Sky High (A Re-Issue)

Title: Sky High (A Re-Issue)

Author: Michael P. Kreuger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1922


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Kreuger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Kowboy Komedy” by Aborn
  2. Commencement Day: “Mignonette” by Friml
  3. El Paso: “Western Scene” by Berge
  4. The Calexico Café: “Conspiracy” by Savino
  5. A Hidden Dictograph: “Who’s Who?” by Morris
  6. Fight Starts: “Agitated Hurry” by Langey
  7. After Fight: Repeat No.5 “Who’s Who?”
  8. The Camp of the Smuggled Chinamen: “Storm Clouds” by Stahlberg
  9. The El Tovar Hotel: “Adolescence”
  10. Fade-In To Tom Mix: Repeat No.8 “Storm Clouds”
  11. Fade-In To Girl and Boy: Repeat No.9 “Adolescence”
  12. Change of Scene To Mix: “A.B.C. Dram. Set No. 6-A1” by Luz
  13. Along Ancient Trails: “On The Mountains” by Grieg
  14. Mix Rescues Girl: THEME “Anything Your Heart Desires” by Archer
  15. I Just Got Information: “Misterioso Eccitato” by Beece
  16. Mix Returns To Girl: Repeat Theme No.14
  17. Fade-Out Of Mix Retiring: “Pique Dame Over.” By Suppe
  18. Mix Returns To Girl With Food: Repeat Theme No.14
  19. Bandits Reach Top Ledge of Rock: “The Hold-Up” by Reuther
  20. Pistol Shot: “Furioso” by Lake
  21. Bandits Capture Mix: “Symphonic Incidentals No.13” by Marquardt
  22. Victor Searched All Night For Estelle: “Pizzicato Misterioso” by Minot
  23. Mix Unties Himself: “Western Allegro” by Riesenfeld
  24. Mix Gets Off Horse—Captures Bandit: “Mysterioso Agitato” by Becker
  25. Williams—An Arizona Town: “Headin’ West” by Lakay
  26. The Rim Of The Great Canyon: “Midsummer Night’s Dream” by Mendelssohn
  27. Mix Reaches Land After Diving Into Water: “Uneasiness” by Borch
  28. Mix Lassos Bandits: “Agitato No.4” by Minot
  29. After The Williams Jail Announced: “Romance” by Grunfeld
  30. Mix Goes Towards Estelle: Repeat Theme No.14

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: Zn6aqqUvhT

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Silk Legs

Title: Silk Legs

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Flapperette” by Greer
  2. Listen, Beautiful: “Sugar” by Yellen
  3. Fade-In To Key In Hotel Door: “Some Day You’ll Say O.K.” by Donaldson
  4. Ruth Stevens, Hosiery Representative: “Iris” by Reynard
  5. Madge Bellamy Comes Out of Elevator: Repeat No.2 “Sugar”
  6. Since You Don’t Dine: “Admiration” by Jackson
  7. Forget Business: Repeat No.2 “Sugar”
  8. Close-Up Of Photograph; “Bye-Bye Pretty Baby” by Gardner
  9. Erza Fulton: “Fleurette” by Axt
  10. Madge Bellamy Back In Hotel: “Despondency” by Williams
  11. Well, How’s That?: Repeat No.9 “Fleurette”
  12. Ezra Fulton Gets into Car: “Cupid’s Frolic” by Miles
  13. It’s Strange, But: Repeat No.2 “Sugar”
  14. The Nerve of that Hussy: “Lento-Allegro from ‘Symphonette’” by Berge
  15. Change of Scene To Madge Bellamy In Hotel Room: Repeat No.9 “Fleurette”
  16. Change of Scene To Trade Mark Of “Gold Bond Hosiery”: “Good News” by Henderson
  17. How Did We Overlook These?: Repeat No.2 “Sugar”
  18. All’s Fair In Love: “My Blue Heaven” by Donaldson
  19. Sorry, Mr. Fulton: “Heart to Heart” by Trinkaus
  20. Phil Parker Gets Into Taxi: “Taxi” by Kaufman
  21. Madge and Fulton Enter Home: “Moa Plaisit” by Roberts
  22. Won’t You Sign That Order Now: “Dramatic Suspense” by Vrionides
  23. Gardner Grabs Parker: “Astir” by Berge
  24. Woman Seen Coming Downstairs: “Mother” by Romberg
  25. Change of Scene to Fighting Outside: “Love’s Impulse” by Jacquet
  26. Phil Parker Comes In: “Worryin’” by Fairman
  27. Men Grab Parker: Repeat No.25 “Love’s Impulse”
  28. Change of Scene: Repeat No.18 “My Blue Heaven”

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Sharp Shooters

Title: Sharp Shooters

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “She Was Just A Sailor’s Sweetheart” by Burke
  2. A Mediterranean Port: “Ship Ahoy” by Frey
  3. Three Sailors Walk Over To Street Peddlar: “In Bagdad” by Leigh
  4. Sailors See Dancing Girls: “Egyptian Echoes” by Black
  5. Watch Out For Those Wiggling: “Characteristic Theme No.1” by Roberts
  6. Lorette: “No.3 from ‘Faust’ Ballet Music” by Gounod
  7. Sailors Applaud Dancing: Repeat No.5 “Characteristic No.1”
  8. O’Brien Takes Girl Away From His Two Pals: “Sugar” by Yellen
  9. Waiter Brings Food To Two Sailors: “No Eats from ‘Three Grotesque Themes’” by Rapee
  10. Girl Dances In Front of Sailor: Tom Tom only
  11. Hat Is Thrown Off Sailor’s Head: Repeat No.8 “Sugar”
  12. Proprietor Stops Lorette: “An Argument” by Breil
  13. Three Sailors Leave Café With Girl: Repeat No.5 “Characteristic No.1”
  14. Lorette and George Enter House: THEME “Diane” by Rapee
  15. Zis Is My Grandpere: “La Marseillaise” (2 bars)

SEGUE: “Passepied” by Delibes

  1. Moonlight On The Mediterranean: “The Beggar” by Snyder
  2. You’re A Good Kid, And This Is All Wrong: “Heart’s Pleading” by Rapee-Axt
  3. So Long Kid! See You In New York: “Ragging The Waves” by Rosey

SEGUE: “Diane” by Rapee

  1. New York and A Furlough: Repeat No.18 “Ragging The Waves”
  2. Flossie: Repeat No.1 “She Was Just A Sailor’s Sweetheart”
  3. New York—A Ship Off Quarantine: “Dolores” by Kay
  4. Unless You Find: “Ferocity” by Carrozzini
  5. “Hi-Jack” Murdock: “Misterioso Furioso” by Affrunti (Play “PP”)
  6. Change of Scene To Dreamland: “Blue River” by Meyer
  7. How’s Th’ Old Swedish: Repeat No.5 “Characteristic No.1”
  8. O’Brien Starts Dancing With Girl: Repeat No.24 “Blue River”
  9. Crowd Leaves Dance Floor: Repeat No.5 “Characteristic No.1”
  10. Lorette Sees George: Repeat Theme No.14
  11. I Never Saw You Before: “Dramatic Appassionato” by Ciganeri
  12. Dancing Starts: “Bye-Bye Pretty Baby” by Gardner
  13. Two Sailors Find Lorette Crying On Table: “Sad Thoughts” by Haines
  14. George Is Our Pal, But We Owe: Repeat No.15 “La Marseillaise” (2 bars)

SEGUE: “Agitated Misterioso” by Rapee

  1. George Is So Anxious To: Repeat Theme No.14
  2. Three Miles Out: Repeat No.18 “Ragging the Waves”
  3. Lorette Enters Cabin: “O Promise Me” by DeKoven
  4. Skipper Opens Dictionary: “I’ll Be Happy When The Preacher Makes You Mine” by Donaldson
  5. Couple Place Hands On Bible: Repeat No.5 “Characteristic No.1”
  6. Two Sailors Leave Lorette and George Alone: Repeat Theme No.14
  7. Is George Home?: Repeat No.1 “She Was Just A Sailor’s Sweetheart”
  8. Flossie Is Chased Downstairs: “Mood Pensive” by Applefield
  9. Flossie Seen On Street Again: Repeat No.1 “She Was Just A Sailor’s Sweetheart”
  10. Change of Scene To Bed: Repeat Theme No.14
  11. Change of Scene to Sun Rising: “Dawning” by Pinkard
  12. Lorette Burns George With Coffee: “Rapture” by Zamecnik
  13. George Meets Flossie: Repeat No.1 “She Was Just A Sailor’s Sweetheart”
  14. “Hi-Jack” Murdock Goes Up House: “Agitato No.20” by Borch
  15. After “Hi-Jack” and His Men Leave: “Broken Vows” by Kempinski
  16. George Enters With Flowers: “Enthusiasm” by Schad
  17. I Have Leave M’Sieur: “Desperation” by Schad
  18. George Leaves His House: “Eccitamento” by Retlaw
  19. Where Is Murdock—And My Wife?: “Minor Agitato” by Berge
  20. Sailors Start Fighting: “The Furious Mob” by Zamecnik
  21. Two Sailors Drag Murdock: “Burlesque on Chopin’s Funeral March” by Kempinski
  22. Lorette and George Embrace: Repeat Theme No.14

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Romance of the Underworld

Title: Romance of the Underworld

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: THEME “Judy” by Norman
  2. Florist Sign Seen: “Forsaken” by Scholz
  3. Lady Leaves Florist Shop: “Auld Lang Syne” by Seredy (One Strain)

SEGUE: “I Can’t Give You Anything But Love” by McHugh

  1. “Evening Star Club” Door Seen: “Here’s That Party Now In Person” by Ager
  2. Tell Him Derby Dan: “Red Hot Momma” by Rose
  3. Where’s Judy: “Good News” by Henderson
  4. Derby Dan Sits Down At Table With Judy: “Dramatic Tension” by Luscomb
  5. Old Man Seen At Table With Girls: “The Big Butter and Egg Man” by Friend
  6. Flash-Back To Derby Dan and Judy At Table: “Disperazione” by Gabriel Marie
  7. Judy Walks Over To Bar: Repeat No.8 “Big Butter and Egg Man”
  8. Why Play With That: Repeat No.5 “Red Hot Momma”
  9. I’m Taking No Chances: “Jazz Agitato No.1” by Carbonara
  10. I’m Through With This: “Protestation” by Kay
  11. Rolling Doors Are Drawn Together: “Are We Downhearted? No!” by Davis
  12. Close-Up of Three Faces: “Ten Little Miles From Town” by Kahn
  13. Dance Is Over: “Two In A Bar” by Copping
  14. I’ve Been Robbed: “Astir” by Berge
  15. Detective Calls Dan Over To Him: “Stalking the Prey” by Kempinski
  16. Detective Enters Evening Star Club: “Second Misterioso a la Valse” by Savino
  17. “Champagne Joe” Takes Wallet Out of His Pocket: “A Mysterious Fable” by Juon
  18. Detective Empties Champagne Bottle: “A Prohibition Episode” by Aborn
  19. What’re You Doing: “Anxiete” by Srawley
  20. Girl Leaves Club Room—starts Crying: “A Tender Thought” by Granfield
  21. Insert—“Help Wanted” Bulletin: “Iris” by Reynard
  22. Change of Scene To Restaurant: “Hustle-Bustle” by Delille
  23. Fade-Out of Judy Picking Up Tip from Table: Repeat No.4 “Here’s That Party”
  24. Door of “Eastern Importing and Exporting Co.” Seen: “Ripples” by Lowitz
  25. Young Man Overturns Vase On Desk: Repeat Theme No.1
  26. A New Secretary: “Frivolous Coquette” by Kempinski
  27. Change of Scene to Cabaret: Repeat Theme No.1
  28. Change of Scene to Courtroom: “Symphonic Incidentals No.13” by Marquardt
  29. I’m Awful Glad For You: “Rosemary” by Reynard
  30. Change of Scene To Home: Repeat Theme No.1
  31. Judy Walks Away From Husband: “Dainty Miss” by Barnes
  32. Judy and Husband Leave Child’s Room: Repeat Theme No.1
  33. Close-Up Of Man Reading Newspaper; “Snake in the Grass” by Srawley
  34. Judy Sees Derby Dan: “Love Tragedy” by Savino
  35. After Derby Dan Leaves: “Prelude” by Rachmoninoff (Play subdued)
  36. Close-Up of Shoes Being Shined: “Emotional Agitato” by Savino
  37. Ransom Leaves Detective: “Chansonnette” by Huerter
  38. Close-Up of Door of Evening Star Club: “Fleeting Shadows” by Weiss
  39. Change of Scene to Apartment: Repeat No.5 “Red Hot Momma”
  40. Did You Think I’d Be: “Ferocity” by Carrozzini
  41. Detective Seen In Coroner’s Office: “A Mysterious Event” by Zamecnik
  42. “Champagne Joe” Seen Walking Upstairs: “Tense Misterioso” by Berge
  43. You’re A Great Pal: “Vengeance” by Baron
  44. Change of Scene Back To Coroner’s Office: “Contrapuntal Misterioso” by Schad
  45. Judy Seen In Home: Repeat Theme No.1
  46. Just A Minute Dear: “Exultation” by Hosmer
  47. Detective Leaves Judy: “A Perfect Day” by Bond

