Tropic Madness

Title: Tropic Madness

Author: Howard T. Wood

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Howard T. Wood

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Merry Cavaliers” by Srawley
  2. I Saw Mark Today; “Salut d’Amour” by Elgar
  3. Pomeroy Sees Pistol: “Tragic Scene” by Berge
  4. News of the Pomeroy Tragedy: “Sunset Land” by Kawelo
  5. For Six Long Years Clara: “Amaryllis” by Ketelbey
  6. Of All Mrs. Pomeroy’s Friends: “A Regret” by Byford
  7. I Will Never Rest Till I Find: “Berceuse” by Jarnefelt
  8. Renaud and His Sister: “Underneath Hawaiian Skies” by Rose
  9. Miss Burnett, May I Present: “The Land of Dreams” by Driffill
  10. Are You Going To Sing?: “Drifting and Dreaming” by Van Alstyne
  11. Natives On Knees Praying: “Huki” by Berger
  12. End of Boy’s Dance: “Honolulu Moon” by Lawrence
  13. Smoking Volcano Seen: Tympany Roll

SEGUE: “Lo-La-Lo” by Lange

  1. Is It Long Since: “Homeland” by Huerter
  2. The Affair Was Quite A Newspaper Scandel: “Pressentiments” by Fosse
  3. I’m Sorry To Be So Much Trouble: “Dear Little Boy of Mine” by Ball
  4. Clara Leaves House With Renaud: “Solitudine” by Mule
  5. Volcano Seen: “Weird Night” by Axt
  6. My Boy Is Ill Miss Burnett: “Romance sans Parole” by Louie
  7. After Many Days: “Golden Sand” by Finck
  8. Change of Scene To Doctor: “Samoan Love Song” by Bradford
  9. Mafi—Medicine Man: “Spirit of the Night” by Neinass
  10. Volcano Explosion; Tympany Rumble
  11. Well, How’s Our Patient This Morning: “Misterioso alla Valse” by Savino
  12. He My Man—Leave Him Alone: “Dramatic Agitato No.38” by Minot
  13. With The Awakening of the Volcano: “Facing Death” by Becce
  14. Change To Doctor Enter House: “Rhapsody Appassionata” by Ketelbey
  15. Doctor Leaves House: “Andante Dramatic No.15” by Herbert
  16. Natives Seen: “Dance of the Demons from ‘Prince Ador’” by Rybner
  17. Koki Enters Doctor’s Room; “Uproar” by Neinass
  18. Natives Seen Again—Praying: Repeat No.29 “Dance of the Demons”
  19. Change To Clara At Doctor’s House: “Mystery” by Baynes
  20. Two Natives In Room—Steal Frankie: “Agitato No.84” by Berge
  21. Back To Clara And Doctor: “Appassionato No.4” by Axt
  22. Henderson Enters: “Insurrezione” by Becce
  23. How Did You Trick Her?: “Allegro Agitato” by Savino
  24. Native Drummers Seen: “Orgies of the Spirits” by Ilynsky
  25. Clara Unties “F”: “Salvo” by Gabriel Marie
  26. Volcano Seen In Eruption: “Inferno” by Hand
  27. Let Us Share Him Together, Clara: Repeat No.16 “Dear Little Boy of Mine”

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: c2gvzeibN2

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