Old Timers Waltz

Title: Old Timers Waltz (including “The Bowery,” “The Sidewalks of New York,” “Sweet Rosie O’Grady,” “Daisy Bell,” ” Comrades,” “Little Annie Rooney,” “She May Have Seen Better Days,” “The Band Played On,” and “After the Ball”)

Author: M. L. Lake

Publisher: New York: Carl Fischer, 1927


Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: M. L. Lake

OCLC Number:


Notes: for piano



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Chopstick Waltz

Title: Chopstick Waltz (Celebre vals de los palillos chinois)

Author: A. de Lulli, ed. D. Onivas

Publisher: Edw. B. Marks Co, 1920


Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: A. de Lulli, D. Onivas

OCLC Number:


Notes: for piano


SFSMA ID: hn3vxT3Pip

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Capitol Photoplay Series No. 5, Appassionato No. 1

Title: Appassionato No. 1 (for deep emotion, intense, or tragic scenes)

Author: Erno Rapee

Publisher: New York: Richmond-Robbins (Capitol Photoplay Series): 1923


Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Erno Rapee

OCLC Number: 24592171


Notes: for piano


SFSMA ID: E4OuQkqxeg

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Title: Agitato (for general use)

Author: M. L. Lake



Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: M. L. Lake

OCLC Number:


Notes: for piano



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Audio: “Agitato

Audio recordings for this item were supported by the Society for American Music‘s 2016 Sight and Sound Award and are performed by Ethan Uslan.

Get Your Man

Title: Get Your Man

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Paramount, 1923


Format: Cue sheet with musical incipits

Document type: Cue sheet with musical incipits

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:

Contents: 1. At Screening: “Al Fresco” by Herbert
2. In A Fine Old French Chateau: “Vous dites Marquise?” by Gillet
3. Seventeen Years Later: “Monkey Hop” by Rapee
4. Paris: “Marionette” by Arndt
5. Insert–Museum of Wax Works: “Mysterious Tension” by Axt
6. Robert Speaks to Nancy/Nancy Theme): “Polly” by Zamecnik
7. Lights Extinguished: “Elopement” by Carrozzini
8. You Must Think I’m An Awful Baby: “Adorable” by Wynburn
9. Old Lady Worried About Nancy: “Animal Cartoonix No. 2” by Aborn
10.  Flash-back to Nancy and Robert: “Lazy” by Berlin
11. Cleaner Appears: “Allegro Buffonesco” by Kempinski
12. Nancy and Robert on Street: Nancy Theme
13. Robert Removes Jewel Box from Pocket: “Melody” by Franck
14. Many A Young Man: “Indermede Pastorale” by Penauille
15. Father, I Must Return to Paris: “Prelude” by Mendoza
16. Aunt Reading Letter: “Intermezzo” by Arensky
17. Nancy In Auto: “Gigue” by Bradford
18. Nancy Jumps from Couch–Picks Up Robert’s Photograph: Nancy Theme No. 6
19. Next Afternoon: “Evasion d’Harlequin” by Fosse
20. Father, Would You Say: “Love Triumphant” by Joels
21. Robert Sees Nancy Through Window: Nancy Theme No. 6
22. Robert Kneels Before Nancy: “Adventure d’Amour” by Bradford
23. We Were Just Talking About the Wedding: “Le Chevalier Printemps” by Jacquet
24. Simone At Desk Writing: “Reverie d”Amour” by D’Aquin
25. The After Dinner Hour: “Menuet” by Paderewski
26. Simone Rises from Piano: Nancy Theme No. 6
27. Girls Leave Room: “Sarcasm” by Kempinski
28. Marquis Starts To Play Flute: “Au Clair de la Lune from ‘La Belle France'” by Laurendeau
29. He Stops Playing: “The Clown” by Peele
30. Every Time Robert Thought of: Nancy Theme No. 6
31. Marquis Enters Room: “Novelette” by Gade
32. On The Eve Of The Wedding: “Serenade” by Saint-Saens
33. Old Gentlemen Enter Room: “Humoresque” by Hermann
34. Insert–Note: “Infatuation” by Becce
35. Window Blows Open: “Hasty Moments” by Savino
36. Nancy Starts To Throw Things About: “Gigue” by Gretry-Mottl
37. Have You No Explanation to Make: “Carnival Grotesque” by Savino
38. Young Lady, What Is Your Intention: Nancy Theme No. 6
39. Nancy and Robert in Hallway: Love Theme no. 8.