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Road House

Title: Road House

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Rain Or Shine” by Ager
  2. Ashton—A Typical: “Hustle Bustle” by Delille
  3. Court Room Scene: “The Tragic Discovery” by Patou
  4. Fade-In To Young Man At Home: “Feelin’ Good” by Murphy
  5. Auto Drives Up: “Hail, Hail, the Gang’s All Here” by Lake
  6. Young Man Comes Into Mother’s Room: “Zigzag” by Ferber
  7. Flash-Back To Crowd In Automobile: “We Love It” by Warren
  8. Young Man Takes Out Flask: “Blue Law Blues” by Lake
  9. Boys Go Over To Grandma: “Paderewski Rag” by Klickmann
  10. Two Boys Leave Grandma: “A Hot Time” by Beyer
  11. Flash-Back To Grandma In Home: “Dream Kisses” by William
  12. The Frat Dance: “Oh Baby!” by Murphy
  13. Couple Leave Frat Dance: “Get Out and Get Under The Moon” by Shay
  14. Girl Slaps Young Man’s Face: “Gay Deceivers” by Claypoole
  15. Close-Up of Girl’s Leg: “Maria Posa” by Rapee
  16. Orchestra Scene: Loud Drum Roll as for announcing

SEGUE: “Oh Mister” by Frey

  1. The Mob—Parasites: Repeat No.1 “Rain or Shine”
  2. The Better Government: “Reunion” by Gruenwald
  3. The Hip Pockets: “Burlesque on ‘How Dry I Am’” by Kempinski
  4. Another Deadly Vice: Repeat No.18 “Reunion”
  5. Change of Scene To Card Game: “Jingles” by Zamecnik
  6. Close-Up of Drinking Glasses Seen: “Oh, You Have No Idea” by Dougherty
  7. Boy and Girl Leave Roadhouse: “Step On It” by Kaufman
  8. Father Rings Bell: “Moon Sprites” by Jacquet
  9. Automobile Drives Up To House: “Three O’Clock In The Morning” by Robledo
  10. Aren’t You Ever Going: “A Bedtime Tale” by Swinnen
  11. The Hide-Out of the Mob: “Lazy” by Berlin
  12. Knock On Door: Short pause, then “The Gold Digger” by Hanley
  13. Is That Junk The Best: “Seduction” by Baron
  14. Do It For Me: “Appassionato No.1” by Kempinski
  15. Boy Leaves Apartment: “Third Misterioso a la Valse” by Savino
  16. Fade-In To Father: “Affection” by Schad
  17. Change of Scene To Mother and Grandma In Home: “Dramatic Andante” by Kempinski
  18. Young Man Seen At Girl’s Apartment Door: “Dramatic Suspense” by O’Hare
  19. Don’t You Just Like Me: “Passion Slave” by Jacquet
  20. She’ll Give You A Chance: “Agitated Misterioso” by Langey
  21. Fade-In To Card Game: “A Gay Lothario” by Bierman
  22. Change of Scene To Dancing: “Angela Mia” by Rapee
  23. Larry Takes Drink: “Ondes Mysterienses” by Franceschi
  24. Pistol Shot: “Agitated Hurry No.2” by Berge
  25. Gang Reaches Apartment: “Misterioso Drammatico” by Savino
  26. Father Arrives At Apartment: “Story Moments” by Bierman
  27. Fade-In To Court Room: Repeat No.3 “Tragic Discovery”
  28. The Jury’s Verdict: “Accuser” by Kay
  29. Therefore, I Parole: “Dear Little Boy of Mine” by Ball

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Riley The Cop

Title: Riley The Cop

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: RILEY THEME “The Irish Have A Great Day Tonight” by Herbert
  2. For Twenty Years: “Fall In Line” by Rosey
  3. It Iss By Police Regulations: KRAUSMEYER THEME “Where Is My Meyer?” by Profes
  4. Krausmeyer Leaves Riley: Repeat Riley Theme No.1
  5. Riley Gets On Boot Black Stand: “Darkies’ Shuffle” by Rollinson
  6. Riley Gets Off Boot Black Stand: Repeat Riley Theme No.1
  7. Man Seen Hopping In Boxes: “Two In A Bar” by Copping
  8. Drunkard Leaves Riley; Repeat Riley Theme No.1
  9. Riley Turns Water Hydrant On: “Our Boys and Girls” by Ring-Hager (Play lively)
  10. Close-Up of Girl On Stairway: LOVE THEME “Pretty, Petite, and Sweet” by Archer
  11. Riley Enters Basement: Repeat Riley Theme No.1
  12. Riley Puts Pushcart On Krausmeyer’s Beat: Repeat Krausmeyer Theme No.3
  13. Fade-In To Girl and Boy: Repeat Love Theme No.10
  14. Mid-Summer With Mary: “Badinage” by Herbert
  15. It’s From Mary: Repeat Love Theme No.10
  16. Children Seen Playing Baseball: “Take Me Out To the Ball Game” by Norworth
  17. Ball Smashes Window: “Gigue” by Bradford
  18. The Auditors Report: “Dramatic Tension” by Luscomb
  19. Poster of Steamship Seen: “Lady of My Heart” by Order
  20. The Cop. Seen: Repeat Riley Theme No.1
  21. Riley Throws Brick: “Comedy Allegro” by Haines
  22. Fade-In To Police Captain’s Office: Repeat Riley Theme No.1
  23. Munich, Germany: “Bierwalzer” by See
  24. Krausmeyer!: “Under the Double Eagle” by Wagner (2nd Strain)
  25. Riley Leaves Krausmeyer: Repeat Riley Theme No.1
  26. Riley Enters Prison Cell: “Tears” by Zamecnik
  27. Riley and Boy Leave Prison: “Exaltation” by Coerne
  28. Beer Barrels Seen: “Immer Noch Ein Tropfchen” by Hinsch
  29. All My Life I’ve Been Searching: “Down Deep In An Irishman’s Heart” by McHugh
  30. Be Yourself, Big Boy: “Don’t Be Like That” by Pinkard
  31. Don’t Forget I’m Your Prisoner: Repeat No.28 “Immer Noch Ein Tropfchen” (very quietly)
  32. Telegraph Ticker Seen: “Police Parade March” by Lincke
  33. Riley Leaves German Policemen After Receiving Telegram: “Garden Frolics” by Pasternack
  34. Just When I Was Beginning: Repeat No.30 “Don’t Be Like That”
  35. Girl Puts Hat On: “O Katharina” by Fall
  36. Davy Sees Mary: Repeat Love Theme No.10
  37. Riley And Girl Sit Down At Table: Repeat No.29 “Down Deep In An Irishman’s Heart”
  38. Riley Sits Down At Table With German Man: Repeat No.28 “Immer Noch Ein Tropfchen”
  39. Davy, Me Boy, You’re Too Young: Repeat Riley Theme No.1
  40. German Yodelers Greet Lena: “Hi-le, Hi-lo from ‘Deutscher Walzer’” by Kaine
  41. German Yodelers Start To Sing: “O, Du Lieber Augustine from ‘Deutscher Walzer’” by Kaine
  42. Davy and Cabman Enter Café: “German Patrol” by Schrader
  43. Argument And Fighting Starts: “Jollifications” by Noyes (Very lively)
  44. German Police Appear: Repeat No.32 “Police Parade”
  45. Riley and Davy Enter Aeroplane: Repeat Riley Theme No.1
  46. Davy, I Seem To Think: “Forsaken” by Lake
  47. Paris—Whose Main Street: “A La Paree” by Verdin
  48. Widow Seen With Two Men: “Priere Tendre” by Mouton
  49. After Riley Kisses Widow: “Paris Life” by Mosay
  50. Riley! Mr. Riley!: Repeat Riley Theme No.1
  51. See You Tomorrow: “French Pastry” by Lakay
  52. Dancing Starts: “Doin’ the New Low Down” by McHugh
  53. Davy Is Seen Outside Of Café: “Mam’selle Caprice” by Baron
  54. Curtain Goes Up: “Pomanola” by Henderson
  55. Terrible! They’re Trippin’: “St. Louis Blues” by Handy
  56. Riley Seen In Bed: “The Morning After The Night Before” by Pollack
  57. Riley Sees Two Women: “Mariette” by Sterny
  58. Lena Seen Talking To Man In Street: “En Visite” by McDonald
  59. Flash-Back To Riley In Bed: “L’Amour” by Christine
  60. Lena Enters Riley’s Room: Repeat No.58 “En Visite”
  61. Policeman’s Brogans: “Hustle Bustle” by Delille
  62. Davy Enters Room: “Horse Radish” by Ring-Hager
  63. I’ve Got To Get Him Home: “Pal Of My Cradle Days” by Piantadosi
  64. Change of Scene To Cabby In Hallway: Repeat No.62 “Horse Radish”
  65. Riley Returns To His Room: Repeat No.63 “Pal of My Cradle Days”
  66. I’m Goin’ To Stay Right: “La Marse’llaise” by De L’Isle
  67. Taxi Seen On Road: “Taxi” by Kaufman
  68. Auf Widersehn!: “Auf Wiedersehn” by Romberg
  69. Lena, Darlint! What’s Your: Repeat Krausmeyer Theme No.3
  70. Stewards Seen On Boat: “Burlesque On ‘How Dry I Am’” by Kempinski
  71. Mary! I’ve Been Chasing: LOVE THEME “Pretty, Petite, and Sweet” by Archer (Last 8 bars)
  72. Officer Riley?: Repeat Riley Theme No.1
  73. Change of Scene Back To Davy and Mary: LOVE THEME “Pretty, Petite, and Sweet” by Archer
  74. Fade-In To Wedding Procession: “The Bells Are Ringing For Mary” by Colby (Chimes)
  75. Stop!: Repeat Krausmeyer Theme No.3
  76. Sixty Million Men: Repeat Riley Theme No.1

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Publicity Madness

Title: Publicity Madness

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: THEME “I Can’t Believe That You’re In Love With Me” by McHugh
  2. Uncle Elmer: “Happy Moods” by Marquardt
  3. Exterior: “The Joker” by Srawley
  4. Uncle Elmer Comes Out of House: “Gaily Thro’Life” by Schad
  5. Come On, Stranger: “Joyful Hurry No.1” by Baron
  6. Don’t Waste Your Time: “Mirth and Merriment” by Delille
  7. Uncle Elmer Reads Newspaper: “Oh Mister” by Frey
  8. Uncle Elmer’s Offices: “Screening Preludes No.1” by Rapee-Axt
  9. The Banning Soap Co.: “Fluffy Ruffles” by Green
  10. Edmund Lowe Walks Into Private Office: “My Baby Knows How” by Davis
  11. Stenographer Leaves Private Office: “Garden Whispers” by Herkan
  12. Lowe Leaves Office: “An Argument” by Breil
  13. Lowe Enters Office Of The Saturday Night Soap Co.: “Sweet Lavender”
  14. The Efficiency Man: Repeat No.8 “Screening Preludes No.1”
  15. Man With Brief Case Enters Office: “April’s Lad” by Ancliffe
  16. Efficiency Expert Is Led Out of Office: “La Comedienne” by Hosmer
  17. Office Boy Announces That Miracle Man Has Arrived: Repeat No.8 “Screening Preludes No.1”
  18. Well, Boys, What: ”Listen To This” by Kaufman
  19. Pete Leaves Board of Director’s Room: “Babillage” by Castillo
  20. After Pete Gives Office Boy I.O.U.: “Alice” by Hauenschild
  21. Uncles Elmer Walks Into Pete King’s Office: “Hasty Moments” by Savino
  22. What Was Your Mother’s Name: “The Glad Girl” by Lampe
  23. And Now I’ve Got Another Idea: “Hilo” by Lake
  24. Pete Leaves Office: “Merry Pranks” by Rapee-Axt
  25. Change of Scene to Barber’s Shop: “Dotty Dimples” by Green
  26. Girl Gets Off Barber’s Chair: “When I Look At You” by Friend
  27. Pete King and Violet In Office: “Moon Glow” by Barth
  28. Listen, Big Boy: “Intermezzo” by Arensky
  29. Now I Know Why The Business: “Melodious Agitato” by Lakay
  30. I’m Crazy About You: Repeat Theme No.1
  31. Bill Collector Enters: Repeat No.3 “The Joker”
  32. Collector Takes Hat Off Uncle Elmer’s Head: “Comic Hurry” by O’Hare
  33. Pete King In Office: “A Funny Story” by Kay
  34. A Week Later: Repeat No.25 “Dotty Dimples”
  35. Change of Scene to Banning Soap Company’s Office: “A Critical Moment” by Becce
  36. Violet Seen Walking In Street: “Excitement and Hurry” by Hoffman
  37. I Would Not Have My Girl’s Picture: “Emotional Agitato” by Savino
  38. Change of Scene To Banning Office: “Symphonic Incidentals No.1” by Marquardt
  39. I’ve Got A Great Idea: “Joyous Allegro” by Borch
  40. Pete’s Hawaiian Idea: Repeat No.8 “Screening Preludes No.1”
  41. Change of Scene to Street: “Lucky Lindy” by Baer
  42. Change of Scene Back To Board Meeting: Repeat No.8 “Screening Preludes No.1”
  43. What’s The Matter, Peter?: Repeat Theme No.1
  44. Newspaper Seen: “Eagles of America” by Godfrey
  45. Airplane Starts: “The Joy-Riders” by Patou
  46. You Have Ruined My Father: “Panicy Agitato” by Berge
  47. Banning Airplane Starts: “Flying Hurry” by Carbonara
  48. Maybe We Should Have Kept Him: “Scherzando Hurry” by Frey
  49. After A Dizzy Night: “Hello, Aloha! How Are You?” by Baer
  50. Everybody’s Downtown: “Farewell to Thee” by Lake
  51. After Pete Reads Telegram: Repeat Theme No.1

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: wja1M2eDfY

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Prep and Pep

Title: Prep and Pep

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Military Tactics” by Rosey
  2. Cannon Shot: “Assembly Call from ‘Trumpet and Drum Book’”

NOTE: Play Twice; Drummer watch cannon.

