The Yellow Lily

Title: The Yellow Lily

Author: Eugene Conte

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Eugene Conte

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Hungarian Fantasia” by Tobani
  2. A Holiday In A: “Slavonic Dance No.3” by Dvorak
  3. The Archduke: “Marche Hongroise” by Berlioz
  4. Isn’t He Wonderful?: Repeat No.2 “Slavonic Dance No.3”
  5. Close-Up of Palace Steps: Repeat No.3 “Marche Hongroise”
  6. Guests Enter Room: “Le Chavalier Printemps” by Jacquet
  7. Evening At The: Repeat No.2 “Slavonic Dance No.3”
  8. Exterior: “Agitated Appassionato” by Kilenyi
  9. We Were Sitting: “Chanson Bohemienne” by Boldi
  10. Girl Kisses Archduke: Repeat No.8 “Agitated Appassionato”
  11. Archduke Enters Judith’s Room; Repeat No.6 “Le Chevalier Printemps
  12. I’m Sure He Can’t: “Sourvenir d’Amour” by Conte
  13. Archduke Goes To Piano: Repeat No.6 “Le Chevalier Printemps
  14. Sick Girl Leaves After She Sees Archduke: THEME “Liebesleid” by Kreisler
  15. Archduke Leaves: “La Peche Valse” by Auvray
  16. Sleigh Leaves: “Sylvia” by Speaks
  17. Fade-Out of Doctor With Newspaper: Repeat Them No.14 (Violin Solo)
  18. Doctor Enters Judith’s Room: “Joyous Appassionato” by Carbonara
  19. Judith Goes To Archduke: Repeat No.16 “Sylvia”
  20. Judith Slams Door On Archduke: “Happy Bohemians” by Axt
  21. The Palace In Budapest: “Humoresque” by Mikulicz
  22. Mother With Letter: Repeat No.18 “Joyous Appassionato”
  23. Insert—Telegram; “Entr’Act To A Comedy’ by Axt
  24. Fade-Out—Kinkerlin Helps Archduke With Coat: “Pomposo” by Borch
  25. Archduke Goes To Judith And Brother: Repeat Theme No.14
  26. Play The Yellow Lily: “Waltz Viennesse” by Lakay
  27. Archduke Kisses Judith; “Viennese Melody” by Kreisler
  28. Where Is My Sister?: “Reproach” by Zamecnik
  29. Exterior Scene: Repeat No.18 “Joyous Appassionato”
  30. Close-Up of Doorbell: “The Third Degree” by Kempinski
  31. Doctor Leaves; “Third Misterioso a la Valse” by Savino
  32. Fade-In—Judith After Kinkerlin With Key; “Moonlight Memories” by Edwards
  33. Archduke Enters Room; “Tragic Moments” by Becce
  34. Perhaps You Are Right: “The Old Refrain” by Kreisler
  35. Exterior: “Affolement” by Ourdine
  36. Shot: “Molto Drammatico e Grandioso” by Borch
  37. Exterior—People At Gate: “The Crisis”by Pasternack
  38. Judith Enters To Archduke’s Parents: “Love’s Despair” by Siewert
  39. After Anxious Days: Repeat No.27 “Viennese Melody”
  40. What Do You Mean Has: “Broken Dreams” by Spitalny
  41. I Forbid You To Ever; Repeat No.8 “Agitated Appassionato”
  42. Judith In Cell: Repeat No.34 “The Old Refrain”
  43. Can You Ever Forgive Me?: “Lovers Meeting” by Kempinski
  44. They Leave Cell: Repeat Theme No.14

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: 9xqNXExc37

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The Whip Woman

Title: The Whip Woman

Author: Eugene Conte

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Eugene Conte

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Hajnalka” by Roberts
  2. Hungary Just After: “Prelude” by Mendoza
  3. The War Had Left: “Rhapsodie Hongroise No.13” by Liszt
  4. Man Sneaks Up Behind Tree: “Agitato Misterioso” by Becce
  5. Change To Village: “A L’Hongroise” by Scharwenka
  6. Look At Her: “An Argument” by Breil
  7. Night Fall: “Darkness” by Brunelli
  8. Change To Interior: “Hajnalka” by Roberts
  9. You Little Fool: Repeat No.4 “Agitato Misterioso”
  10. Michael Thrown Into Street: Repeat No.7 “Darkness”
  11. Why Let That Half-Wit: “Hungarian Dance No.2” by Brahms
  12. Change to Exterior: “Desolation” by Gretchaninoff
  13. The Whip Woman: “Afflication” by Baron
  14. An Awakening: “Canzonetta” by Carrozzini
  15. I Don’t Know A Man In Town: “Gipsy’s Serenade” by Nehl
  16. Another Week: “Two Guitars” by Horlick
  17. Baron Enters: “Entr’Act To A Comedy” by Axt
  18. Exterior—Michael and Olna Seen: THEME “The Night of Love” by Banky
  19. Old Couple Seen: Repeat No.14 “Canzonetta”
  20. Olna Stands Up: “Dramatic Love Scene” by Axt
  21. Change To Interior: “Love Triumphant” by Joels
  22. Change To Village: “Slavonic Dance No.10” by Dvorak
  23. Girls Leave Olna’s Room: “Largo Tragico” by Chopin
  24. Baron and Mother Enter: “Heart Throbs” by Herbert
  25. Back To Life: “Joyous Appassionato” by Carbonara
  26. Olna Goes To Window: “Slavonic Dance No.3” by Dvorak
  27. Baron Speaks To Olna: “Desire” by Siewert
  28. Baron and Olna Leave: “Hungarian Fantasia” by Tobani
  29. Michael Reads Letter: Repeat No.25 “Joyous Appassionato”
  30. Michael Sleeping On Table: “Dolores” by Kay
  31. The Little Wine Shop: Repeat No.11 “Hungarian Dance No.2”
  32. Olna, He Went Away In A: Repeat THEME
  33. Michael And Party Enter: “Wine, Woman and Song” by Strauss
  34. Olna Goes To Michael: Repeat THEME
  35. Michael Throws Wine In Olna’s Face: “Evil Motive” by Hoffman
  36. Dance, I’ll Give A Prize: “Gipsy Airs” by Sarasate
  37. Orchestra Stops: “Infatuation” by Becce
  38. Fight Starts: Repeat No.6 “An Argument”
  39. Knock On Door: “Cabal”by Kay
  40. Gang Leaves Room: Repeat THEME

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Way of the Strong

Title: The Way of the Strong

Author: Eugene Conte

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Eugene Conte

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “In the Night” by Noack
  2. Dawn On A: “Agitato Furioso” by Ketelbey
  3. Close-Up of Feet In Room: “Into the Unknown” by Carbonara
  4. Marie: “Anger Motive” by Kilenyi
  5. Street Scene: “Agitato Misterioso” by BEcce
  6. Man At Piano Starts To Play: “Headin’ For Harlem” by Hanley
  7. End of Dance—People Applaud: “Smugglers’ Rendevous” by Beghon
  8. Girl on Street Playing Violin: “Dreams of Love” by Liszt (Violin Solo)
  9. Marie At Phone: Repeat No.7 “Sumgglers’ Rendezvous”
  10. Fade-Back To Girl Playing Violin: Repeat No.8 “Dreams of Love”
  11. Auto Appears: “Satanic Fury” by Kempinski
  12. Handsome Carries Girl Into House: “Joyous Appassionato” by Carbonara
  13. Change To Café: “That’s My Weakness Now” by Green
  14. Handsome Stops Dancers: “The Bravado” by Axt
  15. Girl Starts To Play Violin: Repeat No.8 “Dreams of Love”
  16. End of Solo: “Soiree” by Zamecnik
  17. Marie Walks Upstairs: “True Love” by Ketelbey
  18. Handsome Spared: Repeat No.8 “Dreams of Love”
  19. End of Solo: “Destruction” by Lowitz
  20. Old Lady With Flowers: “Souvenir d’Amour” by Conte
  21. If You Ever Tell Her: “Adventure d’Amour” by Bradford
  22. Gang In Room; Repeat No.7 “Sumgglers’ Rendezvous”
  23. Handsome Had Taken; “happy Jacqueline” by Mondrone
  24. Insert—Book Cover: “The Mischief Makers” by Carbonara
  25. Girl In Room Sleeping: “Lovers’ Meeting” by Kempinski
  26. Marie and Gang at Door: Repeat No.7 “Sumgglers’ Rendezvous”
  27. Fade-In Handsome: “The Jesters” by Carbonara
  28. Handsome Sees Boy On Floor: “Mortal Combat” by Lowtiz
  29. Far Out of: “Third Misterioso a la Valse” by Savino
  30. Handsome Leaves House: repeat No.4 “Anger Motive
  31. Fade-Back To Marie and gang: “The Third Degree” by Kempinski
  32. Marie at Phone: Repeat No.5 “Agitato Misterioso”
  33. Handsome Carrying Ice: “Dram. Agitato No.1” by Ketelbey
  34. Machine Gun Starts Firing: “The Seething Mob” by Varnier
  35. Handsome—Handsome: “Fighting The Flames” by Pasternack
  36. Police Opens Ice Box: “Agitato No.5” by Axt
  37. Handsome Stops Auto On Road: “Souvenir” by Herbert
  38. Handsome Speeds Away In Auto: Repeat No.35 “Fighting The Flames”
  39. Auto Falls Into Water: “Mosso con Impeto” by Savino