Source: Library of Congress


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Beau Geste

Title: Beau Geste

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Paramount, 1923


Format: Cue sheet with musical incipits

Document type: Cue sheet with musical incipits

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:

1. At Opening: “Overture Italienne” by Zerco
2. On A Day: “Legion Theme/Marching Song of the Foreign Legion” by Bradford
3. Strange: “Beau Geste March” by Riesenfeld
4. Forgive Me My Friend: “La Cloche des Morts” by Ropartz
5. Insert–Letter: “A Song of Supplication” by Fletcher
6. Trumpeter: “La Foret Perfide” by Gabriel-Marie
7. First We’ll Honor The Dead: “La Marseillaise”
8. Salut: “La Foret Perfide” by Gabriel-Marie
9. Outside the Troops: “Legion Theme/Marching Song of the Foreign Legion” by Bradford
10. What Mysterious Power: “Desolatio” by Patou
11. To Know The Rest: “H. M. S. Pinafore” by Sullivan
12. Boy Shot: “Pierrot’s Confession from ‘At the Bal Masque'” by Smith
13. Bullet Extracted: “Koenigskinder” by Humperdinck
14. Trumpeter Digby, Blow Taps: “Taps”
15. That’s What I Call: “March Mignonne” by Janssen
16. Lady Patricia Brandon: “Wood Pixies” by Hadley
17. Jewel Is Brought In: “Jewel Theme/Silent Night)” by Rebikov
18. I’ll Give You One: “Little Flower Garden” by Breil
19. Children Leave Room: “Lady Brandon Theme/’Sunset’ from ‘In Palude’)” by Culotta
20. Children Playing Arabs: “Bagatelle No. 1” by Dvorak
21. Lady Brandon and Singh Appear: “Lady Brandon Theme/’Sunset’ from ‘In Palude’)” by Culotta
22. For Years Lady Brandon: “Une Pensee Tendre” by Cazabon
23. Lady Brandon Opens Letter: “Lady Brandon Theme/’Sunset’ from ‘In Palude’)” by Culotta
24. Jewel Brought In: “Jewel Theme/Silent Night)” by Rebikov
25. Thumb On Electric Button: “Aurore Rouge” by Reillac
26. Boudoir: “Brother Theme: Chanson Algerian” by Bradford
27. Marseilles: “Fete Bretonne from ‘In Brittany'” by Krieuz
28. The Canteen: “Bacchanale de Montmartre” by Ketelbey
29. American: “Yankee Doodle”; 30: Buddy Shakes Hands: “My Buddy” by Donaldson
31. My Name Is Baldini: “Funiculi-Funicula” by Roberts
32. Altogether Now: “Legion Theme/Marching Song of the Foreign Legion” by Bradford
33. The Two: “Marche Militaire Francaise from ‘Suite Algeriene'” by Saint-Saens
34. Commander Lejeune Appears: “Lejeune Theme: ‘Wotan'” by Fletcher
35. Soldiers Break Ranks: “Moto Pericoloso” by Schad
36. Boys Leave Barracks–Baldini Listening: “Izevl” by Pierne
37. Baldini Caught By Soldiers: “La Rancon de Bonheur” by Gabriel Marie
38. Lejeune Enters: “Lejeune Theme: ‘Wotan'” by Fletcher
39. Lejeune Leaves Barracks: “Jewel Theme/Silent Night)” by Rebikov
40. Fort Zundernneff: “Preludio” by Cordova
41. Lejeune Appears Outside: “Lejeune Theme: ‘Wotan'” by Fletcher
42. After a Fortnight: “Treachery and Vengeance” by Fletcher
43. Lejeune Knows All About Meeting: “Enigma” by Borsch
44. Barracks–Soldiers Sleeping: [unreadable]
45. Give Me That Jewel: “Recitative Baroque” by Rapee
46. Lejeune Bows: “Vanitza” by Perpignan
47. Lejeune Enters Barracks: “L’Amour Redemptor” by Gabriel-Marie
48. The Arabs: “Disturbance” by Zamecnik
49. Cease Firing: trumpet solos; segue: “Lejeune Theme: ‘Wotan'” by Fletcher
50. Arabs Attacking Again: “Battle Music” by Wiedermann
51. Stand Easy: trumpet solo
52. Brothers At Table: “Brother Theme: Chanson Algerian” by Bradford 53. Arabs at Prayer: “Angora” by Pouget
54. Trumpeter Blows: trumpet solo
55. Come Now, You Renegades: “Legion Theme/Marching Song of the Foreign Legion” by Bradford
56. Now Laugh: “The Chatterbox” by Sanders
57. Lejeune Picks Up Body: “Storm or Fire Music” by Haines
58. Digby Sees Fallen Brother: “Brother Theme: Chanson Algerian” by Bradford
59. Lejeune Blows Trumpet: trumpet solo; segue: “Lejeune Theme: ‘Wotan'” by Fletcher
60. So He Was a Jewel Thief: “Threatening Elements” by Schad
61. Digby Lifts Brother’s Head: “Brother Theme: Chanson Algerian” by Bradford
62. Legion Appears Across Desert: “Legion Theme/Marching Song of the Foreign Legion” by Bradford
63. Trumpeter Sees Prostrate Brother: “Brother Theme: Chanson Algerian” by Bradford
64. Captain Climbing Wall: “Fever from ‘La Palude'” by Culotta
65. Body Placed On Cot: “Valse Triste” by Sibelius
66. Places Trumpet to Lips: “Taps”
67. Lights Fire: “Trembling Agitato” by Kilenyi
68. Brothers Meet on Desert: “Brother Theme: Chanson Algerian” by Bradford
69. Buddy and Pal as Outposts: “My Buddy” by Donaldson
70. After They Shake Hands: “Fete Bretonne from ‘In Brittany'” by Krieuz
71. Five Days Later: “Scenes Tunisiennes” by Mouton
72. Night–Desert Scene: “Taps”
73. John Guest Lived: “Lady Brandon Theme/’Sunset’ from ‘In Palude’)” by Culotta
74. Digby Gave His Life: “Brother Theme: Chanson Algerian” by Bradford
75. I’m A Deserter: “Fete Bretonne from ‘In Brittany'” by Krieuz
76. Close-Up of Lady Brandon: “Brother Theme: Chanson Algerian” by Bradford).