SEGUE: “Cadets March” by Wagner

  1. All Present: “Dismissal from ‘Trumpet and Drum Book’”
  2. Change of Scene to Office: “Chief of Staff” by Axt
  3. Dorothy—Daughter Of: DOROTHY THEME “Underneath The Falling Leaves” by Sherman
  4. What’s The Matter?: Repeat No.4 “Chief of Staff”
  5. Change of Scene To Military Grounds: “Military Tactics” by Rosey
  6. Cyril Reade: CYRIL THEME “Sweet Lavender” by Wheeler
  7. “Flash” Wells: “Speedy Boy” by Greer
  8. Girl Walks Over To Cyril: Repeat Dorothy Theme No.5
  9. Cyril Leaves Girl: Repeat Cyril Theme No.8
  10. Change of Scene To Military Mess Hall: “Step With Pep” by Kaufman
  11. “Flash” Starts To Shake Cyril: “Puck” by Grieg

NOTE: Play very lively.

  1. Change of Scene To Woods: “He’s Me Pal” by Edwards

NOTE: Play as a One-Step.

  1. Cyril Gets Into Ring: “Stand Up and Fight Like H—” by Cohan
  2. Gong Rings: “Ouch” by Kaufman

NOTE: Drummer watch gong.

  1. Gong Rings—Round is Over: Repeat No.14 “He’s Me Pal”

NOTE: Play as a One-Step; Drummer watch gong.

  1. Gong Rings For Next Round: “Warming Up” by Kaufman

NOTE: Drummer watch gong.

  1. Jiggers Fellows: “Comedy Allegro” by Berg
  2. Cyril Sees Colonel and Dorothy: Repeat No.4 “Chief of Staff”
  3. Young Man Seen On Tree Top: Repeat No.14 “He’s Me Pal”

NOTE: Play as a One-Step.

  1. Dorothy Comes Over To Boys: Repeat Dorothy Theme No.5
  2. Change of Scene To Dorothy’s Home: “Just A Night For Meditation” by Pollack
  3. “Flash” Is Seen: Repeat No.9 “Speedy Boy”
  4. Colonel Appears After Hammock Breaks: Repeat No.4 “Chief of Staff”
  5. The Regimental Track Meet: “Speed” by Frey
  6. “Flash” Runs Against You: Repeat Cyril Theme No.8
  7. Pistol Shot For Start Of Race: “Pins and Needles” by Kaufman
  8. Race Is Over: Play “Pack Up Your Troubles” by Chappell
  9. Change of Scene To Barracks: “Me-Ow” by Kaufman

NOTE: Play introduction and Trio.

  1. Glee Club Seen Singing In Barrack: “Hail America” by Drumm
  2. Cyril Walks Away From Glee Club: “Despondency” by Williams
  3. I—I’m Going To Develop: “Cheer, Boys, Cheer” by Lake
  4. Dorothy Comes Over To Father: Repeat Dorothy Theme No.5
  5. Room-Mate Seen: Repeat No.29 “Pack Up Your Troubles”
  6. Cyril Enters Room: Repeat No.14 “He’s Me Pal”

NOTE: Play as a One-Step.

  1. Cyril Picks Up Napoleon’s Bust: “La Marseillaise” (last half)
  2. I’m Going To Manage You: Repeat No.14 “He’s Me Pal”

NOTE: Play as a One-Step.

  1. “Flash” Enters Room: Repeat No.9 “Speedy Boy”
  2. “Flash” Leaves: Repeat No.14 “He’s Me Pal”

NOTE: Play as a One-Step.

  1. The Famous Black Horse Troop: “The Black Horse Troop” by Sousa
  2. You All Better Stay Off: Repeat Cyril Theme No.8
  3. Change of Scene To Men On Horseback: Repeat No.41 “Black Horse Troop”
  4. Here He Comes: “Galloping Furies” by Rapee
  5. Cyril Finished Riding And Hurdling: Repeat No.9 “Speedy Boy”
  6. Cyril’s Room-Mate Enters Room: Repeat No.14 “He’s Me Pal”

NOTE: Play as a 2/4 One-Step.

  1. Dress Parade: “Snappy Strides” by Lakay
  2. Inspect Your Guard: “Bugle Call Rag” by Blake
  3. After “Flash” Goes Into Barrack: Repeat Dorothy Theme No.5
  4. Change of Scene To Barrack: “Sh! Not So Loud” by Barret
  5. Cyril Enters Room: Repeat No. 15 “Stand Up and Fight Like H—”
  6. Dorothy Seen On Horseback: “Symphonic Incidentals No.18” by Marquardt

NOTE: Trumpeter play Assembly Call—Drummer watch room bell.

  1. Cadets Leave After Title: “THE VILLAGE IS BEING SWEPT”: “Fury” by Zamecnik
  2. Reade Saves Us Both: “Joy” by Zamecnik
  3. Graduation Day: “Chevrons” by Donaldson
  4. Three Cadets Seen Walking: “Comrades from ‘Old Timers’” by Lake
  5. One For All: Repeat Dorothy Theme No.5

NOTE: Play last eight bars—“FF” for finish.

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Plastered In Paris

Title: Plastered In Paris

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Madelon” by Robert
  2. It Seems There Was: “Military Scene” by O’Hare
  3. Sammy Nosenbloom: JEWISH THEME “Mozel Tof” by Fleischmann
  4. Private Benson: Repeat No.2 “Military Scene”
  5. They Should Give A Guy: Repeat Jewish Theme No.3
  6. Bomb Shells Exploding: Tympany Rumble and Battle Effects by Drummer
  7. Sammy Nosenbloom Is Brought Into Hospital: “Tragic Andante” by Savino
  8. Fade-In To Vision Of Devil and Angel Fighting: “March of the Dwarfs” by Grieg

NOTE: Play very lively.

  1. Ten Years Have Gone: “National Emblem March” by Bagley
  2. Close-Up of Sammy Outside of Building: Repeat Jewish Theme No.3
  3. Sammy Gets Kleptomaniac Spell: SAMMY THEME “Morning from ‘Peery Gynt Suite No.1’” by Grieg
  4. Marcelline: Repeat No.1 “Madelon”
  5. Flash-Back To Lovers: “Diane” by Rapee
  6. Another Girl! I Hate You!: “Ferocity” by Carrozzini
  7. Flash-Back To Sammy and Pal: “Paris Life” by Mosay
  8. Girl Puts Her Compact In Bosom: Repeat Jewish Theme No.3
  9. Sammy Gets Kleptomaniac Spell: Repeat Sammy Theme No.11
  10. Thank You, Doctor: “Alice” by Hauenschild
  11. Change of Scene To Waiting Room: Repeat Sammy Theme No.11

NOTE: Play a la burlesque—brass “FF”.

  1. Flash-Back To Doctor and Sammy: Repeat Jewish Theme No.3
  2. Sammy Gets Kleptomaniac Spell: Repeat Sammy Theme No.11
  3. My Sweetheart!: Repeat No.1 “Madelon”
  4. Doctor Finds Waiting Room Empty: “Comic Hurry” by O’Hare

NOTE: Start slowly, then play to action

  1. Officer Leaves Sculptor: “Allegro Buffonesco” by Kempinski
  2. Change of Scene To French Café: “L’Amour” by Christine
  3. Apache Dancers Seen: “Apache Dance” by Offenbach
  4. Close-Up of Sammy’s Nose: Repeat Jewish Theme No.3
  5. Now You Will Pay Zis: “La Marseillaise”

SEGUE: “Nola” by Arndt

  1. Sammy Has Kleptomaniac Spell: Repeat Sammy Theme No.11

NOTE: Strings and bird whistle by Drummer only.

SEGUE: JEWISH THEME “Mozel Tof” by Fleischmann

  1. You’re Wrong, Soldier: “Let’s Talk About My Sweetie” by Donaldson
  2. That Necktie: “Stop It” by Kaufman
  3. After Lights Go Out: “Jollifications” by Noyes
  4. Vive Le Legion!: Repeat No.28 “La Marseillaise”

SEGUE: “Blue Devils” by Levy

  1. Change of Scene To Desert: “Marche Des Zonaves” by Coventry

NOTE: Play to action—watch for Trumpet call on screen.

  1. Sergeant Coucou! Am I: “Le Pere de la Victoire” by Ganne

NOTE: Watch for Trumpet call on screen.

  1. Sammy Gets Kleptomaniac Fit: Repeat Sammy Theme No.11

SEGUE: “Stop It” by Kaufman

  1. Orderly! Meet My: “French Nat’l Defile March” by Turlet
  2. Segeant Coucou Beckons On Sammy: “The Whisper Song” by Friend
  3. Soldiers Start Drilling Again: “Marche Lorraine” by Ganne
  4. Company—Dismissed!: “Amo” by Robyn
  5. Sergeant Coucou Calls Sammy And Pal: Repeat No.35 “Le Pere de la Victoire”
  6. Guard Those Riff Magicians: “Karma” by Herbert
  7. Riff Magician Unties Knot Under Table: “A Game of Tag” by Trinkaus
  8. Riff Magician Beckons To Sammy: Repeat No.42 “Karma”
  9. Riff Magician Shows Five Finger Tip Lit Up: “Queer Antics” by Zamecnik
  10. Shoot Those Two Prisoners: “Eccitamento” by Retlaw
  11. Trumpeter Seen: Short Trumpet Call

SEGUE: “Excitement and Hurry” by Hoffman

  1. Couple Seen In Automobile: Repeat No.13 “Diane”
  2. Man Is Shot: “Agitato Dramatico” by Fresco
  3. Sammy and Pal Run Over To Wounded Man: “Prelude Dramatique” by Srawley
  4. Sammy and Pal Seen In Riff Village: “Before the Caliph’s Palace” by Trinkaus
  5. Man Seen In Tower: Orchestra Tacet—Oriental Gong by Drummer
  6. Sammy and Pal Enter Doorway: “Orientale” by Cui

NOTE: Play in Fox-Trot tempo.

  1. Mimi!: Repeat No.1 “Madelon”
  2. Where’s The Girl?: “A Critical Moment” by Becce
  3. Abu Ben Abu: “Egyptian Echoes” by Black
  4. By The Beard Of The: “Constantinople” by Carltn
  5. Man Seen In Tower: Gong by Drummer
  6. Riffs Start Chase For Americans: “Warriors Bold” by Joels
  7. Sammy and Pal Slide Into Pool: “Comedy Allegro” by Haines
  8. Change of Scene To Military Barracks: Repeat No.39 “Marche Lorraine”
  9. My Brave Americans!: “Stars and Stripes” by Sousa (Trio)
  10. My Hero!: Repeat No.1 “Madelon”
  11. Sergeant Coucou Punches Sammy’s Nose: SAMMY THEME “Morning from ‘Peery Gynt Suite No.1’” by Grieg

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Title: Pajamas

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: THEME “I’ll Dream of You” by Shilkret
  2. Speed Law Sign Seen: “Step On It” by Kaufman
  3. Young Lady, This Has: “Comedy Allegro” by Haines

NOTE: Play “PP” and to action.

