “Burlesque on Chopin’s Funeral March” by Kempinski
  33. Mix seen riding down mountainside towards polo field: “Moaning Trombone” by Bethel
  34. As a shield for their: “Rhythmic Misterioso” by Damesek
  35. Flask-back to game: “The Booster” by Lake
  36. Insert of note: “An Argument” by Breil
  37. Virginia is at the Van Acker’s home—hurry up: “Excitement” by Breil
  38. After Van Acker is handcuffed: Repeat Theme No. 1

Notes: Cues transcribed by James Doering

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Air Circus

Title: The Air Circus

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheets, 1928


Format: Cue sheet

Document type: Cue sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


    1. At screening: “Through the Air” by Rothafel
    2. The world is in the air: “Gamboling” by Bierman
    3. A little town: “Step On It” by Kaufman
    4. Aeroplane crashes: “Zigzag” by Ferber
    5. Two boys get into auto: “Hustle Bustle” by Delille
    6. Ann Blake—a gold star: “Mother of Mine” by Jolson
    7. Pictures seen on wall: “Daughters of the Revolution” by Lampe (trio)
    8. You want me to be: Repeat No. 6 “Mother of Mine”
    9. Picture of brother seen on wall: “Short Taps” – muted trumpet

    SEGUE: “In Despair” by Berge

    1. Young man runs in with baggage: Repeat “Hustle Bustle”
    2. Mother comes into room: Repeat No. 6 “Mother of Mine”
    3. Close-up of gold star: “Midsummer Night’s Serenade” by Albeniz
    4. Girl and boy seen: “Bye-Bye Pretty Baby” by Gardner
    5. Flash-back to mother and son: Repeat No. 12 “Midsummer Night’s Serenade”
    6. Son kisses mother good-bye: Repeat No. 6 “Mother of Mine”
    7. Boys leave in automobile: “I may Be Gone for a Long Long Time”
    8. California, here they come: “California, Here I Come” by Jolson (direct cue)

    Segue: “Razzle-Dazzle” by Lenzberg

    1. Sue—some of the best: “Sweet Sue—Just You” by Young
    2. Aviation field seen: “eagles of America” by Godfrey
    3. Young man picks up photograph: Use brass call of “Over There” – 4 bars muted – slowly

    Segue: “My Buddy” by Donaldson

    1. Flash-back to aeroplane: Repeat No. 18 “Sweet Sue”
    2. You’re just too late: “That’s a Lot of Bunk” by Henshaw
    3. I think I’ll name: Repeat No. 18 “Sweet Sue”
    4. The glory of flying: “Aeronaut” by Jackson
    5. In learning to taxi: “Taxi” by Kaufman
    6. Propellor[sic] cuts up aeroplane: “In the Hall of the Mountain King” by Grieg
    7. Postman seen: Repeat No. 6 “Mother of Mine”
    8. Change of scene to aviation field: Repeat No. 24 “Aeronaut”
    9. Sue comes over to young man: Repeat No. 18 “Sweet Sue”
    10. All aeroplanes start off: ‘Air Thrills” by Sanders
    11. A boarding house: “Ten Little Miles From Town” by Kahn
    12. Boys see Sue: Repeat No. 18 “Sweet Sue”
    13. Young man grabs Sue: “That’s My Weakness Now” by Green
    14. Aviation field seen: Repeat No. 24 “Aeronaut”
    15. Speed! You go up: Repeat No. 18 “Sweet Sue”
    16. Aeroplane starts: “Motion” by Carbonara
    17. Change of scene to mother: Repeat No. 6 “Mother of Mine”
    18. After Mother is seen second time: “Flying Hurry” by Carbonara
    19. Aeroplane crashes: “Dramatic Tension” by Axt
    20. Fear of the air: Repeat No. 24 “aeronaut”
    21. I can’t go up, Speed: “The Crisis” by Pasternack
    22. Fight starts: “Help! Help!” by Kovacs
    23. Fighting boys see Jerry McSwiggin: “Funeral March of a Marionet” by Gounod
    24. McSwiggin walks away from boys: “Eccitamento” by Retlaw
    25. Change to two instructors outside of house: “Despondency” by Williams
    26. Solo day: Repeat No. 12 “Through the Air”
    27. Speed gets out of aeroplane: Repeat No. 18 “Sweet Sue”
    28. Speed looks up at aeroplane: Repeat No. 30 ‘Air Thrills”
    29. Hop up and do ti alone: “A Critical Moment” by Becce
    30. Buddy starts to fly the second time: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 9” by Marquardt
    31. Nose dive landing of aeroplane: “Solace” by Kay
    32. Change to jazz party: “Oh Baby Don’t We Get Along” by Henderson
    33. Change of scene to Buddy: “Darkness” by Brunelli
    34. Flash-back to party: “Don’ the New Low Down” by McHugh
    35. Speed comes out on porch: Repeat No. 18 “Sweet Sue”
    36. Mother arrives: Repeat No. 6 “Mother of Mine”

