The Tyrant of Red Gulch

Title: The Tyrant of Red Gulch

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Cameo Music Co., 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


THEME “Le Seigneur de Kermoor” by Gabirel Marie

  1. At Screening: THEME
  2. In The Heart of the Mountains: “Rural Scene” by Zamecnik
  3. Midnight In A Cave: “Haunted Nights” by Jacquet
  4. Charley and Tip Approaching On Horses: “Pas de Escharpes” by Jacquet
  5. Do You Now Anything: “Premonition” by Zamecnik
  6. Near The Valley; THEME
  7. We’re Looking For Some Information; “Second Mysterioso Alla valse” by Savino
  8. At breakfast: “La Foret Perfide” by Gabriel Marie
  9. Please Don’t Try: “Adventure D’Amour” by Bradford
  10. The Next Night; “Anxiete” by Sanders
  11. Idiot Lights Fire: “Unfinished Symphony” by Schubert
  12. Girl and Boy Captured By Outlaws: “Dante’s Inferno” by Borch
  13. Ivan Appears: “The Captive” by Savino
  14. I Thought: “Allegro Preciptioso” by Savino
  15. Flash To Toiling Miners: “The Toilers” by Axt
  16. Flash Back To Ivan and Prisoner: “The Captive” by Savino
  17. Charley Alone With Idiot: : “Grotesque Elephantine” by Brockton
  18. Idiot Chases Tip: “Sarabande Perpetuelle” by Bradford
  19. Ivan Enters Cabin: THEME
  20. They Enter Mine: “Tragedienne” by Kay
  21. Guard At Entrance of Pass: “Enigma” by Borch
  22. Shot is Fired: “Disturbance” by Zamecnik
  23. Make One Move: THEME
  24. Take Petrovitch: “Nymphs Frolic” by Bradford

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Two Weeks Off

Title: Two Weeks Off

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Cameo Music Co., 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


THEME “Love Thrills” by Meyer

  1. At Screening: THEME
  2. Vacation Time: “Marionettes” by Arndt
  3. Kitty’s Chum: “Baker Boy & Chimney Sweep” by Herbert
  4. The Weaver Flat Was Located: “A Bit O’Blarney” by Helf (Trio)
  5. Hawkins On Telephone: “Old Irish Melody’ by Roberts
  6. Kitty Enters: “I’M Just Wild About Everything” by Silver
  7. Mother Tells Kitty about Wilkin’s Telephone Instructions: “Old Irish Melody’ by Roberts
  8. Agnes Enters: “Spring Cleaning” by Bradford
  9. Agnes and Kitty Leave Room; “Jingles” by Zamecnik
  10. Six Days Later: “Rain” by Ford
  11. Sufferin Cats: “Hunkatin” by Levy
  12. Max Alvarado: “Hebrew Comedian” by Teitelbaum
  13. Telegraph Boy Appears: “It Ain’t Gonna Rain” by Hall
  14. The Breakers Hotel: “Somebody” by Little
  15. Sid Wright: “Big Boy” by Ager
  16. Dave Reads Telegram: “Flapperette” by Greer
  17. Sid and Girl Enter Bungalow: “Big Boy” by Ager
  18. And That Movie Star: “I’m Just A Vagabond Lover” by Vallee
  19. Kitty Alone With Sid: “Big Boy” by Ager
  20. Sid Leaves: THEME
  21. A Bunch of The Boys: “Langey’s Flower Song” by Kempinski
  22. Kitty Starts To Play Piano; “Hearts and Flowers” by Tobani
  23. Dave Punches Sid: “Carneval Grotesque” by Savino
  24. Kitty Rises To Feet: “Vehement Desire” by Bradford
  25. Kitty Resumes Playing Piano: “Hearts and Flowers” by Tobani
  26. He Stops Recitation: “After Thinking It Over” by Davis
  27. Kitty Starts Playing Piano Again: “Hearts and Flowers” by Tobani
  28. I Think You’re Wonderful: THEME
  29. When A Man’s In Love: “My Dear” by Sanders
  30. Flash To Roller Coaster: “Zip” by Frey
  31. Flash To Hobby-Horses: “Old Times” by Lake
  32. Flash To Plumber and Kid: “Pastime” by Clutsam
  33. Flash To Hobby-Horses: “Old Timers” by Lake
  34. Man With Straw Hat Appears: “That’s My Weakness Now” by Green
  35. On A Merry Go Round: “I’m Walking Around In Circles” by Phillips
  36. Merry Go Round Stops: THEME
  37. Dancing Palace: “There’s A Rainbow Around My Shoulder”
  38. Ladies and Gentlemen: “Wedding Bells” by Fain
  39. Kitty and Dave Start To Dance: “I Faw Down” by Brockman
  40. After Dave Punches Sid: THEME
  41. He Start To Recite: “Hearts and Flowers” by Tobani
  42. Kitty and Dave on Bench: THEME
  43. Kid Appears: “Me and My Shadow” by Jolson
  44. Sid and Girl on Beach: “Big Boy” by Ager
  45. Insert “Charity Fund”: “Down South” by Myddleton
  46. Girls Finish Dance: “Chatter” by Kahn
  47. Dave Starts To Sing: “The Curse of An Aching Heart” by Piantadosi
  48. He Finishes Song: “Ain’t We Got Fun” by Whiting
  49. Kitty and Dave Leave Stage: “Adventure D’Amour” by Bradford
  50. Agnes and Harry at Table: “Serenade” by Chaminade
  51. Kitty Enters Room: THEME
  52. Old Folks At Table: “Londonberry Air” by Old Irish
  53. Agnes Enters Room: “Impression Frivol” by Bradford
  54. Kitty Starts To Weep: THEME
  55. Father Hangs Up Receiver: “Life’s A Game” by Herbert
  56. Dave Appears: “Always” by Berlin
  57. Kitty and Dave Meet: THEME

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: fzj7DrG0Hb

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Trail of the Horse Thieves

Title: Trail of the Horse Thieves

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Cameo Music Co., 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


THEME “Live and Love” by Klages

  1. At Screening: “Prelude to ‘L’Arlesienne’” by Bizet
  2. A Corral In Lost Canyon: “Weird Misterioso” by Kilenyi
  3. Here He Comes Now: “La Foret Perfide” by Gabriel Marie
  4. Tom Stanley: “Dramatic Prelude” by Schad
  5. We Don’t Want: “Excitement” by Breil
  6. Next Day: “The Dainty Miss” by Bradford
  7. Tom Appears—Falls From Horse: “Passionato” by Borch
  8. The Taggert Ranch: “Pain of Sorrow” by Bradford
  9. You’re The Most Beautiful Sight: THEME
  10. Father Enters Room; “Old Song” by Borch
  11. Foreman Enters Room: “The Captive” by Savino
  12. For A Time: “Poppyland” by Keirfert
  13. McElroy Enters: “In Bohemia” by Borch
  14. You’re The Eagle: “On Trial” by Beghon
  15. Foreman Fires Shot Through: “Allegro Fugoso” by Desaa
  16. Father and McElroy Return To House: THEME
  17. On The Trail of the Horse Thieves: “Warriors Bold” by Joels
  18. Flash Back To Mr. Stanley: “Vehement Desire” by Bradford
  19. I’ll Increase That Loan: “Air De Ballet” by Massenet
  20. Kid Outside With Revolver: “Enigma” by Borch
  21. Tom Grabs Revolver: “Anger” by Pulambo
  22. Cottonwood Hill: “Appassionato Lirico” by Berge
  23. Foreman Receives Letter: “Phantoms” by Schad
  24. Tom Captured By Outlaws: “Dramatic Conversation” by Becce
  25. Tom Forced To Descend Ladder: “The Burning of Rome” by Leuschner
  26. Hurry, Bring The Sheriff: “Andante Appassionato” by Soro
  27. There’s The Eagle: “Agitated Hurry”
  28. I’m Sorry Tom: THEME