Source: Library of Congress


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The Brat

Title: The Brat


Publisher: California Theatre, 1919


Format: Cue sheet

Document type: Cue sheet

All authors/contributors:

OCLC Number:


Notes: Titles only; no music

Source: Library of Congress


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Gordon’s Motion Picture Collection for Moving Picture Pianists, Vol. 1 (complete)

Title: Gordon’s Motion Picture Collection for Moving Picture Pianists, Vol. 1

Author: Sol P. Levy

Publisher: New York: Hamilton S. Gordon, 1914

Series: Gordons’s Motion Picture Collection for Moving Picture Pianists

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Sol P. Levy

OCLC Number: 903565180

Contents: 1. American Military
2. American Military-Civil War
3. Southern Plantation
4. American Indian
5. Pioneer or Early Settler
6. Melodrama or Western Melodrama
7. Spanish, Mexican, South American, Cuban, etc.
8. Costume Historical
9. Roman or Biblical
10. Rural
11. Society Drama
12. Nautical
13. Chinese or Japanese
14. Oriental, Arabian, Egyptian, East Indian, etc.
15. Comedy-Burlesque
16. Irish
17. Scotch
18. Juvenile
19. College

Notes: for piano



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Eclipse Motion Picture Music Folio, Book 1 (complete)

Title: Eclipse Motion Picture Music Folio, Book 1

Author: Arthur Lange, compiler

Publisher: Philadelphia: Eclipse Publishing, 1915


Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Arthur Lang

OCLC Number: 22233959

Contents: 1. American Selections
2. Auld Lang Syne
3. Bridal Chorus
4. British Grenadiers
5. Bugle Calls
6. Carmena
7. Dance Violetta-Gems of Ireland
8. God Save the King
9. Hebrew Hymn
10. Highland Fling
11. Home Sweet Home
12. Indian Selections
13. Largo
14. La Sorella
15. March Funebre
16. Marseillaise, La
17. My Old Kentucky Home
18. National Airs
19. Old Black Joe
20. Old Folks at Home
21. O Solo Mio
22. Russian Dance
23. Sailors Hornpipe
24. Scenes
25. Scotch Melodies
26. Southern Melodies

Notes: for piano



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Carl Fischer Loose Leaf Motion Picture Collection, Vol. 2 (partial)

Title: Carl Fischer Loose Leaf Motion Picture Collection, Vol. 2 (partial)

Author: M. L. Lake and Lester Brockton

Publisher: New York: Carl Fisher, 1916

Series: Carl Fischer Loose Leaf Motion Picture Collection

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: M. L. Lake and Lester Brockton

OCLC Number:

Contents: No. 16 Agitato (heavy, for depicting general confusion, tumult, etc.)/Lake
No. 17 Maestoso (for heroic scenes, processionals, functions of state, etc.)/Lake
No. 20 Agitato (heavy, for general use)/Lake
No. 21 Furioso (for general use)/Lake
No. 23 Hurry (for general use)/Lake
No. 24 Hurry (for battle scenes)/Lake
No. 28 Mysterioso (for depicting stealth, gruesome scenes, etc.)/Lake
No. 27 Presto (for general use)/Lake
No. 29 Essence Grotesque (for depicting mysterious scenes, grotesque comedy, etc.)/Lake

Notes: for piano


SFSMA ID: R1g9Rvos3o

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