Scarlet Seas

Title: Scarlet Seas

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: THEME “Blossoms” by Black
  2. Benkulen: “Pas des Echarpes from ‘La Source Ballet’” by Delibes
  3. Café: “Gypsy” by Malneck
  4. Well Romeo: “Oh Mister” by Frey
  5. Lay Off “Bozo”: “Burlesco Pomposo” by Lowitz
  6. Rose, You Know I Love You: Repeat Theme No.1
  7. Toomey At Bar: “Scherzo Serioso” by Lowitz
  8. Chandelier Falls: “Ferocity” by Carrozzini
  9. Get This Kid: “Spring Cleaning” by Bradford
  10. Daylight Flash—Rose On Deck: “Souvenir d’Antan” by Baron
  11. Old Man Playing Accordeon: “Nearer My God To Thee” by Mason
  12. I Don’t Believe In Anything: Repeat Theme No.1
  13. For Many Nights: “Haunted Nights” by Jacquet
  14. Smoke Appears From Hold: “The Burning of Rome” by Leuschner
  15. Morning: “Poem Erotique” by MacDowell
  16. All Through The Night: Repeat No.11 “Nearer My God To Thee”
  17. Vision of Ship Appears: “Dramatic Climax” by Becce
  18. Bible Seen In Bottom of Boat: “Silent Woe from ‘Three Songs from Eliland” by V. Fielitz
  19. Night Scene: “Anathema from ‘Three Songs from Eliland’” by V. Fielitz
  20. Starts To Rain: “Incantation from ‘La Source Ballet No.3’” by Delibes
  21. Donkin Sees Body Of Man On Deck: “Silent Night” by Rebikov
  22. Where You Come From: “The Jovial Rogue” by Bradford
  23. I’ve Been Waiting For A Sock: “The Captive” by Savino
  24. Come On You Baboons: “Chantyman’s March” by Sousa
  25. Donkin In Hallway: “Shadowed” by Zamecnik
  26. Open The Door, Captain: “Egmont Overture” by Beethoven
  27. Flash-Back To Crew: Repeat No.24 “Chantyman’s March”
  28. Listen Steve: “Unfinished Symphony” by Schubert
  29. Donkin and Girl Enter Hold Again: Repeat No.22 “Jovial Rogue”
  30. I Wonder What’s Happened: “Fingal’s Cave” by Mendelssohn
  31. Well, If It Ain’t: “Appassionato Lirico” by Berge
  32. I Thought You Said Donkin Was With Us: “Elegie and Appassionato” by Savino
  33. Toomey and Gang Borning Hole: “Conspiracy” by Zamecnik
  34. Hello Mr. Double Crosser: “Agitato No.3” by Rapee-Axt
  35. You Men Go Back To Work: “The Conspirators” by Sodero
  36. Steve Bending Over Rose: Repeat Theme No.1

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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