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Tragedy of Youth

Title: The Tragedy of Youth

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “The Great Adventure” by Tours
  2. The Youth of Today: “There’s Something About A Rose” by Fain
  3. Car Drives A Curb: “Kiss Your Little Baby, Good-Night” by Donaldson
  4. Look What Your Daughter Is Doing: “Animal Cartoonix No.2” by Aborn
  5. Flash-Backs To Lovers On Porch: “Last Night On the Back Porch” by Brown
  6. Paula Enters Mother’s Room: “That Wonderful Mother of Mine” by Goodwin
  7. But What Can You Expect: Repeat No.4 “Animal Cartoonix No.2”
  8. But youth Will Have Its Way: “Jocoso” by Finck
  9. Paula and Dick Walk From Ship’s Rail: “I’m More Than Satisfied” by Waller
  10. Alone In Stateroom: “I Love You” by Silver
  11. Falls: PAULA THEME “Smile” by Heywood
  12. Dick Enters: “Funny Faces” by Ring-Hager
  13. We’re Not Sweethearts Now: Repeat PAULA THEME
  14. Mother Enters Room: “Adventure d’Amour” by Bradford
  15. Hello Mrs. Wayne: “Amoroso Appassionato” by Delille
  16. May I Take you: “Intermezzo” by Arensky
  17. Dial of Clock: “Aubade Printaniere” by Lacombe
  18. It’s Been A Lovely Evening: “Just Like A Butterfly” by Woods
  19. Where Have You Been: “Humoresque” by Tschaikowsky
  20. To A Woman Marriage Is The Beginning: Repeat PAULA THEME
  21. Frank Opens Window: “Your Love Is All” by Zamecnik
  22. Insert—Record: “In A Little Spanish Town” by Wayne
  23. Mother and Father Appear From Elevator: “Summer Nights” by Roberts
  24. Flash To Bowling Alley: “A Ticklish Tale” by Finck
  25. Flash To Paula and Frank: LOVE THEME “Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life” by Herbert
  26. Dick Appears At Door: Repeat No.17 “Aubade Printaniere”
  27. I Don’t Want You Hanging Around: “Chatterbox” by Sanders
  28. Get This, No Woman Can Two Time Me: “Apassionato Lirico” by Berge
  29. Dick Sits On Bed Beside Paula: “Broken Hearted” by Henderson
  30. So You Are In Love With Him: “Agitated Appassionato” by Kilenyi
  31. And So In The Morning: Repeat PAULA THEME
  32. Paula Alone In Room: Repeat LOVE THEME
  33. Mother Sewing: “Broken Dreams” by Spitalny
  34. Father Shaving: Repeat No.4 “Animal Cartoonix No.2”
  35. Will You Stop Yelling At Mother: “Appassionato No.4” by Axt
  36. Father Starts To Weep: “I Love You Truly” by Bond
  37. Dick Enters Apartment: “Melancholic Appassionato” by Rapee
  38. Frank At Rail Of Steamer: Repeat LOVE THEME
  39. Engine Room: “The Accusation” by Patou
  40. Flash To Paula and Dick: “The Song Is Ended” by Berlin
  41. Insert—“PACIFIC LINER SINKS”: “Andante from Pathetique Symphony No.6“ by Tschaikowsky
  42. Dick, Where Are You Going?: “Allegro Scintillante” by Kempinski
  43. Insert—“RESCUE SHIP”: “Dramatic Allegro” by Savino
  44. Paula Sees Frank: Repeat LOVE THEME
  45. Dancing In Café: “Blueberry Lane” by Paley
  46. Flash-Back To Paula and Frank: Repeat LOVE THEME

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Title: Tracked

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Cameo Music Co., 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


THEME “Rosemary” by Zamecnik

  1. At Screening: “Scene Pastorale” by Tours
  2. The Shepherd’s Half-Breed Mate: THEME
  3. Dog Caught In Trap: “Ferocity” by Carrazzonni
  4. Ranger Alone With Mate: “Sadness” by Engleman
  5. It Was Lem Hardy’s Own Dog: “Le Seigneur de Kermoor” by Gabriel Marie
  6. Dogs Start Fighting: “Sous La Haine” by Fosse
  7. Jed Strokes “Ranger’s” Head: THEME
  8. Nathan Barfield: “The Village Cut-Up” by Egener
  9. Jed handed Gun: THEME
  10. I’ll Take Him Away: “Sombre Colere” by Fosse
  11. It Was A Big Bay: “Kutztown Reel” by Nearing
  12. Hick With Bottle: “A Prohibition Episode” by Aborn
  13. To Protect His Flock: “Rural Flirts” by Bradford
  14. Horses Run Away: “Dance of the Furies” by Gluck
  15. Team Stops: “Around the Sundial” by Castillo
  16. Eating Lunch: “Love In Arcady” by Fletcher
  17. Hick Sleeping On Wagon: THEME
  18. Hick Awakens: “Characteristic No.2” by Roberts
  19. Drive Away: “Flocons de Neige” by Bradford
  20. Lem Speaks To Her: “March Mignonne” by Poldini
  21. Lem Grabs Her Arm: “Trubulence” by Borch
  22. Jed At Camp Fire: THEME
  23. Tracked: “Impression Dramatic” by Bradford
  24. Molly Fishing: “Waterfall” by Zamecnik
  25. Men Appear On Road: “Magic Falls” by Zamecnik
  26. Molly and Jed Leave Shore: “Anxiete” by Srawley
  27. Why Did You Come Here?: THEME
  28. I’ll Come Back: “Vehement Desire” by Bradford
  29. Molly Sees Black Dog Attacking Sheep: “Galloping Furies” by Rapee
  30. Jed Appears In Front of “Ranger”: “Longing” by Wood
  31. Shot Is Fired: “Rosemary” by Zamecnik

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: x3X2v6Wo0M

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Too Many Crooks

Title: Too Many Crooks

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Autumn Gold” by Power
  2. Outside: “Comic Misterioso” by Berge
  3. Man Standing In Doorway: “Majestic Misterioso” by Kilenyi
  4. Theatre Stage Fades In: “Rural Flirts” by Bradford
  5. Applause: “Ardmore” by Floyd
  6. Insert—This House is Protected By: “Berceuse Comique” by Kilenyi
  7. Auto Stops At Curb: “The Woodland Flirt” by Ring-Hager
  8. Here’s A Pip Dan: “Punchinello” by Herbert
  9. This Young Man You Are Going To Meet: “Cynical Scherando” by Axt
  10. Celia Enters Room: “Gamboling” by Biermann
  11. Where Am I Going To Get Actors: “The Mice and the Trap’ by Kohler
  12. She Wanted Crooks And She Got Them: “The Clown” by Peele
  13. Long Shot of House: “Creepy” by Breau
  14. Mason Appears: “Lords and Ladies” by Salzer
  15. What Do You Mean: “Tensive Miserioso” by Peele
  16. Crooks With Radio Cabinet: “Two In A Bar” by Copping
  17. Frisco Flora: “She Knows Her Onions” by Yellen
  18. I’ve Fixed It With Your Dad: “Doux Murmure” by Gillet
  19. Frisco Flora: “Hello Baby” by Whiting
  20. But Wait Till You See Their Leader: “Humoresque” by Herrmann
  21. Say Boss: Repeat No.12 “The Clown”
  22. Celia and Mason Introduced To Gang: “Flocons de Neige” by Bradford-Bouteije
  23. Beautiful Vase: “Dimanche de mai” by Gabriel Marie
  24. The Van Arsdale Charity Bazaar: “The Chatterbox” by Sanders
  25. Botts Following Crook With Violin Case: “Stealthy Visitors” by Kay
  26. Flash-Back To Guests: “The Burlesquer” by Hartz
  27. Flash To Interior: “By The Stream” by Rapee-Axt
  28. Botts, The Policeman Is Here: “Eccitamento” by Retlaw
  29. Botts Enters Room; “Drollery” by Kilenyi
  30. Telephone Rings: “Thrills” by Sanders
  31. A Few Hours Had Passed: “Carnival Grotesque” by Savino
  32. Celia and Barton in Garden: “Agitated Misterioso” by Rapee
  33. Flora Extinguishes Lights: “Gigue” by Gretry-Mottl
  34. Celia and Barton at Window: “Omens” by Schad
  35. Officers See Them; “Minor Hurry” by Berge
  36. Officers Enter: “The Western Sun” by Ring-Hager
  37. What’s In There: “Flick and Flock” by Patou
  38. Tie Her Up: “Mounted Police Galop” by LeThiere
  39. Barton Enters Room: “Frivolous Patrol” by Goublier
  40. You’re Even A Better Actor Than: “One Sweet Day” by Zamecnik
  41. Register: “Looking At The World Thru Rose Colored Glasses” by Steiger

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Time To Love

Title: Time To Love

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Climbing Up The Ladder of Love” by Greer
  2. There Are Only Two Cures: “Burlesque on Lange’s Flower Song” by Kempinski
  3. Raymond Adjusts Handkerchief: “Good Bye” by Tosti
  4. Elvira Vision With Wings of an Angel: “My Idea of Heaven” by Johnson
  5. What Do You Think: THEME “Kiss Me Again” by Herbert
  6. Raymond Jumps From Gondola: “If I Had A Girl Like You” by Henderson
  7. Elvira Enters Room: “Premier Reve” by Mouton
  8. Raymond Dancing Toward House: “Prattle” by Lowitz
  9. Raymond At Door: “Cosette” by McDonald
  10. But I’m In Love: “Elopement” by Carrozzini
  11. Gaston, The Pistols: “The Hobbledehoy” by Olsen
  12. If I Can Do Anything: “En Visite” by McDonald
  13. Elvira At Door—Embrace: Repeat Theme No.5
  14. My Dear Cousin: “Intermezzo Perpetual” by Lowitz
  15. Take Pistols From Box: “Potatoe Bug Parade” by Cobb
  16. Raymond Fires Pistol: “Restless Bows” by Srawley
  17. Father At Séance: “Stealthy Escape” by Zamecnik
  18. Raymond Enters Room: “Marionette” by Arndt
  19. I Am Insulted: “Moto Pericoloso” by Schad
  20. Raymond Sees Elvira In Man’s Arms: “The Prisoner’s Song” by Massey
  21. The Duel Must Go On: “Avril Frileux” by Mouton
  22. On The Field Of Honor: “Marceline” by Trinkaus
  23. Elvira Appears: “Appassionato No.2” by Axt
  24. Dodo Shoots: “The Hobbledehoy” by Olsen
  25. Raymond Falls: “Burlesque on Chopin’s Funeral March” by Kempinski
  26. Officer Falls Again: “Playful Allegro” by Savino
  27. Your Death Was A Great Success: “Enchantment” by Penn
  28. As the Wedding Guests: “Oh What I’d Give To Bring You Back” by Oakland
  29. Raymond Re-Enters With Black Band On Arm and Hat: “Hearts and Flowers” by Tobani
  30. Elvira Embraces and Kisses Him: Repeat Theme No.5
  31. Father Enters Room: “Thrills” by Sanders
  32. Dodo About To Fire Pistol At Screen—Lights Out: “Silent Night” by Rebikov
  33. Dodo Socks Raymond In Jaw: “Dance of the Skeletons” by Allen
  34. Dodo Fires Shot At Raymond: “Woodland Whispers” by Czibulka
  35. What Are You Doing Here: “Mounted Police Galop” by LeThiere
  36. Bridal Procession: “Bridal Chorus” by Wagner
  37. Elvira Lifted From Floor: “The Get-Away” by Frey
  38. They Climb Into Basket of Truck: “Evil Plotter” by Zamecnik
  39. The Targets Are Read: “Zip” by Frey
  40. Balloon Starts To Ascend: “The Live Wire” by Frey
  41. As I Was Saying: Repeat Theme No.5

