Fury of the Wild

Title: Fury of the Wild

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Cameo Music Co., 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Romance” by Rubinstein
  2. Jim Recognizes Ranger: “Pals” by Dreyer
  3. Girl Appears at Car: “Fascinating Vamp” by Nussbaum
  4. Jim Thayer’s First Step: “Serenade” by Pierne
  5. Sure I Know Him: “The Captive” by Savino
  6. Here’s A Hot One: “Poppyland” by Keifert
  7. Freight Train: “Adventure D’Amour” by Bradford
  8. On Dark Stretch: “A Spooky Adventure” by Pasternack
  9. Fight Starts: “Agitated Hurry” by Berge
  10. “No ‘Red’ the Dog Sticks to Me”: “Jeanette” by Reisenfeld
  11. You Know Jim, You’re Just the Kid: “A Spooky Adventure” by Pasternack
  12. Canyon Lodge: “Rural Flirts” by Bradford
  13. Girl Playing Piano: THEME: “Why Do I Care” by Perkins
  14. She Rises from Piano: “Amorous Adventure” by Bradford
  15. Clock Ticking: “Enigma” by Borch
  16. “’Red’ at Safe”: “Fingals Cave” by Mendelssohn
  17. Jim Lying In Bed: “Spring” by Grieg
  18. Jim Packing: “Pain of Sorrow” by Bradford
  19. Then I Met an Old Cell Mate: “Heart Wounds” by Grieg
  20. We All Make Mistakes: “Serenade” by Chaminade
  21. Real Freedom at Last: “Rouet D’Omphale” by Saint Saens
  22. I’ll Fix You: “Vehement Desire” by Bradford
  23. This is What One Gets: “Gossip” by Borch
  24. Ranger at Door of Shack: “Hurry No.1” by Ancliffe
  25. Father and Girl Mount Horses: “Galloping Furies” by Rapee
  26. Those Three Are the Robbers: “Premier A’Mour” by Benoist
  27. Lovers Sitting with Ranger:  THEME: “Why Do I Care” by Perkins

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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