Good Morning Judge

Title: Good Morning Judge

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928

Series: Greater Thematic Music Cue Sheet

Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


JERRY THEME: “Animal Cartoonix No.2” by Aborn or “Characteristic No.2” by Roberts

JULIA THEME: “When Love Comes Stealing” by Rapee or “Magic Love” by Bradford

ELTON THEME: “The Skeleton” by Order or “Warriors Bold” by Joels

LOVE THEME: “I Can’t Believe That You’re In Love With Me” by MuHugh


  1. At Screening: “Around the Sundial” by Castillo
  2. It All Began at One of Those Chicago Prize Fights: “The Skyrocket” by Frey
  3. Jerry at Gate: JERRY THEME: “Animal Cartoonix No.2” by Aborn
  4. Flash-Back to Prize Fight: “The Live Wire” by Frey
  5. My Man Really Lost: “Spring Cleaning” by Bradford
  6. Magistrate’s Court: “Grotesque Comedy” by Zamecnik
  7. Two Girls In Machine: “Adoree” by Friml
  8. Flash-Back to Court Room: “Funny Faces” by Ring-Hager
  9. That’s Miss Harrington: JULIA THEME: “When Love Comes Stealing” by Rapee
  10. Clerk Hammers Gavel – Judge Enters: “It Had to Be You” by Jones
  11. Jerry Snoot: “Comedy Capers” by Steele
  12. John Smith: “Burlesque on Lange’s Flower Song” by Kempinski
  13. Fred Walks Toward Miss Harrington: “Oh Boy, What a Girl” by Green
  14. INSERT – “Julia Harrington’s Haven”: JULIA THEME: “When Love Comes Stealing” by Rapee
  15. Gentleman Joe Elton: ELTON THEME: “The Skeleton” by Roder
  16. Flash to Julia at Desk: “Hearts and Flowers” by Tobani
  17. Fade-In Vision of Robbery: “Queer Antics” by Zamecnik
  18. Look Johnny, It’s A Lollypop: “Skirt Dance” by Brooks
  19. Flash-Back to Julia and Fred at Desk: “Burlesque on Lange’s Flower Song” by Kempinski
  20. Thugs Enter: “Hunkatin” by Levy
  21. Who’s That Bird: JERRY THEME: “Animal Cartoonix No.2” by Aborn
  22. Fred Under Shower: “Gigue” by Bradford
  23. We Mustn’t Be Too Hard: “Celebrated Canzonetta” by Medelssohn
  24. He Is Hopeless: “The Prisoner’s Song” by Massey
  25. Elton Calls to Thugs: ELTON THEME: “The Skeleton” by Order
  26. Why Mr. Snoot, Doesn’t He Look Wonderful: “Who’s Who?” by Morris
  27. And Now I Want The Theif: “Prattle” by Lowitz
  28. So John Smith Gave Up: “The Donkey and the Driver” by Leonard
  29. Come With Me: “Nymphs Frolic” by Bradford
  30. Fred Sees Sister: “Passepied” by Delibes
  31. I’m Sure She’ll Make a Scene: “Intermezzo Perpetual” by Lowitz
  32. Freddy Places Hand Over Sister’s Mouth: “It Had to Be You” by Jones
  33. I Certainly Enjoyed My Run: “Cute and Cunnin’” by Kempinski
  34. I Wish I Could Make You: LOVE THEME: “I Can’t Believe That You’re In Love With Me” by MuHugh
  35. The Grey Benefit: “Princess Pat Fox-Trot” by Herbert
  36. Music Starts: “Blue Boy” by Klages
  37. Where Have You Been?: “Warriors Bold” by Joels
  38. Father Ascending Stairs: “Little Bluebird of My Heart” by Grey
  39. Julia Sees Freddy at Safe: “Adventure d’Amour” by Bradford
  40. Flash-Back to Thugs Below: “Red Hair” by Snyder
  41. We Will Now Take Up a Collection: “Doux Murmure” by Gillet
  42. We’ve Been Robbed: “Moto Perpetuo” by Bergunker
  43. Crooks Try to Leave by Window: “Hurry No.1” by Zamecnik
  44. Door Opens – Guests Enter: “Spring Cleaning” by Bradford
  45. Freddy, My Son: JULIA THEME: “When Love Comes Stealing” by Rapee
  46. Freddy Bends Over Julia: LOVE THEME: “I Can’t Believe That You’re In Love With Me” by MuHugh

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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