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Three Ring Marriage

Title: Three Ring Marriage

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Jingles” by Zamecnik
  2. Cal Shoots At Rope: “Polly” by Zamecnik
  3. It’s A Mighty Tempting Offer: LOVE THEME “Rain or Shine” by Ager
  4. George Barrington: “Chatter” by Kahn
  5. I Guess You’re Right: “So Long Mary” by Cohan
  6. A Tinseled World: “Flocons de Neige” by Bradford
  7. Flash To Midgets and Tall Freak; “Animal Cartoonix No.2” by Aborn
  8. Circus Grounds—Spectators Gathering: “Pandora” by St. Clair
  9. Tiger Riding Horse: “Infernal Galop” by Michiels
  10. Mazie: MAIZIE THEME “Fascinatin’ Vamp” by Nussbaum
  11. Another Day: “Roxy and His Gang” by Krueger
  12. On Board A Circus Pullman; “Brise du Soir” by Gillet
  13. Cal Turns and Recognizes Mary: Repeat LOVE THEME
  14. Maizie Pokes Her Head From Tent: Repeat MAIZIE THEME
  15. She Don’t Mean Nothing: “Nymphs Frolic” by Bradford
  16. Insert—“Bill Board”: “The Live Wire” by Frey
  17. Card Game Outside Tent: “Poupee Valsante” by Poldini
  18. Arena: “Colossal” by Floyd
  19. Mary and Cal: “Cheatin’ On Me” by Pollack
  20. Cal Leaves Mary—Morton Hands Her Box of Flowers: “Dolly Dimples” by Alter
  21. I See Someone Else Didn’t Forget: “Implorations” by Pasternack
  22. The Impulsive Jealous Quarrel: “Smile” by Heywood
  23. Mary, I’m Honestly: “L’Heure de L’Apertit” by Coventry
  24. I Know You Can Forget: “Homeland” by Huerter
  25. Mary In Room Packing Satchel: “Dramatic Andante No.2” by Axt
  26. Girl Friend Enters Room: “Elopement” by Carrozzini
  27. Cal Enters Morton’s Office: “Reproach” by Zamecnik
  28. Flash-Back To Girls Writing Letter: “Intermezzo” by Arensky
  29. Pack My Grips: “The Plot Thickens” by Srawley
  30. Mary Enters Hotel Room: “Animated Agitato” by Levy
  31. Morton Enters Room: “Agitato Pathetic” by Kilenyi
  32. Cal Enters Room: “Camorra” by Joels
  33. You’re All Fired: Repeat LOVE THEME

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: qy8WEmo7g4

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Their Hour

Title: Their Hour

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Valse Melodie” by Drigo
  2. Insert—Advertisement: “Chez Mere Grand” by Mouton
  3. Jerry Appears: JERRY THEME “Speedy Boy” by Greer
  4. Did I Get The Job: “I’m Sitting On Top of the World” by Henderson
  5. Dial of Clock At Five: Repeat JERRY THEME
  6. But Faint Heart Never Won Fair Lady: “There’s A Trick In Pickin’ A Chick-Chick-Chicken” by Tobias
  7. Jerry Kisses Peggy: PEGGY THEME “Dawn” by Savino
  8. Hand With Engagement Ring Appears: “Lucky In Love” by Henderson
  9. Mother, It’s Uncle George: “Irvana” by Rolfe
  10. Cora Sees Jerry Standing In Doorway: “Stepping On The Ivories” by McLaughlin
  11. Motoring Down Long Island: “Breezin’ Along with the Breeze” by Whiting
  12. Cora Appears In High Powered Machine: “Polly” by Zamecnik
  13. And For Jerry A New World Opened: “Red Hair” by Snyder
  14. Guest Leaving: Repeat JERRY THEME
  15. I Left My Vanity Case: “Traum-Sonett” by Mayne
  16. Cora At Mirror: “Aubade Printaniere” by Lacombe
  17. But Rome Wasn’t Built In A Day: “Rural Flirts” by Bradford
  18. Start Off In Plane: “Air Flight” by Zamecnik
  19. Plane Lands: “The Water Bug” by Miles
  20. Peggy Anxiously Awaiting News: “Dolly Dimples” by Alter
  21. Flash-Back To Family Anxiously Awaiting News: “Tristesse” by Bradford
  22. Mountain View: “En Partant” by Kussner
  23. Insert—Note: “Andantino” by d’Ambrosio
  24. Cora Appears: “Serenade” by Rachmaninoff
  25. Excuse Me, I’m Looking for Miss Emerson: “Babbling Brook” by Golden
  26. Jerry’s Expression Changes: “Appassionata” by Clutsam
  27. I Gave The Boy A Letter to Mail: “Dance of the Furies” by Gluck
  28. Peggy At Desk In Office: “Chanson Melancholique” by Collinge
  29. Jerry Enters Office: “Appassionato Lirico” by Berge
  30. I Suppose You’re Wondering: Repeat PEGGY THEME

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Claw

Title: The Claw

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Overture Italienne” by Zerco
  2. The London Estate: “Country Gardens” by Grainger
  3. Deidre Looks At Kinsella’s Braclet: KINSELLA THEME “Valse Lente from ‘Ballet Russe’” by Luigini
  4. Everybody Is Making A Fool Of: “After Twilight” by Steindel
  5. Flash-Back To Kinsella And Deidre: Repeat KINSELLA THEME
  6. An African Wilderness: “Pas des Echarpes from ‘La Source’ Ballet” by Delibes
  7. Fort George: “British March” by Bruhns
  8. Scotty McBurney: “Gigue” by Gretry-Mottl
  9. Please Greet Miss Sauvain For Me: Repeat KINSELLA THEME
  10. Maurice At Desk: “Arabian Night” by Mildenberg
  11. Night Camp: “Dance of the Demons” by Rybner
  12. Thank God We Arrive In Time: “Pleading Love Theme” by Bradford
  13. On The Long Trek Back; “Suite From the South No.1” by Nicode
  14. Now Maurice Understood: LOVE THEME “Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes” by Wright
  15. To The Sinister Beating: “Cannibal Dance” by Herbert
  16. At Fort George: “Charmaine” by Rapee
  17. Dancing Stops: Repeat KINSELLA THEME
  18. Mariette Is Not On Our List: “Mam’zelle Coquette” by Gilmer
  19. Dancing Starts Again: “Valse Dramatique” by Rapee
  20. Democracy Was Best Revealed: “May Day from ‘The Rose’” by Myddleton
  21. Deidre and Kinsella In Tower: Repeat KINSELLA THEME
  22. Courier Rides In: “Threatening Elements” by Schad
  23. Dawn Revealed: “Pomp and Circumstance No.2” by Elgar
  24. As The Refugees Increased: “Ferdinand and Miranda” by Humperdinck
  25. Why Maurice Are You: “Souvenir” by Herbert
  26. Rumors of Victory; “Nocturne” by Chopin
  27. After A Month’s Absence: “By Firelight” by Grunn
  28. Have You Any Word of Kinsella: “Pique Dame” by Tschaikowsky
  29. Maurice, You Have Been Very Patient: Repeat LOVE THEME
  30. Which Is It: “In Elizabethan Days” by Kramer
  31. As The Days Slipped By: “Just A Wearyin’ For You” by Bond
  32. Isn’t There: Repeat LOVE THEME
  33. Maurice with Packed Sandels: “Chanson Melancholique” by Colinge
  34. You Mean That: “Defiance” by Kempinski
  35. Hopeless: “Berceuse” by Jarnfelt
  36. Deidre Enters Room: “Pathetic Symphony No.6” by Tschaikowsky
  37. Craft, Not Force: “Silent Night” by Rebikov
  38. And An Echo From: “Memories” by Van Alstyne
  39. Zambula’s Dying Words: “In The Night” By Noack
  40. Maurice Attacks Guard: “Laocoon” by Leuschner
  41. After A Heartbroken Trek: “Chanson Algerian” by Bradford
  42. So You Brought Him Back: “Cuore in Pena” by Giacchino
  43. And You My Husband: Repeat LOVE THEME