    Note: When mother enters house—play jazz record on phonograph to cover sequence

    1. Mother, I’ve failed: “Dolores” by Kay
    2. Flash-back to party: “Imagination” by Harms
    3. Clipped wings: “The Aeroplane” by Ring-Hager
    4. Everybody seen running: “Mess Call”
    5. Graduation day: Repeat No. 19 “Eagles of America”
    6. Landing gear of aeroplane falls: “Galop Dramatique” by Baron
    7. Buddy gets into aeroplane: “In the Clouds” by Rapee-Axt
    8. After Speed lands in parachute: Repeat No. 18 “Sweet Sue”
    9. Close-up of Buddy in aeroplane flying: Repeat No. 6 “Mother of Mine”

Notes: Cues transcribed by James Doering; handwritten notes

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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A Thief In the Dark

Title: A Thief In the Dark

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheets, 1928


Format: Cue sheet

Document type: Cue sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “March of the Phantom Hosts” by Axt
  2. Change of scene to circus grounds: “Carnival” by Fourdrain
  3. Hula dancer seen: “On the Beach at Waikiki” by Lake
  4. And now—the greatest: “Mystification” by Hosmer
  5. Ernie leaves: “La Comedienne” by Hosmer
  6. Note inserted in crystal: Repeat No. 4 “Mystification”
  7. Gee, Ernie—you oughta: “The Tattler” by Comins
  8. Note inserted into crystal: Repeat No. 4 “Mystification”
  9. Change of scene to exterior of house: “Fleeting Shadows” by Weiss
  10. Change of scene to group of men: “Stalking the Prey” by Kempinski
  11. Girl embraces Ernie: “The Hours I Spent With You” by Little
  12. What about the Armstrong: Repeat No. 10 “Stalking the Prey”
  13. I joined this bunch: “Who’s Who” by Morris
  14. Change of scene to bedroom: “Creeping Creatures” by Varnier
  15. Ernie escapes through window: “Agitated Hurry” by Langey
  16. Gosh, you’re beautiful!: THEME, “I Can’t Do Without You” by Berlin
  17. Change of scene to uncle: “Ondes Mysterieuses” by Franceschi
  18. Insert of newspaper: “In Despair” by Berge
  19. Entrance to circus grounds seen: “Lady Lilly” by Fresco
  20. There’s a couple: “Punch and Judy” by Herbert
  21. Spiritualist seen: “Misterioso Erotico” by Heymann
  22. Were you properly seanced?: “How I Love Her and She Loves Me” by Mills
  23. Girl approaches Ernie: THEME, “I Can’t Do Without You” by Berlin
  24. Ernie leaves girl: Repeat No. 22 “How I Love Her”
  25. Change of scene to circus group: “Mystic Magic” by Bradford
  26. Change of scene to exterior of home: “Ominous Moments” by Kempinski
  27. Maid approaches monk: Repeat No. 22 “How I Love Her”
  28. This joint is full of trap doors: “Scherzo Misterioso” (Drigo’s Cinema Classics)
  29. Girl approaches professor: “Misterioso alla Valse” by Savino
  30. Monk opens door to living room: Repeat No. 22 “How I Love Her”
  31. Colored man seen: “The Ghost Dance” by Salisbury
  32. Ernie pulls in monk: “Iris” by Reynard
  33. Maid and colored fellow seen leaving: “Hustle-Bustle” by Delille
  34. Man climbs in through window: “Dramatic Suspense” by O’Hare
  35. Sheriff approaches monk: “Rubenesque” by Slater
  36. Colored man seen again: Repeat No. 31 “Ghost Dance”
  37. Monk and Ernie meet: “Looms of Fate” by St. Saens
  38. If you care anything: “Misterioso Infernale” by Borch
  39. Girl runs away: “Misterioso Furioso” by Affrunti
  40. Professor and girl meet in room: “Stealthy Escape” by Zamecnik
  41. Ernie takes mask off: “Second Misterioso a la Valse” by Savino
  42. Duke falls through trap door: “The Plotting Foe” by Kilenyi
  43. Professor holds up group around jewel box: “Cabal” by Kay
  44. They’re gone: “Agitato Misterioso” by Becce
  45. After monk returns jewels: Repeat Theme No. 23
  46. Close-up of monk and maid: Repeat No. 22 “How I Love Her”

