PianOrgaN Film Books of Incidental Music, Vol. 1: Animal Cartoonix

Title: PianOrgaN Film Books of Incidental Music, Vol. 1:  Animal Cartoonix

Author: Belwin, Inc.

Publisher: New York: Belwin, 1925

Series: PianOrgaN film books of incidental music

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Erno Rapee, Gaston Borch

OCLC Number: 761197680

Contents: 1. Animal Cartoonix No. 1 by Aborn
2. Animal Cartoonix No. 2 by Aborn
3. Gossip by Borch
4. Pizzicato by Berge
5. Animal Cartoonix No. 3 by Aborn (incomplete)

Notes: for piano and organ

Source: Greg Breed


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Audio: “Pizzicato“/Berge

Audio recordings for this item were supported by the Society for American Music‘s 2016 Sight and Sound Award and are performed by Ethan Uslan.