  1. The Wade Home: “Happy Moods” by Marquardt
  2. Egbert For Rest: “Lazy” by Berlin
  3. Your Father Wants: “A Gay Lothario” by Bierman
  4. Come On—Let’s Swim!: “En Visite” by McDonald
  5. John Weston: “Johnny On The Spot” by Roberts
  6. Don’t Think Too Seriously: “Miss Mischief” by Kempinski
  7. Help! Cramp!: “Help! Help!” by Kovacs
  8. Well Weston! What Happened: “The Water Bug” by Miles
  9. That Young Man: Repeat No.9 “Miss Mischief”
  10. Board of Directors At Conference Table: “Grandioso” by Fassio (Play “PP”)
  11. Change of Scene To Living Room: “Polly” by Zamecnik
  12. Group Seated At Dining Room Table: “The Joker” by Srawley
  13. You Can’t Annoy Me: “Light Agitato” by Noyes
  14. Are You Going To Let: Repeat No.8 “Johnny On The Spot”
  15. Father Enters John Weston’s Room: “Babillage” by Castillo
  16. Aeroplane Starts: “Scherzando Hurry” by Frey
  17. Into The Canadian Rockies: “In The Clouds” by Rapee-Axt
  18. Young Man Lands In Parachute: “Scene Pastorale” by Tours
  19. Close-Up of Wrecked Aeroplane: “Love In Arcady” by Wood
  20. Stay On Your Own Side: “Waterfall” by Zamecnik
  21. Change of Scene to Father: “In The Ruins” by Kempinski
  22. Change of Scene to Camp Again: “Desolation” by Savino
  23. That’s My Fish!: “Love’s Impulse” by Jacquet
  24. I’m Sorry I Lost My: Repeat Theme No.1
  25. Change of Scene To Men Carrying Canoe: “Rustic Allegro” by Savino
  26. Good Morning!: Repeat Theme No.1
  27. Help! Cramp!: Repeat No.10 “Help! Help!”
  28. What’s The Matter: Repeat Theme No.1
  29. Change of Scene To Canoe: Repeat No.28 “Rustic Allegro”
  30. Change of Scene To John and Angela: Repeat Theme No.1
  31. Canoe Seen With Rescue Party Again: Repeat No.28 “Rustic Allegro”
  32. Change of Scene To Close-Up of John Weston: “In Arcadia” by Sellars
  33. Change of Scene To Blue Print Of Rescue Party: “Screening Preludes No.1” by Rapee-Axt
  34. John and Angela Seen: Repeat Theme No.1
  35. Angela Leaves John After Kiss: Repeat No.26 “Love’s Impulse”
  36. Rescue Party Seen: “Woodland Whispers” by Czibulka
  37. Let’s Stay Here: Repeat Theme No.1
  38. Please, John: “Grand Appassionato” by Becce
  39. John Leaves Angela: “In The Dell” by Frommel
  40. Angela and John See Each Other: “Rapture” by Zamecnik
  41. You Big Loafer: Repeat Theme No.1

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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None But The Brave

Title: None But The Brave

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: THEME “You’re Wonderful” by Ash
  2. Diplomas Were Invented: “College Life” by Hinrichs
  3. “Slug” Rafferty: “Funny Faces” by Ring-Hager
  4. And Now It Is My Honor: “Gaudemus Igittur from ‘College Life’” by Hinrichs
  5. Another Award Goes: “Yankee Doodle Boy” by Cohan
  6. You Can’t Shake Me: “He’s Me Pal” by Edwards
  7. Charlie Decided To Give: “En Visite” by McDonald
  8. Charles Banning Enters Private Office: Repeat No.5 “Yankee Doodle Boy”
  9. All The Hatred: “I Want What I Want When I Want It” by Herbert
  10. Selling Insurance: Repeat No.5 “Yankee Doodle Boy”
  11. Banning Rings Fire Gong: Drummer watch clang of bell, then “Hurry No.7” by Lake
  12. There’s No Fire: “Yankee Doodle Boy” by Cohan (Last 8 bars)
  13. Benton Harbor: “Old Man Sunshine” by Warren
  14. Banning Sees Name-Plate Of Dudley Craig In Car: “Gay Deceivers” by Claypoole
  15. Beautiful Care—Is It: Repeat No.5 “Yankee Doodle Boy”
  16. Girl’s Car Stops On Railroad Track: “Hurry No.2” by Simon
  17. When You Buy Your Next: Repeat No.5 “Yankee Doodle Boy”
  18. The J. Dudley Craig Hotel: “That’s My Weakness Now” by Green
  19. Phone The Garage: “Hustle-Bustle” by Delille
  20. Swimming Pool Is Seen: “Feelin’ Good” by Murphy
  21. Look Out Below!: Repeat No.5 “Yankee Doodle Boy”
  22. Youngster Walks Over To Banning: Repeat No.6 “He’s My Pal”
  23. I’ve Got A Swell Summer: Repeat No.3 “Funny Faces”
  24. You Must Have Found: Play “Lucky Day” by Harms
  25. How Long Are You Going: Repeat Theme No.1
  26. Swimming Instructor Comes Over To Girl: “Comic Hurry” by O’Hare
  27. Crowd Rushes Into Hot Dog Stand: “Burlesque On Chopin’s Funeral March” by Kempinski
  28. How Can I Repay You: Repeat Theme No.1
  29. Youngster Seen: Repeat No.3 “Funny Faces”
  30. Close-Up of Alarm Clock: “Twinkling” by Hauenschild
  31. Kid Seen Sleeping In Front of Door: Repeat No.6 “He’s Me Pal”
  32. Kid Gets Into Bed: Repeat No.3 “Funny Faces”
  33. Kid Turns Off Light: Repeat No.6 “He’s Me Pal”
  34. Charlie’s Whole Bankroll: “Tin Pan Parade” by Whiting
  35. Charlie and Kid Enter Hot Dog Stand: “Jingles” by Zamecnik
  36. Why Don’t You Go In: Repeat Theme No.1
  37. An Alluring Beach: “Oh Baby!” by Murphy
  38. New Hot Dog Stand Seen: “Sweet Lavender” by Wheeler
  39. The International Pageant: “Screening Preludes No.1” by Rapee-Axt
  40. Holland!: “Holland National Song” by Mammoth Collection
  41. Italy!: “O Mari!” by di Capua
  42. Germany!: “O Katharina” by Fall
  43. Scotland!: “I Love A Lassic” by Lauder
  44. Erin!: “When Irish Eyes Are Smiling” by Ball
  45. Japan!: “Cho-Cho-San” by Puccini
  46. The United States: “Stars and Stripes” by Sousa (Trio)
  47. Britannia!: Play “Keep the Home Fires Burning” by Chappell
  48. France!: “Oh! Frenchy” by Conrad
  49. Spain!: Play “Valencia” by Harms
  50. Miss Liberty!: “She Knows Her Onions” by Ager
  51. You May Start Eliminating: “The International Rag” by Berlin
  52. There Must Be Some: “Heart to Heart” by Trinkaus
  53. Introducing J. Dudley Craig: “Razzing Theme” by Rapee
  54. Two Men and Kid Walk Into Room: Repeat No.52 “Heart To Heart”
  55. Freckles! Freckles!: Repeat No.6 “He’s Me Pal”

NOTE: Play very quietly.

  1. Change of Scene to Old Hot Dog Stand: “Dramatic Scene” by May
  2. Banning Leaves Mary: Repeat Theme No.1
  3. Change of Scene To Dudley Craig: “Emotional Agitato” by Savino
  4. Swimming Instructor Comes Over To Dudley Craig: “Characteristic No.2” by Roberts
  5. Please Let Me Drive: Repeat No.5 “Yankee Doodle Boy”
  6. The Event of the Season: “Gangway” by Kaufman
  7. Pistol Shot: “The Get-Away” by Frey
  8. Banning’s Boat Upsets: “S-O-S” by Herkan
  9. I Tried To Win, Freckles: Repeat No.6 “He’s Me Pal”
  10. I’m Sorry, Mr. Craig: “Reverie d’Amour” by D’Aquin
  11. There’s Nothing More: Repeat Theme No.1

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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No Other Woman

Title: No Other Woman

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Marcheta” by Schertzinger
  2. France—On The Sands: “L’Amour” by Christine
  3. Carmelita De Granados: Repeat No.1 “Marcheta”
  4. Change of Scene to Men Playing Handball: Repeat No.2 “L’Amour”
  5. Carmelita, Let Me: “Alice” by Hauenschild
  6. That Night Albert De Chegney: “March of the Siamese” by Lincke (Trio)
  7. This is the Happiest: “C’est Vous” by Greenberg
  8. Orchestra Starts Playing: “Lucky in Love” by Henderson
  9. Yvette Recognizes Carlos: “Le Reve de L’Apache” by Donaldson
  10. Carmelita Comes Over To Carlos And Yvette: “Appassionata” by Clutsam
  11. Listen to Me, Carmelita: Repeat No.1 “Marcheta”

NOTE: Play softly when Yvette and Albert are seen.

  1. I’m Trying On My: “Chanson Francaise from ‘Franco-Espano Suite’” by Marquardt

NOTE: Play very quietly.

  1. Carmelita Sees Yvette in Bedroom: “Dolores” by Kay
  2. Wait Till I Change: “Joy” by Zamecnik
  3. Carlos Enters Room: “The Awakening” by Zamecnik
  4. Carmelita and Friends Seen Leaving: Repeat No.7 “C’est Vous”
  5. Change of Scene To Carlos: “Laughing Love” by Christine
  6. Carlos Knocks On Carmilita’s Door: “Priere Tendre” by Mouton
  7. Two Years Later: “The Sparkling Trot” by Lynde
  8. They’re Off: “En Devalant” by Pouget
  9. Carmelita Enters Automobile: “Escapade” by Mouton
  10. Carlos Calls Carmelita: Repeat No.1 “Marcheta”
  11. You Ask Me That After: Repeat No.13 “Dolores”
  12. If You Would Hold Her Love: Repeat No.1 “Marcheta”
  13. Carlos Leaves: “Imprecations” by Baron
  14. Change of Scene to Night Time: “Darkness” by Brunelli
  15. A Sleepless Night and Morning: “Seuls” by Franceschi
  16. Husband Enters: “Disperazione” by Becce
  17. Bank Messenger Leaves: “The Crisis” by Pasternack
  18. Carlos Answers Telephone: “Desperation” by Schad
  19. Close-Up of Doorbell: “Demande d’Amour” by Drigo
  20. Husband Enters Carlos’ Apartment: “Symphonic Incidentals No.6” by Marquardt
  21. Let’s Be Sensible: “Fate” by Bierman
  22. You’ve Lost, De Chegny: “Molto Drammatico e Grandioso” by Borch
  23. Husband Leaves Carlos’ Apartment: “Gage d’Amour” by Janssen
  24. A Condition Went With The Key: Repeat No.1 “Marcheta”
  25. Door Knob Seen Turning: “Symphonic Incidentals No.13” by Marquardt

NOTE: Tympany Rumble for pistol shot

  1. After Pistol Shot: “Protestation” by Kay
  2. Carlos Kisses Carmelita’s Hand: Repeat No.1 “Marcheta”

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Mother Machree

Title: Mother Machree

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Mother Machree” by Olcott
  2. Ireland—In The Year: “Kerry Down” by Rother
  3. Close-Up of Man and Woman Embracing: “Molly” by Herbert
  4. Two Policemen Seen: “Irish Patrol” by Puerner
  5. After Policemen Leave: Repeat No.2 “Kerry Down”
  6. Children Seen Reading At Fireside: “Glory, Glory Hallelujah” by Steffe

NOTE: Storm effects.

SEGUE: “Legend of the Sea” by Zamecnik

NOTE: Storm effects.

  1. The Rain-Drops Look: “Every Teak Is A Smile” by Carlo

NOTE: Storm effects.

  1. Light-House Seen: “Storm Scene” by Weber

NOTE: Storm effects.

  1. Mother and Son At Fireside: “Looms of Fate” by St. Saens
  2. Policemen Enter Home: “Andante Patetico e Doloroso” by Borch
  3. Fade-In To The Wake: “Misterioso Infernale” by Borch (Play “PP”)
  4. Weeks It Took Ellen To: “Off to Philadelphia from ‘The Emerald Isle’” by Langey
  5. Dwarf Seen: “March of the Dwarfs” by Grieg
  6. Your Servant, Ma’am!: “Paddy Whack from ‘The Emerald Isle’” by Langey
  7. Man Seen With Harp: “The Harp That Once Thro’ Tara’s Halls” by Ascher
  8. Is It A Widow Woman: “Irish Tune from County Derry” by Grainger
  9. Change of Scene to Midget: Repeat No.13 “March of the Dwarves”
  10. Wagon Leaving: “The Low Back’d Car” by lake
  11. I’ll Be After Saying: “Come Back to Erin”
  12. I’m Hoping There’ll: Repeat No.14 “Paddy Whack”
  13. America: “Chastity” by Kay
  14. Comedian Seen: “A Bit O’ Blarney” by Heli
  15. Bowl of Shamrock Seen: “Dear Little Shamrock from ’12 Irish Songs’” by DeWitt
  16. And You’ll Always Remember: Repeat No.1 “Mother Marchee” (Play last 8 bars)
  17. Comedian Seen In Doorway: Repeat No.22 “A Bit O’ Blarney”
  18. I’m In A Circus: “The Blarney Stone” by Engleman
  19. Earman’s Circus: “Acrobatie” by Wilbert

NOTE: Circus effects.

