George Washington, Jr.

Title: George Washington, Jr.

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheets, 1924


Format: Cue sheet

Document type: Cue sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: Historical Medley by Cohan
  2. Eaton Ham: Whistling Rufus by Mills
  3. The Water Carnival: Captain Cupid by Bratton
  4. The Next Race Will Be: Aces High by Boulton
  5. Hopkins Won: THEME: Yankee Doodle Boy by Cohan
  6. Flash-Back Pool: My Little Billiken by Lotter
  7. “Count” Gorfa: Midsummer by Maquarre
  8. During the Next Few Weeks: The Voice In My Heart by Cohan
  9. Robert Leaves Dolly: Poem Symphonique by Borch
  10. While In a District: Conspiracy by Savino
  11. Eaton Ham: A Warmin’ Up in Dixie by Paull
  12. Dolly and George Enter Room: Scherzetto-Symphonette by Berge
  13. The Representatives of the Press: Valse a la Mode by MacClure
  14. George Speaks to Reporters: Bohemiana by Smith
  15. Fade-In Vision of Cherry Tree Incident: Repeat Theme No. 5 “Yankee Doodle Boy”
  16. Dad and I Have: Midinette by Marling
  17. Disowning One’s Dad: Aurora by von der Mehden
  18. The Night of the Wedding: Why Not by Gandria
  19. “Count” Gorfa Enters Taxi: Intermezzo by Arensky
  20. Guests Arrive: Kiss-A-Miss by Baron
  21. 1674 Madison Street: Busy Bee by Bendix
  22. “Count” Gorfa Enters Gathering: Repeat No. 10 “Conspiracy”
  23. George With Fake Whiskers: Humpty Dumpty’s Funeral March by Brandies
  24. Whiskers Catch Fire: Hurry No. 26 by Minot
  25. George Tied to Chair: Fuga by Gabriel Marie
  26. Falls Through Trap Door: Carnival Grotesque by Savino
  27. They Discover George: Furioso No. 11 by Kiefert
  28. General Fight Starts: Hurry No. 4 by Langey
  29. Bridal Procession: Bridal Chorus by Wagner
  30. Procession Stops Before Minister: Woodland Whispers by Czibulka
  31. Dad That Was A Great: Repeat Theme No. 5 “Yankee Doodle Boy”

Notes: Cues transcribed by Mariana Whitmer.

Source: Silent Film Collection, Claire Hamack materials, American Music Research Center, University of Colorado at Boulder

SFSMA ID: 0WcZlzzObw

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The Guilty One

Title: The Guilty One

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheets, 1924


Format: Cue sheet

Document type: Cue sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: April’s Lady by Ancliffe
  2. Donald Short: La Coquette by Rapee-Axt
  3. Dog Appears – Chases Cat: Rustic Allegro by Savino
  4. Maid With Irene’s Wraps: THEME: Sweet Love Dreams by David
  5. The Maynards: Pierrette Flirts by Fresco
  6. And Since That Was: Irresistible by Bustanoby
  7. Dancing Starts: Bebe by Silver
  8. Dancing Stops: Southern Nights by Guion
  9. Irene and David Rise from Table: I Love You by Archer
  10. Donald Found: Hedge Roses by Frey
  11. Seaton Davis Found: Glad Days by Berche
  12. The Current Issue: Pierrot by Speciale
  13. The Cowards: Dramatic Andante No. 1 by Axt
  14. When Philip Located: Appassionato No. 1 by Axt
  15. Donald Leaves Home: Allegro Agitato by Savino
  16. Davis Room – Body On Floor: Elegie by Arensky
  17. Donald Enters Irene’s Room: Agitato No. 84 by Berge
  18. Maynards At Door: Cendres de Roses by Arnold
  19. Detective Robert Jordan: Repeat No. 16 “Elegie”
  20. Flash-Back to Maynards and Shorts: Repeat No. 18 “Cendres de Roses”
  21. Maynards Leave: Dramatic Andante No. 32 by Berge
  22. Detective Jordan Enters: Boatmen of the Volga by Cady
  23. In the Office Of: Obsession by Fosso
  24. Now You Tell Us: Repeat No. 14 “Appassionato”
  25. Wait: In the Silence of the Night by Rachmaninoff
  26. Irene and Donald Alone: Repeat Theme No. 4

Notes: Cues transcribed by Mariana Whitmer.

Source: Silent Film Collection, Claire Hamack materials, American Music Research Center, University of Colorado at Boulder


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The Fool’s Awakening

Title: The Fool’s Awakening

Author: Maurice Baron

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheets, 1924


Format: Cue sheet

Document type: Cue sheet

All authors/contributors: Maurice Baron

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: Prelude to ‘Heroical Love Drama’ by Baron
  2. John Briggs Late of: In the Clouds by Waldteufel
  3. Man Re-Enters Room After Getting Parcels from Maid: Love’s Romance by Padney
  4. Olivia Gale: Bridal Paths by Langford
  5. Man Puts Record on Victrola: Bebe by Silver (Phonograph)
  6. Flash-Back to Man at Table Writing: Romantic Melody by Macbeth
  7. And in Due Time: Sleeping Rose by Borch
  8. Maid Opens Hall Door: The voice of Spring by Drumm
  9. Maid Takes Check from Man: Lanette by Henton
  10. In the Days that Followed: Incidental Symphony No. 15 by Thomas
  11. Man Walks Off Following Girl: Repeat No. 3 “Love’s Romance”
  12. Naturally the Tea Table: Moon Dreams by Eville
  13. John’s Mother: Repeat No. 3, “Love’s Romance”
  14. Child on Beach with Dog: Pine Tree Echoes by Schoenfeld
  15. Boy Opens Letter: Romantic Melody by Macbeth

SEGUE: Intermezzo by Crist

  1. The Reception: Valse Slave by Savasta
  2. Your Husband and I Are Old Friends: Haven of Love by Festoso

SEGUE: Legende by Wieniawski

  1. Fade-Out as Author Bows Head: Songe D’Enfant by Gabriel-Marie

SEGUE: Love Song by Flegier

  1. Briggs Walks From Friend’s Home: Repeat No. 10, “Incidental Symphony No. 15”
  2. At Ten the Following Morning: Romance of a Rose by O’Connor
  3. End of Scene in Hospital: Love is Coming by Friedland
  4. In the Weeks that Followed: Fascination by Lenzberg
  5. Autos Stop: Repeat No. 10, “Incidental Symphony, No. 15”
  6. Auto Goes Over Cliff: Repeat No. 3, “Love’s Romance”

Notes: Cues transcribed by Mariana Whitmer.

Source: Silent Film Collection, Claire Hamack materials, American Music Research Center, University of Colorado at Boulder


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Flower of the North

Title: Flower of the North

Author: S. M. Berg

Publisher: Vitagraph, 1921


Format: Cue sheet

Document type: Cue sheet

All authors/contributors:S. M. Berg

OCLC Number:


  1. Opening: Frills and Furbelows by Crespi
  2. When Lady Throws Flower: Frills and Furbelows
  3. Then Into This Country With: Marguerite by Zamecnik
  4. Whilst Whitmore field manager [no music listed]
  5. When Man Seizes Indian Girl: Agitato No. 37 by Andino
  6. When Mac Greets Philip: In Birdland by Zamecnik
  7. When Men in Office Shake Hands
  8. “Mac I’m Going to See This Old”: Repeat :THEME The Coquette by Deppen
  9. For the Next Several Days: Repeat: THEME
  10. And with the Passing Days an Answer: Cinderella’s Wedding by Ancliffe
  11. As the Next Day’s Sun Arose: Indian Mystical (No. 7 A, B, C. Dramatic Series)
  12. When Men Seize Girls: Indian Battle Hurry (No. 7 A, B, C. Dramatic Series)
  13. When Scene Fades Back to Indians: Repeat: Indian Mystical
  14. When Scene Fades to Philip: Andante Pathetique by Borch
  15. When Indian Calls on D’Arcambal: Indian Plaintive (No. 7 A, B, C. Dramatic Series)
  16. “Pierre Goes to the Camp”: Light Allegro Agitato (No. 16 A, B. C. Dramatic Series)
  17. When Thorpe Sees Pierre: Heavy Forboding [sic] Mysterioso (No. 16 A. B. C. Dramatic Series)
  18. “Why Did You Act Like That”: Pathetic Romance (No. 16 A. B. C. Dramatic Series)
  19. When Men Seize Pierre and Jeanne: Dramatic Conflict by Levy (Hurry Heroic)
  20. Jeanne’s Pet Returns in Time: Repeat: THEME
  21. When Canoe Floats Away: Western Rodio by Minot
  22. Perils Shared Together Increase: Repeat: THEME
  23. When Scene Fades to Thorpe and Blake: Dramatic Tension by Zamecnik
  24. When Jeanne Greets Father: June Breezes by Miles
  25. The Ensuing Half Hour Brought: Repeat THEME