Notes: Cues transcribed by James Doering; handwritten notes

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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A Horseman of the Plains

Title: A Horseman of the Plains

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheets, 1928


Format: Cue sheet

Document type: Cue sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Up the Street March” by Morse
  2. Tom Swift: “The Stampede” by Luscomb
  3. Henry Snowshoe: “The Coons’ Patrol” by Lotter
  4. Mix rides to save colored man on railroad track: “The Flight” by Savino
  5. After colored man is rescued: “Down South” by Myddleton
  6. Dawn O’Day: THEME, “Where Love Comes Stealing” by Rapee
  7. This’ll Make Twice: “Comedy Allegro” by Haines
  8. Don’t thank me: Repeat No. 6
  9. Boss, I got in the: Repeat No. 3 “Coon’s Patrol”
  10. Girl’s horse steps on cactus: “The Pony Express” by Bierman
  11. Why did you sit there: Repeat Theme No. 6
  12. The O’Day Ranch: “Amoroso” by Bierman
  13. Rutherford Gates: “Cooneila” by Fredericks
  14. Change of scene to fair: Repeat No. 2 “Stampede”
  15. Fade-in to branding of cattle: “Agitated Harry” by Langey
  16. Hello, Pete: “Ruritania” by Schertzinger
  17. Mix knocks on door: “Gaily Thro’ Life” by Schad
  18. Did you wish to see me: Repeat Theme No. 6
  19. Change of scene to Gates sitting at desk: “Who’s Who?” by Morris
  20. Change of scene to colored dodger at fair: “Razz Berries” by Banta
  21. Snowshoe, I want you: “Hokomo” by Haskins
  22. Change of scene to Mix and Snowshoe on horseback: “Some Smoke” by Romberg
  23. Colored man knocks on back door: “Dinah” by Akst
  24. Mix knocks on door: Repeat Theme No. 6
  25. What in the world do you want: “Summer Skies” by Loth
  26. Colored couple seen walking: Repeat No. 23 “Dinah”
  27. Change of scene to Mix and girl: Repeat Theme No. 6
  28. Change of scene to colored woman carrying man: Repeat No. 23 “Dinah”
  29. Change of scene to Mix and girl outside of house: “No Wonder I’m Happy” by Akst
  30. Colored woman scene on swing: “Rock-a-bye Baby” by Luz
  31. Change of scene to gates and woman: “Misterioso Agitato No. 66” by Smith
  32. Change of scene to Mix’s hands tied: “Mysterioso” by Haines
  33. Change of scene to grandfather: “Ominous Moments” by Kempinski
  34. Night scene: “Fleeting Shadows” by Weiss
  35. Insert—poster—Trigger County: “The Frolic” by Schiller
  36. Change of scene to Mix: “Impending Danger” by Kempinski (play PP)
  37. Fair grounds seen: “Futurity” by Hearn
  38. Colored girl seen: Repeat No. 23 “Dinah”
  39. Flash-back to fair grounds: “Texas Plains” by Casseday
  40. Mix kicks man off chair: “Excitement and Hurry” by Hoffman
  41. Pistol shot: “Film Theme No. 40” by Lake
  42. Mix gets on hay wagon: “The Farmer Took Another Load Away” by Vincent
  43. Mix gets into automobile: “Speed Maniacs” by Donaldson
  44. Mix gets into chariot wagon: “The Speed Demon” by Bub
  45. Mix gest into stage coach: “Stampede” by Simon
  46. Tom Swift wins: “Jollifications” by Noyes
  47. You an’ this race sho’: Repeat No. 23 “Dinah”
  48. Mix embraces girl: Repeat Theme No. 6