  1. Fifteen Dollars A Week: “Lords and Ladies” by Salzer
  2. Please, Ma’am: “The Breath of An Irish Smile” by Bowers
  3. Change of Scene to Children Dancing: “Minuet” by Suk
  4. Back to Teacher and Ellen: Repeat No.29 “The Breath of An Irish Smile”
  5. At Last America: “All For Joy Gallop” by Fahrbach

NOTE: Circus effects.

  1. Woman Leaves Pedastal: “Eccitamento” by Retlaw
  2. Tattood Man Locks Door: “The Irish Have A Great Day Tonight from ‘Eileen’” by Herbert
  3. Tattood Man Enters Ellen’s Home: Repeat No.26 “The Blarney Stone”
  4. Ellen McHugh: “Macushla” by MacMurrough
  5. Comedian Seen On Stairway: “Tobias Green” by Luscomb
  6. Lady Enters Room: “Thought” by Deyo
  7. Do You Think It Was: “Aiden” by Karganoff
  8. Close-Up of Mother At Son’s Bedside: “Dear Little Boy of Mine” by Ball

NOTE: Start at refrain—go back to verse, then two refrains.

  1. That Shamrock, Brian!: Repeat No.23 “Dear Little Shamrock”
  2. It Was A Week Or So: “Twilight Reverie” by Thome
  3. Ellen Enters Nursery: “Cradle Song” by Grieg
  4. Sure and You’ve: “Marionette” by Arndt
  5. Nurse-Maid Enters: “Uneasiness” by Borch
  6. Ellen Grabs Baby Out of Nurse’s Hands: “Dear Little Boy of Mine” by Ball (Play “PP”)
  7. And So With The Passing: Repeat No.1 “Mother Machree”
  8. Girl and Boy Enter: “The Doll Dance” by Brown
  9. Isn’t It About Time: “My Song of Love For You” by Albers
  10. Second Man Enters: THEME “Thine Alone form ‘Eileen’” by Herbert
  11. Boy Starts Playing Piano: Repeat No.1 “Mother Machree”
  12. Boy Leaves Piano: “Forget Me Not” by Macbeth
  13. Close-Up of Mother Machree: Repeat No.1 “Mother Machree”
  14. Change of Scene to Dining Room: “Iris” by Reynard
  15. Perhaps Because I’ve: Repeat No.1 “Mother Machree”
  16. Never Had A Happier: “Eileen Selection (Introd)” by Herbert
  17. Mother Machree Dances: “St. Patrick’s Day”
  18. After Dance Mother Machree Runs To Open Door: “Love’s Wilfulness” by Barthelemy
  19. Mother Machree Sees Brian On Sofa: Repeat No.40 “Dear Little Boy of Mine”
  20. Automobile Drives Up: “There’ll Be A Hot Time” by Beyer
  21. Brian and Edith Gets on Bus: Repeat Theme No.50
  22. You’re Still Loving: Repeat No.36 “Macushla”
  23. Change of Scene to Mother Machree: Repeat No.58 “Love’s Wilfulness”
  24. An April Night: “Climbing Up the Ladder of Love” by Greer
  25. Mother and Daughter Come Down Stairs: Repeat Theme No.50
  26. Brian Approaches Mother Machree: Repeat No.1 “Mother Machree”
  27. Newsboy Seen: “Battle Music” by Riesenfeld
  28. Bagpipes Seen: “The Campbells Are Coming” by Lake

SEGUE: “Semper Fidelis March” by Sousa

  1. ‘Tis Only Your Sweetheart: Repeat Theme No.50
  2. Brian Embraces Mother Machree: Repeat No.1 “Mother Machree” (Play last half)
  3. Brian Leaves Mother Machree: Repeat Theme No.50
  4. Oh, It’s Too Terrible!: Repeat No.1 “Mother Machree”
  5. Say, Are We Goin’ To Fight: “Semper Fidelis March” by Sousa
  6. Lovers Seen: Repeat Theme No.50
  7. Goodbye—Goodbye, Brian: “Mother Machree” by Olcott
  8. Are You Terence O’Dowd: Repeat No.36 “Macushla”
  9. God Keep You, Terence O’Dowd: Repeat No.1 “Mother Machree”

NOTE: Drum marching very softly.

  1. War! Months It Went On: “Liberty Overture” by Langey
  2. Peace—At Last: “Home Again” by Lake
  3. Fade-In To Brian Embracing Mother: Repeat No.1 “Mother Machree”
  4. Brian Leaves Mother Machree: Repeat No.36 “Macushla”

SEGUE: “Mother Machree” by Olcott (Play last half)

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: Qe9kh8sxFR

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Mother Knows Best

Title: Mother Knows Best

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Sally of My Dreams” by Kernell
  2. Quail’s Drug Store: “My Home Town Is A One Horse Town” by Silver
  3. Close-Up Of Hand Grabbing Money: “Reproach” by Zamecnik
  4. Child Runs Out of Store: “Sunshine of Paradise Alley from ‘Old Chestnuts’” by Lake
  5. Sally’s Not Going To: “Heart to Heart” by Trinkaus
  6. Change of Street Again: Repeat No.4 “Sunshine of Paradise Alley”
  7. Mark My Words: “Vanity” by Jackson
  8. Change To Electric Sign “Casino”: “Happy Days” by Levi
  9. It Should Have: Repeat No.7 “Vanity”
  10. Toe Dancer Starts To Dance: “Nalia” by Delibes
  11. After Toe Dancer Is Finished: Repeat No.7 “Vanity”
  12. Little Sally Walks Out On Stage: “The Band Played On From ‘Old Timers’” by Lake
  13. Announce Her Again: “She May Have Seen Better Days from ‘Old Timers’” by Lake
  14. You Shouldn’t Disappoint: “Despondency” by Williams
  15. With The Death of An: “By-Gone Days” by Pintel
  16. Change of Scene to Exterior: “Extase” by Ganne
  17. On The Threshold Of: “If You Were the Only Girl” by Chappell
  18. Shadow of Woman in Private Office Seen: “Chatter” by Kahn
  19. Isn’t She A Nice Little: Repeat No.17 “If You Were the Only Girl”
  20. Secretary Seen During Drawing Up of Contract: “En Visite” by McDonald
  21. Close-Up of Girl and Boy: Repeat No.17 “If You Were the Only Girl”
  22. Close-Up of Magazine: “Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life” by Herbert
  23. Second Time Pianist Is Seen: Repeat No.1 “Sally of My Dreams”
  24. Young Man Runs Away From Piano: Repeat No.1 “Sally of My Dreams” –with orchestra
  25. Young Man Sits Down At Piano: Repeat No.1 “Sally of My Dreams” (Piano Solo)—Last 8 Bars of Chorus

SEGUE: “Salley of My Dreams” by Kernell (played by orchestra)

  1. Mother Walks Up After Sally: “Love’s Impulse” by Jacquet
  2. Young Man Returns To His Room: Repeat No.1 “Sally of My Dreams”
  3. “Sally Quail” Seen In Electric Lights: Repeat No.1 “Sally of My Dreams”—in a different key
  4. Sally Goes Out On Stage To Do Her Act: “For She’s Ma Daisy” by Lauder
  5. Sally Finishers Lauder Impersonation: Repeat No.1 “Sally of My Dreams”
  6. Sally Goes On Stage To Do Jolson Impersonation: “My Mammy” by Donaldson
  7. Sally Finishes Jolson Impersonation: Repeat No.1 “Sally of My Dreams”
  8. Sally Goes On Stage To Do Anna Held Impersonation: “I Just Can’t Make My Eyes Behave” by Edwards
  9. Sally Finishes Anna Held Impersonation: “Sally Of My Dreams” by Kernell (Verse)
  10. Mother and Sally Return To Dressing Room: “Enthusiasm” by Schad
  11. Bessie and Ben: “Gee, But It’s Great to Meet a Friend” by McGavisk
  12. Bessie and Ben Leave: Repeat No.1 “Sally of My Dreams”
  13. Mother Sees Sally and Bert: “Love Tragedy” by Savino
  14. Manager Enters Sally’s Dressing Room: Repeat No.18 “Chatter”
  15. Change of Scene to Mother in Bed: “Mother Croons a Tune” by Copping
  16. Soda Fountain Seen: Repeat No.1 “Sally of My Dreams”
  17. Mother Seen In Bed Again: “Dilemma” by Savino
  18. Change of Scene Back to Soda Fountain: Repeat No.1 “Sally of My Dreams”
  19. Mother Seen In Bed Again: Repeat No.42 “Dilemma”
  20. Sally Enters Dressing Room: Repeat No.34 “Sally of My Dreams” (Verse)
  21. Mother Enters Sally’s Dressing Room: “Dramatic Finale” by Noyes
  22. You Had To Wait Until: “Tears” by Zamecnik
  23. Ocean Liner Seen: Repeat No.1 “Sally of My Dreams”
  24. Paris—After A Triumphal: “Princess Enchanting” by Hadley
  25. Tell the Stage-Door: “L’Amour” by Christine
  26. Sally Enters Dressing Room: “Amorous Adventure” by Bradford
  27. Sally Takes Ring Off Her Finger: Repeat No.1 “Sally of My Dreams”
  28. Close-Up of Mobilization Announcement: Robespierre Overture (Litolff)
  29. A World At War: “When Yankee Doodle Learns to Parlez Vous” by Nelson
  30. Among Other Famous Stage: “Who Will Buy My Violets” by Harms

NOTE: Play a la burlesque.

  1. Do Lauder—Harry Lauder: Repeat No.29 “For She’s Ma Daisy”

NOTE: Play with Piano predominating—orchestra quietly.

  1. Group of Soldiers Seen On Wagon: Repeat No.54 “When Yankee Doodle Learns to Parlez Vous”
  2. After Colored Fellow Smokes Cigarette: Repeat No.29 “For She’s Ma Daisy”
  3. Sally Leaves Soldiers After Impersonation: Repeat No.34 “Sally of My Dreams” (Verse)
  4. Change to Violin Solo: Repeat No.1 “Sally of My Dreams”

NOTE: Start as Violin Solo in a different key, then orchestra continue on second half.

  1. Here Comes The Chief of Police: “Hinky Dinky Parlay Voo” by McHugh
  2. Close-Up of Lovers: Repeat No.1 “Sally of My Dreams”
  3. Mother Walks Over To Sally and Bert: “Hell Hath No Fury” by Carr
  4. She’s Right, Sally: Repeat No.1 “Sally of My Dreams”
  5. Change to Exterior—Officers Waiting In Automobile For Sally: “Yankee Rose” by Frankl
  6. Sally Puts Coat On: “Second Love Tragedy” by Savino
  7. Fade-Out of Mother: “Anelante” by Gabriel Marie

NOTE: Drummer watch marching soldiers—drum beat

  1. Close-Up of Bert Marching With Troops: “Appassionato Patetico” by Bradford
  2. Morning—After A: “Recitativo Patetico” by Bradford
  3. Armistice!: “Broadway Blues” by Morgan

NOTE: Play syncopated.