Segue to Menuetto All-antico by Karganoff

  1. “M’sieu Philip I will retire” [no music]
  2. “No one will tell me”: Repeat THEME
  3. When Jeanne Reads Note: Dramatic Tension by Levy
  4. “Then you remember you said they”: Heavy Dramatic by Luz
  5. “Pierre that looked like Thorpe” [no music]
  6. A Period of Conflicting Emotions: Repeat: THEME
  7. Next Day Work Lags in Camp: Fragrance of Spring by Sanders
  8. The Chief Got In Late Last Night: [no music]
  9. While at D’Arcambal House: Love in May by Breau
  10. “Pierre go to Philip”: Scherzetto by Berge (from Symphonette Suite)
  11. “Thorpe’s gang has left camp”: Tragic Theme by Vely
  12. “M’sieu D’Arcambal has restored”: Light Allegro Agitato (No. 20 A. B. C. Dramatic Series)
  13. “Jeanne risks her life”: [no music]
  14. When Scene Fades to Pierre: Heavy Dramatic Suspense (No. 20 A. B. C. Dramatic Series)
  15. “This locket on baby Jeanne”: Heavy Dramatic Andante (No. 20 A. B. C. Dramatic Series)
  16. Dusk: Furioso by Zamecnik
  17. When Jeanne Lights Fire: Furioso by Kiefert
  18. The Terrors of the Night Pass With: Evening Song by Lind
  19. Thorpe’s Deadly Bullet: [no music]
  20. When Philip Reads Note: Allegro Vigoroso by Zamecnik
  21. “M’sieu, Jeanne will be here”: Bleeding Hearts by Levy
  22. When Jeanne embraces father: Repeat: THEME

Notes: Cues transcribed by Mariana Whitmer.

Source: Silent Film Collection, Claire Hamack materials, American Music Research Center, University of Colorado at Boulder


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The Fair Co-Ed

Title: The Fair Co-Ed

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheets, 1927


Format: Cue sheet

Document type: Cue sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: Good News by Henderson
  2. Salesman badge shows on book: Humpty Dumpty’s Funeral March by Brandeis
  3. Burlesque burial of auto plates: Varsity Drag by Henderson
  4. Hearse shows on screen: There’s a Boatman on the Volga by Whiting
  5. College boy gets into Marion Davies’ auto: Radio Message by Baron
  6. Marion Davies gets out of auto: Entrance of the Heroes by Herbert
  7. Were thou a man: He’s a Ladies’ Man by Henderson
  8. Auto stops again – Marion Davies gets out: Repeat No. 2 (BROWN)
  9. Close your cut out: Girl I Left Behind Me by Loesch
  10. One scene: The Best Things in Life Are Free by Henderson (WHITE)
  11. Invite us to your wedding: 20th Century Galop by Bub
  12. Marion Davies lying on ground: Danse Passion by Zamecnik
  13. The co-ed’s dormitory: Lucky in Love by Henderson
  14. May I borrow your vase: An Odd Number by Davis
  15. Fade-out of Marion Davies with Rose: Zephyrs by Schoenfeld
  16. I’m glad to see you out for the team: Repeat No. 10 (WHITE)
  17. Gee but you look swell: Shoot by Kaufman
  18. During the first week: Repeat No. 3 “Varsity Drag”
  19. Exterior scene: Valsette by Sanderson
  20. Marion Davies jumps out through window: Hasty Moments by Savino (LIGHT BLUE)
  21. Up on your puppies: Freshie by Greer
  22. Freshman with flypaper runs off: Repeat No. 20 (LIGHT BLUE)
  23. Marion Davies in tree: Repeat No. 10 (WHITE)
  24. I was afraid: Repeat No. 13 “Lucky in Love”
  25. Marion Davies puts her head up close to fraternity pin: Mountain Laurel by Allen
  26. Fade-out of gym scene: In the Bungalow by Langey
  27. Why didn’t you pass to Betty: Whims by Savino
  28. At Pop’s soda store: Humpty Dumpty’s Funeral March by Brandeis (BROWN)
  29. Ah, it looks like: Reconciliation by Drigo
  30. Boy breaks mirror: Lt. Romantic Theme No. 2 by Luz

SEGUE: Humpty Dumpty’s Funeral March by Brandeis (BROWN)

  1. Claxton’s goat – sign: Repeat No. 20 (LIGHT BLUE)
  2. Yea, Dixon: The Best Things in Life are Free by Henderson (WHITE)
  3. Marion Davies enters her room: March Blue by Lake
  4. The night of the Claxton game: Andantino Idillio by Drigo (Drigo’s Cinema Classics)
  5. And watch little Rosie’s dust too: Play Ball by Kaufman
  6. Revolver shot: Whispering Hope by Dews
  7. Girls embrace: Pins and Needles by Kaufman

SEGUE: The Plunger by Allen

  1. Shoot: Good News by Henderson
  2. Boy pulls Marion Davies out of gang into other room: The Best Things in Life are Free by Henderson


Source: Silent Film Collection, Claire Hamack materials, American Music Research Center, University of Colorado at Boulder


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Title: Experience

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Famous Players-Lansky Corp., 1921


Format: Cue sheet

Document type: Cue sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: Petite Suite de Concert by Coleridge Taylor
  2. Youth and love: Summer by Chaminade
  3. Where love abides: Song Without Words by Rebikov
  4. In the quiet valleys: A Shepherd’s Tale by Nevin (Arcady Suite)
  5. Why waste your time: An Old Love Story by Conti
  6. Ambition leaves: Mother by Romberg
  7. The eternal song: Lead Kindly Light (Hymn)
  8. I can’t let you go to city: Mother by Romberg
  9. And in the parting hour: Little Mother of Mine by Burleigh
  10. You’re not going to be unhappy: Good Bye, Good Luck by Ball
  11. For the first time: Serenade by Tarenghi
  12. Iris in mother: Boy of Mine by Ball (Refrain)
  13. It takes all sort of people: Air de Ballet by Borch
  14. Iris in mother at organ: Lead Kindly Light (Hymn) or Mother by Romberg
  15. Iris in Broadway: Home Again Blues by Berlin
  16. Excitement: Sparkling Trot by Lynde
  17. Flash back mother: Abide with Me (Hymn)
  18. Flash back café: Charming by Joyce
  19. Telegraph office: Nocturne by Chopin (Op. 48, No. 1)
  20. Iris in dancer: Russiska March by Olson
  21. Dancer leaves floor: Serenade by Rachmaninoff
  22. I love you: LOVE THEME: At Dawning by Cadman
  23. Long weeks pass: Chanson Triste by Tchaikowsky
  24. Iris in wild dancing: Hungarian Fantasy by Tobani
  25. Love at entrance to Primrose path: LOVE THEME: At Dawning by Cadman
  26. The corridors of chance: Gold and Silver by Lincke
  27. Love fondly waits: LOVE THEME: At Dawning by Cadman
  28. Man takes money from proprietor: Agitato No. 3 by Langey
  29. Night in park: Romance by Karagnoff
  30. And in the evening: Romance Senza Parole by Soro
  31. Love with unwavering faith: LOVE THEME: At Dawning by Cadman
  32. But work is not always: Get Together by MacClure
  33. Frailty: Serenade by Tolselli
  34. Slumming party enter: All By Myself by Berlin
  35. Man discovers pocket book missing: Agitato No. 3 by Langey
  36. Pianist starts playing: Rose by Biese
  37. Frailty joins youth on street: Un Peu D’Amour by Silesu
  38. You can have this now: Mother by Romberg
  39. Wharf: Kunihild by Kistler
  40. Iris in church: Lead Kindly Light (Hymn)
  41. And then at last: Home Sweet Home (Old Song)
  42. Love comes from house: LOVE THEME: At Dawning by Cadman
  43. But youth: Canzonetta by Godard
  44. They meet ambition at gate: LOVE THEME: At Dawning by Cadman


