The Canyon of Adventure

Title: The Canyon of Adventure

Author: Eugene Conte

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Eugene Conte

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Camorra” by Joels
  2. To the Spanish: “Intermezzo” by L’Amico Fritz by Mascagni
  3. Exterior: “The Bravado” by Axt
  4. Girl on balcony: “Allegro Scherzoso No. 1” by Jacquet
  5. Having forced me once: “In a Little Spanish Town” by Wayne
  6. Girl throws flower: “Amorita” by Zamecnik
  7. Three excited men seen: Repeat No. 4 “Allegro Scherzoso No. 1”
  8. With the compliments: Repeat No. 2 “Intermezzo”
  9. I thank you senor: “Hurry No.3” by Langey
  10. There is no room for: “Omens” by Schad
  11. The Canyon of Adventure: “Carnival Grotesque” by Savino
  12. Buzzard can ride the horse: “The Simpleton” by Delille
  13. Buzzard thrown to ground by horse: Repeat No. 4 “Allegro Scherzoso No. 1”
  14. Stephen throws gun on ground: Repeat No. 11 “Carnival Grotesque”
  15. Mid morning: “Romanza” by Granados
  16. Father leaves on horse: “Sinister Agitato” by Becce
  17. High Noon: Repeat No. 6 “Amorita”
  18. Carriage stops: THEME – “La Rosita” by Dupont
  19. Buzzard rides up: Repeat No.12 “The Simpleton”
  20. Lovers seen in carriage: Repeat Theme No. 18
  21. Carriage stops at house: Villain” by Kay
  22. After vespers: “Ominous Moments” Kempinski
  23. Women embrace: “Shadowed” by Zamecnik
  24. Lovers embrace: Repeat Theme No. 18
  25. Don Alfredo speaks to son: Repeat No. 16 “Sinister Agitato”
  26. Fade-in lovers after title – “Surround the building”: Repeat Theme No. 18
  27. Girl kneels in prayer: “Prayer At Eventide” by Elie
  28. Close-up of candles: “It Is Night” by Black
  29. Stephen goes to girl: Repeat Theme No. 18
  30. Stephen leaves: Repeat No. 16 “Sinister Agitato”
  31. Chase starts: “Fugitive” by Maiorana
  32. Stephen rides into camp: Repeat No. 11 “Carnival Grotesque”
  33. Mid afternoon: “Serenade Aragonaise” by Baroon
  34. Fade-in girl in room: “Dulcinea Dreams” from Andalusia by Mirmontes
  35. Fade-out – girl and Don Alfredo leave room: “Serenata” by Tarenghi
  36. Men leave carriage: “Mercedes” by Miro
  37. Men enter house: “Stealthy Visitors” by Kay
  38. Girls enter room: Repeat No. 12 “The Simpleton”
  39. Girls leave room: “Agitato Misterioso” by Becce
  40. Wait here, senor: “The Smugglers” by Axt
  41. Stephen enters girl’s room: “Second Misterioso a la Valse” by Savino
  42. Horse leaves with handkerchief: “Dramatic Agitato No. 1” by Ketelbey
  43. Gang rides off: “Furioso” by Savino
  44. End of fight: Repeat No. 11 “Carnival Grotesque”
  45. Don Alfredo planned: Repeat Theme No. 18

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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