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: rMWtk2twbk

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The Wagon Show

Title: The Wagon Show

Author: Eugene Conte

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Eugene Conte

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “At the Race Course” by Puerner
  2. For A Week; “Incid. Symphony No.32” by Kempinski
  3. Interior of Wagon: “Gavotte from ‘Pagliacci’” by Leoncavallo
  4. Why Did You Not Sell Out: “Appassionato No.2” by Tyson
  5. Exterior: “Soiree” by Zamecnik
  6. Wheel of Wagon in Mud Hole: Repeat No.2 “Incid. Symphony No.32”
  7. Morning Found: “A Busy Throughfare” by Baron
  8. Vicarrino Receives Letter: “Cabal” by Kay
  9. Vicarrino Puts Letter in Pocket: “Happy Jacqueline” by Mondrone
  10. Fade-Out of Negro Scene: THEME “I’ll Think of You” by Lyman
  11. I’ll Betcha You’re In: “Allegro Buffonesco” by Kempinski
  12. Lovers Meet Behind Tent: Repeat THEME
  13. At Twin Peaks: “Hobomoko” by Reeves
  14. Meanwhile: “Prelude” by Mendoza
  15. You Might Call Yourself A Trouper: “Razzing Theme” by Rapee
  16. Fade Back To Boy and Beldan: Repeat No.9 “Happy Jacqueline”
  17. Two Men On Horses Ride Up; “The Mischief Makers” by Carbonara
  18. Comedian Runs From Men; Repeat No.11 “Allegro Buffonesco”
  19. Help! Help!: “Perpetuum Mobile” by Rapee

SEGUE: “Minor Hurry” by Berge

  1. Now Folks: “Jollity” by Zamecnik
  2. Vic, Why Aren’t You Dressed?: “Dramatic Prelude” by Schad
  3. Keep Your Hands Off: “Agitato No.4” by Axt
  4. Vicarrino Leaves Tent: “Monkey-Hop” by Rapee
  5. Gong Is Struck: “Round the Ring” by Allen
  6. That Young Teller: Repeat No.23 “Monkey-Hop”
  7. Sheriff Comes to Beldan: Repeat No.17 “The Mischief Makers”
  8. Fade Back To Tent: “The Ringmaster” by Whiting
  9. Horse Bows At End of Act: “Kowboy Komedy” by Aborn
  10. Vicarrino and Men: “Mysterious Tension” by Axt
  11. Lovers Seen Alone: Repeat THEME
  12. At The Forks: “Notte Misteriosa” by Becce
  13. At Brownsville: “Dramatic Andante” by Kempinski
  14. Boy Jumps On Horse: Repeat No.22 “Agitato No.4”
  15. While An Impatient: “Dashing Cowboy” by Aborn
  16. The Battle Cry Of: “Hurry No.1” by Zamecnik

SEGUE: “Agitato” by Riesenfeld

  1. Fade Back To Announcing: Repeat No.27 “The Ringmaster”
  2. You’re Too Sick To Ride: “Excitement and Hurry” by Hoffman
  3. People start Throwing Things: “The Posse” by Lucas
  4. Wagons Ride Into Tent: “Western Allegro” by Rapee-Axt
  5. Lovers Embrace: Repeat THEME

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Scarlet Dove

Title: The Scarlet Dove

Author: Eugene Conte

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Eugene Conte

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Ballet Russe” by Luigini
  2. Catherines: “Nocturne” by Tschaikowsky
  3. The Best Catch in Konvo: “Russian Dance” by Bortkiewicz
  4. End of Dance—Girl Jumps To Sherman: “Cossack Revels” by Tschkoff
  5. Girl Sits On Couch In Bedroom: “Enthusiasm” by Schad
  6. When His Excellency: “Costschoque” by Dargomijsky
  7. Get Out of the Sleigh: “A Critical Moment” by Becce
  8. Aunt Enters House: “Humoresque” by Tschaikowsky
  9. Fade To Alexis and Girl: “Serenade” by Rachmaninoff
  10. Servant Peeks Into Room: “Cynical Scherzando” by Axt
  11. Servant Serves Tea To Girl: Repeat No.9 “Sereande”
  12. Fade-Back To Gay Party: “Gopak” by Mussorgsky
  13. Fade-Back To Lovers: THEME “Russian Lullaby” by Berlin
  14. Tell Me Where Did You Come From: “Melodie” by Rachmaninoff
  15. Alexis Meets Aunt: “Sarcasm” by Kempinski
  16. High Noon At: “Chant Elegiaque” by Tschaikowsky
  17. Bride and Groom Kiss: “Wedding March” by Mendelssohn
  18. Dancing Starts: Valse des Fleurs” by Tschaikowsky
  19. Bride Coming Down Stairs: “Resignation” by Casadesus
  20. Orchestra Starts: “Valse a la Salon” by Worthington
  21. My Wife Has: Pause—Tympany Roll
  22. Bride and Groom Start Dancing: Repeat No.20 “Valse a la Salon”
  23. Bride Runs From Husband: “Floods of Spring” by Rachmaninoff
  24. On The Threshold: “Anticipation of Danger” by Becce
  25. Girl Runs Out Of House: “Destruction” by Lowitz
  26. Alexis’ Cabin In The: Repeat Theme No.13
  27. Aunt At Phone: Repeat No.10 “Cynical Scherzando”
  28. Fade-Back To Alexis and Girl: Repeat Theme No.13
  29. Knock On Door: “Les Fleurs du Soldat” by Bruneau
  30. But His Excellency: “Karma” by Herbert
  31. Fade-Back To Alexis: Repeat No.29 “Les Pleurs de Soldat”
  32. At The Garrison: “Spirit of War” by Jacquet
  33. Where Have You Been Since: “Omens” by Schad
  34. Alexis in Cell: “Romance” by Tschaikowsky
  35. The Last Day Of: “The Third Degree” by Kempinski
  36. Girl Rushes Into Room: “Ferocity” by Carrozzini
  37. Gray Dawn: “Prelude In G Minor” by Rachmaninoff
  38. It’s Useless To Wait—Take Her: Repeat Theme No.13