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: ffixCoj6Ys

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That Certain Thing

Title: That Certain Thing

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Biddy” by Zamecnik
  2. Molly, Hurry Up: “Symphonic Incidentals No.5” by Marquardt
  3. Poodle In Middle Of Floor Looking At Puddle: “Somebody Lied About Me” by Emler
  4. Flash-Back To Kids: MOLLY THEME “Molly Malone” by Cohan
  5. Conductor At Door: “Following You Around” by Kahn
  6. The Stratford Hotel; “Little Miss Butterfly” by Cussans
  7. B. Charles: FATHER THEME “Chatter” by Kahn
  8. B. Charles Jr.: “Two In A Bar” by Copping
  9. You’re Going To Work: “Burlesque on Lange’s Flower Song” by Kempenski
  10. At The End of A Perfect Day: “Rustic Caprice” by St. Clair
  11. Molly and Charles Collide: “Gigue” by Bradford
  12. Father At Home: Repeat FATHER THEME
  13. Charles and Molly in Car: Repeat MOLLY THEME
  14. Molly Rushes Into House: “By The Stream” by Rapee-Axt
  15. Molly Dressed in Evening Clothes: Repeat MOLLY THEME
  16. Chauffeur Sounding Horn on Auto: “Momento Capriccioso” by Von Weber
  17. Molly Struts From Room: “Baby” by Wenrich
  18. The Café Montmartre: “Idolizing” by West
  19. Happy?: “Girl of My Dreams” by Clapp
  20. Molly In Telephone Booth: “Are You Happy?” by Ager
  21. Insert—“SON OF MILLIONAIRE”: “Lucky in Love” by Henderson
  22. Charles Appears In Hallway With Merchants: “Funny Faces” by Ring-Hager
  23. Charles Enters Molly’s Boudoir: Repeat No.21 “Lucky In Love”
  24. Knock On Door: “Uneasiness” by Mendelssohn
  25. Charles See Note—Insert: “Chanson Algerian” by Bradford
  26. Insert—Newspaper Heading: “A Passionate Episode” by Engleman
  27. Molly and Mother in Room Alone: “Broken Hearted” by Henderson
  28. Charles Appears In Doorway; “Imprecations” by Baron
  29. A Real Man Will Support His Wife: “Italian Smiles” by Glogan
  30. Lead Me To That Job: “Bye Bye Blackbird” by Henderson
  31. The Food At Those: “Flocons de Neige” by Bradford
  32. Going Into Business: “Marionette” by Arndt
  33. Father and Manager: Repeat FATHER THEME
  34. Flash-Back To Factory: “Vivacity” by Conterno
  35. I’ll Give You Five Thousand: “Harold and Mildred” by Finck
  36. Young Man, I’m Going To Give You: Repeat MOLLY THEME

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: N401OeefqJ

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The Streets of Sin

Title: The Streets of Sin

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Day of Doom” by Joels
  2. Man At Table Awakens: “Bagatelle from ‘Three Light Pieces’” by Somerville
  3. Women Enter Basement With Babies: “Humoresque” by Tschaikowsky
  4. Annie Appears: “Wot’Cher from ‘Three Chevalier Coster Songs’” by Luz
  5. Bill Awakens: BRUTE THEME “The Captive” by Savino
  6. Keep It Up: “Spring Cleaning” by Bradford
  7. Bill Shaving: “Bagatelle No.1” by Dvorak
  8. Night Threw: “Gruesome Nights” by Joels
  9. Interior of Saloon: “Mock Morris” by Grainger
  10. Glass Door Crashed: Repeat BRUTE THEME No.5
  11. Sister Elizabeth and Smith On Street: “Emmett’s Lullaby”
  12. Annie and Bill At Table Eating: “Forget Me Not” by Macbeth
  13. Man Trips Sister Elizabeth: SISTER ELIZABETH THEME “The Swan” by St. Saens
  14. Don’t You Want To Hold: “Animal Caroonix No.2” by Aborn
  15. What You Doing Down Here?: “The Cockney Lover” by Ketelbey
  16. Tonight’s The Night: “Conspiracy” by Zamecnik
  17. Brother Smith Nailing Up Sign: “Brighten The Corner Where You Are” by Gabriel
  18. Riot Starts: “Vengeance” by Baron
  19. Bill Stops Riot: Repeat BRUTE THEME No.5
  20. Stop Yer Playin’: “Sarcasm” by Kempinski
  21. Insert—“Resist The Devil”: Repeat SISTER ELIZABETH THEME
  22. Let Us Pray: “I’m A Pilgrim”
  23. Sister Elizabeth Rises To Her Feet: “Resignation” by Borch
  24. Brother Smith Will Take You: “Mystere Oppressant” by Gabriel Marie
  25. Elizabeth At Desk: “La Foret Perfide” by Gabriel Marie
  26. Three Companions On Street: Repeat No.16 “Conspiracy”
  27. Amusement Park: “In The Stirrups” by Zamecnik
  28. Cashier Held Up By Thugs: Repeat No.16 “Conspiracy”
  29. Bill Knocks Out Companion and Leaves: “The Spectre” by Engleman
  30. Bill Opens Door of Elizabeth’s Room; “Camorra” by Joels
  31. She Takes Hold of His hand: “Amorous Adventure” by Bradford
  32. Annie Walking In Park: Repeat No.4 “Wot’Cher”
  33. Insert—“Another Daring Robbery”: “Evil Intentions” by Kempinski
  34. Bill With Kiddies: “Rosamunde Ballet—Part 2” by Schubert
  35. Annie Enters Room: “implorations” by Pasternack
  36. You Must Forgive Her: Repeat SISTER ELIZABETH THEME
  37. Annie Before Police Inspector: “Reproach” by Zamecnik
  38. Inspector Writes Names On Paper: “Tristesse” by Bradford
  39. Bill, I Must Have Been Crazy: “Agitated Hurry No.2” by Berge
  40. Firing Starts: “Commotion” by Conterno
  41. You Said Them Babies: “Lamento from Pique Dame” by Tschaikowsky
  42. Annie Kneels At Sister Elizabeth’s Feet: Repeat SISTER ELIZABETH THEME

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Sporting Age

Title: The Sporting Age

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: At Screening: “Jocoso” by Finck
  2. James Driscoll: “Mona” by Maclean
  3. I’m Sorry, Mr. Driscoll: “Remorse” by Zamecnik
  4. Miriam Had Looked Forward: THEME “Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life” by Herbert
  5. Insert—Telegram: “Adventure d’Amour” by Bradford
  6. Driscoll Leaves: “Memories” by Van Alstyne
  7. Flash To Stables: “Pleading Love Theme” by Bradford
  8. Miriam and Philip In Canoe: “Waterfall” by Zamecnik
  9. Stables: “Hustle-Bustle” by Delille
  10. Miriam and Phillip: “To You Dear” by Edwards
  11. Messenger Boy Appears: “Rustic Caprice” by St. Clair
  12. Insert—Telegram: “A Passionate Episode” by Engleman
  13. Night Flash of Train: “Storm Music” by Zamecnik
  14. She Dressed To Go Too: “Dramatic Andante No.2” by Axt
  15. Driscoll Lying In Bed: “Tristesse” by Bradford
  16. Summer, It’s Brightness Lost: “Yearning” by Crist
  17. Miriam Enters House: “Serenade” by Rachmaninoff
  18. Tell Me, Doctor: “Regret” by Zamecnik
  19. Miriam, Picking Flowers: “Ellinge” by Byford
  20. Driscoll Enters Room: “Quietude” by Gregh
  21. Insert—Letter: “The Faun” by Wright
  22. Phillip Meets Nancy: “I Love You” by Silver
  23. Dance Music Starts: “Is It Possible?” by Woods
  24. Indian Summer Passed: Repeat Theme No.4
  25. Nancy and Phillip At Plane: “Air Flight” by Zamecnik
  26. Cras In Water: “The Spectre” by Engleman
  27. Nancy and Phil Had Been Close To Death: Repeat No.22 “I Love You”
  28. Phillip Has Asked Me To Marry Him: “Elegie and Appasionato” by Savino
  29. Clasped Hands: “The Swan” by St. Saens
  30. I Wish You Every Joy, Dear: “Wedding March” by Mendelssohn
  31. Miriam Enters Adjoining Room: “Among My Souvenirs” by Weill
  32. Miriam Turns and Sees Her Husband: Repeat Theme No.4