Source: Silent Film Collection, Claire Hamack materials, American Music Research Center, University of Colorado at Boulder

SFSMA ID: qu3l1y70Eb

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The Dove

Title: The Dove

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheets, 1927


Format: Cue sheet

Document type: Cue sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: Magic Sunbeams by Drumm

SEGUE: Spanish Love Theme by Marquardt (WHITE)

  1. A palm blessed land: Symphonic Incidentals No. 2 by Marquardt
  2. Woman walks out of store: Facing Death by Becce (BLACK)
  3. Across the desert: La Gitana by Kreisler
  4. People show on screen after moving scenes: Diabolical Allegro by Bergunker (RED)
  5. Very well, let him talk: Eroticon by Mikulicz

SEGUE: Santanna by Bryan

  1. The dance hall is called: Pepita by Motzan
  2. Don Sandoval has: Trumpet Call by Trumpeter
  3. One scene: Matador by Marchisio
  4. Man stops band playing: La Clavel by Kempinski
  5. Enough of this: The Kinkajou by Tierney
  6. Don Sandoval kissing girl: Jurame by Grever
  7. After toast – party drinks: Yearning by Crist
  8. Second time “The Dove” door shows: Rio Rita by Tierney
  9. Lights go out while Don Sandoval is dancing on the table: Charrita by Santos
  10. End of dance – Norma’s back to camera: Fandango by Hosmer
  11. Hot sport: Melida by Elie (LT. GREEN)
  12. I cannot go on: Echo of Spring by Cunningham
  13. Norma Talmadge gets up from chair: Repeat No. 17 (LT. GREEN)


  1. Fade out of commandante with money: Reverie by Drumm
  2. Shadow shows on screen: Diabolical Allegro by Bergunker (RED)
  3. Don Sandoval drinks: Misterioso Fantastico by Becce
  4. Don Sandoval applauds: Repeat No. 44 (RED)
  5. What you want: Descriptive Agitato No. 39 by Boehnlein
  6. You will tell him: Repeat No. 42 (BLACK)
  7. Close up of lover with soldiers after villains hide: Repeat No. 40 (WHITE)
  8. This is good-bye: Symphonic Incidentals No. 6 by Marquardt
  9. Fade-out after title “You betcha my life”: Mysterious March by Borch
  10. Scene showing house: Manzanillo by Robyn
  11. Soldiers ride into house: Melida by Elie (LT. GREEN)
  12. Maybe I like you very much: Misterioso Irresoluto by Langey
  13. Don Sandoval knocks glass of wine out of Norma Talmadge’s hand: Defiant Love by Schad (LT. BLUE)
  14. Don Sandoval stops laughing at Norma Talmadge: Repeat No. 42 (BLACK)
  15. Lover walks to Norma Talmadge: Repeat No. 40 (WHITE)
  16. Servant throws plant from balcony on lover: Furioso No. 89 by Berge
  17. Courtyard scene after lover is captured: Grand Dramatic Scene by May
  18. Norma Talmadge runs to and embraces lover: Reproach by Zamecnik
  19. Norma Talmadge goes from Don Sandoval to lover: Spanish Love Theme by Marquardt (WHITE)
  20. Soldiers raise rifles: Facing Death by Becce (BLACK)
  21. The best damn caballero: Repeat No. 55 (LT. BLUE)
  22. Servant walks on to Don Sandoval and off: Repeat No. 61 (WHITE)


Notes: Incomplete

Source: Silent Film Collection, Claire Hamack materials, American Music Research Center, University of Colorado at Boulder


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The Desert’s Toll

Title: The Desert’s Toll

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheets, 1926


Format: Cue sheet

Document type: Cue sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: Prelude by Beghon
  2. Below the: Symphonic Color Classic No. 3 by Schoenfeld (GREEN)
  3. Man Lies on Ground after Shot Fired: Gathering of the Braves by Axt (BROWN)
  4. Indian and White Man on Cliff: Repeat No. 2 (GREEN)
  5. Man Giving Old Man Water: Someone Must Pav [sic] by Willoughby
  6. Man Putting Paper in Saddle on Horse: Symphonic Color Classic No. 3 by Schoenfeld (BLUE)
  7. Boy, He’s Up There: Continue No. 6 “P”
  8. Man Captured: Symphonic Color Classic No. 3 by Schoenfeld (RED)
  9. Man Fells Down Cliff: Roll By Drummer, then repeat No. 8 (RED)
  10. Second Man Falls Down Cliff: Repeat No. 6 (BLUE)
  11. This is Your Last Warning: Repeat No. 8 (RED)
  12. It’s a Far Cry: Batifolage by Baron
  13. With the Unerring Instinct: Starland by O’Connor
  14. Hotel Desk Scene: Symphonic Color Classic No. 3 by Schoenfeld (RED)
  15. He War Our Pal: Symphonic Color Classic No. 3 by Schoenfeld (GREEN)
  16. Fade-Back to Hotel Office: Repeat No. 14 (RED)
  17. So Muriel Cooper Took: Ripples by Hildreth
  18. He’s Sure to Come Down: Valse Mysterieuse by Baron
  19. Fade as Man and Woman Walk Off Screen: Symphonic Color Classic by Schoenfeld (WHITE)
  20. Man and Girl Seated at Table: Gathering of the Braves by Axt (BROWN)
  21. You Will Have to Spend the Night Here: Repeat No. 19 (WHITE)
  22. Midnight: Pizzicato-Mysterioso by Langey
  23. When the Morning Light: Allegro Agitato by Luz
  24. Man and Girl Captured: Symphonic Color Classic No. 3 by Schoenfeldl (RED)

Segue: Prelude Satanic by Kempinski

  1. Out on the Desert: Repeat No. 15 (GREEN)
  2. Man Pours Water Out of Flask: Prelude Satanic by Kempinski
  3. Prisoner Lights Match with Foot: Repeat No. 20 (BROWN)
  4. Three Men Shown Drinking Before Indian Releases Prisoner: Symphonic Color Classic No. 3 by Schoenfeld (RED)
  5. Renegade Sees Prisoner Has Escaped: Symphonic Color Classic No. 3 by Schoenfeld (BLUE)
  6. Indians Put Shirt on Man in Bed: Repeat No. 20 (BROWN)
  7. White Girl Tricked Me: Romance of a Rose by O’Connor
  8. Fade Out as Man Leaves Room: Repeat No. 29 (BLUE)
  9. Maybe I Deserve It: Reverie Poetique by Baron
  10. Girl Leaves House: Incid. Symphony No. 11 (Hauenschild)
  11. Man Rides Off With Girl on Horse’s Back: The Speed Demon by Bub
  12. Get a Doctor for This Girl Quick: Repeat No. 29 (BLUE)
  13. Renegades Captured: Repeat No. 28 (RED)
  14. And Then: Symphonic Color Classic No. 3 by Schoenfeld (WHITE)

Notes: Uses Luz’s color-coded system of music organization. Cues transcribed by Mariana Whitmer.