  1. Little Girl Seen: “Dainty Miss” by Barnes
  2. Sally Embraces Baby: “Mother’s Lullaby” by Rosenblatt
  3. You’ll Have To Excuse: Repeat No.71 “Dainty Miss”
  4. Bessie, Ben and Children Leave: “Requited Love” by Rollnson
  5. –And Mother Knows Best: “Affizione” by Gabriel Marie
  6. Fade-Out of Sally and Mother: “Nocturne” by Krzyzanowski
  7. Mother Kneels At Sally’s Bedside: “Sobbing” by Baron
  8. Bert Appears: “Midsummer Night’s Serenade” by Albeniz
  9. Sally Sees Bert: Repeat No.1 “Sally of My Dreams”

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Me, Gangster

Title: Me, Gangster

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Mary’s A Grand Old Name” by Cohan
  2. Insert of Diary—“Me, Gangster”: “Cute and Cunnin’” by Kempinski
  3. Insert of Diary—“And When I Was Eleven”: “Reverie d’Amour” by D’Aquin
  4. Insert of Diary—“Before I Was Nineteen”: “Pastime” by Clutsam
  5. Insert of Diary—“I Was Keeping Company”: Repeat No.1 “Mary’s A Grand Old Name”
  6. Couple Seen On Roller Coaster: “Gaiety” by Savino
  7. Insert of Diary—“But Even The Love”: A Contrapuntal Misterioso” by Schad
  8. Boys Enter Their Room: “Mysterious Tension” by Axt
  9. Doorbell Rings: “An Argument” by Breil
  10. Insert of Diary—“Like All Young Fools”: “Steppin’ in Society” by Akst
  11. Gee Danny, You Look: Repeat No.1 “Mary’s A Grand Old Name”
  12. Danny Approaches Outside of His Home: “The Gentleman Burglar” by Jacquet
  13. Danny and Mother Seen: “A Tender Thought” by Huerter
  14. Saloon Seen: “Two In A Bar” by Coppin
  15. Change of Scene Back to Danny and Mother: Repeat No.13 “A Tender Thought”
  16. Doorbell Rings: “Ondes Mysterieuses” by Franceschi
  17. Gambling Joint is Held Up: “The Hold-Up” by Reuther
  18. Gang Enters Saloon: “Fuga” by Gabriel Marie
  19. Police Patrol Wagon Arrives: “Hurry No.26” by Lake
  20. Man Rings Doorbell: “Dramatic Suspense” by Vrionides
  21. Mary Enters Home: Repeat No.1 “Mary’s A Grand Old Name”
  22. Father Enters Police Station: “Enigma” by Borch
  23. District Attorney Enters With Witness: “The Accusation” by Patou
  24. Emblem of Justice Seen in Courtroom: “Majestic Misterioso” by Kilenyi
  25. Danny Goes To Mother Outside of Courtroom: Repeat No.13 “A Tender Thought”
  26. Insert of Diary—“Whenever I Was With That Girl, Mary”: Repeat No.1 “Mary’s A Grand Old Name”
  27. Change To Father and Mother In Home: “Homeland” by Huerter
  28. Automobile Drives Up To Home: “Incid. Symphony No.41” by Hintz
  29. I Heard A Crazy Rumor: “Anger Motive” by Kilenyi
  30. Boss Leaves: “Ominous Moments” by Kempinski
  31. Insert of Diary—“The Close Call I Had”: “The Snake in the Grass” by Srawley
  32. Office Seen: “Witty Witch” by Finck
  33. Change of Scene to Home: “Evening Hour” by Hulten
  34. Doorbell Rings: Drummer catch doorbell—orchestra tacet
  35. Police Enter: “Emotional Conflict” by Becce
  36. Insert of Diary—“Prison At Last”: “Darkness” by Brunelli
  37. The Big Boss Made Good His Threat: “Heavy Dram. Pathetic No.1” by Luz
  38. Change to Prison visiting Room: “Meeting” by Bendix
  39. Danny Reads Letter: “Mother” by Romberg
  40. Insert of Diary—“The News of My Mother’s”: “Remords” by Franceschi
  41. Danny Sees Mary: Repeat No.1 “Mary’s A Grand Old Name”
  42. Insert of Sign—“Warning”: “Yesterthoughts” by Herbert
  43. Danny and Mary go Into Warden’s Office: “Heart’s Pleading” by Rapee-Axt
  44. Mary—Don’t You Love Me?: Repeat No.1 “Mary’s A Grand Old Name”
  45. Insert of Diary—“I Was Paroled”: “Glad Days” by Berche
  46. Danny Enters Mary’s Home: Repeat No.1 “Mary’s A Grand Old Name”
  47. Change of Scene to Bandits: “Stalking the Prey” by Kempinski
  48. Bandits Drop From Skylight: “Eccitamento” by Retlaw
  49. Downstairs Neighbor Breaks Down Door: “Excitement” by Breil
  50. Danny and Mary Seen In Police Station: “Mood Pensive” by Applefield
  51. Father Enters Police Station: “Wings of Joy” by Van Norman
  52. Insert of Diary—“We’re Happy Now”: Repeat No.1 “Mary’s A Grand Old Name”

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Masked Emotions

Title: Masked Emotions

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “S’posin’” by Denniker
  2. Summer and Vacation Time: “Before the Mast” by Laurendeau
  3. Sailor Seen Washing Clothes: “I’ll Tell the World” by Turk
  4. O’Brien Looks At Shore Thru Torn Garment: “Mean to Me” by Turk
  5. Young Brother Seen With Monocle: “Heave Ho” by Copping
  6. Girl Dives Off Cliff: Repeat No.4 “Mean To Me”
  7. Split Apple Island: “Go To Sleep My Baby (Direct Cue)” (Play Once Through)

SEGUE: “The Goofy Gob” by McDonald

  1. Fishing Hook Catches Man’s Pants: Repeat No.7 “Go To Sleep My Baby” (Play Once Through)

SEGUE: “The Goofy Gob” by McDonald

  1. O’Brien Leaves Younger Brother: “Ho-Ho-Ho-Hogan” by Tucker
  2. Who’s The High Diving Venus: “Banter” by Rapee
  3. Fisherman’s Caves: “Light Fingered” by Rapee
  4. Elderly Man Seen Walking Up Gangplank: “Admiral’s All” by Bath
  5. Woki, I Told You To Keep: “Vendetta” by Herzberg
  6. After Captain Leaves Woki: Repeat No.3 “I’ll Tell The World”
  7. Woki and Larson See Girl: “The Smugglers” by Axt
  8. Woki Stops Girl at Gate: “Misterioso-Patetico” by Brunelli
  9. Young Man Seen Coming Aboard Boat: “Ragging the Waves” by Rosey
  10. Larson Hits Boy: “Astir” by Berge
  11. Woki Seen Aboard Ship: Repeat No.13 “Vendetta”
  12. Night and No Thad: “The Erl King” by Schubert
  13. Brother Gets On “Bargee” Boat: “Tragic Andante” by Sibelius
  14. O’Brien Carries Brother To Doctor: Repeat No.20 “Erl King”
  15. O’Brien Collapses: “A Song of Death” by Preston
  16. O’Brien Lifts Brother and Continues: “Dramatic Tension” by Axt
  17. Interior of Doctor’s Home: “Erotic” by Grieg
  18. What the Devil Would Hurt A Kid: “The Crisis” by Pasternack
  19. Change of Scene to Painting: “Suspense” by Charrosin
  20. You’re Hiding Something: “Disperazione” by Gabriel Marie
  21. Woki, Did A Boy Come Aboard: “Incid. Symphony No.4” by Kempinski
  22. Change of Scene to Larson Sneaking Around House: “Agitato Mysterioso” by Langey
  23. Emily Seen Coming Downstairs: “Misterioso Erotico” by Heymann
  24. Sit Down: “Dramatic Conversation” by Becce
  25. That Fits. Doesn’t It?: “Finale Tragico” by Becce
  26. Larnson and Woki Seen Sneaking Away: “Lamento” by Berge
  27. O’Brien and Girl Hear Footsteps: Repeat No.11 “Light Fingered”
  28. O’Brien Comes Out of Room: “Agitato No.3” by Williams
  29. O’Brien and Larson Seen Fighting: “Spirit of Vengeance” by Beghon
  30. MacDonald Punches Larson: Repeat No.7 “Go To Sleep My Baby”

SEGUE: “Violence” by Lowitz

  1. Change of Scene To Doctor’s Home: “Homeland” by Huerter
  2. You Win—They’re Brown: Repeat No.1 “S’posin’”

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: f3dNO1czTb

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Making the Grade

Title: Making the Grade

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: THEME “Broken Dreams” by Spitalny
  2. This is the Story of Herbie: “Poupee Valsante” by Poldini
  3. Master Herbert!: “A Frivolous Patrol” by Goublier
  4. The Daily Trip To School: “School Days” by Edwards
  5. Six Years Later: “Sweetheart from ‘Maytime’” by Romberg
  6. Then Years Later. One of Those: “A Hot Time” by Beyer
  7. I’m So Excited I Can Scarcely: “Sweetheart from ‘Maytime’” by Romberg (Chorus)
  8. Train Arrives: “Gee, I’m Glad I’m Home” by Monaco
  9. Lady Goes Over to Herbie with Flowers: Repeat No.7 “Sweetheart” (very quietly)
  10. Fade-In to Home: “Zigzag” by Ferber
  11. Do You Happen to Know A Girl: Repeat No.5 “Sweetheart”
  12. Close-Up of Sign ‘Lettie’s Tea Shop’: “Linger Longer Letty Selection” by Goodman
  13. Lettie! Don’t You Remember Me?: Repeat No.7 “Sweetheart”
  14. Automobile Drives Up: “Sweethearts On Parade” by Lombardo
  15. Herbie’s Car Drives Up To ‘Lettie’s Tea Shop’: “Linger Longer Letty” by Goodman
  16. No Dodsworth Ever Gave Up The Ship: Repeat No.3 “Frivolous Patrol”
  17. Board of Directors Leave: “You’re the Cream in My Coffee” by Henderson
  18. Why Does That Fishmonger Thump: Repeat No.15 “Linger Longer Letty”
  19. Now What Do You Want?: Repeat Theme No.1
  20. I Like Men Who Can Do Things: Repeat No.15 “Linger Longer Letty”
  21. The First Round: “Jollifications” by Noyes
  22. Herbie Walks Out On Stage: “Intermezzo Giocoso” by Egner
  23. The Quest For Tuna: “The Goofy Gob” by McDonald
  24. Motor Boat Leaves: “Heave Ho” by Copping
  25. There Must Be Tuna Around: “Rhapsodie from ‘Norwegian Suite’” by Schytte
  26. Herbie Goes Overboard: “Eccitamento” by Retlaw
  27. Change of Scene to ‘Lettie’s Tea Shop’: Repeat Theme No.1
  28. Welfare Work: “Pathos from ‘Incid. Miniature No.2” by Schertzinger
  29. Herbie Sees Baby in High-Chair: “Marche Mignonne” by Poldini
  30. Herbie Starts to Sing: “Way Down Upon the Swanee River” by Foster (Direct Cue)
  31. Lady! Come Home and Take Charge: Repeat No.29 “Marche Mignonne”
  32. Woman Comes Home and Finds Her Child Missing: “On the Run” by Bierman
  33. Policeman Leaves Herbie: “Razzing Theme” by Rapee
  34. Fight Starts: “Help! Help!” by Kovacs
  35. Fade-In to Interior of “Lettie’s Tea Shop”: Repeat No.15 “Linger Longer Letty”
  36. Fade-In to Herbie on Train: “I’ll Just Roll Along” by DeRose
  37. Lettie! What Are You Doing Here?: Repeat Theme No.1

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Lone Star Ranger

Title: Lone Star Ranger

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1923


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Prelude to Western American Drama” by Baron (Irving Berlin)
  2. Chase Begins: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 1” by Marquardt (Music Buyers)
  3. Branded a Lone Wolf: “Western Intermezzo from B.C Dram. Set No. 11” by Luz (Photoplay)
  4. Put ‘Em Up Duane: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 9” by Marquardt (Music Buyers)
  5. Headquarters of the Texas Rangers: “Western Scene” by Berge (G. Schirmer)
  6. Fairdale—A Region: “Evening on the Ranch from Western Sketches” by Stahlberg (Carl Fischer)
  7. Helen Longstretch: “Storm Clouds from Western Sketches” by Stahlberg (Carl Fischer)
  8. Bandits Attack Coach: “Allegro Agitato” by Kiefert (S.M. Berg)
  9. Mix and Girl Get Off Horses: “Serenade from Two Sketches” by Frommel (G. Schirmer)
  10. Morning Brought a Moment: “Broken Vows” by Kempinski (Photoplay)
  11. Mix and Two Men Ride Up On Horseback: “Mysterioso” by Armandola (Roehr A.G.)
  12. Girl Walks Over to Mix: THEME “That’s How I Feel About You” by Gottler (De Sylva, Brown, & Henderson)
  13. Change of Scene Back to Bandits: “Conspiracy” by Savino (G. Schirmer)
  14. Mix and Girl Seen Again: Repeat Theme No. 12
  15. Mix Rides Away from Girl: “Minor Agitato” by Berge (Robbins)
  16. Laramie’s Ranch: “Incid. Symphony No. 33” by Kempinski (Photoplay)
  17. I Want Some Information: “Mystic Magic” by Bradford (Sonnemann)
  18. Laramie You’ve Been Writing Letters: “Agitated Mysterioso” by Langey (Oliver Ditson)
  19. Who Are You Anyway?: “Western Allegro” by Rapee-Axt (Robbins)
  20. Shot is Fired: “Dram. Tension No. 1” by Reissiger (Carl Fischer)
  21. Change of Scene to Longstretch Home: “Dramatic Andante” by Ascher (Carl Fischer)
  22. Better Get Another Horse: “Heavy Dram. Agitato No. 1” by Gomez (Photoplay)
  23. Change of Scene to Laramie Home: “Causerie” by Macmillen (Carl Fischer)
  24. Insert of Note—Longstretch Is Cheseldine: “Ondes Mysterieuses” by Franceschi (Sonnemann)
  25. Tree Falls Down: “Sinister Agitato” by Becce (Schlesinger)
  26. I Was Spying On Your Father: Repeat Theme No. 12
  27. They’re Coming Up, You Must Hide: “Emotional Agitato” by Savino (Robbins)
  28. Dawn and a Slow Horse: “Poursuite Impitoyable” by Baron (Belwin)
  29. Mix Gets Out Of Water: Repeat No. 19 “Western Allegro”
  30. Change of Scene to Longstretch Home: “The Enchanted Castle” by Marquardt (Music Buyers)
  31. Gentlemen, You’re Both Through: “A Critical Moment” by Becce (Belwin)
  32. Helen Enters Home: Repeat Theme No. 12
  33. Humboldt on Saturday: “Western Moderato” by Bach (Carl Fischer)
  34. Close-Up of Bank: Agitato Misterioso” by Langey (G. Schirmer)
  35. Helen Comes out to Mix: Repeat Theme No. 12
  36. Don’t Worry Helen: “Misterioso Dramatico No. 22” by Borch (S.M. Berg)
  37. Shooting Starts: “Tumult” by Verdi (Cinemusic Service)
  38. You’ve More Than Earned: Repeat Theme No. 12
  39. Louisiana A Home Once Again Happy: “Down South” by Myddleton (publisher’s name obscured)
  40. Don’t Think of the Past: Repeat Theme No. 12