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Spieler

Title: The Spieler

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: SPIELER THEME “Lady Fingers” by Glogan
  2. Guard Opens Cell: “All Nuis Don’t Grow On Trees” by Smoley
  3. Insert—Cleo’s Carnival: “Carnival Frolics” by Lakay
  4. Flash and Pal Entertainment: Repeat SPIELER THEME
  5. I’m The Boss: CLEO THEME “Sylvia” by Zamecnik
  6. You Can’t Fire Me: “Dramatic Converssation” by Becce
  7. It’s Tough Trying: Repeat CLEO THEME
  8. Red and His Gang: RED THEME “Fourteen Fathoms Deep” by Lake
  9. I’m Going To Get That Guy: “Fire and Destruction” by Becce
  10. Flash To Barker: Repeat SPIELER THEME
  11. We’ll Next Be Entertained: “Parade of Animals” by Ring-Hager
  12. I Think Some Dirty Crook: “Reproach’ by Zamecnik
  13. Whatcha Doing Tonight: LOVE THEME “Your Heart Looking Into Mine” by Hubbell
  14. Flash To Diving Girls: “Razz Berries” by Banta
  15. Another Day: “Big Hearted Baby” by Phillips
  16. They Finish Dishes—Spieler Places Arms Around Cleo: Repeat LOVE THEME
  17. Another Week: “The Prim Little Miss” by Bradford
  18. Red and Flash Talking: “Dramatic Prelude” by Schad
  19. I’m Tired of That: Repeat RED THEME
  20. Flash On Platform—Spieling: “Excitement” by Breil
  21. Cleo Enters Tent Sadly: Repeat CLEO THEME
  22. Spieler Angrily Walks Away From Cleo: “Ferocity” by Carrozzini
  23. Listen Kid, The Grifting Is Out: “Amorous Adventure” by Bradford
  24. Flash Catches Pickpocket: “Carnival” by Lindner
  25. Red and Gangster In Tent: Repeat RED THEME
  26. Flash And His Pal: “My Buddy” by Donaldson
  27. Red Sees Mac Peeking Over Canvas: “Allegro Agitato” by Stahlberg
  28. Mac Falls: “Allegro Precipitoso” by Savino
  29. Flash Bends Over Mac In Tent: “Old Pal” by Jerome
  30. Flash Leaves Tent: “The Fall of Pompei” by Leuschner
  31. I’m Sorry Flash: Repeat LOVE THEME

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Speed Classic

Title: The Speed Classic

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Scherzoso” by Friml
  2. It’s Awful To Be In Love: “Serenade” by Chaminade
  3. Two Men and A Girl; “Chatter” by Kahn
  4. Keziah Stubbs: “Hearts and Flowers” by Tobani
  5. P. Thornton: “Adoree” by Friml
  6. Shiela Dressng: “The Moonlit Piazza” by Ancliffe
  7. Jerry’s Mechanic, Jonah: “Coasting” by Ring-Hager
  8. Tia Juana: “Curro Cuchares” by Metallo
  9. Senor, Your Car Has Been Stolen: “Bobadilla” by Luna
  10. Keziah in Bed: “Allegro Scerzoso No.3” by Pintel
  11. Flash-Back To Tia Juana Café: “Sarabande Perpetuelle” by Bradford
  12. The Most Grand: “La Fornariuette” by Valverde
  13. They Enter Jail: “Spring Cleaning” by Bradford
  14. Believing The Checks Worthless: “Don Jose” by Zamecnik
  15. Flash To Shiela Alone At Window: “Lonesome In The Moonlight”by Baer
  16. Flash-Back To Jail: “Rube Caprie” by Dunning
  17. General Releasing Bounds: “Fast and Furious” by Felix
  18. Car Lands Safely on Ferry Boat: “Roxy and His Gang” by Krueger
  19. The Big Race: “Strawberries” by Kaufman
  20. I Haven’t Any Money: “What’ll We Do For Dough?” by Gordon
  21. Grand Stand: “The Live Wire” by Frey
  22. Five Gallons of Gasoline: “Dainty Blossoms” by Kahn
  23. Flash-Back To Grand Stand: “Rural Flirts” by Bradford
  24. After They Steal Gas Wagon: “The Ensign” by Brown
  25. Thronton! Thornton!: “Aerobatic” by Wibeck

SEGUE: “Arretez-Le” by Roberty

  1. A Modern Sherlock: “Tittle-Tattle” by Seredy
  2. Flash-Back To Track: “Four In Hand” by Labbe
  3. Cops Work Faster: “Lisette” by Engel
  4. Track: “Vertigo” by Gabriel Marie
  5. Jerry Wins: “You’re A Real Sweetheart” by Friend

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: MhvTytny9V

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The Small Bachelor

Title: The Small Bachelor

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927

Series: Greater Thematic Music Cue Sheet

Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


COWBOY THEME: “Cheyenne”; “Hiawatha”; or, “Pony Boy”

MOTHER-IN-LAW THEME: “The Chatterbox” by Sanders

DAD THEME: “Characteristic No.1” by Roberts

MOLLY THEME: “Just Love Me” by Miller

  1. At Screening: “Marionette” by Arndt
  2. The Only Difference Between: “Hearts and Flowers” by Tobani
  3. Molly Alights From Automobile: “One O’Clock Baby” by Jolson
  4. Molly Drops Poodle: “Air Thrills” by Sanders
  5. For His Eighteen Days: “She’s Got ‘It’” by Davis
  6. With The Aid of His Roof Bungalow: “A Lucky Duck” by Whitney
  7. George Rushes Up: “I’ve Got The Girl” by Donaldson
  8. That’s The Waddington Place: “Bohemiana” by Smith
  9. Molly’s Father Had Never Been: COWBOY THEME
  10. Molly Rushes Into Room: “Daddy, You’ve Been A Mother To Me” by Fisher
  11. Algernon and Mrs. Waddington: “Oh Harold” by Roberts
  12. Flash-Back To Molly and Dad: “Daddy, You’ve Been A Mother To Me” by Fisher
  13. Waddington Enters Room: MOTHER-IN-LAW THEME
  14. Waddington’s Reception: “Prelude” by Jarnefelt
  15. Father Leaves Room: DAD THEME
  16. George On Sidewalk: “Me and My Shadow” by Jolson
  17. I’m Looking For Mr. Waddington: “The Flight” by Savino
  18. I’ll Show You A Trick: COWBOY THEME
  19. He Cracks Whip: “Hearts and Flowers” by Tobani
  20. Molly Opens Door: MOLLY THEME
  21. Waddington and Wife Arguing: MOTHER-IN-LAW THEME
  22. But There is Always A Park: MOLLY THEME
  23. Now You’ll Go Home: DAD THEME
  24. Molly and George Appear At Entrance of House: “Flocons de Neige” by Bradford
  25. Kids Appear—Speak To Georgie: “Tiny Tot” by Lotter
  26. Mother Appears On Stairs: MOTHER-IN-LAW THEME
  27. Flash-Back To Kids: “Hail, Hail, the Gang’s All Here” by Lake
  28. Beamish Appears: “Gigue” by Gretry-Mottl
  29. Put It There Pard: DAD THEME
  30. Then You Won’t Have To Sell: “Baker’s Boy and the Chimney Sweep” by Herbert
  31. Eulalie Enters: “Could I?” by Ager
  32. Algy Enters: “Animal Cartoonix No.2” by Aborn
  33. Both Couples At Door: “No Wonder I’m Happy” by Davis
  34. Don’t You Think: “Let’s Talk About My Sweetie” by Donaldson
  35. Molly’s Decision To Sell Necklace: “Symphonic Incidentals No.5” by Marquardt
  36. I’m Officer Garraway: “A Bit O’Blarney” by Helf
  37. Dad Finally Leaves Room: “The Hobbledehoy” by Olsen
  38. The Wedding Day Floated In: “On A Woodland Glade” by Ray
  39. Fanny Climbs In Window: “Elopement” by Carrrozzini
  40. I’ll Let You Go: “Bridal Chorus” by Wagner
  41. They Stand Before Clergyman: “Meditation from ‘Thais’” by Massenet
  42. Fanny Stops Ceremony: “Threatening Elements” by Schad
  43. Clergyman Walks Out: “I’m Walking Around In Circles” by Phillips
  44. Wasn’t That The: “Effervescence” by Wolf
  45. George Alone on Park Bench: “Lost a Wonderful Girl” by Hanley
  46. Insert—Immense Fortune Made By: “Moto Perpetuo” by Weiss
  47. Café Entrance: “I’ll Always Remember You” by Greer
  48. Molly’s On Her Way To See You: “Are You Happy?” by Yellen
  49. You’re Under Arrest: “By Wireless” by Berge
  50. Garraway Sits On Bench: “Oh Boy, What A Girl” by Green
  51. How Dare You Disturb: “The Jesters” by Carbonara
  52. Fanny Appears On Stairs: “Characteristic Allegro” by Moskowski
  53. Fanny Returns Necklace: “Fair Debutante” by Reynard
  54. Fanny and Mullet Hide: “Essence Grotesque” by Lake
  55. Garraway Sees George: “Hunkatin” by Levy
  56. Garraway Sees George: “Intermezzo Perpetual” by Lowitz
  57. I’ve Been Trailing You: DAD THEME
  58. You Look Honest: COWBOY THEME
  59. Molly Appears: MOLLY THEME
  60. I Guess I’d Better Take A Look: “Gigue” by Gretry-Mottl
  61. Hands Off My Woman: COWBOY THEME
  62. What A Wonderful Husband You’ll Make For Molly: MOLLY THEME