Source: Silent Film Collection, Claire Hamack materials, American Music Research Center, University of Colorado at Boulder


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The Dawn of Tomorrow

Title: The Dawn of Tomorrow

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheets, 1915


Format: Cue sheet

Document type: Cue sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: Chant Erotique by Berge
  2. Apple Blossom Court: Told in Yodels by Van Dyke
  3. The Home of Sir Oliver Holt: Sounds from England by Langey
  4. Twenty Steps From: Melancolie by Granier
  5. Are You Going To Do It?: Marionettes by Byford
  6. “The Dandy”: Prelude by Jarnfelt
  7. Tell the Head Waiter: Spring Blossoms by Hersom
  8. Polly: Memories by Kussner
  9. Arthur Holt: Moonlight Shadows by Baron
  10. Just Look At Us: THEME: Love Song by Wright
  11. The Dandy Makes a Preliminary: Aubade Printaniere by Lacombe
  12. Door to Saloon: Dramatic Allegro by Savino
  13. Woman Placed on Bed: Praeludium by Chopin
  14. Suddenly the Dreary Yesterday: Little Flower Girl by Breil
  15. In Apple Blossom Court: Poupee Valsante by Poldini
  16. Dandy in Doorway: Repeat No. 11, “Aubade Printaniere”
  17. Sir Oliver and Clergyman: Elegie by Lubomirsky
  18. Glad Enters Hallway: Vanity by Jackson
  19. Glad Stops Dancing: Tragic Andante by Savino
  20. Madge My Dear: L’Encore by Herbert
  21. Dandy In Room Playing With Child: Air de Ballet by Massenet
  22. Dandy Grabs Glad by Wrist: Poeme Symphonique by Borch
  23. He’s Coming Back: Chant D’Amour by Frommel
  24. Dark Scene – Crooks at Window of Shop: Mysterioso Furioso by Langey
  25. Dandy and Sir Oliver On Street: Repeat No 11, “Aubade Printaniere”
  26. Flash-Back to Antique Shop: Inspiration by Edwards
  27. Scotland Yard: Allegro Misterioso Notturno by Borch
  28. Glad at Table: Agitato No. 84 by Berge
  29. Dandy Enters Room Through Window: Repeat Theme No. 10
  30. Officer On Roof: Misterioso No. 16 by Langey
  31. Officers Walk Down Stairs: Allegro Agitato by Savino
  32. Glad Enters Holt’s Apartment: Dramatic Andante by Rapee-Axt
  33. Holt Attacks Glad: Repeat No. 12, “Dramatic Allegro”
  34. Sir Oliver Enters Room: Adoration by Borowsky
  35. Fer a Swell: Repeat Theme No. 10

Notes: Cues transcribed by Mariana Whitmer.

Source: Silent Film Collection, Claire Hamack materials, American Music Research Center, University of Colorado at Boulder


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Dangerous Age

Title: Dangerous Age

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Cameo Music Publishing Co., 1923


Format: Cue sheet

Document type: Cue sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: Serenade by Drigo
  2. Colored Boy on Street: Cottonfield Capers by O’Hare
  3. Mary Closes Door: Monastery Bells by Roberts
  4. John, You’ll Catch Cold: Bluette by Sanford
  5. A Spring Morning: Dearest One by Blaufuss
  6. Boys Meet at Entrance: A Baby in Love by Goodman
  7. If You’d Put That: Oh That We Two Were Maying by Nevin
  8. Their Next-Door Neighbors: Amerinda by Smith
  9. John Ascends Stairs: THEME: When You’re Away by Herbert
  10. Then Came the Day: Evening Song by Lind
  11. John Picks Up Handkerchief: La Siesta by Norton
  12. After Three Months: Lovely Summertime by Smith
  13. When a Man is Forty: Frivolette by Ring
  14. Review Starts: Fluffy Ruffles by Green
  15. Guests Leave Table to Dance: On the ‘Gin ‘Gin ‘Ginny Shore by Donaldson
  16. Mary At Home – Writing: The Coquette by Johnstone
  17. Street-Auto Drives: Reconciliation by Drigo
  18. John Sees Mary’s Photograph: Repeat Theme No. 9
  19. To John For the First Time: The Race Course by Paull
  20. Race Starts: Whip and Spur by Allen
  21. John and Girl Leave Grandstand: Pixie Pranks by Loud
  22. Girl Walks Toward Tree: Stolen Kisses by Snyder
  23. Fade-In Mary: Dream Shadows by Langey
  24. Flash-Back John Writing: Repeat Theme No. 9
  25. Girl Alone – Boy Friend Enters: I’ll Be Your Valentine by Sloane
  26. John Enters, Sees Lovers: Romance by Frommel
  27. Then Came The: Serenade by Harris
  28. What Is the First Stop?: Hurry No. 22 by Lake
  29. And the Man: Elegie by Barmotine
  30. Under the Quiet: Bridal Chorus by Wagner (Organ)
  31. Bride & Groom at Altar: The Swan by St. Saens
  32. Bride Turns from Altar: Wedding March by Mendelssohn (Organ)
  33. Maid Hands Letter to Mary: Andante Melodioso by Rachmaninoff
  34. My Two Big Boys: Oh, What a Girl Was Mary by Wendling
  35. With the Last Guest Gone: Evensong by Martin
  36. I Wonder If You’re Ashamed: Repeat Theme No. 9

Notes: Handwritten notes. Cues transcribed by Mariana Whitmer.

Source: Silent Film Collection, Claire Hamack materials, American Music Research Center, University of Colorado at Boulder

SFSMA ID: XlHdtzscY2

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Dance Magic

Title: Bluff

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Cue Sheets, 1927


Format: Cue sheet

Document type: Cue sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: Grania Overture by Hill
  2. In the Village of Ripley: In Birdland by Zamecnik
  3. Insert of Book: Gaily Thro’ Life by Schad
  4. You – You Sinner: Le Seigneur de Kermor by Gabriel Marie
  5. On Sunday the Villagers: A Cloister Episode by Baron
  6. Father Goes Up to School Teacher: Repeat No. 4 “Le Seigneur de Kermor”
  7. Church Interior: Adagio Pathetique by Godard
  8. As Jahala Grew Older: THEME: Magic Love by Bradford
  9. Girl in Photo Starts Dancing: Repeat No. 2 “In Birdland”
  10. Father Enters: By the Fireside by Helfand
  11. By Rail It Isn’t: I’m On My Merry Way by Whiting
  12. Leach Norcutt: Stray Sunbeams by Huerter
  13. Jahala Sneaks Into Private Office: Ain’t She Sweet? By Ager
  14. They Enter Elevator: Happy Hectic Hours by Schad
  15. Jahala Seen on Bus: Following You Around by Kahn
  16. The First Steps: Repeat No. 2 “In Birdland”
  17. Norcutt Leaves: Junella by Kahn
  18. Orchestra Starts: A Hunting Scene by Bucalossi
  19. End of Dance: Repeat No. 3 “Gaily Thro’ Life”
  20. Exterior Scene: Repeat Theme No. 8
  21. You’re Insulting: Love Romance by Bruhns
  22. When Jahala Arrived: Prattle by Lowitz
  23. Brophy Neglected: So Blue by Henderson
  24. Selma, I’m Afraid: Agony of the Soul by Becce
  25. Weeks of: Country Gardens by Grainger
  26. Jahala and Norcutt Alone: Repeat Theme No. 8
  27. Brophy Enters: Repeat No. 22 “Prattle”
  28. At the Opening Performance: Dance of the Demons from “Prince Ador” by Rybner
  29. Dancer Throws Off Cape: Dance of the Archers by Borodin
  30. Insert – Program: Repeat No. 14 “Happy Hectic Hours”
  31. Jahala Leaves Stage: Dance of the Wild Men by Borodin
  32. Dressing Room Scene: Repeat Theme No. 8
  33. Brophy’s Important Business: Repeat No. 22 “Prattle”
  34. Fade-Back to Lovers: Repeat Theme No. 8
  35. Won’t You Come to See: Appassionata by Clutsam
  36. At 110 Park Avenue: Agitato Misterioso by Becce
  37. Norcutt Sees Body On Floor: Souvenir by Herbert
  38. Time Seemed to Mean: Adagio Lamentoso by Tschaikowsky
  39. Yes, It’s Mine: Largo Tragico by Chopin
  40. Selma Sees Jahala: Love’s Despair by Siewert
  41. Jahala and Norcutt Alone: Repeat No. 39 “Largo Tragico”
  42. Back to the Home: Repeat No. 7 “Adagio Pathetique”
  43. Lovers Embrace After Church Scene: Repeat Theme No. 8

Notes: Cues transcribed by Mariana Whitmer.

