Domestic Troubles

Title: Domestic Troubles

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Tax-Free Filmusic Co., 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


Songs are listed as Tax-Free first and Taxable second

  1. At Screening of Title: “Magic Grandeur” by Hoffman or “Pomposo” by Egener
  2. Glen Cove, Long Island: “Fox Trot” by Jos. Morris Publication or Feist Publication
  3. Horace Bullard, Twin: “Afterglow” by Clutsam or “Constance” by Golden
  4. Sometimes We Can: “Caprice” by Somerville or “Graciousness” by Smith
  5. Get Out of Here: “The Ravage” by Hoffman or “Threatening Elements” by Schad
  6. But When The Wife’s: “Cherry Ripe” by Cussans or “Thelma” by Stahl
  7. Your Brother’s In Jail: “Pastime” by Clutsam or “Strolling Dolly” by Lindgreen
  8. Brother Leaves Brother: “Tendre Caprice” by Hoffman or “Fleurette” by Axt
  9. You Look Very Smart: “Little More Pepper” by Lincoln or “Mamselle Caprice” by Baron
  10. Are You Quite Sure: “Loitering Shadows” by Hoffman or “Creepy Creeps” by Borch
  11. He Jumps Out of Bed: “Disturbance” by Hoffman or “Farcical Allegro” by Aborn
  12. It’s All My Fault: “Capricietta” by Varley or “Whimsical Charms” by Fresco
  13. The Skating Club: “Skaters” by Ansell or “Roller Coaster” by Luz
  14. Jimmy Dear I’m Going: “Ivano” by Amadei or “In Flowerland” by Golden
  15. Skates Fastened On Him: “En Visite” by MacDonald or “Coonela” by Fredericks
  16. James Where’s Your Dignity: “Zelma” by Haines or “Charmeuse” by Baron
  17. There’s That Keen: “Merry Playmates” by Howgill or “Love Lesson” by Fresco
  18. He Sits On Fork: “Fox Trot” Jos. Morris Publication or Feist Publication
  19. Cheer Up Old Boy: “Flirting Waves” by Taubert or “Debutante” by Axt
  20. Why Did You Bring: “Espagnole” by Jones or “Madriola” by Samuels
  21. I Must Have Time: “Jollification” by Noyes or “The Clown” by Peele
  22. You Must Turn Out The Light: “Emotional Conflict” by Becce or “Rage” by Axt
  23. I’ve Decided To Accept: “Lenora” by Henri or “Valse Caprice” by Keifert
  24. I Want To Talk To You: “Song of Romance” by Hoffman or “Song of Songs” by Moya
  25. She Answers Phone: “Trembling Anxiety” by Hoffman or “Thrills” by Sanders
  26. Now Tell Me: “Cheero” by Finck or “Gossip” by Borch
  27. He Ate Some Welsh Rarebit: “Wings of Love” by Fuzy or “Soubrette” by Silbert
  28. And Your Wife: “Violent Tempers” by Hoffman or “Distress” by Breil
  29. Oh Yes Marie: “May Frolics” by Culotta or “Cupid’s Surprise” by Gross
  30. He Kicks Wife: CHORD

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: io9zvobkqR

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