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: M1Ph5s3qlR

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Silk Stockings

Title: Silk Stockings

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Scherzando Hurry” by Frey
  2. Mouse Appears On Floor: “Help! Help!” by Kovacs
  3. Molly Embraces Sam: “I Love My Baby” by Warren
  4. The Mouse Has Done More For You: “Characteristic Allegro” by Moszkowsky
  5. Sam Finally Starts Car: “Aeroplane Galop” by Lamothe
  6. Who Ever Told You: “Carmencita Shea” by Densmoce
  7. I’ll Make Up For It Sam: “Baby Face” by Davis
  8. A Wedding Anniversary Is Like: “Ain’t We Got Fun” by Whiting
  9. Sam With Friends At Dinner: “Stepping On the Ivories” by McLaughlin
  10. Did You Ever Come Home: “Ain’t She Sweet?” by Ager
  11. Molly Sees Stocking In Sam’s Pocket: “Animal Cartoonix No.2” by Aborn
  12. The Battle Ground: “Happy Hectic Hours” by Schad
  13. Now Mrs. Thornhill: “Trails of Dreams” by Swan
  14. Right After We Were Married: “So That’s The Kind of a Girl You Are” by Burke
  15. Then He Took Up Drinking: “Burlesque on ‘How Dry I Am’” by Kempinski
  16. Now Tell The Jury How He Beat You: “Symphonic Incidentals No.4” by Kempinski
  17. And Now Mrs. Thornhill: “You’ll Never Be Missed A Hundred Years From Now” by Rose
  18. Say Judge, Don’t I Get A Chance: “Burlesque on ‘Lange’s Flower Song’” by Kempinski
  19. After The Divorce: “I’m Walking Around in Circles” by Phillips
  20. That’s My Picture: “Perpetuum Mobile” by Rapee
  21. The Beach Home Of A Friend: “How-Wah-Ya” by Banta
  22. Why Sam Thornhill: “It Had To Be You” by Jones
  23. Will The Wild Waves: “It All Depends On You” by Henderson
  24. While Down The Beach: “By The Beautiful Sea” by Carroll
  25. It’s No Use Judge: THEME “Calling” by Golden
  26. That Night: “March Burlesque” by Gillet
  27. Molly Climbing To Balcony: “Intermezzo Perpetual” by Lowitz
  28. Bagnal Enters bathroom: “I’m Sitting On Top of the World” by Henderson
  29. Molly Screams: “Comedy Excitement” by Zamecnik
  30. Guard Starts Prowling About: “marceline” by Trinkaus
  31. Guard Sees Molly: “The Bee” by Schubert
  32. Sam, The Burglar’s In My Room: “Gigue” by Gretry-Mottl
  33. Sam Sees Molly: “Forgive Me” by Ager
  34. Sam Pushed In Closet: Repeat No.1 “Scherzando Hurry”
  35. You Deliberately Compromised Me: Repeat Theme No.25

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Shield of Honor

Title: The Shield of Honor

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: POLICE THEME “National Emblem March” by Bagley
  2. We Are Here To Dedicate: “Olympic” by Jackson
  3. Propeller of Plane Revolving: “Air Flight” by Zamecnik
  4. Plane Alights—Propellor Stops: LOVE THEME “Sweetheart Memories” by Davis
  5. That Evening: “Paragraphs” by Fall
  6. What’s The Matter, Son: “Calling” by Golden
  7. Chief and Plain Clothes Men: “March of the Phantom Hosts” by Axt
  8. Stevens To Talk To You: “Evil Intentions” by Kempinski
  9. A Week of Happy Preparations: “Spirit of Youth” by Dahlquist
  10. Insert—Notice of Retirement: “Love Tragedy” by Savino
  11. Even An Eagle Is Entitled To: Repeat Police Theme No.1
  12. He Meets Gwen: Repeat Love Theme No.4
  13. Dreading To Face His Family: “Erotic” by Grieg
  14. He Sees Birthday Cake: “Berceuse” by Jarnefelt
  15. Dad! Dad! The Chief Wants You On Telephone: “Madrigal” by Donatelli
  16. The Eagle Makes A Landing: Repeat Police Theme No.1
  17. The Subdued Luxury: “Valse Dramatique” by Rapee
  18. Chief and Flyer Talking: Repeat No.7 “March of the Phantom Hosts”
  19. Flash-Back To Officer and Jeweler: “Morning Glories” by Reynard
  20. Diamond Setter Enters Office: “Misterioso alla Valse” by Savino
  21. Chandler Suspecting: “Hasty Moments” by Savino
  22. Chandler Attacks Gwen: “Implorations of Neptune” by Massenet
  23. Flash-Back To Flora: “Dramatic Allegro” by Savino
  24. Chandler in Plane: “Symphonic Incidentals No.10” by Marquardt
  25. Pretend We Are Leaving: “Omens” by Schad
  26. Fight Starts: “Elements Unbound” by Eggert
  27. Crook With Satchel of Jewels: “Panicy Agitato” by Berge
  28. Explosion: “Laocoon” by Leuschner
  29. Jack!: Repeat Police Theme No.1
  30. Family At Table: Repeat Love Theme No.4

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Shepherd of the Hills

Title: The Shepherd of the Hills

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Prelude from La Sultane Morte” by Mouton
  2. This Is The Story of A Traveler: SHEPHERD THEME “Shepherd of the Hills” by Nicholls
  3. He Stops and Speaks to Mathew At Gate: “A tes Genoux” by Gillet
  4. Family Sit At Table: “Humoresque” by Mikulicz
  5. As I Was Saying: “Despondency” by Williams
  6. Sammy and Matt Outside: LOVE THEME “Your Love Is All” by Zamecnik
  7. Shepherd and Mathew Outside Cabin: “Poem Erotique” by MacDowell
  8. Pete! Pete!: “Prayer At Eventide” by Elie
  9. Ten Years Ago: “The Swan” by St. Saens
  10. She Just Waited For Him: “Lamento” by Gillet
  11. And When Pete Was Born: “In The Night” by Noack
  12. Pete: PETE THEME “Serenade Romantique” by Fosse
  13. Grindin’ Day: “Paragraphs” by Fall
  14. Whistle Sounds On Boiler: “Gigue” by Bradford
  15. I Suppose: GIBBS THEME “Evil Intentions” by Kempinski
  16. Machine Sinks Into Earth: “Elopement” by Carrozzini
  17. You Don’t Need No Pole: “Humoresque” by Herrmann
  18. Through Long Sunny Days: Repeat Shepherd Theme No.2
  19. Gibbs and pals: “Diabolical Allegro” by Bergunker
  20. Under Cover of Darkness: Repeat Gibbs Theme No.15
  21. Sheep At Troth: “Misterioso Agitato” by Becce
  22. Pete Weeping Over Poisoned Sheep: “Lamento from Pique Dame” by Tschaikowsky
  23. As The Story of this Miracle: “Peacefulness” by Borch
  24. And When Spring Came: “The Simpleton” by Delille
  25. Gibbs and Pals Appear: “Sarcasm” by Kempinski
  26. The Summer: “Chatter” by Kahn
  27. The Shepherd’s Dance: “Chicken Reel” by Daly
  28. Music Stops: Repeat Love Theme No.6
  29. Other Rig Drives Up: “Sakes Alive” by Howard
  30. Here I Am Folks: “He’s A Devil” by Berlin
  31. Strike Up The Band: “The Happy Hayseed” by Rolfe
  32. They Stop Dancing: “Reproach” by Zamecnik
  33. You Kin Bet: “Agitated Appassionato” by Kilenyi
  34. Day After Day: “Andante from ‘Pathetique Symphony No.6” by Tschaikowsky
  35. Angel Mammy: Repeat Pete Theme No.12
  36. You Can’t Leave Me: “Dramatic Scene” by May
  37. Shepherd Kneels and Prays: “Meditation” by Gounod
  38. My Own Little Grandson: “Sicilian Vespers” by Verdi
  39. Reflection of Cross on Wall: “Come, Ye Disconsolate” by Webbe
  40. Still That Merciless Heat: “Piangere” by Gabriel Marie
  41. Gibbs and Pals Appear: Repeat Gibbs Theme No.15
  42. Matt Rides Up: “Allegro Precipitoso” by Savino
  43. But Hope Had Died: “The Toilers” by Axt
  44. Come Out Quickly, Folks Is Leavin’: “L’Orage” by Gounod
  45. Shepherd On Bridge: “Dramatic Reproach” by Berge
  46. There’s A Chance He’s Telling: “Dramatic Allegro” by Savino
  47. Wagons Appear: “The Destruction of the Temple” by Darcieux
  48. What Did I Tell You: “Le Seigneur de Kermor” by Gabriel Marie
  49. All I Get From You Is Faith: “Disturbance” by Zamecnik
  50. Gibbs Confronts Shepherd Again: Repeat No.48 “Le Seigneur de Kermor”
  51. Clouds Appear: “Largo” by Haendel
  52. Come On, Wash Gibbs: “Storm Music” by Zamecnik
  53. Well, So Long Folks: Repeat Shepherd Theme No.2