Source: Silent Film Collection, Claire Hamack materials, American Music Research Center, University of Colorado at Boulder


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Title: Classified

Author: Eugene Conte

Publisher: Cameo Music Service Corp., 1925


Format: Cue sheet

Document type: Cue sheet

All authors/contributors: Eugene Conte

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: Extase Melodieuse by Littau
  2. Central Park: Sidewalks of New York from “Old Timers” by Lake
  3. Man at Dumbwaiter: By the Stream by Rapee-Axt
  4. Cohen: Solomon Levi from “Campus Memories” by Seredy
  5. Comet: Fireflied by Savino
  6. Babs Enters Room: Rush Hours by Sanders
  7. The Classified Ad: The Cricket’s Dance by Ring-Hager
  8. At 45th Street: Peg by Hauenschild
  9. Weinberg at Phone: Repeat No. 4 “Solomon Levi”
  10. Insert – Garage for Sale: THEME: Will You Remember from “Maytime” by Romberg
  11. Friday Night at the: At Sunset by Brewer
  12. If You’re Going Home: All Alone by Berlin
  13. Occasionally a Girl: Try Me by Schertzinger
  14. Butler Opens Door: Little Flower Garden by Breil
  15. Babs Leaves Auto – Enters House: Les Pheniciennes by Massenet
  16. Married Me Foot: Passion by Borch
  17. Saturday: Butterfly Dance by Frey
  18. Whitney at Phone: Repeat Theme No. 10
  19. From Soup to Demi-Tasse: Kiki by Savino
  20. Babs Slaps Weinberg: Comedy by Ketelbey
  21. Babs Leaves Taxi – Sees Brother: Repeat Theme No. 10
  22. The Charleston Café: Oh Mister by Frey
  23. Orchestra Starts: So Am I by Gershwin
  24. Orchestra Stops: Ah-Ha! By Monaco
  25. Monday – Peace: Whispering Willows by Herbert
  26. Babs Goes to Phone: Repeat Theme No. 10
  27. The Ride In The: Chrysalis by Melville
  28. Spencer Clark’s Speedster: Air de Ballet by Massenet
  29. Fade to Bab’s Parents: Romance by Frommel
  30. Wagon on Road: Hey Paw by Shrigley
  31. Close-Up of Clock: Dramatic Lamento by Berge
  32. Whitney Do You Believe Me: Dreamland Shadows by Holzel
  33. Whitney and Clark Enter: Anger Motive by Kilenyi
  34. Babs Is a Wonderful Girl: A Spring Day by Haines
  35. Clark Leaves: Repeat Theme No. 10
  36. See You in Church: A Little Dance by Beaumont
  37. How Much Does Whitney Earn: Repeat Theme No. 10

Notes: Cues transcribed by Mariana Whitmer.

Source: Silent Film Collection, Claire Hamack materials, American Music Research Center, University of Colorado at Boulder


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Brothers Under the Skin

Title: Brothers Under the Skin

Author: Max Winkler

Publisher: Goldwyn and Belwin, 1922


Format: Cue sheet

Document type: Cue sheet

All authors/contributors: Max Winkler

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: THEME: Whims of Love (Melody Caprice) by Baron
  2. Newton Craddock: Budding Spring (Romance) by Platzman
  3. The Consolidate Plumber: Isoel (Allegretto Intermezzo) by Coventry
  4. Millie Had Occasional: THEME: Whims of Love (Melody Caprice) by Baron
  5. Wifely Conversation: Caprice Joyeaux (Moderato Melody) by Seeligso
  6. The Serpent in the: Scene De Ballet (Allegretto) by Sudessi
  7. Tom Kirtland Came Home With: Creepy (Skeleton Jazz) by Breau & Hoff
  8. Newton Didn’t Have: Continue pp.-ff during dancing scenes
  9. There Are Several Ways Of: Baby Dreams (Little Reverie) by Boyaner
  10. To Make Ends Meet: Love Among Flowers (Reverie) by Frommel
  11. Dorothy, Wait a Minute: Phantom Visions (Skeleton Dance) by Stevenson
  12. Nobody Has Ever Been Able: THEME: Whims of Love (Melody Caprice) by Baron
  13. Trade the Lamp For: Comedy Allegro by Berg
  14. Newton’s Last Act: Funeral March by Chopin

Note: Burlesque pp to action

  1. Idle Talk Sometimes Makes: Moon Shadows (Valse Serenade) by Walton
  2. Newton Would Have: THEME: Whims of Love (Melody Caprice) by Baron
  3. The Fag in Newton’s: Prohibition Episode by Aborn (drinking songs counter pointed with Chopin’s “Funeral March”)
  4. Close Up of Record: Home Sweet Home (Direct cue) (Note: To be produced on phonograph)
  1. Newton Stops Phonograph: Comedy Allegro by Haines
  2. I Didn’t Expect You So: Dramatic Conflict (Hurry Heroique) by Levy
  3. I’m the Guy With the: Eccentric Comedy Theme by Roberts
  4. Let Me Present My Friend: Itching Heels (Intermezzo) by Sarpy
  5. Send This Coat Back: Falling Rose Leaves (Reverie) by Sanders
  6. So You Came Back: Light Agitato by Noyes
  7. Newton Lighting Cigarette: THEME: Whims of Love (Melody Caprice) by Baron ff
  8. But the New Newton: Dramatic Agitato by Simon
  9. Success Comes to Him Who: THEME: Whims of Love (Melody Caprice) by Baron

Notes: Cues transcribed by Mariana Whitmer.

Source: Silent Film Collection, Claire Hamack materials, American Music Research Center, University of Colorado at Boulder


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Title: Bluff

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Paramount Thematic Cue Sheets, 1924


Format: Cue sheet

Document type: Cue sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: Starlight by Zulueta
  2. Sky Line of New York: Le Voile de Salambo by Aubry
  3. Betty Leaves Office of Conroy: Vision D’Amour by Friml
  4. Betty Enters Room: Pensee Lyrique by Geehl
  5. There’s One Thing to Be Said: Yester-Love by Borch
  6. A Few Days Later: Passepied by Delibes
  7. Hand Pushes Button: Air de Ballet by Herbert
  8. Machine Cutting Cheese: THEME: Baker’s Boy and Chimney Sweep by Herbert
  9. A Good Recipe for Romance: At Dawning by Cadman
  10. And the Next Day Was: Midsummer by Maquarre
  11. O’Brien in Hallway: Barney Google by Conrad
  12. Woman Enters: Prelude by Jarnfelt
  13. For the Next Fifty: Marionette by Arndt
  14. Betty Appears From Boudoir: Valse Palais De Danse by Horne
  15. O’Brien Sneaks Back Into Room: L’Encore by Herbert
  16. Conroy Enters Again: Babillage by Gillet
  17. Blakely Enters: Dramatic Tension No. 36 by Andino
  18. Fitzie Is Some Sheik: Romance by Karganoff
  19. Fitz Enters Office: Disperazione by Gabriel-Marie
  20. We Don’t Want You: Romance by Grunfeld
  21. Flash-Back to Blakely and Kitchell: Appassionato No. 1 by Axt
  22. Betty Takes Check From Kitchell: Repeat Theme No. 8

Notes: Cues transcribed by Mariana Whitmer.

