Man Crazy

Title: Man Crazy

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Spirit of Youth” by Dahlquist
  2. The Boston Post Road: “Horses” by Gay
  3. Then Somebody Invented: “Cheer Up” by Kaufman
  4. And I’ll Wager: “Oh Boy, What A Girl” by Green
  5. Here’s to the Men: “Ain’t We Got Fun” by Whiting
  6. Men Leave—Clarissa Walks Toward Ralph: “Air de Ballet” by Herbert
  7. You’ll Refuse Him: “The Chatterbox” by Sanders
  8. Clarissa Enters Boudoir: “Polly” by Zamecnik
  9. Late Again: “Gavotte Jacqueline” by Spitalny
  10. Clarissa Hurries From Dining Room: “Intermezzo” by Arensky
  11. Hello Sweetheart: Repeat No.8 “Polly”
  12. A Penny For Your Thoughts: THEME “Trail of Dreams” by Swan
  13. Exterior—Car Leaves: “Coasting” by Ring-Hager
  14. Father Alights From Auto: “Fanchonette” by Klemm
  15. Clarissa Enters House: Repeat Theme No.12
  16. Now Mother: Repeat No.8 “Polly”
  17. Is Janeway Land Scared: “Scherzando Hurry” by Frey
  18. In A Little House Near Boston: “By the Side of the Road” by Polzer
  19. Can You Keep A Secret?: “Baby Your Mother” by Burke
  20. Flash-Back to Clarissa At Mirror: Repeat No.8 “Polly”
  21. Clarissa Hears ‘White Streak’ Approaching: “Pins and Needles” by Kaufman
  22. Clarissa Receives Gift: Repeat Theme No.12
  23. What’s The Matter: “Reflection” by Friml
  24. It’s A Funny World: “Broken Hearted” by Henderson
  25. So Madam Clarissa: “Love’s Acclaim” by Andino
  26. Clarissa Standing in Window: Repeat No.24 “Broken Hearted”
  27. Clarissa and Father Join Guests: “Sunrise on the Mountain” by Borch
  28. Guests Enter Dining Room: “Norma March” by Bellini
  29. Father Rises From Seat: “Burlesque On Mendelssohn’s and Wagner’s Wedding March” by Kempinski
  30. Ralph Rises and Walks Toward Clarissa: “Adventure d’Amour” by Bradford
  31. Auto Headlight Flash on Clarissa: “Treacherous Knave” by Zamecnik
  32. Flash-Back To Interior of House: “Wild Chase” by Becce
  33. Do You Mean: “Disturbance” by Zamecnik
  34. Clarissa Embraces Jeff: “Calling” by Greer
  35. Where Did You Get The Rocks: Repeat No.8 “Polly”
  36. It Had Been A Long Evening: “Gossip” by Borch
  37. Car Drives Up: “Rambler Roses” by Wheeler
  38. I Know That Name: “Le Chevalier Printemps” by Jacquet
  39. Are You Really Going to Marry: Repeat Theme No.12

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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