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: Uizi3dZ2Un

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The Shakedown

Title: The Shakedown

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Aurora” by Von der Mehden
  2. I’ll Take The Same Bet: “Hunkatin” by Levy
  3. Dave and Girl in Doorway: “Agitato No.2” by Rapee-Axt
  4. Why Don’t You Come Over: “Rendez-Vous” by Aletter
  5. Insert—“Local Boy To Fight”: “Step On It” by Kaufman
  6. Fight Starts: “Zip” by Frey
  7. Boontown: “Flocons de Neige” by Bradford
  8. Dirty Dishes: GIRL THEME “My Inspiration To You” by Nicholls
  9. Pie Disappears Through Window: “Sarabande Perpetuelle” by Bradford
  10. Do You Think Anybody Saw Me: KID THEME “Flapperette” by Greer
  11. Fer The Pie: “Pastime” by Clutsam
  12. They Walk From House: “Carnival Frolics” by Lakay
  13. Hotel Room—Promoters At Table: “Who’s Who?” by Morris
  14. I’m Taking Your Advice: Repeat Kid Theme No.10
  15. Kid Enters Room In Nightie: “Little Man” by Ball
  16. Dave Looks At Miniature: “The Swan” by St. Saens
  17. Insert—“Local Boy”: “Ambling Along” by Axt
  18. Dave Training In Yard: “Lucky Dog” by Kaufman
  19. Dave and Sweetheart: Repeat Girl Theme No.8
  20. He’s So Good: “Animal Cartoonix No.2” by Aborn
  21. Kid Runs Off: Repeat Girl Theme No.8
  22. Kid On Street—Tripped By Boy: “Gigue” by Gretry-Mottl
  23. Kid Sneaks Into Room: Repeat No.15 “Little Man”
  24. Oh Dave, You Shouldn’t Have Do That: “Dear Little Boy of Mine” by Ball
  25. Do You Think I’m A Fake: “The False Accusation” by Axt
  26. Dave Alone In Room: “My Buddy” by Donaldson
  27. Quit Playin’ With That Kid: “Princess Pat Fox-Trot” by Herbert
  28. This Town’s Gone Daffy: “Unfinished Symphony” by Schubert
  29. Dave Knocked Out: “Pangs of Love” by Carrozzini
  30. I Want To Ask You: “Pleading” by Wood
  31. Crowd At Arena: “Rural Flirts” by Bradford
  32. Gong Sounds—Bout Starts: “The Skyrocket” by Frey
  33. Kid Shoots At Gong—Bout Starts Again: Repeat No.6 “Zip”
  34. Dave Declared Winner: Repeat Girl Theme No.8

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: pvv9D00sjY

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Seven Footprints To Satan

Title: Seven Footprints To Satan

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Cameo Music Co., 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


THEME: “Flapperette” by Klages

  1. At Screening: “Karma” by Herbert
  2. Man Cleaning Revolver: “Enigma” by Borch
  3. Is This The Junk: “Creepy” by Breau
  4. Flash To Dark Room: “Unfinished Symphony” by Schubert
  5. Kirkham, A Young Lady To See You: THEME
  6. Reception: “Impression Frivole” by Bradford
  7. But This is An Outrage: “Warriors Bold” by Joels
  8. The Car Has Stopped: “Misteroso Eccitato” by Becce
  9. But We Just Want To Go Home: “Banquos Ghost” by Lauschner
  10. Help! Help!: “Loakoon” by Leuschner
  11. Knock on Door: “In Gloomy Forest” by Axt
  12. Gorilla Appears: “Looms of Fate” by Saint Saens
  13. I’m Sorry If I: “Whitecaps” by Schad
  14. Give Me That Emerald: “Invocation” by Herbert
  15. Your Supper Is Ready; “Creeping Shadows” by Axt
  16. Get Out Of Here: “Le Seigneur De Kermoor” by Gabriel Marie
  17. I Think You Will Recognize: “Second Mysterioso Alla Valse” by Savino
  18. Send The Spider Here: “Silence of Night” by Rebikov
  19. Take Him Out: “Ferocity” by Carrazzoni
  20. Trust Nobody: “Spooks” by Cobb
  21. Dancing Below: “You Can’t Take My Memories” by Triangle
  22. Hurry Back To Your Cell: “Vehement Desire” by Bradford
  23. Flash Back To Dancing: “You Can’t Take My Mem’ries” by Davis
  24. Hooded Figure Disrobed: “Allegro Precipitoso” by Savino
  25. Dance Floor: “Doing the Raccoon” by Klages
  26. Chink Sound Gong: “In the Chinese Temple Garden” by Ketelbey
  27. Come On You Coward: “Sarabande Perpetuelle” by Bradford
  28. Change To Scene in Other Room: “A Contrapuntal Misteroso” by Schad
  29. Girl’s Hand Appears From Coffin: “Allegro-Hurry’ by Luz
  30. Kill The traitors: “In the Chinese Temple Garden” by Ketelbey
  31. He Starts To Walk Steps: “Mysterioso Oppressante” by Gabriel Marie
  32. Applause From Spectators: “Rustic Allegro” by Savino
  33. Even Appears At Head of Stairs: “Allegro Agitato” by Stahlberg
  34. Flash To Dinner Party: “Pastime” by Clutsam
  35. I Hope You’ll Forgive Me: THEME

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: RyrIh49bMw

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The Scarlet Lady

Title: The Scarlet Lady

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Glory to Thee, O Holy Czar from ‘The Glory of Russia’” by Krein
  2. The Royal Leaders: BOLSHEVIST THEME “L’International” by Pottier
  3. Ivan Speaks To Lya: LYA THEME “My Heart Belongs To You” by Herscher
  4. We Meet Tomorrow, Comrades: “Finale from ‘Symphony in F Minor’” by Tschaikowsky
  5. Prince Nicholas: “The Cossacks” by Frey
  6. Exterior—Lya Appears On Garden Wall: “Sarabande Perpetuelle” by Bradford
  7. Lya Appears From under Bed: Repeat Lya Theme No.3
  8. The Princess Olga: “Romance sans Paroles” by Rebikoff
  9. See That This Girl’s Clothes: “Chanson Russe” by Krein
  10. Prince Leaves Room: Play Bolshevist Theme No.2
  11. Next Morning: “Petite Rapsoide Russe” by Olsen
  12. Gates Open—Olga and Father Ride In: “Czardas from ‘Ballet Russe’” by Luigini
  13. Telegram From The Front: Repeat Lya Theme No.3
  14. Come Quickly: “The Spectre” by Engleman
  15. You’ll Finish That Conversation: “Tragic Andante” by Savino
  16. Lya Rushes Upstairs: “Violent Strugglng” by Roland
  17. Lya Close-Up In Bed: Repeat Lya Theme No.3
  18. Officers Appear In Outer Hall: “Prelude Dramatique” by Porret
  19. Last Night I Heard: “Prelude—Largamente con Passione” by Savino
  20. And The Following Weeks: “Tumult” by Verdi
  21. Ivan and Followers In Headquarters: Play Bolshevist Theme No.2
  22. Lya Appears: REVENGE THEME “Camorra” by Joels
  23. I Have An Appointment Down Stairs: “Inferno” by Hand
  24. Like Haunted Beasts: “Tristesse” by Bradford
  25. Nicholas Leaves Room: “Impending Danger” by Kempinski
  26. Lya Appears In Doorway: Repeat Revenge Theme No.22
  27. Nicholas Working In Stable: “Andante from ‘Pathetique Symphony No.6” by Tschaikowsky
  28. Lya Walks From Stable: “Misteroso Erotico” by Heymann
  29. Can You Ever Forgive Me: Repeat Lya Theme No.3
  30. You Must Escape: “Finale from ‘Symphony in F Minor’” by Tschaikowsky
  31. And The Banquet Was Spread: “Russian March” by Olsen
  32. I Go Down Stairs: “Coeur Meutri” by Gabriel Marie
  33. Prisoners Appear From Ground: “Appassionato” by Carr
  34. Lya Shoots Ivan In Back: “La Folie” by Franceschi
  35. Lya and Nicholas Appear In Cart: Repeat Lya Theme No.3

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: zQRlgcuIzj

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Saturday’s Children

Title: Saturday’s Children

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Cameo Music Co., 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