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Ladies Must Dress

Title: Ladies Must Dress

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: Selection from Earl Carroll Vanities by Savino (Robbins)
  2. Ward Jr Walks into Private Office: “Miss Antique” by Trinkaus (Wilmark)
  3. Lunch—With the Shipping Room: “Who-oo? You-oo” by Ager (Ager, Yellen, & Bernstein)
  4. On Sale for Only $8.95: “En Visite” by McDonald (Cinemusic)
  5. Change of Scene to Picnic Wagon: “Happy Go Lucky” by Kaufman (Robbins)
  6. Eve Goes into Sweetheart’s Room: “Mignonette” by Friml (G. Schirmer)
  7. Eve Looks at Herself in Mirror: “Love’s Impulse” by Jacquet (Irving Berlin)
  8. Joe Leaves Eve: “I Wish I Had My Old Gal Back Again” by Ager (Ager, Yellen, & Bernstein)
  9. Mazie Walkes Into Eve’s Room: “Broken Hearted” by Henderson (De Sylva, Brown, & Henderson)
  10. Mazie Takes Her Dress Off to Put on Eve: “Miss Annabelle Lee” by Pollack (Irving Berlin)
  11. Fade-In to Office: “Al Fresco” by Herbert (Wilmark)
  12. Eve Comes Into Office: Repeat No. 10 “Miss Annabelle Lee”
  13. Fade-In to Clock—5:40: “It’s a Million to One You’re in Love” by Davis (Irving Berlin)
  14. Fade-In to Joe Polishing Shoes: “Dew-Dew-Dewy Day” by Johnson (Irving Berlin)
  15. Fade-In to Joe Sleeping: “Love’s Wilfulness” by Barthelmy (G. Schirmer)
  16. Ward and Eve Step out of Auto: Repeat No. 13 “It’s a Million to One”
  17. Joe Walks up to Eve: “Heart to Heart” by Trinkaus (Wilmark)
  18. The Hardware Basement: “A Busy Thoroughfare” by Baron (Irving Berlin)
  19. Mazie Seen at Counter with Ward Jr: “Gorgeous” by Davis (Remick)
  20. Eve Walks over to Mazie: Repeat No 17 “Heart to Heart”
  21. Eve Seen at Typewriter: “Forgive Me” by Ager (Ager, Yellen, & Bernstein)
  22. Art Seen in Basement: “Pulcinello” by Aletter (Schiermer)
  23. Ward’s Apartment Seen: “Too Many Parties” by Henderson (Leo Feist)
  24. I Wasn’t Going to Tell You, Joe: “Amoroso Appassionato” by Delille (G. Schirmer)
  25. Mazie and Ward Seen Together: Repeat No. 19 “Gorgeous”
  26. Eve Enters Apartment: “Appassionato Patetico” by Bradford (Belwin)
  27. Art and Joe Enter Ward’s Apartment: “Disperazione” by Gabriel Marie (Ricordi)
  28. Let Me Explain, Joe: Repeat No. 26 “Appassionato Patetico”
  29. But After All, He Can Give You More than I Can: Repeat No. 9 “Broken Hearted”
  30. You Are Right, and I Am Wrong: Repeat No. 23 “Too Many Parties”
  31. So You Were in Here with her: “Tensive Allegro” by Aborn (Belwin)
  32. Art Returns Home: “Loves Glamour” by Varley (Belwin)
  33. Eve Meets Joe in Hall: “C’est Vous” by Greenberg (Irving Berlin)

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Honor Bound

Title: Honor Bound

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Mood Pensive” by Applefield
  2. Lady Rings Door Bell: “Tears of Sorrow” by Savino
  3. Man Enters Apartment: “Incid. Symphony No.41” by Hintz
  4. Change Of Scene To Evelyn: “Disappointment” by Kempinski
  5. The Alamosa Coal Mine: “Desert Dawn” by Bernard
  6. Go Out and Stop: “Imprecations” by Baron
  7. Replacements For The: Repeat No.5 “Desert Dawn”
  8. The Mortimer Home: “Cocotte” by Tyson
  9. Husband Enters House: “Fruhlinsliebe” by Pasternack
  10. Ogletree, This Is My Wfie: “Adventure d’Amour” by Bradford
  11. Aren’t You Going: “Dramatic Love Scene” by Finck
  12. I’ll Do Everything: “Amoroso Appassionato” by Delille
  13. Husband Enters House: Repeat No.4 “Disappointment”
  14. The Night Shift: “The Toilers” by Axt
  15. A Few Days of Sunshine: “Sunshine” by Berlin
  16. Evelyn Seats John On Rock: “Heart’s Pleading” by Rapee-Axt
  17. You Fool! I Hate You!: “Ferocity” by Carrozzini
  18. Car Overturns: “Dramatic Tension” by Luscomb
  19. Husband Enters Hospital: “Incid. Symphony No.14” by Luz (Letter A)
  20. Change of Scene To Mine: Repeat No.14 “The Toilers”
  21. Change of Scene To Office: “Chastity” by Kay
  22. Well—I’m Digging: “Dramatic Andante No.1” by Rapee-Axt
  23. Husband and Wife Leave John: THEME “I’ll Dream Of You” by Shikret
  24. Change of Scene To Mortimer and Evelyn: “The Verdict” by Zamecnik
  25. Mortimer Goes In To Keller’s Room: Repeat No.19 “Incid. Symphony No.14”
  26. “Skip” Talks To Keller: “Incid. Symphony No.14” by Luz (Letter B)
  27. Evelyn Comes In To Hospital: “Symphonic Incidentals No.14 (Marquardt)
  28. Change of Scene To Mine: Repeat No.14 “The Toilers”
  29. I Came To Warn You, John: THEME “I’ll Dream Of You” by Shikret
  30. John Leaves Nurse: “The Accusation” by Patou
  31. Take Him To The Recreation Grounds: “Rache-Vengeance” by Porret
  32. Change of Scene To John On Cot: “Heartaches” by Pasternack
  33. Lights Out: “Ondes Mysterieuses” by Franceschi
  34. Smoke Seen: “Panicy Agitato” by Berge
  35. Bursting Of Flames: “Fury” by Zamecnik
  36. John Jumps Thru Flames: Repeat Theme N.29 (Play “FF”)
  37. The Man You Love Is Missing: “Agitated Appassionato” by Kilenyi
  38. Evelyn Seen Running: “Emotional Agitato” by Drigo’s Cinema Classics
  39. I’m Free Seima: Repeat Theme No.29
  40. Don’t Be A Fool!: “Grand Appassionato” by Becce
  41. John and Seima Embrace: Repeat Theme No.29
  42. Honor Bound: “Reproach” by Zamecnik
  43. Lashing Starts: “Uproar” by Neinass
  44. Automobile Arrives: “Karma” by Herbert
  45. Evelyn Grabs Whip: “Rebellion” by Pasternack
  46. Man Opens Gates: Repeat No.44 “Karma” (Play “PP”)
  47. Your Sacrifice: Repeat Theme No.29

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Title: Homesick

Author: Matthew P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Matthew P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Manhattan” by Rodgers
  2. A California Home: “Love’s Wilfulness” by Barthelemy
  3. You’ll Mail That Letter: “Gigue” by Bradford
  4. New York City: Repeat No.1 “Manhattan”
  5. Poker Game Seen: “Funny Faces” by Ring-Hager
  6. Close-Up of Book—“How to Cheat At Poker”: “Cheating On Me” by Pollack
  7. Could You Please Lend: “When A Fellow Needs A Friend” by Grossman
  8. Man Throws Sammy Down: “A Game of Tag” by Trinkaus
  9. Sammy and Man Get on Bicycle: “Daisy Bell from ‘Old Timers’” by Lake
  10. Sammy Jumps Off Bicycle: “Comic hurry” by O’Hare
  11. Man Falls On Subway Tracks: “Puck” by Grieg
  12. Fade-In To Sammy In Hotel: “Because My Baby Don’t Mean ‘Maybe’ Now” by Donaldson
  13. Sammy’s Friend Enters Hotel: “Cause I’m In Love” by Donaldson
  14. Workmen Enter Sammy’s room: “Gay Deceivers” by Claypoole
  15. Sammy Seen On Ladder: “Pins and Needles” by Kaufman
  16. Sammy and Friend Return to Room: “Zigzag” by Ferber
  17. After Sammy Gets on Bicycle: “Piggly Wiggly” by Donaldson
  18. I’m Going to Win: “Yes Sir, That’s My Baby” by Donaldson
  19. I’m Going to Win For Poland: “Poland’s Not Yet Dead In Slavery” by lake
  20. Old Lady Sends Boy to Call Sammy: “Padercwski Rag” by Klickmann
  21. Pistol Shot: “Bicycle” by Puerner
  22. Insert of Newspaper: “Oh Baby” by Murphy
  23. Change of Scene to Sign—“California”: “California, Here I Come” by Jolson

Segue: “Pahjamah” by Ouivas

  1. Insert of Letter: “Don’t Be Like That” by Gottler
  2. Checking Station Seen: “Comedy Galop” by Fahrbach
  3. Bathing Girls Grab Sammy: “My Hero” by Strauss
  4. Man Seen Testing Corn With Stone: “Hustle Bustle” by Delille
  5. Race Continues: “A Joy Ride” by Biermann
  6. The Great American Desert: “Largo from New World’s Symphony” by Dvorak
  7. Polish Man Steals Sammy’s Water: “Comic Conversation” by Aborn
  8. Man With Water Bag Approaches Sammy: “Scherzetto from ‘Symphonette’” by Berge
  9. Sammy and Friend Drink Water: Repeat No.30 “Comic Conversations”
  10. Gee, But I’m Homesick: “By the Beautiful Sea” by Carroll
  11. Change of Scene to Railroad Track: “Railroad Blues” by Roberts
  12. Sammy and Friend Tumble Down to Lake: “Razz Berries” by Banta
  13. Insert of Letter: Repeat No.24 “Don’t Be Like That”
  14. Forest Fire Seen: “Vulcano” by Rapee-Axt
  15. Sammy and Friend Sit on Log: “Grotesque Elephantine” by Brockton
  16. Sammy and Friend Run Away from Burning Log: “Incid. Symphony No.5” by Kempinski
  17. Sammy and Friend Reach Lake: “Comedy Allegro” by Haines
  18. Insert of Letter: “Once in A Lifetime” by Greer
  19. Insert of Sign – “Finish”: “Speed Maniacs” by Donaldson
  20. Sammy Falls Into Water: Repeat No.33 “By the Beautiful Sea”
  21. Close-Up of Hand: “O Promise Me” by Decoven
  22. Doorbell Rings: “You’re A Real Sweetheart” by Friend
  23. Change of Scene Back to Wedding Group: “Hidden Charms” by Mosay
  24. Here’s The Prize Money: “What a Wonderful Wedding That Will Be” by Fam
  25. What Are You Doing?: “Here’s That Party Now In Person” by Ager
  26. Insert of Music: “Bridal Chorus from ‘Lohengrin’” by Wagner
  27. Groom Throws Whipped Cream at Lady: “Giggles and Checkles” by Finck
  28. Sammy pounds on Friend’s Corn: “Anvil Chorus from ‘Il Trovatore’” by Verdio