Source: Silent Film Collection,Claire Hamack materials, American Music Research Center, University of Colorado at Boulder


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The Black Diamond Express

Title: The Black Diamond Express

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Tax-Free Music Co., 1927


Format: Cue sheet

Document type: Cue sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


Tax-Free Musical Suggestions:

  1. At screening of titles: Ecitamento by Retlaw
  2. Accident: Ferocity by Carrozzini
  3. The Foster home shook: Wings of Love by Fury
  4. I guess it was her own: Looms of Fate by St. Saens
  5. Nurse & hospital scene: Song of Romance by Hoffman (THEME)
  6. Mother, isn’t he nice: The Ravage by Hoffman
  7. Monte picks up brother: Rosemary by Wheeler
  8. Monte arrives with dog: Sweet Lavender by Wheeler
  9. For weeks Dan Foster: THEME
  10. Monte arrives home: Dramatic Scene by May
  11. Dan is a regular father: Excitement by Breil
  12. Brother leaves with grip: Solemn Thoughts by Hoffman
  13. Hoping her friends: Waterson Publication
  14. Dan Foster if you have: THEME
  15. Baby! If the boys: Cupid’s Surprise by Gross
  16. Have you seen Mr. Green: Argument by Breil
  17. Alright I’ll go: Agony by Kempinski
  18. Newspaper close-up: At Dawn by Delji
  19. Wedding party at train: THEME
  20. Train starts off: In the Depths by Herkan
  21. Steadily the Eastbound: Infernal Furioso by Hoffman
  22. In Dan Foster’s mind: Constance by Golden
  23. Near the crest: The Hurricane by Egener
  24. Monte separates trains: The Tormenter by Hoffman
  25. Fight on train roof: The Storm by Beethoven
  26. When Dan Foster signed: THEME
  27. Kid refuses cigar – warning for CHORD FINISH

Taxable Musical Suggestions:

  1. At screening of titles: Thrills by Sanders
  2. Accident: Appasionato 3 by Axt
  3. The Foster home shook: Sparklets by Miles
  4. I guess it was her own: Rose Leaves by Edwards
  5. Nurse & hospital scene: Song of Songs by Moya (THEME)
  6. Mother, isn’t he nice: Defiant Love by Schad
  7. Monte picks up brother: Clematis by Tonning
  8. Monte arrives with dog: Debutante by Axt
  9. For weeks Dan Foster: THEME
  10. Monte arrives home: Fourteen Fathoms by Lake
  11. Dan is a regular father: Erl King by Schubert
  12. Brother leaves with grip: Desolation by Conterno
  13. Hoping her friends: Feist Publication
  14. Dan Foster if you have: THEME
  15. Baby! If the boys: Strolling Dolly by Lindgreen
  16. Have you seen Mr. Green: Agitation by Borch
  17. Alright I’ll go: Sympathy by Kay
  18. Newspaper close-up: Golden Morning by Morton
  19. Wedding party at train: THEME
  20. Train starts off: Trembling Agitato by Kilenyi
  21. Steadily the Eastbound: Devastation by Herbert
  22. In Dan Foster’s mind: Chrysalis by Heed
  23. Near the crest: Disaster by Savino
  24. Monte separates trains: Appasionato 55 by Borch
  25. Fight on train roof: Les Preludes by Liszt
  26. When Dan Foster signed: THEME
  27. Kid refuses cigar – warning for CHORD FINISH

Notes: Contains suggestions for tax-free and taxable pieces. Cues transcribed by Mariana Whitmer.

Source: Silent Film Collection, Claire Hamack materials, American Music Research Center, University of Colorado at Boulder


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The Son of the Sheik

Title: The Son of the Sheik

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheets, 1926


Format: Cue sheet

Document type: Cue sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:

Contents: 1. At Screening: Odalisks from “Babylon” by Elie
2. A Camp of Outcasts: Moorish March by Moszkowski (Purple)
3. Fourth Knife Thrown: Fi-Ya-Di by Marquardt
4. End of Feet Dancing: That Night in Araby by Snyder (Orange)
5. Valentino and Girl with Trumpet Call after Horsemen Seen in Distance: Trumpet Call by Cornet
6. Man Shown Calling: Indic. Symphony No. 7 by Kempinski (Light Blue)
7. Valentino Rides off on Horseback: That Night in Araby by Snyder (Orange)
8. Then in brief: Repeat No. 6 (Light Blue)
9. Close-up of Outlaw’s Face after Valentino Rides Across Screen: Luz Symphonic Color Classic No. 2 by Bizet (Red)
10. You Wait Here: Among the Arabs by Langey
11. Valentino Dismounts: Repeat No. 4 (Orange)
12. Valentino Carries Dancing Girl in Arms: Repeat No. 9 (Red)
13. Valentino Stands Up After Robbers Take Revolver: Agitato No. 3 by Langey
14. Girl Carried Back to Tent: Luz Symphonic Color Classic No. 2 by Bizet (Dark Blue)
15. Outlaws Whip Valentino: Repeat No. 9 (Red)
16. Long Ago You Promised Her: Repeat No. 2 (Purple)
17. Men at Iron Barred Window: repeat No. 6 (Light Blue)
18. Valentino Taken Out Where Horses: Repeat No. 2 (Purple)
19. At a Friend’s Home: Repeat No. 4 (Orange)
20. Valentino Hears Circus Outside: Repeat No. 3 “Fi-Ya-Di”
21. Dancers Stop Dancing: Repeat No. 4 (Orange)
22. Valentino Crushes Rose in Hand: Repeat No. 2 (Purple)
23. The Night Was Young: Arab Dance by Anseil
24. Dancer Shows on Screen: Film Theme No. 15 by Rachmaninoff
25. Man Stops Dancing Girl: Repeat No. 23 “Arab Dance”
26. Valentino Grabs Dancing Girl by Arm: Incid. Symphony No. 1 by Kempinski
27. Fade-Out after Vase with Comedian Breaks: Luz Symphonic Color Classic No. 2 by Bizet (Dark Green)
28. So My Young Charmer: Repeat No. 14 (Dark Blue)
29. Valentino Throws Girl Back Against Couch–Close Up of Girl: Repeat No. 9 (Red)
30. Valentino Grabs Girl in Arms to Kiss Her: Repeat No. 14 (Dark Blue)
31. The Desert Villa: The Sheik of Araby by Snyder (White)
32. Photo on Screen: ‘Neath the Desert Stars by Geehl
33. The Sheik Greets His Wife: Repeat No. 31 (White)
34. Exterior Scene After Sheik Kisses Wife: Karma by Herbert
35. Fade-Out as the Sheik and Horsemen Ride Off: Repeat No. 9 (red)
36. And You’ll Have More Reason: Repeat No, 14 (Dark Blue)
37. Sheik Dismounts from Horse: Repeat No. 32 “‘Neath the Desert Stars”
38. I Gave You Strict Orders: Repeat No. 34 “Karma”
39. Sheik About to Strike Son: Repeat No. 9 (Red)
40. It is for Hate: Repeat No. 31 (White)
41. Sheik Mounts Horse and Rides Off: Repeat No. 9 (red)
42. Women, Bah Heed Them Not: A Mysterious Event by Zamecnik
43. Valentino Walks to Door of Tent After Girl Off Screen: Repeat No. 27 (Dark Green)
44. Girl Brought From Tent: Repeat No. 7 (Orange)
45. Second Scene of Girl on Donkey–Looks Back: Incid. Symphony No. 22 by Schertzinger
46. Valentino on Horseback Shows on Screen: Repeat No. 9 (Red)
47. Let’s Start Back to Tonggard: Repeat No. 6 (Light Blue)
48. Valentino Stops Pacing Up and Down Tent: Repeat No. 7 (Orange)
49. Man Walks from Valentino in Close-Up: Autumn Winds by Biechiere
50. I Told You: Repeat No. 31 (White)
51. Sheik Kisses Wife on Forehead After Fade-Out of Vision: Repeat No. 49 “Autumn Winds”
52. Fade-Out as Sheik and Men Ride from House: Repeat No. 9 (Red)
53. Quick, Send Yasmin to Dance: Repeat No. 3 “Fi-Ya-Di”
54. Girl Stops Dancing in Scene After Man Sharpens Knife on Shoe: Repeat No. 7 (Orange)
55. Ahmed, You Must Go: Repeat No. 26 “Incid. Symphony No. 1”
56. Father and Son Embrace: Repeat No. 7 (Orange)(First 8 bars)
57. Exterior Scene After Title: “Father, the Girl, I Love Her”: Galloping Furies by Rapee
58. Close-Up of Girl on Horseback: Repeat No. 7 (Orange).