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: kmEP7v7ifu

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The Matinee Idol

Title: The Matinee Idol

Author: Eugene Conte

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Eugene Conte

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Manhattan” by Rodgers
  2. Backstage: “My Special Friend” by Johnson
  3. Well, What Do You Think: “Scherzo Primo” by Conterno
  4. Forty Years Ago: “Allegro Buffonesco
  5. Say, Listen Kid: “Ripples” by Lowitz
  6. Ginger Leaves Tent: “The Simpleton” by Delille
  7. Ginger Sits On Floor With Boy: “I Love You” by Archer
  8. They Get Up From Floor: Repeat No.5 “Ripples”
  9. Man Leaves Trunk: “Tell Me Pretty Maiden” by Stuart
  10. Who Is That Helen of Troy: Repeat No.6 “The Simpleton”
  11. Act—Curtain Rises: “Tramp, Tramp, Tramp” by Seredy
  12. Good-bye Darling: “Good-by Dolly Gray” by Morse
  13. Ginger Leaves Stage: “Prelude In G Minor” by Rachmaninoff
  14. War Is Hell: “Agitato Misterioso” by Becce
  15. Curtain Comes Down: “Battle Music” by Riesenfeld
  16. Do I Come On Now?: “Hearts and Flowers” by Tobani
  17. I Love You: Repeat No.7 “I Love You”
  18. Die, You Poor Sap: “When Johnny Comes Marching Home” by Seredy
  19. Curtain Comes Down: Repeat No.5 “Ripples”
  20. Ginger Seen At Table: “The Joker” by Srawley
  21. So The Bolivars Came: Repeat No.2 “My Special Friend”
  22. End of Song—Boy Kneels At Ginger’s Feet: “Rosette” by Claypoole
  23. Ginger Enters Boy’s Dressing Room: Repeat No.5 “Ripples”
  24. In the Boarding House: “The Jesters” by Carbonara
  25. Change To Dancing: “Four Walls” by Jolson
  26. Exterior: THEME “Your Love Is All” by Zamecnik
  27. Say, You May Be A Star: “Two In A Bar” by Copping
  28. Gee, I Had A Wonderful Time: “Dream Kisses” by Jerome
  29. Opening Night: Repeat No.27 “Two In A Bar”
  30. Black Face Comedian Singing: Repeat No.2 “My Special Friend”
  31. And Now Folks: “Scherzo Serioso” by Lowitz
  32. Change To Stage Dancing: “Reel News” by Kaufman
  33. Insert—The Bolivar Players: Repeat No.11 “Tramp, Tramp, Tramp”
  34. I’m Off For The War: Repeat No.12 “Good-bye Dolly Gray”

SEGUE: “Prelude In G Minor” by Rachmaninoff

  1. There Is Something Wrong: “Joyous Appassionato” by Carbonara
  2. Curtain Rises: Repeat No.14 “Agitato Misterioso”
  3. Negro Soldier On Stage: “Colored Soldiers On Parade” by McHugh
  4. What Are You Laughing At?: “Tragic Moments” by Becce
  5. Why You’re Harry Masin: Repeat Theme No.26
  6. Ginger Enters Father’s Room: “Misery” by Jacquet
  7. Ginger sees Boy: Repeat Theme No.26

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come

Title: The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come

Author: Eugene Conte

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Eugene Conte

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Evil Motive” by Hoffman
  2. Hidden In The Depths: “Chant de la Mort” by Kempinski
  3. Chad Enters Shack: “Joyous Appassionato” by Carbonara
  4. Chad Sees Girl’s Face In Water: “Shepherds All and Maidens Fair from ‘In Arcady’” by Nevin
  5. Two Men and Dog Appear: “Mysterious Stranger” by Kay
  6. Dogs Fight: “Hidden Perils” by Varnier
  7. Man Kicks Chad: “Agitato Furioso” by Ketelbey
  8. End of Fight—Man Grabs Chad: “The Village Clown” by Axt
  9. The School Master: ‘The Philanderer” by Srawley
  10. Chad Sees Lissy: THEME “No One Knows” by Gordon
  11. Pop Turner Calls Chad: Repeat No.8 “The Village Clown”
  12. I See You Like Books: “Canzone d’Amour” by Lowitz
  13. Chad and Lissy Alone: Repeat Theme No.10
  14. When Spring Came: “By A Meadow Brook from ‘Woodland Sketches’” by MacDowell
  15. Aren’t You Fixing To Stay: Repeat Theme No.10
  16. At Last The Great Day: Repeat No.8 “The Village Clown”
  17. Chad Found The World: “Kingdom Coming” by Lake
  18. Chad Sees Negro Children: “The Coons’ Patrol” by Lotter
  19. Chad Leaves Children: “By the Swanee River” by Myddleton
  20. Chad On Horse: “Hustle-Bustle” by Delille
  21. Chad At Railroad Station: “Skipper of Tonnerville” by Slater
  22. Chad Seated On Ground: “The Simpleton” by Delille
  23. Carriage Stops At House: “The Joker” by Srawley
  24. Dean Never Forgot: “Serenade Passionnee” by Heymann
  25. The Boy Is Telling The Truth: Repeat No.22 “The Simpleton”
  26. Change To Interior of House: “Lamento” by Jacquet
  27. Did You Find Your Horse: “On The Bayou” by White
  28. So The Mayor Found: “From Uncle Remus from ‘Woodland Sketches’” by MacDowell
  29. Negress Speaks To Mrs. Dean: “Alabama” by Spaulding
  30. Change To Garden: “Deep River” by Burleigh
  31. Fade-Back To Mrs. Dean: Repeat No.29 “Alabama”
  32. Fade-Back To Garden: Repeat No.30 “Deep River”
  33. Negress Speaks To Girl: ‘Chant from ‘Bandanna Sketches’” by White
  34. Girl Enters House: “Lovers Meeting” by Kempinski
  35. Mayor Buford and Man: “Crepuscule d’Angoisse” by Fosse
  36. Time Only Strengthened: “Dramatic Andante” by Kempinski
  37. Negress Opens Door—Chad Enters: Repeat No.29 “Alabama”
  38. Haven’t You Heard: Repeat No.26 “Dramatic Andante”
  39. Chad and Buford Alone: “A Deserted Farm from ‘Woodland Sketches’” by MacDowell
  40. To The Victory: “Evolution of Dixie” by Lake
  41. Mayor Buford Leaves Room: “Fate” by Ketelbey
  42. Exterior Blue Scene: “Solider’s Farewell from ‘Around the Campfire’” by Seredy
  43. Margaret, I’m Going To Join: “Battle-Cry of Freedom from ‘Around the Campfire’” by Seredy (Play “PP”)
  44. The War Dragged On: “Spirit of War” by Jacquet
  45. A Few Days Later: “Military Scene” by O’Hare
  46. Chad Calls Lissy: Repeat Theme No.10
  47. Word Had Gone Through: “Storm Music” by Ketelbey
  48. Bandit Shoots Dog: “The Captive” by Savino
  49. Bandit Comes To Lissy: “Impending Danger” by Kempinski
  50. Lissy Runs Out of Shack: “Storm Music” by Langey
  51. Chand In Tent: “Resignation” by Casadesus
  52. Fade-Back To Lissy: “Agitato Drammatico” by Savino
  53. Bandit Seen Riding: “Battle-Tumult-Blaze” by Becce
  54. Chad Had Found Many: Repeat Theme No.10

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Smile Brother Smile

Title: Smile Brother Smile

Author: Eugene Conte

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Eugene Conte

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Punch and Judy” by Herbert
  2. Railroad Station: “Big Boy” by Ager
  3. Close-Up of Photo: “Smile A Little Bit” by Morton
  4. While The Boy Downstairs: “I’m Falling In Love With Someone” by Herbert
  5. Exterior—Auto Scene: “The Jesters” by Carbonara
  6. Jack Speaks To Mary: THEME “Just Once Again” by Donaldson
  7. Change of Scene To Men In Office: “Ferocity” by Carrozzini
  8. Here’s Your Chance: “The Mischief Makers” by Carbonara
  9. Go Back To The Shipping Room: “Souvenir d’Amour” by Conte
  10. Jack Leaves Mary: “So Blue” by Henderson
  11. Men In Corridor: “Conspiracy” by Zamecnik
  12. Close-Up of Clock: Repeat No.8 “Mischief Makers”
  13. Jack Takes Bags: Repeat No.5 “The Jesters”
  14. Jack Opens Bag: “Crazy Words—Crazy Tune” by Ager
  15. Bower and Man Applaud: “Spring Fancies” by Marquardt
  16. Close-Up of Calendar: “Polly” by Zamecnik
  17. Jack Goes Over To Mary: Repeat Theme No.6
  18. Manager At Phone: Repeat No.11 “Conspiracy”
  19. Train Scene: “I’m On My Merry Way” by Whiting
  20. Men Playing Cards: “On The Riviera” by Baron
  21. Chips That Pass: Repeat No.8 “Mischief Makers”
  22. I’ll Get Even For This: “Hello Cutie” by Friend
  23. Man Goes To Berth—Slaps Occupant: “Happy Hectic Hours” by Schad
  24. Morning Found: “Hesitation” by Friml
  25. The Big Day: “Ruritania” by Schertzinger
  26. Change To Mary At Switchboard: “Drifting and Dreaming” by Curtis
  27. Hotel Lobby: Repeat No.5 “The Jesters”
  28. After Jack Reads Note: “I Gotta Get Myself Somebody To Love” by Handman
  29. Man Leaves Telephone Booth: Repeat Theme No.6
  30. Jack’s Success Seemed: Repeat No.11 “Conspiracy”
  31. Fade-In Jack: “Gaily Thro’ Life” by Schad
  32. Manager At Desk: Repeat No.11 “Conspiracy”
  33. You Keep Your Nose: “On[]” by Schad
  34. Who Cut Me Off: “Anger Motive” by Kilenyi
  35. I’ve Got An Idea: Repeat No.8 “Mischief Makers”
  36. The Office of Markeli: “A Game of Tag” by Trinkaus
  37. Markell Sees Jack Dressed As Porter: Repeat No.5 “The Jesters”
  38. After Jack Reads Note: “Rush Hours” by Sanders
  39. The Elite Beauty Parlors: “Merry Pranks” by Rapee-Axt
  40. When I Finish, She Won’t: “Jollity” by Zamecnik
  41. Jack Removes Clay Mask: “Ain’t She Sweet” by Ager
  42. All Ready For Your Orders: Repeat No.5 “The Jesters”
  43. Jack Goes To Mary: Repeat Theme No.6

