Brotherly Love

Title: Brotherly Love

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Wooing” from Love Tales by Schertzinger (WHITE)
  2. If women’s skirts: “In Cheerful Mood” by Gabriel Marie
  3. Play once and segue: “The Philanderer” by Srawley (BROWN)
  4. Girl barber begins to work on Karl Dane: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 15” by Marquardt (RED)
  5. I’m awfully sorry: “Butterflies” by Arundale
  6. K. Arthur opens street door: “Allegro Buffonesco” by Kempinski
  7. Shawl flies on fan: Repeat No. 1 (WHITE)
  8. There’s a town in Massachusetts: Repeat No. 4 (RED)
  9. Karl Dane puts money in blind man’s box: “Agitato” by Armandola (LT. BLUE)
  10. Fender falls off Ford car: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 15” by Marquardt (RED)
  11. Fade-put of police station scene: “Fairy Tiptoe” by Fredericks
  12. Play once and segue: “The Philanderer” by Srawley (BROWN)
  13. The big brute: Repeat No. 9 (LT. BLUE)
  14. Hospital: “The Philanderer” by Srawley (BROWN)
  15. Prisoner brought to hospital: “Wooing” from Love Tale by Schertzinger (WHITE)
  16. Boy and girl scene in hospital to warden in office: “Marionettes” by Byford
  17. Play once and segue: Repeat No. 14 (BROWN)
  18. Exterior scene – auto on: “Close Up” Kaufman
  19. Play twice and segue: “Rural Flirts” by Bradford
  20. The next day was Sunday: “First Call of Spring” by Smith
  21. This is on me: “Lead, Kindly Light” from Hymns of the Sabbath by O’Hare (organ and voice)
  22. End of girl singing: “Organ transformation”
  23. Congregation stands up: “Nearer My God To Thee” from Hymns of the Sabbath by O’Hare
  24. End of song: Repeat No. 22 “Organ transformation”
  25. Fade-out of church interior: “Improvisation” by Beghon
  26. Fade-out of turkey cutting scene: “Petite Bijouterie” by Bohm
  27. I’ve never known a boy like you: Repeat No. 18 (WHITE)
  28. Fade-out of girl on swing: Repeat No. 19 “Cavatina”
  29. Fade-put after title – “This town is getting on my nerves”: “Mysterioso No. 1 by Luz (whistling)
  30. Can you whistle Yankee Doodle: “Yankee Doodle” from American National Melodies by Asher
  31. Haines comes from bank: “Incidental Symphony No. 32” by Kempinski
  32. Child talks to Haines: “Woodland Stream” by Beghon
  33. Girl seen on screen: “Love Dreams” by Golden (WHITE)
  34. Fade-out as father and daughter walk to house: Repeat No. 31 “Incidental Symphony No. 22”
  35. We’re all going to stay I this town: “Romance” by Wieniawski
  36. Two crooks leave room: “Love’s Response” by Marquardt
  37. Stop with two shots: “A.B.C. Dramatic Set No. 18-B2” by Luz
  38. I thought it was a robber; “A.B.C. Dramatic Set No. 18-C3” by Luz
  39. Fade to newspaper article: “Dramatic Tension No. 1” by Levy (RED)
  40. Fade-out to detective to bank interior: “Budding Blossoms” by Schoenfeld
  41. Father of girl walks from lovers: Repeat No. 33 (WHITE)
  42. Children on screen (segue quickly): Scherzoso” by Friml
  43. Haines opens telegram: “Uneasiness” by Mendelssohn (LT. BLUE)
  44. Haines at desk handling money: Repeat No. 33 (WHITE)
  45. Girl leaves office: Repeat No. 39 (RED)
  46. Play once and segue: “May Dreams” by Borch
  47. Laugh this off: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 17” by Marquardt
  48. Just a matter of form: Repeat No. 39 (RED)
  49. Girl enters office: Repeat No. 43 (LT. BLUE)
  50. Safe door opened: “Love Dreams” by Golden (WHITE)

Proper orchestral rest period is Nos. 20 to 31 inclusive.

NOTE: The repetition of numbers in this cue sheet is simplified by the use of the “LUZ” SYMPHONIC COLOR GUIDE, sold by Music Buyers Corporation, 1520 Broadway, New York City. The color suggested for repetition of numbers designates the Mood or Emotion, and is used as a code for such repetitions.

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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