Me, Gangster

Title: Me, Gangster

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Mary’s A Grand Old Name” by Cohan
  2. Insert of Diary—“Me, Gangster”: “Cute and Cunnin’” by Kempinski
  3. Insert of Diary—“And When I Was Eleven”: “Reverie d’Amour” by D’Aquin
  4. Insert of Diary—“Before I Was Nineteen”: “Pastime” by Clutsam
  5. Insert of Diary—“I Was Keeping Company”: Repeat No.1 “Mary’s A Grand Old Name”
  6. Couple Seen On Roller Coaster: “Gaiety” by Savino
  7. Insert of Diary—“But Even The Love”: A Contrapuntal Misterioso” by Schad
  8. Boys Enter Their Room: “Mysterious Tension” by Axt
  9. Doorbell Rings: “An Argument” by Breil
  10. Insert of Diary—“Like All Young Fools”: “Steppin’ in Society” by Akst
  11. Gee Danny, You Look: Repeat No.1 “Mary’s A Grand Old Name”
  12. Danny Approaches Outside of His Home: “The Gentleman Burglar” by Jacquet
  13. Danny and Mother Seen: “A Tender Thought” by Huerter
  14. Saloon Seen: “Two In A Bar” by Coppin
  15. Change of Scene Back to Danny and Mother: Repeat No.13 “A Tender Thought”
  16. Doorbell Rings: “Ondes Mysterieuses” by Franceschi
  17. Gambling Joint is Held Up: “The Hold-Up” by Reuther
  18. Gang Enters Saloon: “Fuga” by Gabriel Marie
  19. Police Patrol Wagon Arrives: “Hurry No.26” by Lake
  20. Man Rings Doorbell: “Dramatic Suspense” by Vrionides
  21. Mary Enters Home: Repeat No.1 “Mary’s A Grand Old Name”
  22. Father Enters Police Station: “Enigma” by Borch
  23. District Attorney Enters With Witness: “The Accusation” by Patou
  24. Emblem of Justice Seen in Courtroom: “Majestic Misterioso” by Kilenyi
  25. Danny Goes To Mother Outside of Courtroom: Repeat No.13 “A Tender Thought”
  26. Insert of Diary—“Whenever I Was With That Girl, Mary”: Repeat No.1 “Mary’s A Grand Old Name”
  27. Change To Father and Mother In Home: “Homeland” by Huerter
  28. Automobile Drives Up To Home: “Incid. Symphony No.41” by Hintz
  29. I Heard A Crazy Rumor: “Anger Motive” by Kilenyi
  30. Boss Leaves: “Ominous Moments” by Kempinski
  31. Insert of Diary—“The Close Call I Had”: “The Snake in the Grass” by Srawley
  32. Office Seen: “Witty Witch” by Finck
  33. Change of Scene to Home: “Evening Hour” by Hulten
  34. Doorbell Rings: Drummer catch doorbell—orchestra tacet
  35. Police Enter: “Emotional Conflict” by Becce
  36. Insert of Diary—“Prison At Last”: “Darkness” by Brunelli
  37. The Big Boss Made Good His Threat: “Heavy Dram. Pathetic No.1” by Luz
  38. Change to Prison visiting Room: “Meeting” by Bendix
  39. Danny Reads Letter: “Mother” by Romberg
  40. Insert of Diary—“The News of My Mother’s”: “Remords” by Franceschi
  41. Danny Sees Mary: Repeat No.1 “Mary’s A Grand Old Name”
  42. Insert of Sign—“Warning”: “Yesterthoughts” by Herbert
  43. Danny and Mary go Into Warden’s Office: “Heart’s Pleading” by Rapee-Axt
  44. Mary—Don’t You Love Me?: Repeat No.1 “Mary’s A Grand Old Name”
  45. Insert of Diary—“I Was Paroled”: “Glad Days” by Berche
  46. Danny Enters Mary’s Home: Repeat No.1 “Mary’s A Grand Old Name”
  47. Change of Scene to Bandits: “Stalking the Prey” by Kempinski
  48. Bandits Drop From Skylight: “Eccitamento” by Retlaw
  49. Downstairs Neighbor Breaks Down Door: “Excitement” by Breil
  50. Danny and Mary Seen In Police Station: “Mood Pensive” by Applefield
  51. Father Enters Police Station: “Wings of Joy” by Van Norman
  52. Insert of Diary—“We’re Happy Now”: Repeat No.1 “Mary’s A Grand Old Name”

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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