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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See You In Jail

Title: See You In Jail

Author: Eugene Conte

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Eugene Conte

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Stray Sunbeams” by Huerter
  2. Peter Mardsden: “The Chatterbox” by Sanders
  3. Well Dad: “April Bloom” by Ansell
  4. Six Months Later: “Scherzo Primo” by Conzerno
  5. Old Man At Window: “The Village Clown” by Axt
  6. Roger Whitney: “Gaily Thro’ Life” by Schad
  7. Detective and Old Man Argue: “Elopement” by Carrozzini
  8. Roger Whitney’s Sister: “Ain’t She Sweet?” by Ager
  9. Elevator Starts: Repeat No.7 “Elopement”
  10. Fate Dealt: “A Love Lesson” by Fresco
  11. He Threw Dust Into: “Sunset Meditation” by Biggs
  12. Pershing Square: “Silver Fingers” by Mallory
  13. Like To Make Some: “Early Roses” by Baron
  14. Clothes Make: Repeat No.6 “Gaily Thro’ Life”
  15. Judge McCurd: Repeat No.2 “Chatterbox”
  16. Life Is What You: “Hail, Hail, The Gang’s All here” by Lake

SEGUE: “Mirth and Merriment” by Delille

  1. It Is An Honor: “Jollity” by Zamecnik
  2. Fade-In Ruth: “So Blue” by Henderson
  3. Maid Enters: Repeat No.2 “Chatterbox”
  4. Suffering: “The Joker” by Srawley
  5. We’re All Friends Here: “Rosemary” by Reynard
  6. Miss Whitney To See Her Brother: THEME “Forgive Me” by Ager
  7. He Can’t Dodge Us Now: “Junella” by Kahn
  8. Ruth and Judge: Repeat No.18 “So Blue”
  9. Night Passed: “A Game of Tag” by Trinkaus
  10. Whitney At Phone: “Rush Hours” by Sanders
  11. To Jerry: “Fireflies” by Savino
  12. Jerry and Men Leave Cell: “Merry Cavaliers” by Srawley
  13. Jerry Sneaks Out of Room: Repeat No.25 “A Game of Tag”
  14. We Must Take Immediate Action: Repeat Theme No.22
  15. The Judge Is Phoning You: “Because I Love You” by Berlin
  16. Change To Men: Repeat No.4 “Scherzo Primo”
  17. Judge Sees Jerry: “Gossip” by Borch
  18. Ruth Pleads With Judge: Repeat Theme No.22
  19. Change To Men: “Carnival” by Savino
  20. Jerry Dictates Letter: Repeat Theme No.22

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Rawhide Kid

Title: Rawhide Kid

Author: Eugene Conte

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Eugene Conte

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Prelude to ‘Western American Drama’” by Baron
  2. The Day After: “The Ridin’ Kid” by Stahlberg
  3. Old Man Leaves Coach: “Hebrew Melody” by Achron
  4. Fade-Out of Jackson and Hebrew: THEME “A Bit O’Blarney” by Helf
  5. Wild Cat On Tree: “Emotional Agitato” by Savino
  6. Empty Jones: “The Village Clown” by Axt
  7. Fade—Hebrew and Daughter: Repeat Theme No.4
  8. O’Hara Dismounts From Horse: Repeat No.2 “The Ridin’ Kid”
  9. Jackson and Men: “Creeping Shadows” by Baron
  10. Auction Sale Starts: “The Burlesquer” by Hartz
  11. You Beat Me In: “Second Misterioso a la Valse” by Savino
  12. Jones With Radio: Repeat No.6 “The Village Clown”
  13. O’Hara and Jackson At Table: “Agitated Misteroso” by Rapee
  14. Fade-Out of Hebrew On Bed: Repeat No.6 “The Village Clown”
  15. 2nd Shot of Jackson In Girl’s Room: “Agitato Misteroso” by Becce
  16. Dark Scene: “Wistful Longings” by Baron
  17. Horse Runs Up To O’Hara: “Storm Clouds
  18. So A Fighting Irishman: “Evening On The Ranch” by Stahlberg
  19. Hebrew With Donkey: Repeat No.6 “The Village Clown”
  20. But In The Spring: “Wild and Woolly” by Minot
  21. The Day Was: “Agitato Drammatico” by Savino
  22. That Horse Belongs To Me: “Infamy” by Conterno
  23. Jackson On Horse: “The Posse” by Lucas
  24. The Annual Cross: Repeat No.22 “Infamy”
  25. Exterior Scene: “Dramatic Allegro” by O’Hare
  26. Jackson And Men: “The Hour of Ghosts” by Becce
  27. O’Hara Enters Room: Repeat Theme No.4
  28. Jackson and Sheriff Enter: Repeat No.22 “Infamy”
  29. Jones With Radio: “The Gawky Rube” by Lakay
  30. The Annual Race: “Western Allegro” by Riesenfeld
  31. Shot—Race Starts: “Western Allegro” by Rapee-Axt
  32. O’Hara Wins: “Eruption” by Dubensky
  33. Court Scene: Repeat No.3 “Hebrew Melody”
  34. Court Cleared: “Ballade d’Amour” by Sanders

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: v72tS6fxZ6

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Title: Outcast

Author: Eugene Conte

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Eugene Conte

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Mosso con Impeto” by Savino
  2. San Francisco: “Emotional Climax” by Becce
  3. Close-Up of Window—Man Roasting Chickens: “Polichinelle” by Rachmoninoff
  4. Insert—To My Dearest: “Sobbing” by Baron
  5. Two Men Enter Room: “Adventure d’Amour” by Bradford
  6. Exterior—Street Scene: “Allegro Buffonesco” by Kempinski
  7. Miriam Enters Room: “Ambling Along” by Axt
  8. After Two Men Leave: “Rosette” by Claypoole
  9. Miriam: “Grotesque Comedy” by Zamecnik
  10. Street Scene: “Wedding March from ‘Lohengrin’” by Wagner
  11. Miriam and Jeffrey Walk Down Aisle of Church: “O Promise Me” by DeKoven
  12. Close-Up Of Man At Organ Playing: “Wedding March” by Mendelssohn
  13. Jeffrey Stops Bridal Procession: “Prelude Dramatique” by Porret
  14. Interior of Street Car: “Forgive Me” by Ager
  15. Well, I Was Only A Poor: “A Gay Lothario” by Bierman
  16. Fade-Back To Trolley Car: “The Mischief Makers” by Carbonara
  17. Fourteen Nickels Later: THEME ”Another Kiss” by Schertzinger
  18. With The Coming: “Le Chavalier Printemps” by Jacquet
  19. Jeffrey Enters: Repeat Theme No.17
  20. Close-Up of Hand on Auto Horn: “Melodie” by Huerter
  21. Maid Sits Down At Dinner Table: “Paragraphs” by Fall
  22. Jeffrey Enters: “It Must Be Love” by Archer

NOTE: Play as a ballad.

  1. Hotel Lobby: “If You Don’t Love Me” by Ager
  2. End of Dance—People Applaud: Pause
  3. Dancing Starts Again: “The Girl In Your Arms” by Archer
  4. Orchestra Stops: “Ripples” by Lowitz
  5. Jeffrey Sits At Table—Speaks To Miriam: Repeat No.5 “Adventure d’Amour”
  6. Cooks Parade In With Trays: “The Jesters” by Carbonara
  7. Happy New Year: “Auld Lang Syne”

SEGUE: “Joyous Appassionato” by Carbonara

  1. January First: “Canzone d’Amour” by Lowitz
  2. Miriam Opens Door—Sees Jeffrey and Valentine: “Appassionato No.2” by Tyson
  3. Jeffrey Enters: “Pangs of Love” by Carrozzini
  4. Miriam, You Have Always Been: “Forsaken” by Scholz
  5. Jeffrey Leaves: “Broken Hearted” by Henderson

NOTE: Play “PP” strings only—very slow.