THEME “I Still Believe In you” by Gilbert

  1. At Screening: “Le Retour” by Bizet
  2. Insert “Miss Halvey”: “Rustic Allegro” by Savino
  3. Bobby Returns to Mengle’s Desk: “March Milgnonne” by Poldini
  4. Bobby Finally Leaves: “The Happy-Go-Lucky” by Order
  5. The Last Band Concert: “Poet and Peasant” by Suppe
  6. I Haven’t Had My Kiss: THEME
  7. Office: “Scherzoso” by Friml
  8. Bobby Alone In Park: “Moorings” by Bradford
  9. Gee babe I’m Going To Miss You: THEME
  10. By The Way Ma: “Reverie and Traumerei” by Saenger
  11. I’m Sorry My Sister’s In Bath Tub: “Celebrated Canzonette” by Mendelssohn
  12. Insert “Francis Halvey”: “Coquette” by Johnson
  13. Telephone Rings: “Sweet Lavender” by Wheeler
  14. Say That Fred Guy Made You: THEME
  15. Exterior of Church: “Wedding March” by Mendelssohn
  16. Bobby In Apartment: “L’Amour Valsant” by Kirk
  17. When True Lovers Marry; “Flapperette” by Greer
  18. What Will I Use For Dough: “Chatter” by Kahn
  19. I Don’t Know Why We’re Fighting: THEME
  20. Florrie and Family Enter: “Sleeping Beauty” by Rhode
  21. Insert “I.O. You”: “Impatience” by Order
  22. Rims Enters: “Adventure D’Amour” by Bradford
  23. You’ve Done A Lot of Talking: “Vehement Desire” by Bradford
  24. Well I’m Going: “Suite Domestica” by Reisenfeld
  25. Café. Dancing: THEME
  26. Rainy Street Scene: “Dame Cavalieri” by Frontini
  27. With Gentlemen Visitors: “Unfinished Symphony” by Schubert
  28. Thanks for a Nice Exciting Evening: “March Mignonne” by Poldini
  29. Phonograph Started: THEME
  30. One Night And Several Heartaches Later: “Restless Bows” by Srawley
  31. Is Miss Malvey In?: “Preludio” by Cordova
  32. I’ve a Package To Deliver: “Conzonetta” by Herbert
  33. Yeah, I’m Doubled Up With Laughter: “Dramatic Andante” by Axt
  34. I Don’t Want A Husband: THEME
  35. Landlady Appears: “Unfinished Symphony” by Schubert
  36. You Like These: “Lullaby” by Brahms
  37. Landlady Leaves: THEME

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Red Sword

Title: The Red Sword

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Russian Fantasia” by Tobani
  2. In All The Realm of Russia: “Valse Russe” by Tschakoff
  3. Knock On Door: COLONEL THEME “The Spectre” by Engleman
  4. Fideleff For Once: “Russian Folk Song” by Klemm
  5. To Our Mother, Holy Russia: “Russian Hymn” by Lweff
  6. Your Room Is Ready Sir: Repeat Colonel Theme No.3
  7. A Beautiful Woman: “Revolt” by Palumbo
  8. She Opens The Door: “Andante from Fifth Symphony” by Tschaikowsky
  9. A Few Days Later: “Balalaika” by Delsaux
  10. Colonel With Girl In Arms: “La Czarine” by Ganne
  11. Gypsy and Boy Enter: “Nocturnal Tangier” by Godowsky
  12. I See Death: DEATH THEME “Prelude from First Suite ‘Carmen’” by Bizet
  13. Courier At Door: “The Cossacks” by Frey
  14. See, The First Promise: Repeat Death Theme No.12
  15. Blind and Helpless: “Slavic Dance No.10” by Dvorak (Violin Solo)
  16. Boy Finishes Violin Solo: LOVE THEME “The Red Sarafan” by Levy
  17. Carriage Appears: “A Polish Dance Theme” by Scharwenka
  18. What’s The Matter Vera?: “Romanze” by Rubenstein
  19. The Third Day of the Prophecy: Repeat Colonel Theme No.3
  20. Why, Hello Uncle: “Preludio” by Cordova
  21. By The Way Her Father: “Coeur Meurtri” by Gabriel Marie
  22. Fideleff Enters: “Czardas from ‘Coppelia’” by Delibes
  23. Tolling Angelus: “The Chimes of Notre Dame” by Baron
  24. Knock At Door: “Agitated Appassionato” by Kilenyi
  25. Vera Opens Bureau: “The Secret Chamber” by Cacciola
  26. Marilaka and Paul: “Dramatic Appassionato” by Ciganeri
  27. Vera Sneaks Into Room: “Misterioso Dramatico” by Aborn
  28. Sentry Fires Gun: “Adventure d’Amour” by Bradford
  29. The Third Day Is Nearly Over: “March of the Phantom Hosts” by Axt
  30. Vera and Paul Enter Home: Repeat Love Theme No.16
  31. Flash-Back To Colonel: “Love Triumphant” by Joels
  32. Marilaka Making Up: “Misterioso alla Valse” by Savino
  33. Why Not Go To: “The Swan” by St. Saens
  34. Flash-Back To Colonel: Repeat Colonel Theme No.3
  35. Colonel Sees Reflection Of Woman In Mirror: Repeat Colonel Theme No.3
  36. Paul Walks Toward Covered Body: “Lamento from Pique Dame” by Tschaikowsky
  37. Eternal Justice: Repeat Love Theme No.16

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: n6dyU5sZqp

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The Private Life of Helen of Troy

Title: The Private Life of Helen of Troy

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Cortege” by Lowitz
  2. Everybody Is Interested In: “On A Woodland Glade” by Ray
  3. It All Started: “Au Desert” by Grandjean
  4. In The White House: “Gigue” by Bradford
  5. There, There, Dear: “I’m Sorry I Made You Cry” by Clesi
  6. Across The Agean Sea: “Kismet” by Henlere
  7. Valet Enters: “Ye Bold Buccaneer” by Copping
  8. Officer Stops Chariot: “Big Boy” by Ager
  9. Even In Ancient Sparta: “Men of Sparta” by Zamecnik
  10. General Achilles: THEME “Razzing Theme” by Rapee
  11. The Queen’s Maid: “Diane” by Rapee
  12. The King Says You Must: “Just Like A Butterfly” by Woods
  13. Here’s The Dressmaker: “Polly” by Zamecnik
  14. All The Day: “Overture Champetre” by Snoek
  15. King Sits Down: “I’m Tired” by Jerome
  16. Helen Appears In New Gown: “Gorgeous” by Akst
  17. The Wife Wanted To Go: “Mortels Poisons” by Fosse
  18. Intermission: “Fanchonette” by Klemm
  19. A Spartan Drama In Twelve Acts: “Elopement” by Carrozzini
  20. Wasn’t It A Wonderful Evening: “Two In A Bar” by Copping
  21. Helen Places Her Arms Around King: “Cuddle Closer” by Schwartz
  22. King Climbs Into Bed: “Berceuse Comique” by Kilenyi
  23. Helen Walks Toward Door: “One O’Clock Baby” by Jolson
  24. King Out Of Bed—Close Door: “Chatter” by Kahn
  25. Husbands Don’t Get Home: “Could I?” by Ager
  26. King Enters: “Baby Face” by Akst
  27. And So The Queen Found: “Adorable” by Wynburn
  28. A Dark Man: “Don’t Wake Me Up” by Baer
  29. Generals Enter: Repeat Theme No.10
  30. Boss, This Country: “The Tin Soldier” by Cui
  31. Paris and Helen: “My Heart At Thy Sweet Voice” by St. Saens
  32. Helen Hurries Toward King: “Someday You’ll Say O.K.” by Donaldson
  33. Helen Returns To Paris: “Two Little Pretty Birds” by Tucker
  34. Flash-Back To Officers: Repeat Theme No.10
  35. Helen and Paris Love Making: “How Could Red Riding Hood” by Randolph
  36. The Most Important Date: “The Chatterbox” by Sanders
  37. Helen and Paris On Divan: “Bye-bye Pretty Baby” by Gardner
  38. Came The Dawn: “Cat and Mice” by Leonard
  39. The Generals Enter: Repeat Theme No.10
  40. Already The People of Sparta: “The Destruction of the Temple” by Darcieux
  41. Sparta Has Stood Enough: Repeat No.9 “Men of Sparta”
  42. It Takes A Long Time: “Le Portrait de Nicole” by Mouton
  43. War! Her Husband Is Coming: “La Folie” by Franceschi
  44. Cheers and Tears: Repeat No.7 “Ye Bold Buccaneer”
  45. And So Helen Found: “Notte Misteriosa” by Becce
  46. Helen Enters General’s Tent: “Fourteen Fathoms Deep” by lake
  47. Ajax Kneels At Helen’s Feet: “She’s Got ‘It’” by Davis
  48. So They Were Dragged On: “Entrance of the Heroes” by Herbert
  49. Helen Wanted The Horse: “Horses” by Gay
  50. Armistice Night: “Zip” by Frey
  51. The Strategy of Menelaos: “Prelude to ‘Mystery Drama’” by Baron
  52. Guards Run: “Threatening Danger” by Becce
  53. Paris Approaches Bed: “Imprecations” by Baron
  54. Soldiers Enter Gate: Repeat No.9 “Men of Sparta”
  55. Dressmaker Looks Up: “Narcissus” by Nevin
  56. He Likes Horses: Repeat No.49 “Horses”
  57. Dressmaker Starts To Weep: Repeat No.55 “Narcissus
  58. Dressmaker Looks Up: Repeat No.49 “Horses”
  59. The Last Trojan Is Captured: Repeat Theme No.10
  60. Helen Appears: “Broken Hearted” by Henderson
  61. King Opens Door: “Cheatin’ On Me” by Pollack
  62. Helen Opens Cape: “Oh Baby” by Donaldson
  63. Aw, Come On Helen: “Side by Side” by Woods
  64. Back To Normalcy: “Home Sweet Home” by Margis-Berger
  65. I Am The Prince of Ithaca: “Le Serment de Mathurin” by Snoek
  66. Helen Enters: “Oh Boy, What A Girl” by Green
  67. Prince Kisses Her Hand: “So That’s The Kind of A Girl you Are” by Burke

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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