Title: Hold’em Yale!
Author: Rudolph Berliner
Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928
Format: Cue Sheet
Document type: Cue Sheet
All authors/contributors: Rudolph Berliner
OCLC Number:
- At Screening: “Yale Boola Song” by Lake
- The Rancho El Toro: “Bolero” by Moszkowski
- Jaime Asleep in Bed: JAIME THEME “Los Toros” by Lacome
- Insert—Envelope: Repeat No.1 “Yale Boola Song”
- Give Me A Day or So: “Gaily Thro’Life” by Schad
- Jaime On Horse Rides Away: “Cheero” by Finck
- Jaime Appears With Gun: Repeat JAIME THEME No.3
- I Will Return These: “Will ‘Ya’ Huh?” by Pinkard
- Insert—Station Sign—New Haven: Repeat No. 1 “Yale Boola Song”
Segue: “Freshie” by Greer
- Jaime Enters Patrol: “I’m on My Merry Way” by Whiting
- Officer Talking to Helen: “Miss Blue Eyes” by Bergh
- Jaime Strikes Detective: “The Get-Away” by Frey
- You’re Very Familiar: Repeat JAIME THEME No.3
- Detective Enters Hall: DETECTIVE THEME: “Dance of the Lunatics” by Allen
- Fade-In—College Grounds: “Camous Memories” by Seredy
- Photos On Mantle: “Adorable” by Wynburn
- Evening and Jaime Began: “My Lady’s Boudoir” by Schertzinger
- Monkey Opens Bathroom Door: “Naughty Waltz” by Levy
- Bradbury Appears: “Ouch” by Kaufman
- Taxi Arrives: “A Breezy Evening” by Howgill
- That Girl Is My Sister: “Joytime” by Howgill
- So For the Rest of: “Happy Hectic Hours” by Schad
- Bull Dog In Window: “The Bull Dog” by Lake
- Detective Sees Jaime: Repeat DETECTIVE THEME No.14
- Now Listen Lady How Long: “Funny Faces” by Ring-Hager
- Jaime Jumps Up From Chair: “Comedy Capers” by Steele
- Fade-In—Prize Fight Ring: “Standy Up and Fight Like H—” by Cohan
- After Man Knocks Jaime Down: “Mocking Bird” by Seredy
- The End Of A Perfect: “A Perfect Day” by Bond (Bassoon Solo)
- Insert—Box of Berries: “Razz Berries” by Banta
- Insert—Toy Bull Dog: Repeat No.23 “The Bull Dog”
- Fade-In—Insert—Letter: “La Lettre de Manon” by Gillet
- Jaime Appears: Repeat JAIME THEME No.3
- Helen Reading Newspaper: Repeat No.11 “Miss Blue Eyes”
- Detective Reading Newspaper: Repeat DETECTIVE THEME No.14
- Football Players In Field: “Play Ball” by Kaufman
- Jaime Sees Helen: “Love Is Just A Little Bit of Heaven” by Baer
- Eight O’Clock—No Time For: “Moon Madness” by Lodge
- Interior—Café Scene: “Playful Allegro” by Savino
- Detective Appears: Repeat DETECTIVE THEME No.14
- Helen Answers Phone: “A Curious Story” by Frommel
- Back to Detective: “The Jesters” by Carbonara
- Jaime Lying In Street: “Andante Pathetique” by Borch
- Just Before the Big Game: “Waiting” by Ancliffe
- Football Field: Repeat No. 1 “Yale Boola Song”
- Jack and Fernando Appear: “Moto Perpetuo” by Weiss
- Fernando Inside Hospital: “The Jester’s Serenade” by Herbert
- Jaime Gets Out Through Window: “Johnny On the Spot” by Roberts
- Jaime in Stadium Dressing Room: “Quandry” by Schad
- Back to Detective: “Excitement” by Breil
- Three Montez!: Repeat No. 1 “Yale Boola Song”
- Jack Joins Helen in Grandstand: “Agitato a la Valse” by Savino
- Back to Football Players in Field: “The Live Wire” by Frey
- He Didn’t Make It: “Emotional Agitato” by Savino
- Yey—Cheer Yellar: Repeat JAIME THEME No.3
- Jaime Runs With Ball: Repeat No. 1 “Yale Boola Song”
- Ambulance and Patrol Wagon Seen: Repeat DETECTIVE THEME No.14
- Ambulance Drives Off: Repeat JAIME THEME No.3
Source: Carl Braun Collection
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