  1. Change to Jeffrey: Repeat No.18 “Le Chevalier Printemps”
  2. Change to Miriam: Repeat No.34 “Broken Hearted”
  3. Close-Up of Phonograph: “Hello Montreal” by Warren
  4. Three Men Singing: “Sweet Adeline from ‘Old Timers’” by Lake
  5. Change to Miriam: Repeat No.20 “Melodie”
  6. Close-Up of Dancing Feet: “Who Wouldn’t Be Blue?” by Davis
  7. Man Enters Miriam’s Room: “Appassionato in A Minor” by Savino
  8. Miriam In Street—Faints: “Souvenir” by Herbert
  9. Jeffrey and Valentine Seen: Repeat No.18 “Le Chevalier Printemps”
  10. Insert—Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Sherwood: “Chastity” by Kay
  11. Knock On Door: “Melancholic Appassionato” by Rapee
  12. Where Are You Going?: “Andante Tragico” by Levenson
  13. Miriam Re-Enters: Repeat Theme No.17

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Oh Kay

Title: Oh Kay

Author: Eugene Conte

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Eugene Conte

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: Play “Oh Kay” by Gershwin (Harms)
  2. It Was Tag Day: “Down The Stretch” by Balfmoor
  3. Rutfield Hall: “Cute and Cunnin’” by Kempinski
  4. Bragott Who Is My: “Ripples” by Lowitz
  5. Lady Kay Leaves House: “En Mer” by Holmes
  6. The Sea Had Begun: “Storm Music” by Ketelbey
  7. Lucky For Kay: “Fourteen Fathoms Deep” by Lake
  8. Destination: “Heave Ho” by Copping
  9. Mate Leaves Lady Kay: “Characteristic No.1” by Roberts
  10. You Look Dumb: “Two In A Bar” by Copping
  11. Off Long Island: “Third Misterioso a la Valse” by Savino
  12. Lady Kay in Bathing Suit: “Grotesque Comedy” by Zamecnik
  13. The First House on the Right: “Hidden Perils” by Varnier
  14. You May Return to Town: Repeat No.12 “Grotesque Comedy”
  15. Kay Found America: “Distress” by Breil
  16. Fade To Interior of House: “Prelude to ‘Parlor Comedy’” by Baron
  17. Exterior of House: “Omens” by Schad
  18. Revenue Officer Leaves Jimmie and Lady Kay: “Cherro” by Finck
  19. Revenue Officer Enters: Play “Fidgety Feet from ‘Oh Kay’” by Harms
  20. Revenue Officer Leaves Again: “Gigue” by Bradford
  21. After A Hard Night: “The Mischief Makers” by Carbonara
  22. Jimmie Starts To Call Across Room: Play “Do-Do-Do from ‘Oh Kay’” by Harms
  23. Revenue Officer Enters: Repeat No.17 “Omens”
  24. Lady Kay Enters: Repeat No.19 “Fidgety Feet”
  25. Where Did You Get That Dress?: “Frivolities” by Carbonara
  26. Auto Scene: “Potato Bug Parade” by Cobb
  27. What Are You Maniacs: “The Jesters” by Carbonara
  28. Constance Enters: “Caprice” by Somerville
  29. Close-Up of Door Knob: “Humoresque” by Mikuliez
  30. Jimmie and Constance Leave: Repeat No.1 “Oh Kay”
  31. Exterior Scene: “Tell Me Pretty Maiden” by Stuart
  32. Lady Kay and Jimmie: Repeat No.1 “Oh Kay”
  33. Constance and Father Appear: Repeat No.29 “Humoresque”
  34. Butler Comes Up: “Pattering Feet” by Dreier
  35. Revenue Officer Appears: Repeat No.27 “The Jesters”
  36. Exterior Scene: “Paragraphs” by Fall
  37. Jimmie and Lady Kay Alone: “A Game of Tag” by Trinkaus
  38. She’s Impossible: Repeat No.27 “The Jesters”
  39. Constance Eating Soup: “Essence Grotesque” by Lake

SEGUE: “A Ticklish Tale” by Finck

  1. We’ve Had Enough Of This: Repeat No.27 “The Jesters”
  2. Exterior Scene: “Wedding Blues” by Friml
  3. Bridal Procession: “Bridal Chorus from ‘Lohengrin’” by Wagner
  4. Interior—Butler and Kay: “Carnival Grotesque” by Savino
  5. Jimmie, You’ve Deceived Us: Repeat No.17 “Omens”
  6. Relax Folks—The Patrol: “A Gay Lothario” by Bierman
  7. I’m Not A Revenue Officer: “Marche Mignone” by Poldini
  8. May I Use Your Telephone?: Repeat No.1 “Oh Kay”

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Ladies Night in a Turkish Bath

Title: Ladies Night in a Turkish Bath

Author: Eugene Conte

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Eugene Conte

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Ripples” by Lowitz (G. Schirmer)
  2. Ma and Pa: “Cute and Cunnin’” by Kempinski (Irving Berlin)
  3. 2000 Years Ago: “Following You Around” by Kahn (Jack Mills)
  4. Speed Sits Down: Repeat No. 1 “Ripples”
  5. Speed Enters Store—Sees Helen: “I Can’t Get Over a Girl Like You” by Broones (Shapiro, Bernstein)
  6. Let Me Show You the New One: Prelude to Parlor Comedy by Baron (Irving Berlin)
  7. Love: THEME “Girl of My Dreams” by Clapp (Jack Mills)
  8. Fade-In Ma and Pa: “Quandry” by Schad (Sanders)
  9. Fade-Back to Lovers: Repeat Theme No. 7
  10. Helen Leaves Speed: “Lovers Meeting” by Kempinski” (Irving Berlin)
  11. Uptown: “Happy Jacqueline” by Mondrone (G. Schirmer)
  12. Speed and Pal Enter: “Monkey-Hop” by Rapee (Belwin)
  13. George Walker: “The Simpleton” by Delille (Irving Berlin)
  14. Fade-In Barber Shop: “Humorous Escapade” by Delille (Irving Berlin)
  15. Fade-Back to Home: “Spangles” by Bratton (Witmark)
  16. Speed Sees Card in Basket: Repeat No. 10 “Lovers Meeting”
  17. Helen Comes to Speed: “Souvenur Douloureux” [sic] by Bicchiere (Music Buyers)
  18. Street Scene: Repeat No. 13 “The Simpleton”
  19. Speed Goes to Helen in Auto: “Flick and Flock” by Patou (Hawkes)
  20. When a Girl Looked: “Dolly Dimples” by Alter (Paul Whiteman)
  21. Are We Friends: “Juba” by Dett (G. Schirmer)
  22. Pa Speaks to Ma: “Wedding Blues” by Friml (G. Schirmer)
  23. Pa Leads Ma to Table: “Jealous Moon” by Zamecnik (Sam Fox)
  24. Pa and Ma Argue: “Mystic Glades” by Kempinski (Irving Berlin)
  25. Daniel, Throw Him Out: Repeat No. 10 “Lovers Meeting”
  26. Exterior: Repeat No. 13 “The Simpleton”
  27. The Deluxe Turkish Bath: “Reflection” by Friml (Emil Ascher)
  28. At the We Boys: “Danse du Ventre” by Clark (C. Fischer)
  29. Policeman at Door: “Hasty Moments” by Savino (Robbins)
  30. We’re Safe Now: “The Mischief Makers” by Carbonara (Robbins)
  31. Helen Sees Speed: “The Joker” by Srawley (Geo. H. Sanders)
  32. Helen! Helen!: “Carnival Grotesque” by Savino (G. Schirmer)
  33. Second Shot of Steam Room: Repeat No. 1 “Ripples”
  34. Pa in Message Room: “The Jesters” by Carbonara (Robbins)
  35. Helen Sees Speed: “Vivacity” by Conterno (Lipskin)
  36. Helen Enters Home: “The Gentleman Burglar” by Jacquet (Irving Berlin)
  37. Helen Runs out of Bedroom: “Gossip” by Kay (Forster)
  38. Leroy Leaves Room: Repeat No. 13 “The Simpleton”
  39. What’s the Matter with Helen: “Jollity” by Zamecnik (Sam Fox)
  40. After Speed Punches Pal: Repeat Theme No. 7

