Silvery Echoes

Title: Silvery Echoes

Author: Chas D. Blake

Publisher: W.H. Broome, N.D.


Format: Sheet Music

Document type: Musical Score

All authors/contributors: Chas D. Blake

OCLC Number:


Notes: For Piano, Reverie, Op.31

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: okldZ5B9Je

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The Shepherd’s Evening Song

Title: The Shepherd’s Evening Song

Author: Chas. D. Blake

Publisher: White, Smith & Co., 1874; Charles D. Blake, 1902


Format: Sheet Music

Document type: Musical Score

All authors/contributors: Chas. D. Blake

OCLC Number:


Notes: For Piano, Morceau Brilliante, Op.26

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: IpYLt6gvn2

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