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: 23ya4jkFaq

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Hello Cheyenne

Title: Hello Cheyenne

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Out West” by Pinard
  2. Zip, A Product of Cheyenne: “Farcical Allegro” by Aborn
  3. Hey! Get That Thing Off: “I’ll Just Roll Along” by De Rose
  4. Zip Goes Over to Bus: “The Village Cut-Up” by Egenor
  5. Mix Puts Girl Back In Car: “Frivolous Coquette” by Kempinski
  6. The City of Rawhide: “Hustle-Bustle”by Delille
  7. Zip Falls Out of Coach: Repeat No.4 “Village Cut-Up”
  8. To Give Rawhide Its First Telephone: “Iron Horse March” by Rapee
  9. The Cody Telephone Co: “Camorra” by Joels
  10. Cody Walks Over to Speech-Maker: “Lyric Agitato” by Savino
  11. Men Grab Speech-Maker: “Jollifications” by Noyes
  12. Sandy McHugh’s Store: “Rosette” by Claypoole
  13. Villain Grabs Hold of Zip: “Scherzo Serioso” by Lowitz
  14. Mix Comes Back Into Store: Repeat No.12 “Rosette”
  15. Change of Scene to Mountain View Hotel: “Gruesome Suspense” by Beghen
  16. Mix Puts Girl in Car: Repeat No.3 “I’ll Just Roll Along”
  17. Girl Starts Car: Repeat No.15 “Gruesome Suspense”
  18. On the Way With the Payroll: “Al Fresca” by Herbert
  19. A Lot of Gals: “rebellion” by Pasternack
  20. Don’t Worry, I’m Alright: “Garden Frolics” by Pasternack
  21. Fade-In to Man in Front of Store: “Kowboy Komedy” by Aborn
  22. Everything is in Our Favor: “Implorations” by Pasternack
  23. Cody\s Outfit is Ahead: “A Spooky Adventure” by Pasternack
  24. Night Scene: “Allegro Tempestuoso” by Baron
  25. Two Men Kidnap Girl: “Help! Help!” by Kovacs
  26. Mix Saves Girl: “That Melody of Love” by Donaldson
  27. Change of Scene to Villain: “Mystification” by Hosmer
  28. The Finish of the Race: Repeat No.8 “Iron Horse March”
  29. The Overland Company Tried: “Marche Mysterieuse” by Schad
  30. Change of Scene to Mix and Girl: Repeat No.26 “That Melody of Love”
  31. Zip Comes Galloping In On Horseback: “Impending Danger” by Kempinski
  32. Mix Gets on Horse: “The Pony Express” by Bierman
  33. Mix Holds Up Men: “Agitated Hurry” by Langey
  34. Here Comes the Overland Outfit: “Marche Joyeuse” by Chabrier
  35. Mix Returns: “Agitato” by Armando’a
  36. Girl Puts Wire on Phone: “Astir” by Berge
  37. Head Them Off: “Tumult” by Verdi
  38. Shooting Starts: “Defense of Horror” by Zamecnik
  39. Mix Talks to Girl on Phone: Repeat No.26: “The Melody of Love”
  40. Villain Grabs Girl: “Poursuite Dramatique” by Drigo’s Cinema Classics
  41. Mix Gets under Wagon: “Excitement” by Breil
  42. Fight is Over: Repeat No.26: “The Melody of Love”
  43. Hello Cheyenne!: “Joyous Allegro” by Borch
  44. Zip Seen on Floor: “A Perfect Day” by Bond

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Hangman’s House

Title: Hangman’s House

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “The Breath of an Irish Smile” by Bowers
  2. With the French: “Marche Arabe” by Ganne
  3. Commandant Hogan is Safely Back: “La Pere de la Victoire” by Ganne
  4. Victor McLaglen Receives Note: “Karma” by Herbert
  5. Ireland – Such a Little Place: “A Little Bit of Heaven” by Ball
  6. Hangman’s House: Repeat No.4 “Karma”
  7. Baron O’Brien: “Dilemma” by Savino
  8. Fade-In to Gallows: Repeat No.4 “Karma”
  9. Fade-In to Woman Screaming: “The Torture Chamber from ‘Gruesome Tales’” by Rapee
  10. Girl and Dog Appear: Repeat No.1 “The Breath of an Irish Smile”
  11. My Father Is Near Death: “Macushla Asthore” by Ball
  12. Fade-In to People at Dining Table: “Dram. Tension No.6” by Zamecnik
  13. Change of Scene to Exterior: Repeat No.5 “A Little Bit of Heaven”
  14. Can You Tell Me the Way: “The Blarney Stone” by Engleman
  15. Heaven Preserve Us! Glenmalure’s: “Symphonic Incidentals No.10” by Marquardt
  16. Change of Scene to Wedding Ceremny: “O Promise Me” by DeKoven
  17. Change of Scene to Exterior: “White Cockade” by Lake
  18. Change of Scene to Interior of House: Repeat No.11 “Macushla”
  19. Wedding Group Enter Father’s Library: “Smilin’ Thru” by Penn
  20. Conn Approaches Dermot: Repeat No.1 “The Breath of an Irish Smile”
  21. John D’Arcy Approaches Dermot: Repeat No.4 “Karma”
  22. O’Brien Sees Visions In Fireplace: Repeat No.9 “The Torture Chamber”
  23. Fade-In To Exterior and Hogan: “Cortege” by Rapee-Axt
  24. You Shouldn’t Drink Now: “Dramatic Reproach” by Berge
  25. D’Arcy Sees Hogan: “Phedre Overture” by Massenet
  26. Change of Scene Back to Wake: “The Tragic Discovery” by Patou
  27. D’Arcy Calls Wife Over to Him: “Dram. Tension No.44” by Borch
  28. Gray Days: “Molly On the Shore” by Grainger
  29. Young Man Takes Conn’s Hand: Repeat No.1 “The Breath of an Irish Smile”
  30. Stephen’s Day: “Ireland’s Pride” by Schiller
  31. Miss O’Brien’s Jockey: “Panicy Agitato” by Berge
  32. D’Arcy!: “Camorra” by Joels
  33. It’s Hogan – They Call Him: “Dramatic Tension” by Axt
  34. Dermot, Sir, The Bard’s: “Fuga” by Gabriel Marie
  35. Dermot I’m Fearful to Have You: Repeat No.1 “The Breath of an Irish Smile”
  36. Dermot Gets on Horse: “Minor Agitato” by Berge
  37. They’re Off!: “In the Meadows from ‘Countryside Suite’” by Coates
  38. The Bard Wins!: “At the Race Course” by Puerner
  39. D’Arcy Seen in Stable Room: “Desperation” by Schad
  40. Pistol Shot: “Tumult” by Verdi
  41. Officers Rescue D’Arcy from Mob: “Angoscisamente” by Gabriel Marie
  42. The Bullet that Dropped: “Day of Doom” by Joels
  43. Fight Starts: “Help! Help!” by Kovacs
  44. Change of Scene to Prison: “Mysterious Tension” by Axt
  45. Shooting Starts: “Commotion” by Minot
  46. Change of Scene to Conn and Dermot: Repeat No.1 “The Breath of an Irish Smile”
  47. Change of Scene to Hogan in Café: “Anelante” by Gabriel Marie
  48. Dermot Enters Hogan’s Room: “Heart O’Dreams” by Zamecnik
  49. All the News I Have is Bad: Repeat No.11 “Macushla”
  50. Would to God We Were: Repeat No.1 “The Breath of an Irish Smile”
  51. Back to Hangman’s House: “The Awakening” by Zamecnik
  52. Conn Enters Dermot’s House: Repeat No.1 “The Breath of an Irish Smile”
  53. There’s Creepy Doings: “Misterioso Erotico” by Heymann
  54. I’m Surprised to See You: “Ferocity” by Carrozzini
  55. D’Arcy Sees Hogan: “Salvo” by Gabriel Marie
  56. Pistol Shot: “Excitement” by Breil
  57. Fire is Over: Repeat No.1 “The Breath of an Irish Smile”Segue: “Machushla Asthore” by Ball

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Girl Shy Cowboy

Title: Girl Shy Cowboy

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: THEME: “Get Out and Get Under the Moon” by Shay
  2. The Real He-West: “Western Scene” by Zamecnik
  3. You Said It – I’ll Ride: “In the Stirrups” by Zamecnik
  4. Horse Crashes Thru Grand Stand: “Sweet Lavender” by Wheeler
  5. Everything is Rounded Up: “Intermezzo Ruralistic” by Bagley
  6. Pete Morgan’s Hold Up: “Mystic Magic” by Bradford
  7. Are Cowboys Born Romantic?: “Pastime” by Clutsam
  8. There’s A Bargain Sale: “Rustic Caprice” by St. Clair
  9. I’ll Go Ahead: “Dramatic Hurry No.1” by Baron
  10. Pete Morgan Was Planning: Repeat No.6 “Mystic Magic”
  11. Settled in Camp: “Ripples” by Hildreth
  12. You May Sound the Gong: “Felicitations” by Elliott
  13. I See You’re Playing: “Sinister Theme” by Velv
  14. Fight Begins: “Excitement” by Breil
  15. Bandit Leaves: “He’s Me Pal” by Edwards
  16. Bill Had Never Been Warned: Repeat THEME No.1
  17. Girls Seen Playing Ukes: “Big Bad Bill” by Ager
  18. Change of Scene to Harry and Bandit: “In the Dark” by Bierman
  19. Change of Scene Back to Bill and Girl: “De La Rosee Sur la Prairie” by Ourdine
  20. Sun-Up in Black Rock: “The Plotters” by Carrozzini
  21. Change of Scene to Bill: “Caprice” by Somerville
  22. Get Ready For Your Morning Exercises: “Shadowgraphs” by Leigh
  23. The Girls Will Go For A Swim: “Intermezzo” by Sudessi
  24. Help! Help!: “Help! Help!” by Kovacs
  25. After the Rescue: “A Gay Lothario” by Bierman
  26. If You Can’t Behave Yourself: “The Awakening” by Zamecnik
  27. They’re All Down at the Lake: Repeat No.6 “Mystic Magic”
  28. Harry Have You Gone Loco?: “Anxiete” by Srawley
  29. Hand It Over: “Dram. Agitato No.1” by Egener
  30. After Fight – Bandits Ride Away: “Dance of the Furies” by Gluck
  31. Wait for Me at Twin Peaks: “Hurry from ‘Synchronizing Suite No.1’” by Lake
  32. Bill Jumps on Morgan’s Horse: “Affolement” by Ourdine
  33. I Caught Morgain: Repeat No.15 “He’s Me Pal”
  34. Eastward Ho!: Repeat Theme No.1

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Title: Fugitives

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Misterioso Eccitato” by Becce
  2. Tell the Boys to Watch Out: “Don’t Be Like That” by Pinkard
  3. Man Punches Other Man in Face: “The Mysterious Stranger” by Zamecnik
  4. Girl and Man in Gypsy Costumes: “Gypsy” by Malneck
  5. Barron’s Assistant Seen Near Door: Repeat No.3 “Mysterious Stranger”
  6. Change of Scene to Barron’s Assistant Watching Dancing: “Don’t Hold Everything” by Henderson
  7. Alice Carroll: ALICE Theme: “Pretty, Petite, and Sweet” by Archer
  8. Girl Hangs Up Telephone Receiver: “There Must Be Somebody Else” by Pinkard
  9. Alice Finishes Her Number: Repeat ALICE Theme No.7
  10. How About Being My Girl: “Fate” by Zamecnik
  11. For Two Pins: “Animal Cartoonix No.2” by Aborn
  12. Change of Scene to Alice in Her Dressing Room: Repeat No.10 “Fate”
  13. Change of Scene to Courtroom: “A Dramatic Appeal” by Zamecnik
  14. Close-Up of Newspaper Insert: “Tensive Misterioso” by Peele
  15. Taxi Leaves: “Traffic” by Zamecnik
  16. Change of Scene to Police Headquarters: “Seduction” by Baron
  17. Automobile Wheels Seen: Repeat No.15 “Traffic”
  18. Fugitive Bay: “Oriental Atmosphere” by Zamecnik
  19. That Boat is Going Back: “Down the Trail to Home Sweet Home” by Ball
  20. Change of Scene to Tavern: “Hindustan” by Wallace
  21. Markus Seen: “Symphonic Incidentals No.13” by Marquardt
  22. And in the City: “Furious Attack” by Zamecnik
  23. Man Seen Lying in Hospital Bed: Repeat No.10 “Fate”
  24. Change of Scene to Alice: Repeat ALICE Theme No.7
  25. I’ll Take a Chance: “Mother” by Romberg
  26. Change of Scene to Group Around Radio: Repeat No.18 “Oriental Atmosphere”
  27. Fade-In to Ball Game Seen Thru Radio Horn: “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” by Norworth
  28. Band Seen Thru Radio Horn: “Star Spangled Banner”
  29. Change of Scene to Alice: “Memories of Home and Mother” by Baron
  30. Change of Scene to Group Around Radio: “Play Ball” by Kaufman
  31. Assistant District Attorney Puts Hand on Man’s Shoulder: “Enthusiasm” by Schad
  32. Alice Enters Room – Sees District Attorney: “Disperazione” by Gabriel Marie
  33. Ladies and Gentleman: “Pomp and Ceremony” by Srawley
  34. Man Punches District Attorney: “Mutiny” by Zamecnik
  35. Let Me Know in a Year: “Gruesome Suspense” by Beghon
  36. Change of Scene to Alice: LOVE THEME: “When the Right One Comes Along” by Wayne
  37. Alice Seen Talking to Watchman in Dungeon: “Agitato Misterioso” by Becce
  38. I’m Not Going Without You: Repeat LOVE Theme No.36
  39. I’ll Get My Things and Meet You: “Anxiete” by Srawley
  40. Markus Enters Alice’s Room: Repeat No.21 “Symphonic Incidentals No.13”
  41. District Attorney Grabs Markus: Repeat No.34 “Mutiny”
  42. District Attorney Lifts Jimmy From Floor: “Pain and Sorrow” by Bradford

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: jO2jbjhA5D

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