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: zAqrjdqcHw

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Happiness Ahead

Title: Happiness Ahead

Author: Eugene Conte

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Eugene Conte

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Topsy” by Dunning
  2. In A Fashionable: “Rustic Idyl” by Pasternack
  3. After Three Men Leave: “Second Love Tragedy” by Savino
  4. Babe in Bathroom: “Calling” by Golden
  5. Man At Phone: “Creeping Creatures” by Varnier
  6. Miles Away: “Thought” by Deyo
  7. Babe Leaves room: “Following You Around” by Kahn
  8. Close-Up of Mary: “I’ve Been Longing For A Girl Like You” by Johnson
  9. Yes Sire: “They Gawky Rube” by Lakay
  10. I Want to Meet: THEME “Mary’s Grand Old Name” by Cohan
  11. Mary Runs Into Room: “Fanchonette” by Klemm
  12. Fade-Out Mary and Friend Lying on Bed: “Among My Souvenirs” by Nicholls
  13. Orchestra Stops Playing: Orchestra Tacet
  14. Mary Starts to Play: “Silver Song Bird” by Berchman
  15. Mary Stops Singing – People Applaud: “Social Chat” by Eugene
  16. Mary and babe Leave Parents: Repeat THEME No.10
  17. I’ve Never Been Engaged: “Flirtation” by Cross
  18. Father Comes Up to Lovers: “The Joker” by Srawley
  19. Another Member of the: “Third Misterioso a la Valse” by Savino
  20. Fade-Out Babe and Man in Room: Repeat THEME No.10
  21. And We’ll Have A Church Wedding: “Wedding Blues” by Friml
  22. Mary’s Parents Leave Babe: Repeat THEME No.10
  23. Fade-In Chimes: Repeat No.21 “Wedding Blues”
  24. Marriage Ceremony: “O Promise Me” by DeKoven
  25. Mary and Mother Packing: Repeat No.21 “Wedding Blues”
  26. Fade-Out Taxi: “A Busy Thoroughfare” by Baron
  27. Close-Up Babe in Room: “Cynical Scherzando” by Axt
  28. Mary Praying: “Prelude to An Imaginary Drama” by Gliwudski
  29. Street Scene: “A Gay Lothario” by Brerman
  30. Man at Door Selling Magazines: “Collegiate” by Jaffe
  31. Man Receives Money: “Gay Deceivers” by Claypoole
  32. Close-Up of Cake: “Soiree” by Zamecnik
  33. Fade-Out Mary and Babe Kiss: “Valse Nanette” by Friml
  34. Babe and Mary in Bed: “Cuddle Closer” by Schwartz
  35. Fade-Out Mary and Babe in Bed: Repeat No.3 “Second Love Tragedy”
  36. Fade-Out Office Scene: “Garden Whispers” by Herkan
  37. Close-Up of Footsteps: “Into the Unknown” by Carbonara
  38. Mary Goes to Detective: Repeat No.19 “Third Misterioso a la Valse”
  39. Babe Enters Room: “Tears of Sorrow” by Savino
  40. An Hour Later: “Romance” by Frommel
  41. Babe Enters – Sees Mary: Repeat THEME No.10
  42. Insert – Newspaper: “Love Song” by Wright
  43. Hand on Bell: Repeat No.19 “Third Misterioso a la Valse”
  44. Mary and Detective Alone: “Griefstricken” by Varnier
  45. Detective Leaves: “Remorse” by Franceschi
  46. Babe Seen in Cell: “The Captive” by Savino
  47. Mary Enters Home: “Lamento” by Jacquet
  48. Mary Reads Letter: “Dolores” by Kay
  49. Insert – Court Order: “Prelude” by Mendoza
  50. Mary and Babe Embrace: Repeat THEME No.10
  51. Babe Opens Bag: “Canzonetta” by Hollaender
  52. You Look Better to Me: Repeat No.49 “Prelude”
  53. Babe Takes Photo from Mary: “Joyous Appassionato” by Carbonara
  54. Mary Shows Child’s Clothes: Repeat THEME No.10

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Desert Bride

Title: The Desert Bride

Author: Eugene Conte

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Eugene Conte

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “In Persian Market” by Ketelbey
  2. Close-up – feet dancing: “Fanatic Derwish Dance” by Becce
  3. Native stops girl dancing: “Priere Hindoue” by Berge
  4. Natives rise after prayer: Reveille—Trumpet Call
  5. Fade-out – French Flag: “Anticipation of Danger” by Becce
  6. Close-up of snare drum: “Douce Fievre” by Y’Ener
  7. End of dance: “Rambler Roses” by Wheeler
  8. Orchestra starts: “Hollywood Rose” by Jolson
  9. Diane removes shoe: THEME – “Diane” by Rapee
  10. So I won’t detain you: “Together We Two” by Berlin
  11. So I see you know: “Gaily Thro’ Life” by Schad
  12. Dancing starts again: “Rain” by Ford
  13. Commander and Deveraux in room: “Turmoil” by Brunelli
  14. Deveraux comes to Diane: Repeat Theme No. 9
  15. Desert scene – They kiss: “Storm Music” by Ketelbey
  16. Moon scene: Repeat Theme No. 9
  17. Street scene: “Souvenir d’Orient” by Devries
  18. Deveraux leaves Diane: “Oriental” by Berge
  19. Diane and Kassim in garden: Repeat No. 5 “Anticipation of Danger”
  20. Deveraux and Diane: Repeat Theme No. 9
  21. At the home of Kassim: “Semi-Oriental Maestoso” by Becce
  22. Deveraux enters cellar: “Allegro Misterioso” by Kempinski
  23. Insert – card – Diane Duval: “Nocturnal Tangier” by Godowsky
  24. Deveraux is seen: Repeat No. 18 “Oriental”
  25. Deveraux escapes: “Agitato Drammatico” by Savino
  26. Deveraux captured: Repeat No. 18 “Oriental”
  27. Diane grabs vase: “Agitato Misterioso” by Becce
  28. Kassim sees Diane: “Rebellion” by Pasternack
  29. Fade-in – torture chamber: “Gruesome Misterioso” by Borch, SEGUE to “Anticipation of Danger” by Becce
  30. I will tell: “Battle-Tumult-Blaze” by Becce
  31. After hand grab Kassim: “Marching Song of the Foreign Land” by Bradford
  32. Paris, James: Repeat Theme No. 9

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Cheerful Fraud

Title: The Cheerful Fraud

Author: Eugene Conte

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Eugene Conte

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Country Gardens” by Grainger
  2. London’s annual: “Incidental Symphony No. 32” by Kemlinski
  3. Denny meets girl: “That’s a Good Girl” by Berlin
  4. Girl leaves Denny: Repeat No. 2 “Incidental Symphony No. 32”
  5. Rain stops: “Merry Playmates” by Howgill
  6. Roscoe Bytheway: “The Joker” by Srawley
  7. Auto leaves: Repeat No. 5 “Merry Playmates”
  8. At Sharrowby: “Gossip” by Kay
  9. Close-up of trunks: “Omens” by Schad
  10. Phone rings: “Animal Cartoonix No. 2” by Aborn
  11. Bytheway and girl enter: “Fierrette Flirts” by Fresco
  12. Denny enters: Repeat No. 3 “That’s a Good Girl”
  13. Bytheway sees lovers: “April Moods” by Eugene
  14. Bytheways leave Denny: Repeat No. 3 “That’s a Good Girl”
  15. A lady calling to see: “The Gold Digger” by Hanley
  16. I’m his secretary: “Melodic Caprice” by Squire
  17. It was nearly three years: “Hearts and Flowers” by Tobani
  18. The old Turk: “Wedgewood Blue” by Ketelbey
  19. Bytheway enters: “Fireflies” by Savino
  20. Bytheway enters: “A Game of Tag” by Trinkaus
  21. Wait at the village: “The Show-Off” by Sanders
  22. Bytheway gives combination of safe: “Junella” by Kahn
  23. Denny at safe: “The Clown” by Peele
  24. Denny outside of house: Repeat No. 1 “Country Gardens”
  25. You’ll be delighted to know: “Merry Cavaliers” by Srawley
  26. You’re quite right: Repeat No. 3 “That’s a Good Girl”
  27. Butler opens door: Repeat No. 15 “The Gold-Digger” – SEGUE – “The Flapper” by Srawley
  28. My dear, this is: “Marriage Blues” by Berkin
  29. This dame – er: Repeat No. 5 “Merry Playmatess”
  30. Please don’t betray me: “Periwinkle” by Huerter
  31. Maid enters with smelling salts: “Jollity” by Zamecnik
  32. Miss Kent faints: “The Dream Girl” by Finck
  33. How could you make love: Repeat No. 3 “That’s a Good Girl”
  34. People on stairs: Repeat No. 31 “Jollity”
  35. Miss Kent sees Denny: Repeat No. 3 “That’s a Good Girl”
  36. Miss Kent closes door: “Mirth and Merriment” by Delille
  37. Denny in room with Miss Simpson: “Tragic Moments” by Becce
  38. Denny grabs Miss Simpson: “Hurry No. 1” by Zamecnik
  39. My jewels: “Phantoms” by Schad
  40. There’s the thief: “Recitative Heroique” by Rapee
  41. Enough of this: Repeat No. 38 “Hurry No. 1”
  42. Fade-out – fight on hay stack: Repeat No. 9 “Omens”
  43. Thank heavens our troubles: Repeat No. 8 “Gossip”
  44. Denny leaves: “It Don’t Do Nothin’ But Rain” by Cook