Notes: Uses Luz’s color-coded system of music organization

Source: Donna Hill


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The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

Title: The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

Author: Cue sheet: anonymous; piano score: possibly Guiseppe Becce



Format: Cue sheet and sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors:

OCLC Number:

Contents: typed cue sheet and manuscript score

Notes: for piano

Source: Library of Congress (microfilm) and MOMA (original)

SFSMA ID: ejdowm7M3K

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The Hidden Truth

Title: The Hidden Truth

Author: M. Winkler

Publisher: International, 1919


Format: Cue sheet

Document type: Cue sheet

All authors/contributors: M. Winkler

OCLC Number:

Theme: Because You Say Good-Bye by Levy
1. At Screening: Western Moderato by Redia
2. Interior of Barroom: Savannah One-Step by Rosey
3. Strange Figure: Theme
4. When I Get Through: A la Mode One-Step by Rosey
5. In New York: Love Song by Puerner
6. To Catch the Eastern: Forest Whispers by Losey
7. Taylor’s Aunt Who: Sleeping Rose Valse Lento by Borsch
8. The Easy Mark From: Theme
9. Crowd Applauding: Ifunhatin One-Step by Levy
10. The Eastern Mining Bird: Dramatic Recitative by Levy
11. Helen’s Heart Goes Out: Sorrow Theme by Roberts
12. None o’that Baby Stuff: Dramatic Agitato by Hough
13. Who Did This: Dramatic Suspense by Winkler
14. Myrtle’s Spirit: Continue pp.
15. With a Glowing First: Melody by Huerter
16. They Will Keep Her: Theme
17. Reed’s Cunningly: Among the Roses Moderato by Lake
18. Taking Density Into: Continue to action
19. Mr. Taylor Reading Letter: Dramatic Narrative by Pement
20. What Will Be: Birds and Butterflies Internezzo by Vely
21. The Magic Beauty: Theme
22. Guests Applauding: Ballerina’s Vision Valse by Brahams
23. And in the Silent Hours: After Sunset by Pryor
24. Elated at the First: continue pp.
25. At Risk of Loosing [sic]: Theme
26. Reed Returns with Facts: Dramatic Fantasia by Bach
27. Next Morning: Prelaume Dramatic by Rachmaninoff
28. Playing the Game Safe: Dreams of Devotion Dramatic by Langey
29. The Horrible Revelation: Bleeding Hearts andante by Levy
30. The Purchase of the: Agitato Appassionato by Borch
31. I Want You to Forgive Me: Theme

Notes: Character: Dramatic; Atmosphere: Western mining camp and New York society

Source: Library of Congress


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King Cowboy

Title: King Cowboy

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Paramount


Format: Cue sheet with musical incipits

Document type: Cue sheet with musical incipits

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:

1. At Screening: “Mystic Shrine” by Cameron
2. Suffering Under a Reign of: “Danse Arab” by Tschaikowsky
3. The Executioner Awaits: “Dramatic Adagio” by Berge
4. The Amir’s Guard: “The Bedouins Are Coming” from On the Nile by Hilse
5. From America Had Come: “The Flight” by Savino
6. Arabians Looking at American Party from Distance: “Orientale” by Cui
7. Ben Suliman: “Scheherazada” by Korsakow
8. Arabians Ride Towards Americans: “Gigue” by Bradford
9. Horsemen Riding Towards Second Flash: Repeat No. 3, “Dram. Adagio”
10. They Ride Towards City: “The Fakirs” by Cobb
11. Priest Appears in Minaret: “Hindoo Song” by Bemberg
12. Prayer Ends: Repeat Theme No. 7
13. Abdul and Tom on Balcony: Repeat No. 3, “Dram. Adagio”
14. Tom and Gloomy Leave Room: “In the Temple of the Sun God” by Elie
15. The Following Day: “Hindoo Dance” by Shelly
16. Flash to Cowboys: “Pawnee Herd” by Heed
17. Tom Before Abdul: “Ballet Egyptien No. 1” by Luigini
18. I Saw Tom Being Taken: “Dramatic Allegro” by Savino
19. Polly’s Father: “My Thoughts” by Hewitt
20. Some Friendly Natives: “Anxiete” by Srawley
21. Gloomy Falls Into Room: “Hurry No. 26” by Minot
22. Flash-Back to Abdul: “Omens” by Schad
23. Tom Climbing Wall: “Hurry” by Berge
24. Priest Appears in Minaret Again: Repeat No. 11, “Hindoo Song”
25. Prayer Ends: “Pangs of Love” by Carrozzini
26. Bennett Listening at Door: “The Slimy Viper” by Borch
27. Tom Leaves Room: “Gossip” by Borch
28. Before I Have You Shot: Repeat Theme No. 7
29. That Night at the Arsenal: “The Conspirators” by Roder
30. Next Day a Holiday Was Declared: “Oriental Ballet No. 1” by Riesenfeld
31. I Cannot Disappoint: “Desert Caravan” by Friml
32. Riding Starts: “Debacle” by Brunel
33. Sally and Dad in Tower Making Bombs: “Pas des Echarpes” from La Source ballet by Delibes
34. Flash-Back to Show: “Orient Express” by Benoit
35. Cowboy with Rope in Front of Abdul: “The Get-Away” by Frey
36. Pig! I Challenge You: “The Riding Kid” by Stahlberg
37. Bennett Before Abdul: “Furieuse Poursuite” by Gabriel Marie
38. Gloomy at Entrance: “Flick and Flock” by Patou
39. Bennett and Natives at Door: “Agitated Hurry No. 2” by Berge
40. Tom Climbing Wall: “Agitated Hurry” by Berge
41. Tom Starts on Rope: “Hurry” by Armandola
42. Gimme That Map: “To the Rescue” by Carbonara
43. When Order is Restored: “Kismet” by Henlere


Source: Library of Congress

SFSMA ID: nVSMoyz2ey

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Get Your Man

Title: Get Your Man

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Paramount, 1923


Format: Cue sheet with musical incipits

Document type: Cue sheet with musical incipits

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:

Contents: 1. At Screening: “Al Fresco” by Herbert
2. In A Fine Old French Chateau: “Vous dites Marquise?” by Gillet
3. Seventeen Years Later: “Monkey Hop” by Rapee
4. Paris: “Marionette” by Arndt
5. Insert–Museum of Wax Works: “Mysterious Tension” by Axt
6. Robert Speaks to Nancy/Nancy Theme): “Polly” by Zamecnik
7. Lights Extinguished: “Elopement” by Carrozzini
8. You Must Think I’m An Awful Baby: “Adorable” by Wynburn
9. Old Lady Worried About Nancy: “Animal Cartoonix No. 2” by Aborn
10.  Flash-back to Nancy and Robert: “Lazy” by Berlin
11. Cleaner Appears: “Allegro Buffonesco” by Kempinski
12. Nancy and Robert on Street: Nancy Theme
13. Robert Removes Jewel Box from Pocket: “Melody” by Franck
14. Many A Young Man: “Indermede Pastorale” by Penauille
15. Father, I Must Return to Paris: “Prelude” by Mendoza
16. Aunt Reading Letter: “Intermezzo” by Arensky
17. Nancy In Auto: “Gigue” by Bradford
18. Nancy Jumps from Couch–Picks Up Robert’s Photograph: Nancy Theme No. 6
19. Next Afternoon: “Evasion d’Harlequin” by Fosse
20. Father, Would You Say: “Love Triumphant” by Joels
21. Robert Sees Nancy Through Window: Nancy Theme No. 6
22. Robert Kneels Before Nancy: “Adventure d’Amour” by Bradford
23. We Were Just Talking About the Wedding: “Le Chevalier Printemps” by Jacquet
24. Simone At Desk Writing: “Reverie d”Amour” by D’Aquin
25. The After Dinner Hour: “Menuet” by Paderewski
26. Simone Rises from Piano: Nancy Theme No. 6
27. Girls Leave Room: “Sarcasm” by Kempinski
28. Marquis Starts To Play Flute: “Au Clair de la Lune from ‘La Belle France'” by Laurendeau
29. He Stops Playing: “The Clown” by Peele
30. Every Time Robert Thought of: Nancy Theme No. 6
31. Marquis Enters Room: “Novelette” by Gade
32. On The Eve Of The Wedding: “Serenade” by Saint-Saens
33. Old Gentlemen Enter Room: “Humoresque” by Hermann
34. Insert–Note: “Infatuation” by Becce
35. Window Blows Open: “Hasty Moments” by Savino
36. Nancy Starts To Throw Things About: “Gigue” by Gretry-Mottl
37. Have You No Explanation to Make: “Carnival Grotesque” by Savino
38. Young Lady, What Is Your Intention: Nancy Theme No. 6
39. Nancy and Robert in Hallway: Love Theme no. 8.


Source: Library of Congress


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Beau Geste

Title: Beau Geste

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Paramount, 1923


Format: Cue sheet with musical incipits

Document type: Cue sheet with musical incipits

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:

1. At Opening: “Overture Italienne” by Zerco
2. On A Day: “Legion Theme/Marching Song of the Foreign Legion” by Bradford
3. Strange: “Beau Geste March” by Riesenfeld
4. Forgive Me My Friend: “La Cloche des Morts” by Ropartz
5. Insert–Letter: “A Song of Supplication” by Fletcher
6. Trumpeter: “La Foret Perfide” by Gabriel-Marie
7. First We’ll Honor The Dead: “La Marseillaise”
8. Salut: “La Foret Perfide” by Gabriel-Marie
9. Outside the Troops: “Legion Theme/Marching Song of the Foreign Legion” by Bradford
10. What Mysterious Power: “Desolatio” by Patou
11. To Know The Rest: “H. M. S. Pinafore” by Sullivan
12. Boy Shot: “Pierrot’s Confession from ‘At the Bal Masque'” by Smith
13. Bullet Extracted: “Koenigskinder” by Humperdinck
14. Trumpeter Digby, Blow Taps: “Taps”
15. That’s What I Call: “March Mignonne” by Janssen
16. Lady Patricia Brandon: “Wood Pixies” by Hadley
17. Jewel Is Brought In: “Jewel Theme/Silent Night)” by Rebikov
18. I’ll Give You One: “Little Flower Garden” by Breil
19. Children Leave Room: “Lady Brandon Theme/’Sunset’ from ‘In Palude’)” by Culotta
20. Children Playing Arabs: “Bagatelle No. 1” by Dvorak
21. Lady Brandon and Singh Appear: “Lady Brandon Theme/’Sunset’ from ‘In Palude’)” by Culotta
22. For Years Lady Brandon: “Une Pensee Tendre” by Cazabon
23. Lady Brandon Opens Letter: “Lady Brandon Theme/’Sunset’ from ‘In Palude’)” by Culotta
24. Jewel Brought In: “Jewel Theme/Silent Night)” by Rebikov
25. Thumb On Electric Button: “Aurore Rouge” by Reillac
26. Boudoir: “Brother Theme: Chanson Algerian” by Bradford
27. Marseilles: “Fete Bretonne from ‘In Brittany'” by Krieuz
28. The Canteen: “Bacchanale de Montmartre” by Ketelbey
29. American: “Yankee Doodle”; 30: Buddy Shakes Hands: “My Buddy” by Donaldson
31. My Name Is Baldini: “Funiculi-Funicula” by Roberts
32. Altogether Now: “Legion Theme/Marching Song of the Foreign Legion” by Bradford
33. The Two: “Marche Militaire Francaise from ‘Suite Algeriene'” by Saint-Saens
34. Commander Lejeune Appears: “Lejeune Theme: ‘Wotan'” by Fletcher
35. Soldiers Break Ranks: “Moto Pericoloso” by Schad
36. Boys Leave Barracks–Baldini Listening: “Izevl” by Pierne
37. Baldini Caught By Soldiers: “La Rancon de Bonheur” by Gabriel Marie
38. Lejeune Enters: “Lejeune Theme: ‘Wotan'” by Fletcher
39. Lejeune Leaves Barracks: “Jewel Theme/Silent Night)” by Rebikov
40. Fort Zundernneff: “Preludio” by Cordova
41. Lejeune Appears Outside: “Lejeune Theme: ‘Wotan'” by Fletcher
42. After a Fortnight: “Treachery and Vengeance” by Fletcher
43. Lejeune Knows All About Meeting: “Enigma” by Borsch
44. Barracks–Soldiers Sleeping: [unreadable]
45. Give Me That Jewel: “Recitative Baroque” by Rapee
46. Lejeune Bows: “Vanitza” by Perpignan
47. Lejeune Enters Barracks: “L’Amour Redemptor” by Gabriel-Marie
48. The Arabs: “Disturbance” by Zamecnik
49. Cease Firing: trumpet solos; segue: “Lejeune Theme: ‘Wotan'” by Fletcher
50. Arabs Attacking Again: “Battle Music” by Wiedermann
51. Stand Easy: trumpet solo
52. Brothers At Table: “Brother Theme: Chanson Algerian” by Bradford 53. Arabs at Prayer: “Angora” by Pouget
54. Trumpeter Blows: trumpet solo
55. Come Now, You Renegades: “Legion Theme/Marching Song of the Foreign Legion” by Bradford
56. Now Laugh: “The Chatterbox” by Sanders
57. Lejeune Picks Up Body: “Storm or Fire Music” by Haines
58. Digby Sees Fallen Brother: “Brother Theme: Chanson Algerian” by Bradford
59. Lejeune Blows Trumpet: trumpet solo; segue: “Lejeune Theme: ‘Wotan'” by Fletcher
60. So He Was a Jewel Thief: “Threatening Elements” by Schad
61. Digby Lifts Brother’s Head: “Brother Theme: Chanson Algerian” by Bradford
62. Legion Appears Across Desert: “Legion Theme/Marching Song of the Foreign Legion” by Bradford
63. Trumpeter Sees Prostrate Brother: “Brother Theme: Chanson Algerian” by Bradford
64. Captain Climbing Wall: “Fever from ‘La Palude'” by Culotta
65. Body Placed On Cot: “Valse Triste” by Sibelius
66. Places Trumpet to Lips: “Taps”
67. Lights Fire: “Trembling Agitato” by Kilenyi
68. Brothers Meet on Desert: “Brother Theme: Chanson Algerian” by Bradford
69. Buddy and Pal as Outposts: “My Buddy” by Donaldson
70. After They Shake Hands: “Fete Bretonne from ‘In Brittany'” by Krieuz
71. Five Days Later: “Scenes Tunisiennes” by Mouton
72. Night–Desert Scene: “Taps”
73. John Guest Lived: “Lady Brandon Theme/’Sunset’ from ‘In Palude’)” by Culotta
74. Digby Gave His Life: “Brother Theme: Chanson Algerian” by Bradford
75. I’m A Deserter: “Fete Bretonne from ‘In Brittany'” by Krieuz
76. Close-Up of Lady Brandon: “Brother Theme: Chanson Algerian” by Bradford).


Source: Library of Congress


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The Brat

Title: The Brat


Publisher: California Theatre, 1919


Format: Cue sheet

Document type: Cue sheet

All authors/contributors:

OCLC Number:


Notes: Titles only; no music

Source: Library of Congress


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