Notes: Cues transcribed by James Doering; handwritten notes

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: wjj58kJP8d

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A Girl In Every Port

Title: A Girl In Every Port

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheets, 1928


Format: Cue sheet

Document type: Cue sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “She Was Just a Sailor’s Sweetheart” by Burke
  2. Pounding up and down: “Before the Mast” by Laurendeau
  3. Amsterdam: “Peasants’ Dance” from Norwegian Suite by Schytte
  4. Couple seen on bicycle: “Norwegian Dance No. 2” by Grieg
  5. Rio de Janiero: “Julio of Argentina” by Olsen
  6. Victor McLaglen enters café: “La Bella Argentina” by Roberto
  7. “Victor McLaglen leaves café: “Spanish Love Theme” by Saenger
  8. Girl walks into her private room: “Rio Rita” by Tierney
  9. Spaniard throws knife: “Comic Hurry” by O’Hare
  10. Central America: “A Los Toros” by Salvans
  11. Blonde girl walks down stairs of café: Repeat No. 5 “Julio of the Argentina”
  12. Sailors start fighting: “Allegro Agitato” by Becker
  13. The guards!: “The Rabble” by Herbert
  14. Fade-in to McLaglen in jail: “La Comedienne” by Hosmer
  15. Two sailors brought into courtroom: “Melancholic Andante” by Pintel
  16. Sailors walk off arm in arm: “Tramp, Tramp, Tramp” by Lake
  17. Sailors fall overboard: “Farcical Allegro” by Aborn
  18. Sailors come out of water: “Comrades” from Old Timers by Lake (play PP)
  19. Policeman is pushed overboard: “Sailor’s Hornpipe”
  20. Close-up of feet: “Characteristic No. 2” by Roberts
  21. McLaglen sees girl seated at table: “Spanish Eyes” by Rose
  22. McLaglen knocks out his pal: Repeat No. 18 “Comrades”
  23. Alongside—at San Pedro: “He’s Me Pal” by Edwards, segue: “My Buddy” by Donaldson
  24. Sailors walk into apartment: Repeat No. 1 “She Was Just a Sailor’s Sweetheart”
  25. Did you know my daddy?: “Clair de Lune” by Thome
  26. Spike and Bill: Repeat No. 18 “Comrades”
  27. Through the Mediterranean: Repeat No. 2 “Before the Mast”
  28. Loading in Marseilles: “A La Paree” by Verdin
  29. Close-up of band: “Paris March” by Mezzacapo
  30. I’m sorry you’re all wet: “Just Once Again” by Donaldson
  31. Fade-in to sailor with toothache: Repeat No. 23 “He’s Me Pal”
  32. McLaglen seated on bench: “My Blue Heaven” by Donaldson
  33. Fade-in to Buddy taking drink of whisky[sic]: “It’s a Million to One You’re In Love” by Davis
  34. And nobody but a sap: “Fuga” by Gabriel Marie
  35. Sailing time: “Devotion” by Deppen
  36. Pal comes in with bundles: Repeat No. 23 “He’s Me Pal”
  37. Girl seen: “No Wonder I’m Happy” by Davis
  38. McLaglen leaves pal and sweetheart in tent: Repeat No. 1 “She Was Just a Sailor’s Sweetheart”
  39. Girl leaves with manager to do her act: “Ain’t She Sweet” by Ager
  40. McLaglen seen shining girl’s shoes: “Chanson sans Paroies” by Heller
  41. Pal leaves McLaglen and sweetheart: “Worryin’” by Fairman
  42. Fade-in to girl entering house at night: “Love’s Impulse” by Jacquet
  43. McLaglen comes home: “Sinfulness” by Borch
  44. Where is he?: “Dramatic Tension” by Axt
  45. Spike comes down into café: “Plainte Passionnee” by Baron
  46. McLaglen takes drink: “Lamento” by Brockton
  47. There ain’t nothing ever going to come between us again: Repeat No. 23 “He’s Me Pal”

Notes: Cues transcribed by James Doering

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: z7egpYDQ0b

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