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Canyon of Adventure

Title: The Canyon of Adventure

Author: Eugene Conte

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Eugene Conte

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Camorra” by Joels
  2. To the Spanish: “Intermezzo” by L’Amico Fritz by Mascagni
  3. Exterior: “The Bravado” by Axt
  4. Girl on balcony: “Allegro Scherzoso No. 1” by Jacquet
  5. Having forced me once: “In a Little Spanish Town” by Wayne
  6. Girl throws flower: “Amorita” by Zamecnik
  7. Three excited men seen: Repeat No. 4 “Allegro Scherzoso No. 1”
  8. With the compliments: Repeat No. 2 “Intermezzo”
  9. I thank you senor: “Hurry No.3” by Langey
  10. There is no room for: “Omens” by Schad
  11. The Canyon of Adventure: “Carnival Grotesque” by Savino
  12. Buzzard can ride the horse: “The Simpleton” by Delille
  13. Buzzard thrown to ground by horse: Repeat No. 4 “Allegro Scherzoso No. 1”
  14. Stephen throws gun on ground: Repeat No. 11 “Carnival Grotesque”
  15. Mid morning: “Romanza” by Granados
  16. Father leaves on horse: “Sinister Agitato” by Becce
  17. High Noon: Repeat No. 6 “Amorita”
  18. Carriage stops: THEME – “La Rosita” by Dupont
  19. Buzzard rides up: Repeat No.12 “The Simpleton”
  20. Lovers seen in carriage: Repeat Theme No. 18
  21. Carriage stops at house: Villain” by Kay
  22. After vespers: “Ominous Moments” Kempinski
  23. Women embrace: “Shadowed” by Zamecnik
  24. Lovers embrace: Repeat Theme No. 18
  25. Don Alfredo speaks to son: Repeat No. 16 “Sinister Agitato”
  26. Fade-in lovers after title – “Surround the building”: Repeat Theme No. 18
  27. Girl kneels in prayer: “Prayer At Eventide” by Elie
  28. Close-up of candles: “It Is Night” by Black
  29. Stephen goes to girl: Repeat Theme No. 18
  30. Stephen leaves: Repeat No. 16 “Sinister Agitato”
  31. Chase starts: “Fugitive” by Maiorana
  32. Stephen rides into camp: Repeat No. 11 “Carnival Grotesque”
  33. Mid afternoon: “Serenade Aragonaise” by Baroon
  34. Fade-in girl in room: “Dulcinea Dreams” from Andalusia by Mirmontes
  35. Fade-out – girl and Don Alfredo leave room: “Serenata” by Tarenghi
  36. Men leave carriage: “Mercedes” by Miro
  37. Men enter house: “Stealthy Visitors” by Kay
  38. Girls enter room: Repeat No. 12 “The Simpleton”
  39. Girls leave room: “Agitato Misterioso” by Becce
  40. Wait here, senor: “The Smugglers” by Axt
  41. Stephen enters girl’s room: “Second Misterioso a la Valse” by Savino
  42. Horse leaves with handkerchief: “Dramatic Agitato No. 1” by Ketelbey
  43. Gang rides off: “Furioso” by Savino
  44. End of fight: Repeat No. 11 “Carnival Grotesque”
  45. Don Alfredo planned: Repeat Theme No. 18

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Burning Daylight

Title: Burning Daylight

Author: Eugene Conte

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Eugene Conte

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Dans la Montagne” by Delsaux
  2. Before the great: “Storm Music” by Ketelbey
  3. Interior of bar-room: “Kowboy Komedy” by Aborn
  4. Hey Virgie: “The Simpleton” by Delille
  5. Exterior: “Chariot Race” by Becce
  6. Daylight, Old Pal: “Weird Scenes from Nature” by Kilenyi
  7. It was burning Daylight: “Western Allegro” by Falck
  8. Fade-out – bottles thrown into barrel: “Nights of Gladness” by Ancliffe
  9. Card game at table: “The Gentleman Burglar” by Jacquet
  10. Daylight shows four queens: Repeat No. 4 “The Simpleton”
  11. The stranger: “The Villain” by Kay
  12. Stranger attacks girl in room: “Gruesome Misterioso” by Borch
  13. Daylight throws stranger into snow bank: Repeat No. 3 “Kowboy Komedy”
  14. Daylight goes to Virgie: “Chant d’Amour” by Jacquet
  15. They called him: “The Blizzard” by Aborn
  16. Sunday morning: “Frozen North” by Rapee-Axt
  17. On Bonanza Creek: “Mystic Glades” by Kempinski
  18. Virginia at door hears conversation: “Marche Mysterieuse” by Schad
  19. Fade-in dance hall: Repeat No. 3 “Kowboy Komedy”
  20. Virginia speaks to Daylight: “Excitement” by Breil
  21. I understand you’re going to: “Tragic Moments” by Becce
  22. The Morton crowd: Repeat No. 4 “The Simpleton”
  23. I want to speak to you alone: “Omens” by Schad
  24. Stranger leaves: “The Philanderer” by Srawley
  25. Daylight’s friends gave him: “Ripples” by Lowitz
  26. Daylight starts speech: “The Joker” by Srawley
  27. Fade-in orchestra: “Moon Sprites” by Jacquet
  28. Close-up – tabasco sauce: “Lazy Bones” by Edwards
  29. Eight faux pas: “Good-Bye” by Tosti
  30. Mister, you sure can: Repeat No. 28 “Lazy Bones”
  31. Edwin Bossett: “Monkey-Hop” by Rapee
  32. Under the guidance: Repeat No. 14 “Chant d’Amour”
  33. Fade-in Pals in outer office: “Daisy Bell” from Old Timers by Lake
  34. Elevator man stops dancers: “Scherzando Hurry” by Frey
  35. Daylight and man match strength: “The Toilers” by Axt
  36. Daylight is overpowered: Repeat No. 4 “The Simpleton”
  37. After Daylight pushes man out of office: “And the Night Raven Sings” by Bedford
  38. Daylight answers phone: “Autumn Gold” by Kappey
  39. Sunday afternoon: “Prelude” to Parlor Comedy by Baron
  40. We’re forming a pool: “Turmoil” by Brunelli
  41. The sudden heavy buying: “A Critical Moment” by Becce
  42. Virginia sees other girl: “Desire” by Siewert
  43. Ward Valley Rose: “Facing Death” by Becce
  44. Insert – newspaper: “Day of Doom” by Joels
  45. Bossett and man in office: “Ominous Moments” by Kempinski
  46. Girl enters: Repeat No. 23 “Omens”
  47. Daylight with bag sees Virginia: Repeat No. 14 “Chant d’Amour”

