Title: Berg’s Incidental Series, 1-70
Author: S. M. Berg
Publisher: New York: Belwin, 1916
Series: Berg’s Incidental Series
Format: Sheet music
Document type: Musical score
All authors/contributors: Carl Kiefert, Walter C. Simon, Adolf Minot, J. Andino, Chas. K. Herbert, Gaston Borch, Irenee Berge,Valentina Crespi, William Buse, John Shepherd, Harold Smith, Lloyd del Castillo
OCLC Number:
1. Allegro agitato by Kiefert
2. Hurry by Simon
3. Misterioso by Minot
4. Cavalry Parade by Andino
5. Stampede by Simon
6. Agitato by Kiefert
7. Galop by Minot
8. Allegro Agitato by Andino
9. Dramatic Tension by Andino
10. Andante Pathetique by Berge
11. Furioso by Kiefert
12. The Melody of the Bell by Herbert
13b. Valse Caprice by Kiefert
13a. Poppyland by Kiefert
13. Valse Caprise by Kiefert
14. March Bizarre by Simon
15. Andante Dramatic by Chas. Herbert
16. Battle Agitato by Minot
17. Indian Intermezzo by Chas. Herbert
18a. Indian Love Song by Chas. Herbert
18b. Indian Lament by Chas. Herbert
19. Indian War Dance by Chas. Herbert
20. Mexicana by Chas. Herbert
21. Hunting Scene by Borch
22. Misterioso Dramatico by Borch
23. Andante Pathetique by Borch
24. Dramatic Andante by Borch
25. Joyous Allegro by Borch
26. Hurry by Minot
27. Storm Furioso by Minot
28. Pizzicato by Berge
29. Misterioso by Andino
30. Pizzicato Misterioso by Minot
31. Gruesome Misteroiso by Borch
32. Dramatic Andante by Berge
33. Hurry by Minot
34. Pastoral by Kiefert
35. Thoughts by Crespi
36. Dramatic Tension by Andino
37. Agitato by Andino
38. Dramatic Agitato by Minot
39. Dramatic Andante by Berge
40. Appasionato by Borch
41. Withered Flowers by Kiefert
42. Visions by Buse
43. Dramatic Agitato by Borch
44. Dramatic Tension by Borch
45a. Purity by Borch
45b. Sinfulness by Borch
46. Lamentoso by Borch
47. Appassionato by Berge
48. Battle Agitato by Shepherd
49. Agitato by Shepherd
50. Memories by Crespi
51. Andante Doloroso by Borch
52. Wild and Woolly by Minot
53. Graciousness by Smith
54. Misterioso Dramatique by Borch
55. Agitato Appassionato by Borch
56. A Dream by Borch
57. Andante Appassionato by del Castillo
58. Patrol Orientale by Kiefert
59. Love Song Orientale by Kiefert
60. Furioso by Shepherd
61. Misterioso Dramatico by Borch
62. Andante Dramatico by Borch
63. Dramatic Finale by Smith
64. Dramatic Tension by Borch
65. Barcarole by Buse
66. Misterioso Agitato by Smith
67. Dramatic Tension by Shepherd
68. Lamentoso by Borch
69. Agitato by Minot
70. Andante Doloroso by Borch
Notes: for piano
Source: Greg Breed
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