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: 075V40ujAa

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Broadway Daddies

Title: Broadway Daddies

Author: Eugene Conte

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Eugene Conte

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Manhattan” by Rodgers
  2. Café interior: “Lila” by Tobias
  3. End of dance: “Early Roses” by Baron
  4. In a fashionable: “Cynical Scherzando” by Axt
  5. Close-up of cover of book: “What Says the Brook” by Boehnlein
  6. Street scene: “Fanatic Derwish Dance” by Becce
  7. Later; “Do You Love Me?” by Wolf
  8. Eve on street – meets Dick: THEME “Let Me Call You Sweetheart” by Friedman
  9. They enter Chinese restaurant: “Japanese Reverie” by Bartlett
  10. Chinaman leaves Dick’s table: Repeat Theme No. 8
  11. They stop dancing: “Whippoorwill” by Kaw
  12. Eve reads slip of paper: Repeat Theme No. 8
  13. When a fellow’s in love: “Eleurette d’Amour” by Fletcher
  14. Taxi crashes into auto: “Romance” by d’Ambrosio
  15. Fade-out after title –“Call up the Times”: “Hello Cutie” by Friend
  16. Dick enters girl’s room: Repeat No. 4 “Cynical Scherzando”
  17. Fade-out – Dick reading book: “Lovers Meeting” by Kempinski
  18. Dick leaves room after reporter enters: “Soiree” by Zamecnik
  19. Daytime in a: “Doll Dance” by Brown
  20. Eve picks up newspaper: “Where Roses Bloom” by Edwards
  21. Leach and Eve leave: “Spirit of Spring” by Reiser
  22. Dick seen in auto: “Forgive Me” by Ager
  23. Policeman stops Dick: “Ripples” by Lowitz
  24. Dick pulls Eve into auto: Repeat Theme No. 8
  25. Dick’s father at desk: “True Love” by Ketelbey
  26. Father speaks to Eve: “Quandry” by Schad
  27. Fade-out – Dick leaves father: Repeat No. 23 “Ripples”
  28. Close-up of wine glass: “Golden Gate” by Jolson
  29. Dick and father enter: “Happy Jacqueline” by Mondrone
  30. Orchestra starts: Repeat No. 6 “Fanatic Derwish Dance”
  31. Watch: “Souvenir d’Amour” by Conte
  32. Fade in Chinese restaurant: “Reminiscence” by Carrozzini
  33. Dick drops coin into slot: Repeat Theme No. 8

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: 66A1vrdz25

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The Big Noise

Title: The Big Noise

Author: Eugene Conte

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet,


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Eugene Conte

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Manhattan” by Rodgers
  2. The thunderous anthem: “Allegro Scherzoso No. 2” by Pintel
  3. Ash barrels thrown down steps: “Don’t Wake Me Up” by Baer
  4. John wakes up: THEME, “The Joker” by Srawley
  5. Sophie goes back to bed: “The Village Cut-Up” by Egener
  6. Among the big noises: Repeat Theme No. 4
  7. Crowd stops at billboard: “Ripples” by Lowitz
  8. John enters employee’s room: Repeat No. 2 “Allegro Scherzoso No. 2”
  9. Coney Island: “Ain’t We Got Fun” by Whiting
  10. Sophie and Phillip thrown off revolving floor: “She Knows Her Onions” by Yellen
  11. Pop thinks I’m going to: “Monkey-Hop” by Rapee
  12. Close-up of dog house: Repeat No. 9 “Ain’t We Got Fun”
  13. Mother laid on couch: Repeat Theme No. 4
  14. John and Phillip enter room: “Cynical Scherzando” by Axt
  15. Three o’clock: “Side By Side” by Woods
  16. Sophie and boy in hall: “I’ve Been Longing For a Girl Like You” by Sherman
  17. Put this among your souvenirs: “Our Gang” by Claypoole
  18. Ice wagon seen: Repeat Theme No. 4
  19. Down to work: Repeat No. 2 “Allegro Scherzoso No. 2”
  20. Train men jump to tracks: “Joyous Appassionato” by Carbonara
  21. In the subway company’s: “Carnival Grotesque” by Savino
  22. The daily mail had: “Ain’t That a Grand and Glorious Feeling?” by Ager
  23. Doctor enters room: “The Jesters” by Carbonara
  24. Change to mother: “Desire” by Siewert
  25. She’s got to have more children: Repeat No. 17 “Our Gang”
  26. After children leave room: “The Mischief Makers” by Carbonara
  27. Supreme Luxury: Repeat Theme No. 4
  28. William Howard: “It All Depends On You” by Henderson
  29. The curious: Repeat No. 24 “Desire”
  30. Doctor folds John’s arms—puts flower on chest: “Burlesque on Chopin’s Funeral March” by Kempinski
  31. Mother leaves: “Corn Huskers” by Kaufman
  32. Getting the hero ready: Repeat No. 7 “Ripples”
  33. A city’s tribute: “See the Conquering Hero Comes” by Bennet
  34. No longer a whisper: Repeat Theme No. 4
  35. Fade-out—John reading speech: “A Hot Time” by Beyer
  36. I have the honor to: “Jollity” by Zamecnik
  37. Back home: Repeat Theme No. 4
  38. Two men enter: Repeat No. 26 “Mischief Makers”
  39. Friends in hall with wreath: “My Hero” by Strauss
  40. Listen friends, I have something: “Homeland” by Huerter
  41. Say a few words, John: Repeat Theme no. 4
  42. Mama kept: Repeat No. 40 “Homeland”
  43. Phillip enters: Repeat No. 23 “The Jesters”
  44. Election night: “The Wedding Blues” by Friml
  45. Change to Howard headquarters: Repeat No. 35 “A Hot Time”
  46. Fade-back to party: “Sweet Adeline” by Lake

Segue: “Blue Law Blues” by Lake

  1. After guests leave: “By the Fireside” by Helfand
  2. Sophie and boy enter: “When Love Calls” by Huerter
  3. Again a mere whisper: “Misery” by Jacquet
  4. Fade-out—John in auto: “Down On the Farm” by Von Tilzer
  5. That’s my mama: Repeat Theme No. 4

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Title: Classified

Author: Eugene Conte

Publisher: Cameo Music Service Corp., 1925


Format: Cue sheet

Document type: Cue sheet

All authors/contributors: Eugene Conte

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: Extase Melodieuse by Littau
  2. Central Park: Sidewalks of New York from “Old Timers” by Lake
  3. Man at Dumbwaiter: By the Stream by Rapee-Axt
  4. Cohen: Solomon Levi from “Campus Memories” by Seredy
  5. Comet: Fireflied by Savino
  6. Babs Enters Room: Rush Hours by Sanders
  7. The Classified Ad: The Cricket’s Dance by Ring-Hager
  8. At 45th Street: Peg by Hauenschild
  9. Weinberg at Phone: Repeat No. 4 “Solomon Levi”
  10. Insert – Garage for Sale: THEME: Will You Remember from “Maytime” by Romberg
  11. Friday Night at the: At Sunset by Brewer
  12. If You’re Going Home: All Alone by Berlin
  13. Occasionally a Girl: Try Me by Schertzinger
  14. Butler Opens Door: Little Flower Garden by Breil
  15. Babs Leaves Auto – Enters House: Les Pheniciennes by Massenet
  16. Married Me Foot: Passion by Borch
  17. Saturday: Butterfly Dance by Frey
  18. Whitney at Phone: Repeat Theme No. 10
  19. From Soup to Demi-Tasse: Kiki by Savino
  20. Babs Slaps Weinberg: Comedy by Ketelbey
  21. Babs Leaves Taxi – Sees Brother: Repeat Theme No. 10
  22. The Charleston Café: Oh Mister by Frey
  23. Orchestra Starts: So Am I by Gershwin
  24. Orchestra Stops: Ah-Ha! By Monaco
  25. Monday – Peace: Whispering Willows by Herbert
  26. Babs Goes to Phone: Repeat Theme No. 10
  27. The Ride In The: Chrysalis by Melville
  28. Spencer Clark’s Speedster: Air de Ballet by Massenet
  29. Fade to Bab’s Parents: Romance by Frommel
  30. Wagon on Road: Hey Paw by Shrigley
  31. Close-Up of Clock: Dramatic Lamento by Berge
  32. Whitney Do You Believe Me: Dreamland Shadows by Holzel
  33. Whitney and Clark Enter: Anger Motive by Kilenyi
  34. Babs Is a Wonderful Girl: A Spring Day by Haines
  35. Clark Leaves: Repeat Theme No. 10
  36. See You in Church: A Little Dance by Beaumont
  37. How Much Does Whitney Earn: Repeat Theme No. 10

Notes: Cues transcribed by Mariana Whitmer.

Source: Silent Film Collection, Claire Hamack materials, American Music Research Center, University of Colorado at Boulder


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